Attracting Leads

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Hey everybody, it’s Troy Aberle here again! Welcome to the Real Estate Masters Academy! I am honored to talk to you today about a topic that seems to come up a lot in our Real Estate mastermind calls, which is Attracting Leads. I know there’s a ton of people that get in on this topic, it’s a big conversation because people are doing different things in different areas and different communities, and it depends on what type of real estate you’re targeting. But the goal is all the same, how does one attract or find leads? I just wanted to chime in on one thing that I think everybody should really start doing, and that is looking at who is most attractive to you? Who do you really love to spend time doing business with? And who do you subconsciously try to be attractive for? I mean there is that person we want to be around and noticed by. Identifying the target person helps us to make things simple. So you need to answer that for sure.


Don’t worry about the money first. I know you need the money, I get all that, but look at, who your ideal customer is: • Is it a man? Is it a woman? • Is it a married couple? Is it a single person? • What is their career? • Hobbies? • Income? • Car? • Social media?

Figure out the exact job that they’re doing so that you know that too. You can probably see you can start to build this person on paper as your ideal client and you are really becoming laser focused on who they are right? And so, I’ll give you an example that will illustrate why I ask all of these specifics. I have a realtor client of mine named Pam, and she used to be a nurse but left after 26 years because she hated the job of being a nurse. Pam was happy to retire from but felt bad for the people she left behind, because she loved the community of people she worked with. So when she began her real estate career, and got certified she started working and soon found out she wasn’t able to attract leads. Pam hired me to dive into her business and figure out what was happening to here and who was her lowing hanging fruit to target. I quickly discovered that she had no focus on who she really wanted to work with and her time became very unfocused and unproductively spent. The big breakthrough for Pam was when we started looking at her past we discovered she had worked at the hospital for so long, that the only people she really knew were the people in the medical industry. And there the key was found! Here target audience is Nurse’s! She now has a group she has access to with credibility and familiarity of their needs! BOOM! I said to her, “Well, go visit every single place that has a nurse. Go talk to them and tell them exactly what you do, how you create transformation in people’s lives by providing them with better housing or you find their dream home, you do all that stuff, and you do it because you are a nurse like them too!” And so, Pam went in for sales calls during the nurse’s coffee breaks and started sitting down with people to share what she was offering. She also started going to different clinics like dentist’s offices because she really felt comfortable in the medical environment, because of knowing the language she could quickly build rapport. Now, some of you are going to say to me, “Well, what if I don’t know anyone because I am 22 years old, I’ve never worked anywhere so I really don’t know what my niche is?” Talk to your parents and tap into their history for ideas! Learn about their experience and see if they have a group that you feel attached to. You can go market to those friends of your parents. Simply put there’s something that you have in common with other people. Maybe it’s a hobby or special interest that draws you together, or maybe it’s a connection started through a family members relationship.

Here are a couple of examples to help you: 1. A hobby example would be; maybe you’re into radio control cars, there’s a whole group of people that need houses there too. So use your hobby as a connection leg to your client. 2. There are people that work in one of the plants or factories that work at General Motors or other factories, they need houses or invest into rental property. 3. People who love to golf, go to the course and hang out there too if you love golf! There’s some niche that you would love to help and you don’t realize it is sitting right there.! Find an interesting group that you are a customer of even and go investigate them. Find out what are the problems you can solve for them for finding their house. And if people claim, “Well, you know what, I’m in a house. I can’t afford a different house right now,” that’s fine. But you can find ways of doing that because one of the things ... I’ll just go into the ... into somebody, a blue collar worker, that really is just trying to make ends meet and whatnot, maybe you can help them with some education on how to get ... pull some money from somewhere, and get that down payment, to get that revenue property. You can really teach them how to do that. Same with nurse Pam, right? Pam was able to actually help one of her clients This client and her husband always wanted to have a duplex for a revenue property, and didn’t really know how to do that. And so, Pam was able to show them how to do that, because she applied her skill of becoming resourceful and got herself and her customer setup with training. So, I think attracting leads is a lot easier than what we think. I get it. It’s really competitive. There’s people buying leads online or with electronic software. But the more people you target and the more you understand that niche, you can do Facebook posts, you can do your Instagram photo promotions, you can go on LinkedIn, and you can source people out, and you can go get to know the people at these different places of business. If you’re going to go and talk to people that work at the auto parts store, go take a box of donuts and go sit down and tell them about exactly what it is that you can offer them and why you stand out amongst the other realtors in your community. Tell them that you create powerful teams, that will provide solutions before they ever become a problem and that you complete tasks that are often a pain. Make sure that you’re solving all their problems, like helping them find insurance and financing, find them moving companies or contractors, etc. I think as you do that and you build that relationship up, and it’s really powerful when evaluating the impact. If people do refer you to different leads or warm clients, honor them with giving it your absolute best shot. And give them gestures of thanks for the referral. Obviously they believed in you, buy them a lunch, or get them a clock to hang up on their wall with something, with your name inscribed on it with class, but something that brightens up their day. You know, that just says, “Thanks for making someone’s day wonderful.” There’s just so many different ideas rumbling through my head and we can talk about that in one of our ... in group coaching classes. But there is something that I really wanted to tell you, and that is that I don’t believe you have to buy leads. Right now, there are so many people that think it’s just numbers, numbers, numbers, and I’m telling you, you can get past all that noise and have low numbers but killer satisfaction. I don’t care if you go and you meet every single human being that works at corner stores or beer stores or gas stations, whatever, go find a niche and find out everything about them. Find out the problem that they’re

trying to solve. What makes them want or not want to call a realtor? What makes them intrigued, or why would they buy a revenue property, or how could we upgrade their house, or all those things. Go and find out what it is about their housing that causes stress and remove that stress. I think there’s a lot of different people in many industries that we can go talk to, and bring the business proposal to them, rather than just hunting them for thousands of dollars a month on online software. I think we have to get back to the basics of actually treating people like humans and do it that way before Amazon starts selling houses, because there is a lot to that. And even on the high end properties, going through and really talking to people, even in retirement areas, where people are going down to some of these big, fancy retirement areas, high end, multimillion dollar homes. There’s still targets of niches that you can go in and find out who they are, what are their problems they’re trying to solve. And we can dive into that too. Some of these areas are tougher, and I’m not going to deny that. But I think for the majority of people, for every day people that are trying to buy and sell homes, I think that we can simplify this a lot better. So, I look forward to talking to you more about it. I know that this can be a controversial one because people say, “Well, I try and try and try.” I’m just telling you you’re not speaking the right language. You’re not building rapport with the right people, you’re not attractive to them. So, build that power team, become attractive, be a full service company that can do a lot and we can get into that more deeper too. Please just send me a PM, click on the link below and let’s get a bigger conversation going. I want to really help you, because I do this for people all the time. So, I really want to add value to you too. So, till next time, I look forward to hearing more about your success and thank you again for taking the time to watch this video.

Thanks! Troy Aberle

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