NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS From getting fit to spiritual renewal and organizing your life
VILLAGE NEWCOMER Getting to know Mary John Jones
LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Phyllis and Earl Eddins
Shiloh Museum of Ozark History
From the President/CEO January always revives my senses and elevates my enthusiasm for the upcoming year. Like everyone else, I am using that motivation to write a set of New Year’s resolutions for 2013 and hope that maybe some of you will adopt these also. They are simple in words, but effective if we can adhere to them.
Ken Cormier President/CEO MARKETING Melinda Silva Director of Marketing Dana Davis Sales Counselor Dave Marks Resident Services PROGRAMS Riki Stamps Director of Programs Michael Burks Asst. Program Director RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION 2013 Council Members Ray Culver, President Ava Walker, Vice President Jo Anne Brown, Secretary Wade Burnside, Richard Chewning, Genie Donovan, Judy Doyle, Earl Eddins, Carl Kittrell, Jack Lejeune, Bobby Nell Templeton BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Jones, President Theresa Ewing, Vice President Steve Sisco, Treasurer Howard Higgins, Secretary Dr. David Crittenden, Bruce Johanson, Helen McElree, Tony Uth, Tom Verdery, Jim Webster, Truman Yancey (Foundation), Wes Murtishaw (emeritus)
1923 East Joyce Boulevard Fayetteville, AR 72703 (479) 695-8012 • (800) 441-9996 www.butterfieldtrailvillage.org Butterfield LIFE may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission from the publisher. Butterfield LIFE is published by Butterfield Trail Village. Contents © 2013. All rights reserved. Produced by Vantage Point Communications [www.vpointcommunications.com] Printed in the U.S.A. 2 BUTTERFIELD LIFE JANUARY + FEBRUARY 2013
Appreciate each day!! Enjoy the simple pleasures that occur, and feel blessed that we always have the ability to determine our attitude, regardless of what may be thrown our way. Make a positive impact on someone’s life every day. Improve our “face value” by smiling more often. Think about how you feel when you smile at others and that smile is returned. That feels pretty good, doesn’t it? So, let’s improve our “face value” and share our joy with others. Remember those who are less fortunate by reaching out. Whether it be through volunteering for a charitable cause, providing goods or services, or simply by remembering those individuals in prayer, appeal through the heart. As you take hold of the New Year, I trust each of you will strive to make the best of it. In the spirit of blessings, I was moved by the feature story of Earl and Phyllis Eddins. They have weathered many beautiful years together and consider themselves sweethearts to this day. How fitting a tribute as we descend upon Valentine’s Day. Enjoy our first edition of Butterfield LIFE for 2013 and let’s make this a year to remember!!! Best Wishes to All,
Ken Opened in 1986, Butterfield Trail Village is a locally governed 501(c)(3) non-profit retirement community. As Northwest Arkansas’ only comprehensive LifeCare Retirement Community, BTV offers active older adults worry-free living that is secure, independent and fulfilling – and the freedom to enjoy plentiful activities both inside and outside the Village.
Contents 4 Resident Profile: Love at First Sight Phyllis and Earl Eddins 6 Village Newcomer Q+A Getting to Know Mary John Jones 6 Resident Anniversaries + New Neighbors 7 Living Spaces Holiday Home Tour
8 Snapshots 10 Cecily’s Suggestions for the New Year 10 Readers’ Poll What’s your favorite Valentine’s gift? 11 Out & About Destination: Shiloh Museum of Ozark History 11 Arts & Entertainment Select Community Event Listings 12 Library News + Featured Village Events 13 Lodge Dining Menus 14 Wellness Get Fit In 2013
14 Wellness Choosing Civility 15 Wellness Nutrigenomics & The Human Genome Project 16 Foundation Report 16 Village Recycling Report 17 Distinguished Speaker Series Featuring U.S. Senator David Pryor
18 Did You Know? 19 Spirituality Reverend Ryan Pfeiffer, First Christian Church Fayetteville
Resident Profile
Love at First Sight It was July of 1957. Having just finished his tour of duty with the Air Force, Earl Eddins returned to his hometown of Muskogee, Oklahoma. Walking into the First Baptist Church, Earl noticed the new Youth Director – a beautiful young woman with dark red hair plus, according to Earl, “a great body and pretty legs.” She sang and expertly played the organ. Earl was quite smitten and quickly asked her out. Phyllis, originally from Steelville, Missouri, had recently moved to Muskogee after graduating from Mississippi College (same college as fellow BTV resident, Bobby Nell Templeton). She was equally taken with the tall and handsome Earl Eddins who carried himself in such a “stately” manner. Phyllis laughs as she recalls, “He didn’t waste any time. I believe he proposed on our second date.” One year later, Phyllis and Earl were married. And 55 years later, the Eddins are still very much in love. They began their married life in Muskogee where Earl, who had graduated from Oklahoma State University, worked as a salesman for the local lumberyard. Phyllis 4 BUTTERFIELD LIFE JANUARY + FEBRUARY 2013
continued as Youth Director at the church. A couple of years later, Earl decided to pursue a new career – hospital administration. He applied and was one of a select group to be accepted to the Masters program at Washington University in St. Louis. Upon earning his advanced degree, his career took him to Little Rock and Scottsdale, Arizona before he was tapped to head up a new hospital under construction in Jackson, Mississippi. “It was a very large hospital,” Earl remembers. “I was able to use my lumber knowledge and really liked the challenge of the project.” The Eddins loved Jackson, and loved their church there. After the birth of their two sons, Brad and David, Phyllis had quit work but was very active in the Jackson community. Then, in 1976, Earl heard that Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayetteville was looking for an administrator. He also found out that the hospital was in the midst of a financial crisis. After interviewing he was offered the job. Now, Phyllis and Earl were faced with a difficult decision – leave their friends and a hospital Earl had managed literally from the ground up, for a place they knew little about. Photos by Stephen Ironside
After prayer and discussion, the Eddins made the decision to move. Earl shares, “I wasn’t very familiar with Fayetteville, but I remembered visiting good friends from Muskogee, Phil and Louise Brooks, and thinking how green and nice Fayetteville was…and they really liked it, plus it was close to Muskogee.” He went on to say the challenge of turning around a troubled hospital appealed to him. So, the Eddins family moved to Fayetteville and made it their home – making new friends and becoming involved in the community. In 1993 Earl retired from Washington Regional, leaving it much better off than when he arrived. The WRMC Board honored him with a reception and the announcement of the Earl Eddins Scholarship, which enables students to pursue careers in health care. Retirement meant that Earl and Phyllis now had more time to travel, which they loved. Also, they would be able to enjoy their cabin at Wauhillau on Barren Fork Creek near Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The Eddins are one of 50 families that are members of Wauhillau, and their cabin has been in Earl’s family for more than a century. To this day they spend a lot of time with their ‘second family’ at Wauhillau relaxing, visiting and enjoying nature. Since a teen Earl had an interest in photography, even having his own dark room. He also loved hands-on projects — building things and restoring antique tools — and he loved to hunt. So with added free time, he was able to pursue his interests. Phyllis continued her community involvement, which included the Single Parent Scholarship Fund, Junior Civic League and PEO, plus playing bridge regularly. And, she still found time to play music. A few years ago, Earl and Phyllis faced a lifechanging experience – serious illness, the kind where you realize you could be losing the person you love most. An emotional Earl shared the fears he had when he thought Phyllis was going to die. After a health scare of his own, the Eddins made
the decision to move to Butterfield Trail Village. Butterfield was not an unknown to them. They had many friends living there, plus Earl had even assisted the founders with a ‘letter of need’ when BTV was first established in the mid-80s while he was still WRMC Administrator. On January 1, 2012, Earl and Phyllis spent the first night in their new apartment in the Village. Their two grown sons — Brad, who lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and stepdaughter (and works with the County Retirement Program); and David, who lives nearby in Tulsa with his wife and daughter (and whose career is in stone works) — were supportive of their move to Butterfield. After their first year at BTV, Earl and Phyllis couldn’t be more pleased. “The people are wonderful here, Phyllis says. “We have great times together, and we enjoy the programs and parties.” Earl said it is a loving and mature, Christian fellowship. When asked what their advice would be to those considering Butterfield, Earl replies, “Don’t wait until you can’t drive. Come while you can enjoy it – able to relax and enjoy the fellowship.” He went on to say he and Phyllis stay busy both inside and outside of the Village, and are looking forward to traveling more since they don’t have to worry about the upkeep of a house now. Phyllis goes to exercise classes and belongs to the 20th Century Book Club. Earl has recently been named to the Resident Council and will serve as the group’s secretary. Reflecting on their life and their relationship, they smiled at each other and agreed: “The Lord has blessed us.” Earl went on to say the Holy Spirit is an important part of his life and always has been, quoting scripture, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of my brethren you’ve done it unto me.” The red-headed beauty and the tall handsome man found lasting love. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Village Newcomer Q+A
Getting to Know Mary John Jones
Anniversaries January Anniversaries Elbert Durham & Bethel Cunningham 1st John and Audrey Deusterman
Truman and Sylvia Yancey
Ray and Patsy Eitelmen
Oscar and Peg Leverenz
Bill and Carol Brunner
February Anniversaries Edward and Joyce Thiesse
Lloyd and Ruby Warren
Porter and Sally Stone
Bradford and Jane Donovan
Luther and Wanda Freeman
Lewis & Donna Epley
When did you move to Butterfield Trail Village? I just moved into my apartment on November 2nd. Where are you from? I’m from Fayetteville – born and raised here. What did you do before retirement? I was a high school math teacher before I had children, but I quit working after they were born. How many children do you have? Four children and nine grandchildren ages 34 to 12. Why did you choose Butterfield Trail Village? I had friends here so I was familiar with it. It always seemed an ideal place to live. And my children thought it was a good idea, too. Do you volunteer outside the Village? Yes, I do. I volunteer at Shiloh Museum and for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church’s Community Meals program. What is your favorite Village activity? I’ve enjoyed the programs and the dining. I haven’t been here long enough to join too many activities, but I’m looking forward to it.
New Neighbors Recent Village Move-Ins Michele Utterson Jacqueline Rocha Ruth Ann Rowden Mary John Jones Jerry Havens and Kay Trumbo Havens Carolyn Park Thomas and Judith Schatzman Bill and Ayleen Bequette Ed Whiteside Dan Griffin and Fran Pearson Betty Minter
Living Spaces
Living Spaces
In December, Butterfield Trail Village hosted a Holiday Home Tour. Visitors were able to tour four different apartments, a cottage and two village homes – all bedecked in festive Christmas dÊcor. Here we feature photos of the 1 bedroom, 1 bath, 600-square-foot apartment (#315) that was included on the tour. It is currently available and has an optional stackable washer/dryer.
Photos by Stephen Ironside
Rose Warfield, Marie Breuer and Mary Ogden at the BTV Christmas Party Santa’s Boogie Woogie Choo-choo Train Rolls Into Town
Fayetteville High Choir Sings Carols
Nolan Williams, Jean Randle and Joan Havens Enjoy the Party
Boogie Woogie Christmas Party
Festive Decorations Bring the Spirit to the Village
Billie Vanneman, Maureen Cover-Bryan, Jackie Smith 8 BUTTERFIELD LIFE JANUARY + FEBRUARY 2013
Veterans Day Celebration at the Village Dancing the Night Away
Bundled Up to See the Village Christmas Lights
Carriage and Driver Await
Ken Cormier Gets in the Holiday Spirit at the Traditional Pie and Turkey Giveaway
Truman Yancy on Veterans Day
Santa Ted Moore
2012 BTV Christmas Tree BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Cecily’s Suggestions for the New Year 1. Clean out those closets. Did you get a new shirt for Christmas? Donate an older one to make room for that new shirt, pair of shoes or coat. The one-in/one-out trade keeps closets clean and organized. 2. Look over your winter apparel, and donate anything that has not been worn in over a year. If it wasn’t worn in the last year, then a good rule of thumb is to get it out of the closet. 3. A fresh New Year deserves a fresh start for your medicine cabinets, under bathroom sinks and showers. Remove any outdated medicine and take it to the nearest pharmacy to be disposed. Clean out partially used soaps, shampoos and lotions. Many shelters will gladly accept these items and distribute them for use by those in need. 4. Freshen up your home for February by showing some heart. February is “heart month” and one way to get in the mood is to add some small touches in your home. Place pink, red and white M&Ms in a bowl, then display with vintage valentines.
Cecily Brawner is a Fayetteville native and noted interior designer, and has worked with many new residents in 2012 to make the most of their move to Butterfield.
Results from the November/December issue poll:
Your favorite holiday side dish
Readers’ Poll
Last issue, Butterfield LIFE readers were asked about their favorite holiday side dish… • Cranberry Sauce: 40% • Dressing/Stuffing: 40% • Candied Yams: 20% Congratulations to Don and Donna Hahn – winners of a dinner for two at The Lodge.
NEW READERS’ POLL QUESTION... With Valentine’s Day coming up, which do you like to receive? (please circle one) CANDY FLOWERS
Your Phone:
Please fill out this slip and leave at the BTV front desk or email to marketing@btvillage.org by January 31. One lucky reader will win DINNER FOR TWO at The Lodge! Results of the poll will be featured in the next issue of Butterfield LIFE.
A Destination of Historic Proportions
Out & About
The Shiloh Museum of Ozark History is a regional history museum focusing on the Northwest Arkansas Ozarks. The museum takes its name from the pioneer community of Shiloh, which became Springdale in the 1870s. Most of what you’ll see at the museum highlights the real shapers of Ozark history – the everyday men, women and children who lived in our area’s towns and rural communities. The museum has both permanent and temporary exhibits as well as six historic buildings on the grounds. The permanent exhibits take you on a journey through the region’s extraordinary past, from the first Indian arrivals nearly 15,000 years ago to our most recent arrivals from all parts of the world. Exhibits include hands-on activities, video clips, music, try-on clothes and more – with accessibility for all. Through January 19 the temporary exhibit, Arkansas/Arkansaw: A State and Its Reputation, explores the evolution of Arkansas’s ‘hillbilly’ image. Shiloh also has a research library with a collection of more than 500,000 photographs documenting life in Northwest Arkansas. It is the largest public image archive in the state. The Shiloh Museum has something to interest everyone, and you can even experience Northwest Arkansas’s history from the comfort of your home through their website at www.shilohmuseum.org. And, while you’re there, be sure and check out their volunteer opportunities. OPERATING HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 10am to 5pm (closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day) ADMISSION: Free DIRECTIONS: The museum is located at the corner of Johnson and Main in historic downtown Springdale, at 118 W. Johnson Ave.
Arts & Entertainment Highlighted Happenings Around Town Walton Arts Center:
> Catch Me If You Can Jan. 8-13 > ODC/Dance: The Velveteen Rabbit Jan. 19 > ODC/Dance: Unplugged Jan. 19 > Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet Jan. 25 > SoNA Masterworks II Concert Jan. 26 > Memphis Feb. 5-10 > Potted Potter Feb. 16-17 > Grace Kelly Quintet Feb. 16 > The Little Prince Feb. 19 > Hair Feb. 22-23 For more info, visit waltonartscenter.org Arts Center of the Ozarks
> Night Must Fall Feb. 8-10, 15-16 > 2013 ACO Ball: Flappers & Fellas Feb. 23 For more info, visit artscenteroftheozarks.org Rogers Little Theater:
> 9 to 5: The Musical Feb. 8-10, 14-17, 21-24 For more info, visit rogerslittletheater.org TheatreSquared:
> Sons of the Prophet Feb. 14 thru Mar. 3 For more info, visit theatre2.org NOTE: This listing of select community A&E events is for informational purposes only; BTV may or may not be providing transportation to these – please refer to the monthly calendar or the Village bulletin board for transportprovided event listings.
Library News
New Books in the Village Library By Genie Donovan Butterfield Library is beginning 2013 with a collection of new books to entertain and educate. At the top of the list are some new biographies that make some famous people as real as your next-door neighbors. Look for all these books on the new-book shelves next to the fireplace.
BIOGRAPHIES Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero by Chris Matthews brings John F. “Jack” Kennedy up close and personal by using interviews with those close to the president plus documents and notes to introduce a very complex individual to the reader. Matthews travels from Kennedy’s early family years through World War II and into his political life as he makes Kennedy a recognizable person. The Astaires: Fred and Adele by Kathleen Riley is the story of a famous brother and sister act before Fred Astaire met Ginger Rogers and motion pictures.
The Astaires began their career as child performers on the vaudeville stage with Fred in his trademark top hat and tails, progressing to their debut on Broadway in 1917. They became, as Riley describes them, “Gershwin’s music in motion” and a true phenomenon of the 1920’s Jazz Age. Tap Dancing to Work by Warren Buffet and Carol Loomis of Fortune magazine describes another kind of performer – the book is a collection of articles by and about Buffet published in Fortune since 1966. Loomis adds context to each article, and the book becomes a story of Buffet’s rise from a little known Omaha hedge fund manager in 1966 to Berkshire Hathaway fame.
Six Months in 1945: FDR, Stalin, Churchill and Truman by Michael Dobbs is an account of the pivotal six months spanning the end of World War II, the dawn of the nuclear age and the beginning of the Cold War from Yalta in February to Potsdam in July 1945. Reading like a novel, this book makes these monumental men both actors and victims of their time.
BESTSELLERS The Black Box by Michael Connelly; The Forgotten by David Baldacci; Bad Luck and Trouble by Lee Child; The Racketeer by John Grisham; Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult; The Round House by Louise Erdrich; The Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro.
Featured Upcoming Village Events
For a complete list of Village events, offsite excursions and more, please refer to the monthly event calendar or contact the Program Department for more information at (479) 695-8003. Will Rogers Memorial Museum Wednesday, January 9 // Departure 9:30am Enjoy a journey to the Will Rogers Memorial Museum in Claremore, Oklahoma where you can enjoy Will Rogers’ memorabilia, photographs, documentary films on his life with film clips of his trick roping as well as highlights of Rogers’ accomplishments as a movie star, radio commentator, newspaper columnist and author. We will stop for a casual lunch in Claremore. Your Fayetteville Public Library Thursday, January 10 // 7:15pm // Convocation Room The Program Department plans to continue growing partnerships with the leaders of our greater community including the Fayetteville Public Library. Please welcome the Library’s Executive Director David Johnson as he defines various Library opportunities that not only include books, but research, entertainment, education and art. Crystal Bridges Friday, January 25 // Departure 5pm Enjoy a unique evening at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. We will enjoy a facilitated discussion in the Skyspace Installation on The Way of Color by artist James Turrell. The discussion lasts 12 BUTTERFIELD LIFE JANUARY + FEBRUARY 2013
approximately 40 minutes. There is no fee to view the Skyspace, but seating is limited. Following the discussion, we will depart for supper at Tavola Trattoria, an Italian restaurant serving family style entrees. Reservations for this event must be made by Monday, 21st. Please call 695-8003. In the Mood-Alma Performing Arts Center Tuesday, February 12 // Departure 6pm More than a concert, In the Mood presents a retro 1940’s musical revue featuring singers and dancers with the sensational String of Pearls Big Band Orchestra. During the 1940’s the combination of uptempo big band instrumentals and intimate, romantic ballads set the mood for a future filled with promise, hope and prosperity. This was the time when the music moved the nation’s spirit! Call 479-632-2129 for tickets. Carriage Club members may call 695-8003 for reserved transportation. Chocolate Utopia Thursday, February 14 // 2-3pm // The Lodge Life is sweet, especially with a side of chocolate on Valentine’s Day! Enjoy Chocolate Utopia, an afternoon of savory samples of chocolate presented by area restaurants and candy designers! Enter our drawing for a lovely basket of Ghiradelli treasures, an American chocolate tradition since 1852.
Soup of the Month
Salmon Corn Chowder
Crab Cakes With chipotle aioli $3.50
Sandwiches Prime Rib Patty Melt Sautéed prime rib, Swiss and American cheeses, and caramelized onions on marbled rye with horseradish aioli $7 Ham & Swiss Grilled Cheese With caramelized onions on sourdough $7 Shrimp Po’Boy Breaded shrimp with lettuce, tomato and a zesty tartar sauce on a hoagie roll $7 1/2 Sandwich & Choice of Two Side Items $7 1/2 Sandwich & Choice of One Side Item $5 Other Items Blackened Chicken* Topped with blue cheese and served with sautéed zucchini $7 Pan Seared Tilapia* Topped with Creole sauce and served with sautéed spinach and onions $7
Soup Salmon Corn Chowder Salads Caesar Salad With Parmesan Crisps and Grilled Crostinis House Salad With Choice of Dressing Entrées Beef Tenderloin With truffled red wine pan jus, fingerling potatoes and baked asparagus $17.50 Chicken Zucchini Marinara Served over angel hair pasta and topped with shredded Parmesan cheese $10.50 Pan Seared Salmon With honey mustard sauce over wild rice and haricot vert $14 Sautéed Bone-On Pork Chop With brown gravy, whipped potatoes and broccoli $14
*Option available with one side
Fresh bread served on table
Entrees served with a choice of Caesar Salad, House Salad or Soup
French Silk Pie $3.50
All sandwiches are served with your choice of Sweet Potato Fries, French Fries, House Salad, Caesar Salad, Fruit Salad or Cup of Soup
Apple Cobbler & Ice Cream $3.50
*Additional Side: $1.50
Reservations are available through the front desk or by calling (479) 442-7220, Ext. 0 BUTTERFIELD LIFE
Get Fit In 2013 Village exercise programs will get you on the right track By Jennifer Neill, Fitness & Wellness Coordinator Losing Muscle Mass? Are you doing something to keep your muscles strong? Did you know as we age our muscle tissue declines, and by age 70 many of us will have lost 25 percent of our muscle mass? This can be prevented and often reversed by doing some form of weight training only two times a week. Research also shows that weight training can help reduce falls, prevent osteoporosis, reduce back pain and depression, and even help with arthritis. This might just be a great New Year’s Resolution! Get Fit on Route 66 If you want to experience the benefits of exercise but are having trouble staying consistent, or getting started, please contact me – as your fitness and wellness coordinator, I am happy to help get you involved in some of the great Butterfield programs starting this January. Join the “Get Fit on Route 66” program and race against fellow residents “from California to Illinois” with each minute of exercise equaling a mile. Personal Training Join the BTV personal training program, set to begin at the end of January, and customize your exercise program – designed specifically with you in mind. One of our interns will get you on track and help you stay on track by holding you accountable while monitoring your workouts. Turn to page 18 to see what Village residents are saying about the importance and effects of exercise…
Choosing Civility By Patricia Poertner, LSW Director of Resident Services At this time of the year, we typically make resolutions to change areas of our lives where we see a need for a little “improvement.” Even though there is much in life over which we feel we have no control, it’s good to remember that we never grow too old to make some “self-improvements” in order to become a better person. I read an article in the paper some time ago about Pier Massimo Forni, a Johns Hopkins University professor, who published Choosing Civility: The 25 Rules of Considerate Conduct. More than 100,000 copies of this book have been sold, and it has become the focus of seminars and reading groups. The idea of “choosing civility” was born during a lecture on Dante’s The Divine Comedy. As the professor looked out at the young faces in his classroom, he wanted them to know everything about Dante. But, more importantly, he wanted them to be kind human beings. Here’s his list of rules:
1. Pay attention. 2. Acknowledge others. 3. Think the best. 4. Listen. 5. Be inclusive. 6. Speak kindly. 7. Don’t speak ill. 8. Accept and give praise. 9. Respect even a subtle “no.” 10. Respect others’ opinions. 11. Mind your body. 12. Be agreeable. 13. Keep it down and rediscover silence. 14. Respect others’ time.
15. Respect others’ space. 16. Apologize earnestly. 17. Assert yourself. 18. Avoid personal questions. 19. Care for your guests. 20. Be a considerate guest. 21. Think twice before asking for favors. 22. Refrain from idle complaints. 23. Accept and give constructive criticism. 24. Respect the environment and be gentle to animals. 25. Don’t shift responsibility and blame.
We cannot read a newspaper or watch a television news program without being reminded of the harshness and cruelty of the world in which we live today. I think we all long to live in a world that is kinder and more compassionate than what we currently experience. Can one person make a difference? Can two? What about three or four? How will we know if we don’t try? I plan to keep a copy of these 25 rules on my desk this year as a constant reminder of how I should treat others. I hope it will help me to stay focused and working on the areas where I fall short. I hope that you, also, will resolve to help make this a better world, a more civil world – starting here at BTV, and spreading out to all with whom you come in contact. Let’s make it a great year!
The Influence of Nutrients on the Human Genome By Kay Gay, RD/LD The Human Genome Project, completed in 2003 by American biologist and entrepreneur Craig Venter, opened the opportunity to understanding how genes function and how encoded proteins interact with each other to cause disease and maintain health. The following year, he and his sailing crew boarded his personal yacht, the Sorcerer, to embark on a journey around the globe to gather water samples from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Findings from this two-year expedition yielded invaluable data through which to analyze genetic diversity in marine microbes, and to begin to understand their roles in nature’s fundamental processes.
The field of Nutrigenomics analyzes the response of whole systems to nutrients and studies how food affects the metabolic pathways and alters gene expression. Five principles form the basis of Nutrigenomics: • Common dietary chemicals act on the human genome to alter gene expression or structure. • Under certain circumstances and in some people, diet can be a serious risk factor for many diseases. • Some diet-regulated genes (and their normal, common variants) are likely to play a role in the onset, incidence, progression and/or severity of chronic diseases. • The degree to which diet influences the balance between healthy and disease states may depend on a person’s genetic makeup. • Dietary intervention based on knowledge of nutritional requirements, nutritional status and genotype can be used to prevent, mitigate, or cure chronic diseases. From this research, two goals have been established:
A little known fact about this expedition is that aboard that sailboat was a young lady from Arkansas. Her charismatic, inquisitive nature put her in an adventure of a lifetime and gave me a unique opportunity, as her friend, to live vicariously through her experience. I value my meager connection to this issue and, on a higher level, am indescribably grateful for the potential this research brings to the table. A new era continues to form as scientists strive to understand how a wide array of environmental stimuli affects genes – and nutrition.
• To establish dietary recommendations that would facilitate disease prevention, minimize risk of unintended consequences and account for the modifying effects of human genetic variation. • To design effective dietary regimens for the management of complex chronic diseases. While new research enlightens us on the potential implications for the future, existing information continues to offer a path lined with nutrient dense fruits and vegetables that clearly ward off chronic diseases that stifle quality of life.
For more information about the Human Genome Project, visit www.genomics.energy.gov. BUTTERFIELD LIFE
BTV Foundation
Butterfield Foundation Report 1923 EAST JOYCE BLVD., FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 • (479) 695-8068 • foundation@btvillage.org We are grateful for the following contributions, received between October 1 and November 30, 2012:
HONORS In Honor of Truman Yancey: Jean Herd MEMORIALS In Memory of Mary Sue “Susie” Colwell: June Colwell, Elizabeth Howick, Jack & Lorene Lejeune, Mary Carolyn Pendleton; In Memory of Thelma Graddy: Mary Carolyn Pendleton; In Memory of Jack Herd: Virginia Burdick, Richard & Shirley Chewning, Jay & Polly Lancaster, Jack & Lorene Lejeune, Gordon Martz, Elsie Sexton; In Memory of Dr. Gilbert Jay: Virginia Burdick, June Colwell, Ruth Sherman Forsythe, Pat Howey, Jay & Polly Lancaster, Jack & Lorene Lejeune, Gordon Martz; In Memory of John Parker: Jay & Polly Lancaster; In Memory of Bill Rose: Jack & Lorene Lejeune; In Memory of Dr. G.A. Sexton: Joe D. Finney, The Hall Family (Bob & Coleen, Robert & Robin, Teddy & Lavon), Jack & Lorene Lejeune, Ethel Richardson, Rick & Carolyn Tanneberger; In Memory of Mary Ellen Stephenson: Jay & Polly Lancaster; In Memory of Harry Vandergriff: Jay & Polly Lancaster, Jack & Lorene Lejeune; In Memory of Clarence Young: John & Marianne Brewer, Virginia Burdick, Richard & Shirley Chewning, Thomas & Jane Davis, Lewis & Donna Epley, Harry & Eleanor Foltz, Dick & Ruth Forsythe, Pat Howey, Dr. James & Margaret Hunt, Shirley Johanson, Mitsy Kellam, Jay & Polly Lancaster, Jack & Lorene Lejeune, Oscar & Marjorie Leverenz, Richard & Janet Roessler, Joseph & Dorothy Selzer, Elsie Sexton, Truman & Sylvia Yancey MOVING MADE EASY (MME) Pat Parker, Betty Seale Your gifts contribute to the sustainability of programs and services of the Village for you, your friends, families and loved ones – now and in the future. Please consider a gift to the Foundation. Whether the gift remembers a loved one or pays tribute to a special person, because you love Butterfield and the service it provides this community, or “just because,” you can be sure that your gift will affect hundreds of lives in our community and beyond.
PIT MASTER’S BBQ COOK-OFF Benefiting the Fayetteville Fire Fighters’ Children’s Scholarship Fund Sizzler Sponsors: Anonymous, Arvest Bank, Bakewell Chemical Company, Dunk Fire & Security, Martin & Kieklak Law Firm, Odom Law Firm, Walker Brothers Insurance; Briquette Sponsors: Larry & Adele Atha, Denver & Maureen Bryan, Ken & Barbara Cormier, Bo & Sally Dudley, Four Star Limousine and Transportation Services (Jerry & Riki Stamps), Grease Pig Lube & Tune, Senior Helpers; In-Kind Sponsors: Anonymous, Ben E. Keith Foods, Hiland Dairy Foods, HOPCO Foodservice, McBride Distributing, Simplex Grinnell, Springfield Grocer, U.S. Foods; Emcee, Judges & Tireless Volunteers: Case Dighero (Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art), Richard McGinnis (Richard’s Meat Market), Jeremy Ashley (Fayetteville Fire Fighters Association), June Colwell, Seth Jensen (Slim Chickens), Judy Doyle, Adele Atha, Kay Gay, Donna Tuller FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kathy Ball, President Jeff Williams, Vice President Lyle Gohn, Treasurer Theresa Pendelton, Secretary Truman Yancey, Walt Eilers, Read Hudson, Joe Mains, Bill Shackelford, Theresa Ewing (BTV Board) Please notify us at (479) 695-8068 for information or additions/corrections.
Butterfield Recycles! In November 2012 alone, our resident recycling volunteers hauled 22,140 pounds of recyclable material to local recycling centers. This amount doubled from November 2011 at 11,747 pounds. Please Note: The newer CFL light bulbs cannot be recycled due to mercury content. Check for recycling labels on all materials, and thank you for being conscious of the only world we and our grandchildren will ever have! Newspaper: 5,320 lbs Mixed paper: 2,440 lbs Cardboard: 2,940 lbs Aluminum: 8,760 lbs Glass: 1,020 lbs Plastic: 520 lbs Misc: 1,140 lbs Total: 22,140 lbs
Distinguished Speaker Series
Did You Know?
Village Fitness Butterfield Trail Village has hundreds of ways to help you get and stay in shape. From water aerobics to Wii games, there’s something for everyone – plus Jennifer Neill and her team will be there to help and encourage you. Here is what some of our Village residents are saying about exercise… “At this age, you may not seem to make any progress with [exercise], but you really do.” –Buck Watson “Fitness and wellness is the way of the future, and I think Butterfield is ready for that, even more so in the future!” –Helen McElree “If only I had known the benefits earlier in life, but ever since I came to Butterfield it has really turned me around. I am a limber child! It helps keep you mentally alert.” –Rose Warfield “I’m feeling better, my balance has increased, and I’ve strengthened my core. I’m able to get to the dining hall quicker!” –Paul Westberg “It has been very helpful to me; Jennifer is very cooperative with me and what I am capable of doing.” –Dorothy Covington “It is an excellent program here and I’ve benefitted from it. When I came over here my shoulders hurt every night but after starting water aerobics all the pain went away, and I can sleep at night!” –Bethel Cunningham “I can do leg exercises and balance exercises, and it’s really helped.” –Carl Kittrell “It is wonderful, awesome, great, sweet! It keeps your mind active. It’s good for muscles and joints, and benefits your health. I shoot hoops everyday!” –Judy Doyle 18 BUTTERFIELD LIFE JANUARY + FEBRUARY 2013
“One of the things I like most about living at Butterfield Trail is the fitness/wellness program. Jennifer is just wonderful. She is always enthused and tries new things to keep the residents interested and healthy. The U of A interns are a great help in keeping me motivated to exercise properly and regularly.” –Nelda Farthing “Adding new things is good because you don’t get bored, and Jennifer is always doing something to catch people’s attention. I like the variety and sensitivity to the needs of the residents. I really enjoy water aerobics and stretch exercise classes.” –Mary Jean Place
Need for Renewal By Reverend Ryan Pfeiffer, First Christian Church Fayetteville
A new year is here, and with it comes opportunity for new beginnings. Renewal is a gift we all can benefit from receiving. It is a gift of hope for each of us who take advantage of it. Renewal can take different forms – be it spiritual, fellowship, working together, or a combination of each of them. In this New Year, may we all take time for spiritual renewal. The Christmas Season reminds us of our need to make room in our hearts and our lives for the Presence that makes us whole. It is so easy for us to become distracted in our life journey. Grounding ourselves spiritually affects our overall health and happiness. Connecting with one’s faith community and taking advantage of the weekly Vespers service are points of spiritual connection.Connecting and re-connecting with friendships through regular fellowship offers opportunities of renewal. As humans, we are social creatures. We were created to be in relationship with one another. It does a person good to engage in conversation and activity with others. Shared experiences connect us to one another in a meaningful way. May we all take advantage of opportunities to fellowship with one another.
Sharing common goals with others provides us with an opportunity to work together. This can happen through a shared vision of how we live with one another in community. This can also mean that we come together to improve the broader community of which we are very much a part. Working together to benefit the common good allows everyone to succeed. Renewal of the person can be realized through the act of working together. Renewal through connecting with the Divine, one another, and sharing in the journey of life with others benefits us greatly. May we each work towards renewal and realize the benefits of doing so. First Christian Church is proud to be one of the founding congregations for the community known as Butterfield Trail Village. Our congregation believed in the high quality of life for those who were in their retirement years. We believe that an important phase of life happens when one retires.
“In this New Year, may we all take time for spiritual renewal.”
Featured in each issue of Butterfield LIFE is a guest article related to spirituality and the ongoing connections between Butterfield and its five sponsoring churches: First United Presbyterian, Central United Methodist, First Christian, St. Paul’s Episcopal and First Baptist. BUTTERFIELD LIFE
The Lodge, Your Lodge
The Lodge at Butterfield Trail Village bustles with activity. A tastefully furnished 2,000 square foot building with kitchen facilities, comfortable conversation seating, a big screen television and a fireplace along with a light airy atmosphere make The Lodge the perfect venue for socials, game nights, restaurant-style lunches and dinners, meetings and fun events. You can
also share this facility with your friends and family by making arrangements with the staff for parties and meetings. Catering by the BTV culinary staff is also available at a reasonable cost. Check your calendar and join your friends for fun and socializing at The Lodge, Your Lodge.