Business Masters Volume 2 - Jonathan George

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Jonathan George Tracks to Success and getting the results you desire is as simple as a well drawn roadmap. If you set off on a road trip, to get to your destination efficiently and effectively, you will need to create a map. Even when you are not entirely sure of every step, you can begin to make goal lists for daily, monthly, and yearly activities as well as deadlines to meet these objectives. You will start to add new things daily as they come to you because they WILL come to you. JOURNEY

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November 2018 • Business Masters Magazine

What habits have you committed to that keep you on the right track towards your goal? There are several things I do that keep me on track with my goals. These are the same things I use to help my clients to get the results they desire. Setting Clear Intentions The first step is setting clear intentions for what it is that you want. When you define your goals with extreme clarity, then everything you do from that point on is done with purpose and direction. Otherwise, it is just an idea that is left floating around in your never-ending sea of thoughts. You will be like a buoy bobbing in the water; never getting anywhere. I live in Hollywood, the land of dreams. I see and work with so many people who come here to make their dreams come true. Those who are successful have clear goals written out. Those who are unsure of what it is that they want are the ones who aimlessly wander around never making anything happen. People always ask me, ”Why it is that your clients do so well?” The main answer is that I help them discover and define what it is that they truly want. Once we set extremely clear intentions, they can become laser-focused on what they want to achieve.

Habits For a Rockstar Life Jonathan George

Just because you have clear intentions doesn’t mean that things are going to happen or that you will even know how to get from point A to point B. However, when you give focus to something and apply action, then answers come. And as the answers come, you will begin to build the roadmap to your end result. Roadmap If you set off on a road trip, to get to your destination efficiently and effectively, you will need to create a map. Even when you are not entirely sure of every step, you can begin to make goal lists for daily, monthly, and yearly activities as well as deadlines to meet these objectives. You will start to add new things daily as they come to you because they WILL come to you. The power of lists helps keep you focused, in control, and it keeps you working efficiently. People always ask me how I am able to accomplish so much in my life. Simply, it is because I have always been a list maker. Otherwise, I have too much creative energy in my head that will keep me in the clouds. With lists, I am able to chisel away each day at my tasks. It keeps me focused, on point, and helps me stay on track with my deadlines. When I have days where I feel lost or confused about what I am supposed to be doing, I look at my tasks and get re-centered and get back to work. Small objectives keep me from getting overwhelmed.

Simplify and Intensify Think about it. If you were able to cut something out of your life that was not serving a purpose and fill it with something that could improve your life or take your business to a whole new level, would you do it? Of course, you would! By decluttering your life of all the unnecessary information, material goods, relationships, and commitments, you will be able to make a greater impact on your goals. Here are a few ways you can simplify your life: • Clear your life of material possessions that no longer serve you, so you have a clean space to focus on what is important. • Clear your schedule of time commitments that do not serve your higher purpose. • Clear your financial debt so that you can have a clear mind to work towards your goals. • Clear the addiction to screens and limit the amount of time you spend on social media, TV, computers, movies, games, etc. • Clear your life of relationships that hinder you or bring negativity to your life. Surround yourself with those who motivate you and push you to excellence. • Clear out and limit the information that is constantly thrown at you via notifications, news, email lists, etc.

Make sure to write your tasks out and put it somewhere where you can physically see them. If you don’t constantly see what you are supposed to be doing, then you will quickly get distracted.


StarPreneurs- Build a High-Profile, Star Brand

November 2018 • Business Masters Magazine


Habits For a Rockstar Life Jonathan George

Keep Showing Up The key in all of this is- KEEP SHOWING UP! Day after day, show up and take baby steps towards your goals. Your circumstances might limit you. It might take you longer, but that is ok. If you keep putting in the time and energy, you will begin to see results.

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Do you recommend hiring a coach and how do you find the right people to guide you? If you want to maximize your success, regardless of what field you are in or what you are trying to achieve in your life, you need a coach. The most talented athletes in the world hire coaches to help them win the Gold. The most talented singers have coaches to make them sing better and to perform at their peak. The most talented actors in the world have coaches. What makes you any different? We spend more money on material goods than we do on bettering ourselves, which is incredibly mind-blowing. The Michael Kors purse or watch; the newest Nikes; the latest iPhone, etc…they are all material things that bring us instant gratification but quickly fade away. When you hire a coach, you are setting yourself up for a life of success. There are coaches in every facet of life- mind, body, soul, business, relationships, finances, performance, etc. A coach doesn’t just help you achieve success in your career, they also help you be the best possible version of yourself. I realize the cost of a coach can be steep but as my dad has always said, “Son, people pay for what they want.” And that is entirely true. If you want to achieve great things in your life, then you need to shift your mindset and give focus to what is most important. Get rid of the expensive car and work several extra hours a week if you have to so that you can afford it. If you can only afford to go once a month, that is better than not going at all. Do what you have to do to work with someone to get you to the next level. The pay off in the end will benefit you more than you can imagine. Finding the RIGHT coach can be challenging but just like you try on jeans…you are going to have to “try on” coaches until you find the right fit. You must work with someone who you trust, builds your confidence, is honest with you, pushes you out of your comfort zone, and keeps you growing and excelling. Don’t get frustrated and quit. Keep searching until you find the right person for you. You may also have several different coaches depending on what you are working towards. What other forms of self-investment do you recommend? It is not just about investing money; it is also about investing your time. It is up to you to ensure that you are the full embodiment of the highest version of yourself. There are so many ways to invest in yourself.


November 2018 • Business Masters Magazine

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Hire a coach, strategist, or therapist. Surround yourself with a tribe of people who keep inspired and accountable. Read books, watch videos, or listen to podcasts that get you inspired. Take online courses, retreats, group classes, seminars, or mastermind events. Meditate daily to quiet your mind so that you can receive answers as well as allow your creative mind to work. Connect with nature to keep you grounded. Do things that light you up and get you excited. Develop your gifts and talents and build new skill sets. Find things that will keep your mind, body, and soul balanced. Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Create a gratitude journal. If you wake up tomorrow with only the things you were grateful for today…you would quickly become aware of what you are blessed with. Last but definitely not least- Serve the world around you. Do good for others, animals, and the planet. This will have the greatest impact on your life.

As a high-performance coach, what do you do to stay at your peak level so that the people you coach, also stay at a high level? The most essential component for me is staying healthy and balanced - mind, body, and soul. I give so much of myself, so it is vital for me to remain charged and balanced. I also practice what I preach, which pushes me always to be better. I am constantly reading, studying, learning, and developing new skill sets. I also attend seminars, retreats, masterminds, etc. I have built a tribe of people around me who keep me motivated. I stay hungry for knowledge and newness in everything I do. I am also extremely creative, so I am always creating something new to add into my work to keep my energy flowing and inspired. It also helps me to stay on top of the current trends in technology so that it works best for me and those I work with. What happens to the most talented people who decide they need no one? I have been coaching successful talent for over 20 years. I am not saying coaches are Gods, but without fail, every single person who decided to do things on their own or to settle for a lower level coach, never reached their full potential. It’s not that they haven’t found some level of success, it’s just that they haven’t fully blossomed to their full potential. They are doing the same exact

Habits For a Rockstar Life Jonathan George

thing expecting a different outcome. It’s like watching a hamster in a wheel that never goes anywhere. I think the important message here is that everyone needs someone to keep them accountable and on point. Those who are serious and have the eye of the tiger understand the importance of investing in themselves and hiring the best. It separates the pro from the novice. It’s up to you to decide what side of the scale you want to be on. What happens to the people who do reach to you for help, do they develop strategies to enhance their outcome? I will be honest. I am not for everyone. I am brutally honest and straight to the point. I don’t take BS of any kind. I expect to receive what I give, and that is 100%. But if someone truly wants to achieve greatness in their lives, then we will work hand in hand to make it happen. The journey is so much more than developing strategies. I help them to overcome fears, old thought patterns, and embrace who they are; walk in confidence; learn how to get out of their own way; discover their why; create intentions, goals, and strategies; identify natural talents and abilities as well as develop new skill sets to make our natural intelligences shine; develop timelines; understand and embrace their authentic self; create what they want; etc. Those who really want greatness have to work through every aspect of their lives. You can’t just focus on one aspect and expect to reach greatness. You must be fully balanced. I talk about every one of these things in my upcoming book, How To Rock Life, which will be released in late November.

Exclusive interview with Jonathan

November 2018 • Business Masters Magazine


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