Business Masters Volume 2 - Alex Dee

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Life Hacker

Alex Dee Going through challenges that life throws at you provides opportunities for growth that may have not been apparent before. The best way to overcome any anger and deal with things that are affecting you emotionally is to reflect on them! The process of self-reflection is going to have the biggest impact on being able to make quick daily adjustments based on identifying obstacles that are blocking you from reaching your goals emotionally or tactically so you can overcome them. REFLECT

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Success Hacks Morning Routine

Have you ever wanted to get up and going and set your day up for success? Where you are bursting with energy, excited about your day, and super focused so you can have the most productive day on all sectors? Be it emotional, physical, mental, financial, or spiritual! Alex Dee, Founder of Success Hacks and Online Entrepreneur Academy, knows what it takes to kickstart the day in your peak state and setting your day up for success from the get go! Alex had started out with less that $462 in his checking account less than 3 years ago while living in his mom’s condo! But going thru those challenges, Alex made it his life mission to discover the root patterns to all successful people! And less than 3 years later, he was able to build several successful seven and eight figure online businesses, including one that teaches others how to become a successful online entrepreneur. After reading over 3000 books and listening to 2000 podcasts, Alex has developed a morning routine that shares the common patterns of what most successful people do. From billionaires to top performance athletes to thought leaders, he’s taken the best of those and setup the what you may been looking for to get you in your most productive state.


November 2018 • Business Masters Magazine

Success hacks Alex Dee

So here’s the breakdown! Step by Step! Alex shares it’s not only doing it but also the order in which you do it is important. And Set aside an hour in morning before you start your day for this kickstart your day program! So here it is: 1. Make the bed first! This is important as it gets you to start your morning with a win! The very first task you had is checked out and gets your mind mentally off to a positive state of achievement! 2. Go to your sink and splash cold water on your face and make sure you get some in your eyes! This is called getting your physical state into shock and waking it up so it’s in an alert state! 3. Read – 10 mins – While business or personal development books are good, the best books to start your day with are spiritual as they give you the big picture of what you want to create at a larger scale and plug into the source of why you’re doing what you do! 4. Wash up – 10 mins – floss, brush your teeth, and mouthwash – while you’re doing this, it’s important to listen to what we call subliminal success messages that reboot your mind for success. These are audio tracks that you can download or listen to on youtube. As far as a few good sources, There are tons of great ones out there you can listen to for free or get customized ones done. One of the best is Joseph Clough who has over 8,000,000 downloads. This will get your mind in the right state to begin the day! 5. Affirmations – 5 mins – Along with hearing what you’re wanting to create, it’s important to actually speak into existence who you are becoming by putting it in the present tense! For example, On my wall, I have I am best selling author and speaker, I am one of the largest followed people on social media, I am a loving husband who provides for his family, I lead by example and teach others how to reach their full potential. The key is to speak it as your words have power and you’re declaring to the universe not just what you want but what already is and thanking God or the universe in advance for receiving it. Having you speak into existence what you’re creating has a cognitive effect on your mind that’s different than just reading it or hearing it! So make sure to say it out loud each time!

Exclusive interview with Alex

6. Meditation – 10 mins – I believe over 80% of the successful people I studied said the #1 habit they attribute to their success is meditation. I was never big on meditating and had a challenge getting my mind to calm down when I first started. And now, after having practiced meditation for last few years, it not only allows my mind to calm down, but I have some of my most creative ideas come during the process (so make sure you have a pen and paper or the notes section of your phone ready to jot them down as they come up!)

November 2018 • Business Masters Magazine


Success Hacks Alex Dee

7. Visualize – 10 mins. – One of the best hacks I’ve seen out there from visualization comes from James Lawrence, the Iron Cowboy! James ran 50 iron man in 50 states in 50 days! He is a testament to what the human body and mind is truly capable of when we feel we’ve reached our capacity. During the podcast with James, an interviewer asked him, was there ever a time you wanted to quit? He said yes! On the 30th day with the 30th iron man, my body had worn down, I was physically exhausted, crawled up in the fettle position and started crying. The interviewer responded what got you back up? The Iron cowboy said I started thinking of all the reasons I was doing this, my family, my community, the non-profit cause I was supporting, and keeping my word. One reason by itself was not enough, but when I put them all together, it was strong enough to get me back up and do the next 20 iron mans in 20 days to finish what I started! I was trying to figure out how can I hack what he felt emotionally so I can have that type of motivation as part of daily process! So here’s the hack: take all the pictures of the people and places that have a deep meaning to you along with success quotes, pictures of you with those who are your mentors or idols, and any pics of you being successful, on stage receiving award, etc. Then open the app imovie on iphone and create a movie out of it. Add your favourite music to it and voila! You now got a movie of all your whys that will get you emotionally SUPERCHARGED each day. What makes this so powerful is this affects you emotionally between the pics and music which is touching on several different senses vs. just a vision board, for example, and because the pictures and quotes have a special meaning to you personally, they will have a deeper effect to you taking action toward your goals! 8. Journalling – 5 mins – The best way to overcome any anger and deal with things that are affecting you emotionally is to reflect on them! I journal about the day prior, what were the things I did well, what are things that affected me negatively emotionally, what’s some different ways to think about the same circumstances in the future where it doesn’t slow me down. This process of self-reflection is going to have the biggest impact on being able to make quick daily adjustments based on identifying obstacles that are blocking you from reaching your goals emotionally or tactically so you can overcome them. And it’s been proven journalling leads to less stress and better mental health as you take out all that emotional noise from your mind and leave it all out on paper! 9. Gratitude stacking – 1 min - This one is one of my own hacks! Back when I had lost everything and moved back in with my mom, I really felt like I had hit bottom! And I had nothing to be grateful for! I remember attending a Tony Robbins course and he said live your life by having appreciation vs. expectation. So I decided to make a list everyday of 3 NEW things I was grateful for. I figured being able to think of 3 new things would challenge me to see what I could find. So the first few days were my


November 2018 • Business Masters Magazine

mom, fiancé, and a place to live. Day 2 was car to drive, $462 in my checking account, and meals to eat. By Day 3-10, I covered a lot of family and friends, which I had never really took the time to be grateful for. By Day 11, I started looking at new things like the air I breathe, the beautiful ocean I got to live near, and trees. By the time I got to day 20, I started to realize I had a lot more to be thankful for than I was consciously aware of. So this exercise is great to make you become aware of just how abundant our lives are and everything we have but just don’t pay attention to. And operating from that space of abundance will have you thinking better creatively and feeling alive emotionally.

Success Hacks Alex Dee

This concludes your Success Hacks kick start your day! And best part is you can knock this out in an hour! For those who get their exercise in the morning then this is a great way to get the physical movement knocked out for the day! 1. Movement – 30 mins – I work out 6 times a week and switch from weights to circuit training to jogging to yoga so I get it all in for the week to cover the 3 aspects of living strong physically! Strength, flexibility, and endurance! A great additional benefit is to listen to a podcast or audio track on an area you’re wanting to build in your life (business, relationships, health) where you can nourish your mind while building your body! This is what we call productivity stacking or ability to do two productive activities at one time! Now you’re ready to rock your day! We have what we call the 21 day challenge where we’ve had members do this for 21 days and report astounding results. I recommend start doing this for a week and I promise you the outlasting benefits will make you wonder how you ever lived without doing this! And here’s a few success hacks on how to end your day: 1. Write down the 3 things you’re grateful for that day and then 3 wins you had for the day! So often we end the day by reflecting on all the things we haven’t done. It’s important to reinforce the positive things accomplished in your mind so you’ll want to take action towards creating same type of results tomorrow! 2. Write down everything you’re wanting to knock out for the next day and prioritize them in the order you’ll be knocking them out. This way, when you go to sleep, your mind is free to rest and not think about a checklist for the next day. This will lead to a more peaceful and deep sleep which will allow you to be more productive the following day! 3. If you have a problem you’re wanting to solve, ask your

subconscious mind the question you’re wanting to solve before you go to sleep! This period your subconscious mind is not distracted and will actually work while you sleep to solve that problem for you. And you’ll have an answer the following day. Now some people say waking up an extra hour early is a lot to ask for! After all, we’re all busy individuals. Can we do this on day in and day out? To this I say, here’s the best results hack! The most successful people I’ve encountered are more in love with the process of what it takes to get the outcome than the results itself. So what I’ve learned is fall in love with the process of what it takes for you to get the outcome you’re seeking than the outcome itself. And what will result is your transformation. And the goals were seeking will inevitably be achieved because they just become a byproduct of your transformation! To sum it all up, using this Kickstart your day Success Hack morning routine will get your better results, more peace of mind, greater creative ideas, peak state energy, and clarity on where you’re headed and why you’re doing it! To watch a video of the full interview with more details and bonus hacks not mentioned in this article, go to: alex-dee-interview-issue-2 For those of you who’d like to get more access to Alex Dee and quick success tips: Success Hacks on FB Success Hacks on Instagram Online Entrepreneur Academy

November 2018 • Business Masters Magazine


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