Business Sight Magazine 2020's Most Innovative Entrepreneur To Watch In India

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JUNE 2020



BS 2020’s MOST



A 100 Brand Company

3D Printing Service

01 Quick Turn Around We have a 4-5 day turn around on most prin�ng with op�ons for an expedited 1-2 day turn around on 3D Prin�ng Service. 02 Fast, Instant Online Quote Upload your project files for an instant quote and purchase op�ons. Pay online and get your project off of the ground right away! 03 A�en�on to Detail Quality is our main priority. We take care while preparing your project files and ensure excep�onal service through consulta�on.



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16 24


- Tes�ng Approaches During These Tes�ng Times !









Head Mobile Marke�ng & SEO Growth


Bulbul Apps





Saarathi Healthcare

Tuls Corp

Founder & Director

Director & CEO

A 100 Brand Company


Revolu�onizing Manufacturing Processes with Ver�cal Integra�on and Innova�on

Accessories and products revolve around an individual’s life. Without these items, a void is felt be it in homes, oďŹƒces, while traveling, etc., and hence, people ock towards accessories to enhance the uďż˝lity or simply enhance the beauty of the place. While there are numerous accessories to and products that can ease an individual’s living, quality about items also maďż˝er as much as its aestheďż˝cs. People want items that will add meaning, are of high-quality, and aordable at the same ďż˝me. These requirements put a strain on manufacturers as they have to keep an eye on quality as well as at cost. The item must serve the need of the customer but at the price which customers can easily aord. Hence, innovaďż˝on in manufacturing processes is a vital key to keep the cost and quality under constant checking and ensure that the product delivered is of supreme quality and proďŹ table to the manufacturer.



Setner – a 100 brand company, is among the few companies which have employed innova�on and ver�cal integra�on in designing and manufacturing its products and accessories to keep overheads cost as low as possible. Ver�cal Integra�on allows Setner to lower per-unit-cost and increase the efficiency of the manufacturing process since this integra�on demands enormous capital investment, a visionary CEO can undertake the process and pass the price advantage to the consumers, while enhancing the scale of business as well.

A Key Persona Behind Excep�onal Success Incorporated in the year 2008 by Mr. Chandan Kumar – CEO & Founder of Setner, Setner is strategically located in Bengaluru and the company holds a diversified product por�olio of more than 100 unique products cu�ng across categories of Furniture, Furnishing, Decore, Kids, Travel and EPS. “We take pride in crea�ng value by virtue of Design, Pricing, and U�lity in every product that we work on,” asserts Mr. Chandan. Mr. Chandan established Setner with a vision to create an eco-system of manufacturing that could create Price Sensi�ve products for masses. Beginning from a mere 100 square feet office in Bengaluru, he has evolved the company to be a manufacturing powerhouse opera�ng out of 1 Million square feet within a short span of 10 years. It now delivers its products across 6000 + Point of Sales across Leading Modern Retailers, all major e-commerce giants, General Trade, COCO Stores and Exported to over 10 Countries. Mr. Chandan embarked on his entrepreneurial journey with two primary goals – to create an Umbrella of leading Brands in the domain of Furniture, Furnishing, Decore, Travel and Kids Categories with Na�onal and Interna�onal footprints and to create Sustainable Jobs and value addi�on in Products manufactured by u�lizing Ver�cally Integrated processes. “Every project that we work on brings a new set of products and ideas. We don’t put our hands into something which had a beaten path and is redundant. We seek crea�vity in our process of produc�on, price offering and value addi�on for our resellers,” states Mr. Chandan. Mr. Chandan, being an Engineer always believed in hardcore manufacturing which later translated into developing and establishing his own factories using novel processes and ver�cal integra�on. He is a Mechanical engineering graduate from Bengaluru and also has done Masters in Automobile Engineering from the University of Sheffield, England. Therea�er, he pursued an MBA from a pres�gious University in Vancouver, Canada. Upon comple�on of his educa�on, Mr. Chandan returned to the homeland and founded Setner. Ini�ally, the company was involved in the produc�on of packaging, furniture and furnishing products and quickly began expor�ng its products to more than ten countries. He had a major boost as the Indian Retail Market was ge�ng very conducive around 2008-09, and it gave a strong eco-system for the company to grow.

Exemplary Entrepreneur With powerhouse ideas, a zeal to be a creator, and someone who can empower society, Mr. Chandan embarked on his journey. All of these things would not have been possible if he had worked for someone else while there exists a big vacuum between big established brands and small unorganized brands. Hence, he founded a company that could bridge the gap and focuses on the middle �er. With excep�onal values such as self-belief, no shortcuts to success, constant approach towards innova�on, he is leading the company towards success. By implemen�ng ver�cal integra�on, innova�on, and 100 percent focus on business he has created a place for his company among the best companies in the niche.


By implemen�ng unique strategies, Mr. Chandan puts his company ahead of the compe��on. “We invest in infrastructure and high CAPEX that helps us to scale. It is sustainable as capaci�es can be pushed. We control our overheads which ensure be�er control over the business. We work across various Ver�cals of Modern Trade, General Trade, E-Commerce, Exports, and Company Brand Stores. Various ver�cals help us to control the Sine Wave of Business fluctua�ons. Robust Infrastructure in terms of Self-Owned Factories that helps to scale up while keeping overheads low. Our latest purchase of Factory spread over 2,00,000 Square feet will help us to house all the produc�on and processes under one roof. Ver�cal Integra�on helps us to control costs and be more innova�ve,” he states. On his way to glory, Mr. Chandan was faced with many challenges from cash flow, hiring a mo�vated team to match up infrastructure with growing demands for products and across 6000 + Sales Point. . With consistent efforts and persistence, he kept leading the company and team. He employs key values such as being posi�ve, focus and consistency, saying NO when situa�ons demand it, staying humble and open to employees, vendors, as well as clients – he emphasizes on communica�on, and lastly, knowing margins and the margins that clients would willing to close the deals faster. He u�lizes these values to overcome several challenges.

Holis�c Offering Setner is a 100-brand company because of its unique offering of 100 products which are broadly categorized into five types which are Furniture, Furnishing, Decor, Travel, and Kids. The company’s leading Product Line includes Sofas, Recliners, Bean Bags, O�omans, Wall Decals, Travel U Neck, Back Packs, Travel Accessories, Toys, Memory Foam Pillows, etc. SETNER is developing a New Product line of Engineered Wood Furniture, Travel Accessories and Memory Foam Products. Memory foam products will be used extensively across the Automo�ve and Furniture Industry. SETNER with its new EPS Plant is also working on EPS Pallets and EPS Shape Moulding Products. During Difficult Corona �mes, Chandan and his team stayed posi�ve and launched Brand OMED. OMED manufactures PPE Kids, Face Masks and Hand Sani�zers. OMED Hand Sani�zers are FDA Approved and available across all leading Retail Stores as well as Online.

Future Landscape “We want to offer our customers an ecosystem to buy more products and offerings from us under one roof. The more they buy, the more they save. More products they buy, more controlled is their inventory and accoun�ng. In the next two years, we want to work with 1000s of small General trade stores to help them with be�er products, smart ways to sell and sharper price points. This backed with technology and transparency will certainly be a game-changer,” emphasizes Mr. Chandan. Mr. Chandan is aiming to transform his company into a one-stop des�na�on for all B2B customers and to create recognizable Brands. As the customers will buy more products from more than 100 unique items, the more will be the savings.

BS 2020’s MOST






Pankaj Sharma

“Excellence In Services & Management”



Tarun Singla Chief Growth Officer,

“India’s Largest SaaS Pla�orm ”


“Enabeling Teacher & Children To Flex Their Imagina�on Muscle”


“Provide Intelligent Solu�ons For The Smart & Connected World”


“The Biggest Strength Is Dedica�on Towards The Work & Enthusiasm”


Prakash Dantuluri

Founder & CEO,

Bipin Chandra

Founder & CEO, esyaso�.com

Mahip Dwivedi Head Mobile Marke�ng & SEO Growth,

Murthy Rao

“High-quality And Result-oriented Services In Time”



Raghunandan Jagdish

“ A Tradi�on of Excellence”

Managing Director,


Ranjeeta Vinil

“From Episodic To Preven�ve Care & Chronic Disease Management”

Founder & Director,


Chandan Kumar


Vaibhav Satpute

“A 100 Brand Compney”

“Proffering Unique & Innova�ve Approaches In Construs�on & Power Sector”


Director & CEO,

BS 2020’s MOST




Mr. Pankaj is an Electronics engineer and has pursued an MBA in Marke�ng. He has more than 16 years of professional experience in the Telecom & Country Infrastructure industry. He has garnered experience from overseas while he was working in Kabul, Africa, and the Middle East and working aboard has helped him develop a dynamic a�tude and excellent rela�onship management skills. He has worked with MNCs such as ATC India Tower Corpora�on and VIOM Networks - a Tata subsidiary, before co-founding a venture, Ardom Towergen Pvt. Ltd.( in Telecom Opera�on and Maintenance Domain, which has grown to a leading Telcom - O&M Company of India. Following his business acumen, he incubated his second venture, K2 Infragen Pvt. Ltd.(, which is on its way to carving its name amongst major Infrastructure companies of India. “My goal is to acquire a sustainable leadership posi�on for all my ventures in their respec�ve business domains. I am constantly looking for synergis�c ac�vi�es and trying to convert them into sustainable compe��ve advantages. Reaching the apex by innova�ve usage of these synergy benefits has been my goal in any domain of business,” asserts Mr. Pankaj.


STELLAR ENTREPRENEURSHIP Mr. Pankaj claims, “Business is my passion and I always wanted to build a company where everyone comes and works willingly rather than feeling burdened.” He considers entrepreneurship more than just helping individuals fulfill their dreams and believes entrepreneurship allows others to fulfill their dreams as well, which translates into greater good for society as well as for the country. He relishes the experience of crea�ng an organiza�on that is an embodiment of the values and virtues he cherishes. Mr. Pankaj is a stalwart leader who has a set of values to guide him to overcome challenges. He employs key values such as ‘Can Do’ A�tude, Con�nuous Learning, Logical Reasoning, Smart Work and Growth in teams. He states, “My belief is un�l we mentally accept defeat, nobody can defeat us.” Mr. Pankaj’s leadership is geared at maintaining sa�sfac�on at client’s level and the biggest benefit the clients are reaping is always having a win-win situa�on. He dynamically keeps upgrading himself by constantly adap�ng and improving, so that the team which looks up to him for leadership and proper guidance is benefi�ed from the latest skills and decision-making tools.

LEADING WITH AN EXAMPLE While working on business development models in other companies as well as on his own ventures, Mr. Pankaj came across a term – ‘not required’ and this has pushed him to convert this ‘not required’ into an opportunity. The conversion has all been a challenge on his side and he believes he comes across the term because of people’s limited interest in the short-term growth. He leads his ventures by transla�ng short-term growth into an opportunity and immensely helping his ventures and team members in overcoming several challenges. “In my own opinion, team-spirit and ability to work con�nuously and dedicatedly towards achieving my goals are my strengths. My mentor, Mr. Ajit Shankar – MD of Ardom Towergen, says that my main strengths are my ability to quickly connect with customers and team (human engineering) and maintain calm & take logical decisions even in tough �mes,” claims Mr. Pankaj. Mr. Pankaj leads his both ventures – Ardom Towergen and K2 Infra with a vibrant and friendly atmosphere. He wants top execu�ves on his teams to be respected for their competency, knowledge, and skillsets. With his unparalleled dedica�on towards his goals, he inspires his employees to work with a posi�ve spirit.

FUTURE PROSPECT As India is the second-largest telecom market in the world, Ardom Towergen has established itself as a leading company in the Opera�on and Maintenance of the Ac�ve & Passive telecom infrastructure including Op�cal fiber Cables. Mr. Pankaj is aiming at incorpora�ng a comprehensive solu�on for telecom industry along with their partners. Whereas, K2 Infra was recently awarded the ‘Project Management Company of 2019’ under the leadership of Mr. Pankaj. K2 Infra is presently involved with roads and building infrastructure but will move to other infra sectors as well in the next few years. Being Infra business domain has one of the longest tenure to service at present for developing country like INDIA.

| June 2020 |




BS 2020’s MOST




With the advent of the digital era, teachers and students alike are leveraging the usage of online tools. The most popular choice remains the apps since they are easy to understand and use. As the apps are transforming the educa�on domain, Bulbul Apps has enabled its users to create crea�ve content for preschoolers. At the helm of the company is Mr. Prakash Dantuluri – CEO & Founder of Bulbul Apps. Under his leadership, the company has grown mul�fold in recent years since its incep�on in 2015. The blend of his passion and technology has resulted in a pla�orm that helps preschools create interac�ve stories and engaging ac�vi�es for their students. Mr. Prakash enjoys great empathy with the children and hence, it is the prime mover for him. He believes that at the end of the day, the app is all about a child who is exploring and learning.

A JOURNEY OF VISIONARY It had been almost a decade since Mr. Prakash dabbled with the idea of crea�ng a framework for people to create content for smartphones. There was also a dearth and as he believes, there s�ll is, of original and na�ve content for children on smartphones. With an idea and vacuum in the niche, he developed a pla�orm that would address all the pain points.

“Enabling Teachers & Children to Flex their Imagina�on Muscle” 14

Mr. Prakash started with a storytelling pla�orm and from there, he encompassed the educa�on sector. Ini�a�ng with a technology pla�orm to help teachers and ar�sts to generate content for children, he also thought to focus on creating crea�ve tools for children to express themselves. Though, the journey threw numerous challenges at him at every turn, he managed to overcome all of them. “Pu�ng mul�ple pieces in place was a painful task. First, we had to design from the ground up a distributed system for ar�sts and teachers to communicate with each other. Making people understand the power of the pla�orm and convincing them to be on board was painful. Then we succeeded beyond our expecta�ons with our library app,” asserts Mr. Prakash. “But conver�ng that into a business model that yields sustainable revenue was another gigan�c task. Now we are looking at scaling the model. I am sure there will many more challenges ahead,” he adds further.

DYNAMIC PERSONA An engineer by educa�on, Mr. Prakash had begun his career with computer programming. With more than two decades of professional experience in technology and a decade long experience in mobile, interac�ve digital content, he is se�ng an example in the niche. As an enterprise architect working for several MNCs in the USA, he safeguarded his passion to explore different mediums for storytelling. An imagina�ve persona, he loves developing and making stuff: a key factor in his life for being excited on the first day of the week. “Being a filmmaker, an enterprise architect, and a CEO of a Technology Startup gives me a unique capability to work with both the crea�ve and technology teams and understand their needs. That way, my biggest strength is my ability to connect the dots from both the domains,” states Mr. Prakash. Ascertaining his success to some core values such as persistence, empathy, purpose, etc., Mr. Prakash always believed in his ability to think differently. He strongly feels that along with a passion for success, a startup should also have a purpose for its existence.

ASTOUNDING LEADERSHIP With a strong footprint, Mr. Prakash is now keen on expanding across the globe, especially in the USA. “I think given the shoestring budget we had, we did a phenomenal job of developing technologies, finding marquee customers, developing content, and delivering for them,” he proclaims.

He is planning to demonstrate the benefits of Bulbul Apps which can be delivered to an educa�onal ins�tu�on, parents, and children within the next few months. With a strong por�olio, Mr. Prakash is propelling in his company to new heights. He is also going to integrate an ability to infer the data based on the content’s engagement and consump�on by the end of this year. The integra�on will transform the company into a data-driven company from a content-driven one. “My leadership is all about being hands-on. Some�mes I micromanage and some�mes I simply trust my team member and move on. I will con�nue to do that,” asserts Mr. Prakash.

| June 2020 |




INNOVATION IS KEY TO SUCCESS New Horizon is a HR consul�ng firm based out Of Mumbai. We are having our exper�se in designing systems and Processes for en�re life cycle of employee from entry to exit level. This includes different Modules like preparing organisa�on structure most suited to Industry and culture of the Company. Recruitment & Selec�on Process, HR Policies, Salary & compensa�on structure along with Benefits. Performance Management System, Employee contracts & Documenta�on, Reward & Recogni�on Plan and finally Exit Process.

We are in The Top 10 HR company In India which always keeps us on Toes for con�nuous improvement, changes mainly because of Innova�on. Our each module whether Recruitment, Policies or Performance linked with Yearly appraisal has lot of new crea�on. It is easy to find out Func�on knowledge of a candidate through wri�en test or prac�cal test ,The challenging is to find out personal characteris�c and skill set of candidate requited as per posi�on. The founder of New Horizon - Falguuni Sheth is cer�fied Graphologist and Numerologist. With help of this knowledge we have made our client Recruitment & selec�on Process so foolproof that the disappointment of hiring a wrong person is by en large not there. We read handwri�ng of candidate, study signature of candidate and also can find out characteris�c from birth date. Very basic ques�on of client whether the person will be Team player or Individual contributor, will he be opportunist or honest , will s/he be able to prove in sales or good for Opera�ons, Will S/he be having People skill or introvert – all this can be iden�fied through graphology.


We say a wrong hire can be more expensive than NO Hire. This study comes as blessings while finalising the candidate and have long term talented resource/asset. Team’s performance linking with yearly increment is another challenge faced by Entrepreneurs and companies. We understand each role in detail. Prepare Job descrip�on & Key Result area accordingly and make a very simple yet effec�ve Review Mechanism, feedback session and innovate way of rewarding staff with many op�ons with fixed rise, variable, incen�ve, one �me , in Kind etc as innova�ve Reten�on strategy where by we have win win situa�on for Staff and company both.Team shows consistency in Performance and our client do not have baggage of any weak performer is what we aim for.

at least one specially able person by which the en�re family can be rehabilited.We conduct changing handwri�ng and signature classes where by employee can overcome few challenges. Finally to conclude we being Human Resource expert always try to do something which touches every individual life .

Employee Engagement Ac�vi�es are generally Picnic, movie or some fun at Work. We at New Horizon makes Event Calendar covering all areas of life like Physical, Financial, Fun & Entertainment ,Spiritual And Social. The ac�vi�es which we do to keep workforce engage is sports, awareness session for health and finance, Yoga or Medita�on session , and also some CSR towards Society. We also encourage and help our client to hire


BS 2020’s MOST



MAHIP DWIVEDI Head Mobile Marke�ng & SEO Growth

Mr. Mahip Dwivedi is a digital marke�ng strategist with more than 11 years of experience. Mr. Mahip is well-known, renowned, and recognized in the industry for his digital marke�ng exper�se in the spectrum of niches with an extensive focus on Performance marke�ng, Mobile app marke�ng, New User acquisi�on, Revenue genera�on and Strategic alliances. He is currently absorbed in enhancing his skill-set even further and raise the bar of knowledge with the latest technologies by inducing technologies in the digital marke�ng domain. Being a highly self-mo�vated individual, Mr. Mahip has the unique ability to translate corporate goals into reality. Not only does he enjoys to bring ideas to life but also develops and maintains excellent rela�ons throughout the industry. Fascinated by the introduc�on of mobile marke�ng, he is passionate about the changes these new marke�ng strategies brought in the face of the adver�sing sector. He works diligently to understand these strategies and incorporate them with the goals he is ac�vely pursuing to translate goals in reality. With unparalleled dedica�on towards his work and being an enthusiast who enjoys every step of the process, he honors the work and the targets set by the organiza�on.

“I Think The Biggest Strength Is Dedica�on Towards The Work And Enthusiasm,” Mr. Mahip says.


THE MAN WHO IS DELIVERING SUCCESS As of today, Mr. Mahip is serving Flipkart and leads the Mobile App Marke�ng & SEO Growth Ver�cals. He manages new user acquisi�on and engagement for paid and organic sources.

“I started from a Sales background and always wanted to get into the digital side of

marke�ng. I had to change my career a�er 5 years when the opportunity came for Digital marke�ng at a company called Since then I have never looked back and focused on the skills that I would need to reach where I am today,

asserts Mr. Mahip. Prior to, Mr. Mahip was associated with as a part of the team who has launched the mobile App for BigBasket and contributed to reaching the milestone of 10 million downloads in less than 6 months via numerous marke�ng strategies. He was also associated with while managing their Performance Marke�ng and Strategic Alliances for almost 2.2 years. He has also worked with Brands like Kotak, Yahoo, Knight Frank India & HDFC Realty in the past exclusively focusing on HNI Sales, Account Management & Offline Marke�ng.

NAVIGATING THROUGH THE CHALLENGES We recently did a large-scale campaign on App Installs during Big Billion Day 2019, where “achieving and scaling 3X scale was the biggest challenge to acquire new users. We expanded to more than 60+sources and achieved the targets, ” says Mr. Mahip on the project which required him to be innova�ve and crea�ve. With the company focusing on �er II and III ci�es, there are a lot of opera�onal challenges. Not only Mr. Mahip have to make sure that the customers' visits site or app but also the customers do the transac�on.

has a great poten�al to penetrate the �er II & III ci�es with various “Digital Marke�ng strategies we adopted and acquired new users for Flipkart, ” he adds further.

| June 2020 |




BS 2020’s MOST





Healthcare has become one of the largest sectors in India – both in terms of revenue and employment. Usually, healthcare consists of hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance, and medical equipment. The sector is growing at a steady pace because of services and increasing expenditure by public as well as private players. It is one of the important sectors in any country as the niche is directly related to GDP growth, increasing employment, and of course, ci�zens’ health. Being related to health, the sector needs constant innova�on and tailored solu�ons to meet the requirements of clients and customers. One such healthcare company is Saarathi Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. which brings fresh and unique solu�ons to the table and thereby, enables high-quality services to the clients. Saarathi was launched with the sole aim of changing the healthcare deliverables in India to make it more valuable to the pa�ents. Over the years Saarathi has grown into a global company working on varied ver�cals in the healthcare space, but it con�nues to remain pa�ent-centric in all ventures. Saarathi Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. was founded with a vision to Democra�ze Healthcare World Over, and has always worked towards filling the gaps in healthcare deliverables. The company is on the mission to posi�vely impact all ver�cals of healthcare deliveries to ensure its vision, by building symbio�c rela�ons with all the stakeholders and crea�ng innova�ve solu�ons beneficial to all. The company was recognized as ‘Top 50 healthcare companies around the World’ at IFAH Interna�onal Forum of Advancements in Healthcare- 2019, Dubai.

“From Episodic to Preven�ve Care and Chronic Disease Management,” 20

A NEED TO BRING A REVOLUTION Incorporated in the year 2008 and headquartered in Mumbai by Ms. Ranjeeta Vinil – Director and Founder of Saarathi Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., a�er robustly feeling the need to change the healthcare deliverables in India when pa�ent-centric healthcare model was a novel concept. Sheer dedica�on towards this cause has won her an Entrepreneur Award: Pa�ent Solu�on – Eyeforpharma Awards at Philadelphia in 2019. With an unparalleled vision to ‘Democra�ze healthcare world over’, she has revolu�onized the niche. A great vision supported by a great team and culture which is aligned and a track record of 11 successful years is tes�monial to it. This is what Saarathi is all about.

The pa�ent-centric service was just a concept way back when Ms. Ranjeeta started, considering the complete variance to the exis�ng prac�ces in the Pharma industry. Over the years the acceptance of this model has been be�er, as the pharma industry has understood the value add to the pa�ents’ life beyond the prescrip�on. Today the company’s strength is its deep understanding of pa�ent needs which the company can fulfill through the clients who have faith in what it does. Remaining flexible and agile, thus opera�ng on the edge of the innova�on curve and grabbing every new opportunity that comes in way describes Saarathi.

RESOLUTE ENTREPRENEUR Ms. Ranjeeta is a management graduate in B. Pharma and a veteran in Pa�ent Rela�onship Management, a highly asser�ve professional, a do�ng mother and a confidant to pa�ents and caregivers sor�ng a reliable shoulder during their treatment journey. Since the beginning of her career, Ms. Ranjeeta had always felt strongly about the huge gaps in the Indian healthcare deliverables. She always worked and remained associated with innova�ve ini�a�ves like pa�ent rela�onship management which she felt could bring about the requisite change.

On her way to glory, she was detected with breast cancer at the prime of her career which only increased her convic�on even further. Pa�ent rela�onship management was s�ll a concept when she launched Saarathi and completely against the norms of the industry prac�ces then. Yet she persevered against all odds to make it a success. The results of which she had pioneered were so promising that it kept her going.

PERSONALIZED CARE FOR BETTER HEALTHCARE OUTCOMES Saarathi Healthcare offers personalized pa�ent care programs backed by CRM so�ware. Its services include Health coordinator, pill reminder, free drug assistance, counseling, guidance and apps for disease management, coordina�on for support with paramedics, doctor visit and care, point of care interven�on for screening and monitoring, home care, coordina�on for diagnos�c support and so on. Though the company’s prime focus revolves around pa�ents, it works with various healthcare stakeholders like doctors, paramedics, retailers, and caregivers to ensure adherence and regular monitoring in disease management for be�er treatment outcomes.

| June 2020 |




BS 2020’s MOST




Globaliza�on has introduced new technologies in every sector. Similarly, today the construc�on domain is also implemen�ng new techniques to build magnificent spaces by using the latest technology. Along with construc�on, the power sector is witnessing a growth as the world is leaning towards more sustainable energy resources as well as the construc�on space of these power sectors. Hence, the businesses around require unique and innova�ve approaches towards these spaces and TULS Corp is among those companies that proffer tailored services to meet the demands of every client. TULS Corp is a Project Management and Advisory Services company, based in Mumbai (Western India). TULS Corp Pvt. Ltd. (Erstwhile TULS Management) provides a range of high quality, cost-effec�ve project management, cost management and advisory services in India. The company operates in the Construc�on space and Power sector. TULS Corp. within 9 years has provided services to more than 100 Clientele and takes pride to men�on that out of them, 35 are repeat customers.

“Proffering Unique & Innova�ve Approaches in Construc�on & Power Sector” 22

STALWART ENTREPRENEUR Mr. Vaibhav Satpute – Director & CEO of TULS Corp. incorporated the company in the year 2010 in Mumbai with a noble goal to provide employment opportuni�es to the needy people coming from rural areas. Mr. Vaibhav is a passionate entrepreneur who loves what he does and keeps pushing himself to be excellent in his cra�. “My biggest strength is professional and personal rapport with our clients, employees, and vendors. I am a prudent risk-taker, like to delegate and decisive person. I believe rela�onship management, prudent risk-taking ability, delega�on, and decisiveness are my biggest strengths now,” claims Mr. Vaibhav. He has more than three decades of professional experience in the sector. Mr. Vaibhav is a Civil Engineer and has completed his post-gradua�on in Project Appraisal and Management from Maastricht, The Netherlands. He has spent most of his professional career in the energy and Construc�on sector – first as Engineer with Reliance, later with EMCO and therea�er as CEO of TULS Corp. He is a member of PMA, MIE, and a member of the Associa�on of Consul�ng Civil Engineers. Vaibhav is the mentor of CII -BYST, Pune Chapter. Since 2010, he is consistently adding value to his company and transforming it into a leading project management and advisory consul�ng firm.

“I have spent more than two decades of my professional career in a corporate set up. It was really difficult to leave a decent salaried job and begin a startup. Apart from low resources, you have to have solid pa�ence and self-mo�vator to push through everyday challenges. You need to change your habits and focus on your long-term goals,” states Mr. Vaibhav. By s�cking to important values such as transparency and being customer-centric, he has led the company to become a trustworthy firm for over 9 years. By deploying young engineers, maximum use of IT technologies, SAAS based services, mobile apps, keeping an excellent rapport with the clients and other stakeholders, Mr. Vaibhav has cra�ed a unique strategic approach to execute projects. These strategies have enabled the company to be cost-efficient, work speedily, proper coordina�on, streamlined project delivery, accurate documenta�on and overall profitability of every assignment.

“A�er gaining experience, we started providing services to large corporates, interna�onal companies, and Government agencies. The sectors we targeted ini�ally were Built environment and Energy space (especially Renewable Energy). Recently, we entered into Rail sector consul�ng. Another mo�va�on to start TULS was to create employment opportuni�es. I believe the younger genera�on has a lot of passion and energy to take up challenges. We have already started iden�fying future leaders and groom them to take up challenges to lead each ver�cal of our company.”

EXEMPLARY LEADER “I believe my leadership role is to mentor young professionals, who are more capable, passionate, ethical and fast learners. I want to groom these youngsters such that they are capable to lead and take up growing challenges, effec�vely,” states Mr. Vaibhav. “I am always passionate about grooming young professionals and due to this, I have been nominated Industry Advisory Board (IAB) of O. P. Jindal University. During one of such IAB event, I had to deliver a keynote speech to all young students and professionals at OPJU Auditorium. My speech was on ‘Industry ready Talent and your role model’, it was ecsta�c to see all young students and OPJU facul�es providing standing ova�on at the end of my speech. This was one of the most memorable incidents for me.”

| June 2020 |




RAPID SOFTWARE TESTING : Testing Approaches during these testing times! COVID-19 has hit the world like a storm, and as we write, con�nues to spread rapidly across the globe. The pandemic is affec�ng hundreds of thousands of people and is a major calamity to human life. Almost every country has reported cases, but the burden is dispropor�onately disseminated. No one can predict precisely the economic mu�la�on arising out of the current situa�on. Economists commonly agree that it will have severe nega�ve impacts on the global economy. As a result, Digitaliza�on is on the rise in every industry. DMEXCO study1 has revealed that 70% of respondents expect the coronavirus pandemic to accelerate the pace of the digital transforma�on. It has forced everyone to adopt new style of working and emphasized the need to carry out ac�vi�es digitally over the internet. The pandemic has put tremendous pressure on even the world’s richest and most powerful na�ons and their healthcare systems. Clinicians have been conduc�ng clinics remotely and providing medical advises to pa�ents using tools like AccuRX, A�endanywhere etc., Health insurance organisa�ons on one hand, find themselves in dreadful situa�on trying to cope with an increased volume of claims and customer requests. On the other hand, they are finding new ways to sell insurance policies. Organisa�ons have encouraged employees to work from home and educa�on ins�tu�ons have been conduc�ng on-line classes using conference and streaming tools. People have been purchasing essen�al grocery items using online portals. Stores, be it small local kirana stores or super-markets, are now leveraging online networks to deliver essen�al items to people in need. Every organisa�on has had to reinvent their approaches to serve the end customers in these different �mes and develop a different ethos of delivery. Changing �mes calls for a change in approaches too. With the digi�za�on surge, it is now important to ensure that so�ware applica�ons deliver the func�onali�es to customers without issues, considering the evolving business needs and dynamic changes to so�ware. Along with keeping so�ware error-free, it has also become important to test so�ware applica�ons rapidly and ensure that any defects are resolved quickly, so that customers have a seamless experience. Faster �me to-market with no compromise on quality & reliability, at a lower cost, is the need of the hour in the essen�al services segments. The challenges have increased many folds with non-availability of resources due to the lockdown. Needless to men�on that along with mighty challenge of dynamism, businesses con�nue to also face the typical tes�ng challenges such as incomplete coverage, inaccurate test cases, inability to test on mul�ple devices and browsers using the same tools, and poor data. Manual tes�ng and Time & Material payment models have proven inadequate than ever before, considering the unprecedented economic challenges. This is the �me to push ahead with automa�on of tes�ng.

FINALIZE YOUR TEST AUTOMATION PLATFORM STRATEGY Businesses are at the threshold of having to take decisions on the way forward in test automa�on. Whether to build it in-house or to look for a 3rd party pla�orm to support the tes�ng and test automa�on needs, has become a cri�cal ques�on to answer. Building it in-house can come with its own challenges of �me and costs, both of which are currently required to be kept to the minimum. While choosing a 3rd party tes�ng tool may sound like entering unchartered waters, the choice allows organisa�ons to increase their tes�ng capacity without expensive internal hires. Using the right automa�on tool is essen�al to deliver high-quality test automa�on. With technological advancements, test automa�on tools can now merge with rela�ve ease into an organisa�on’s exis�ng development cycle and help quickly run thousands of tests at once. When deciding on in-house or 3rd party, organisa�ons have to assess their current, pressing needs and also keep in mind the future strategy. 24

To help you, we have listed out essen�al points that have to be considered while selec�ng a 3rd party pla�orm to help you reduce product cycle �me and carry out tes�ng rapidly. 1) Ensure that the pla�orm has the capability to support Web applica�ons, mobile apps, desktop applica�ons, hybrid applica�ons, chatbots and Robo�cs Process Automa�on. It should also extend the capability to test legacy applica�ons as it consumes huge efforts in terms of tes�ng and test maintenance. 2) The pla�orm should support UI tes�ng, API tes�ng and ETL tes�ng. While UI changes occur rapidly owing to UX requirements, tes�ng func�onality using only the UI is not sufficient. So, tes�ng at the API level is important. When it comes to predic�ve maintenance of devices, for example, tes�ng the last mile using UI will be of limited value, and the pla�orm should be able to help with ETL tes�ng as well. 3) The pla�orm should offer uniform test model and processes across different types of tes�ng as it will make test maintenance, training, and adop�on easier. 4) The pla�orm should provide easier test authoring with the feature to have English-like test cases as it helps non-technical people interpret the test cases. This is another cri�cal considera�on. There are many pla�orms that only reduce the skill-requirement; however, they s�ll require a lot of people who have to feed the pla�orm with user story level details. Such tools will improve the situa�on a bit but will not support drama�c transforma�on. IDEs will enable automa�on engineers, but the produc�vity improvement is abysmal. 5) The pla�orms should not monopolise and should work in a federated environment. Users should be able to integrate it with their organiza�on’s ALM, should be able to use their choice of execu�on environment, should be able to connect to CI/CD environment, should s�ll be able to generate reports in the formats that you have standardised on. 6) The pla�orm must align with the current 5th genera�onal test automa�on framework that leverages machine learning. Let me hasten to add that it’s not about technology for the sake of it. It must ul�mately help with specific business goals. Look for pla�orms that help with regression suite op�misa�on, execu�on �me reduc�on, and that supports analysis of results. 7) The pla�orm should help users to keep pace with the changes in the so�ware applica�on. So�ware being the business differen�ator in the digital economy, goes through faster refreshes. Tes�ng cannot be a bo�leneck. 8) The pla�orm should support test driven development and behaviour driven development. This is where record and play based tools fail. 9) The pla�orm must be easy to use for a domain user without much training and without needing much technical background. Business Analysts, Subject Ma�er Experts, Product Owners, Test Engineers and Automa�on Engineers should all be able to use. Bandwidth constraints must go away. 10) Last but not the least, the pla�orm must be price sensi�ve. There were �mes when every company would have invested in an automa�on framework but struggled to produc�ze and could never achieve apprecia�on in automa�on. In the past five years or so there has been a lot of innova�on in the space of tes�ng and test automa�on. Today, there are players including in the start-up ecosystem, that are focused on tes�ng and test automa�on pla�orms leveraging cu�ng edge technologies. It is �me for businesses to embrace third party platforms than having to build one so that they can achieve scaled test automa�on. This will enable organisa�ons to focus on their core business and allow them to free up bandwidth and dollars at the same �me. Collabora�on and agility are the need of the hour!!

Vadeesh Budramane Author Details :

Founder & CEO ALGOSHACK 25

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