G.K. Hills profile

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f the many people working in importantly for its clients, however, Alberta’s oil and gas industry, the popular tank inspection company there are a handful like Beth delivers their unique 64-point (per Brueckner, to whom it is a passion. With tank) inspection reports in as little as 30 years experience in the sector, includinclud seven days (as opposed to the previprevi ing valuable experience as an Energy ous standard which was measured Resources Conservation Board inspector in months) all while meeting the clicli and more than 10 years as a sought-after ent’s Integrity Management and fiscal industry consultant, her enthusiasm is budget requirements. G.K. Hills Tank unrivalled. Brueckner, the focused and Inspection also assures peace of mind dynamic founder and principal of G.K. that the tank and associated equipequip Hills Tank Inspection, has an unmistakeunmistake ment is in regulatory compliance and able affection for the industry and her not in jeopardy of being shut down. company’s niche specialty. Not only do they complete reports in In her quietly composed way, weeks, their system boasts more attenatten Brueckner explains that with the tion to detail and lower costs than the Beth Brueckner, Principal growing awareness of environmental competition. impact, more and more companies are The general consensus in western implementing Integrity Programs. Enter G.K. Hills Tank Canada is that G.K. Hills Tank Inspection is transforming Inspection, a company designed to meet the rising need for the way upstream tank inspection services are handled. streamlined processes in oil and gas industry. A little over “We are entering an interesting era – everyone expects a year since its official launch, the company is growing real-time results and information sharing has to be fast. quickly as it’s welcomed by industry thanks to an absolute Add to that a growing corporate and public awareness of adherence to quality, safety, efficiency and value. the benefit of reduced environmental impact. And it’s not With extensive experience reviewing inspection reports just local, we operate in a global market, as an industry, we for pressure equipment and tanks, Brueckner sensed more have to demand the best efficiencies.” and more industry demand for tank inspection services As Beth Brueckner intended it, the innovative comcom that were faster and more cost-effective for clients. She’s pany has uncovered a vital opportunity and responded still not sure if it was opportunity or intuition that trigtrig with a faster more reliable way to provide a cost-efficient gered the company. In any event, her unique ability to inspection service that has proven repeatable and consisorganize the work flow and see the big picture has given tent. Brueckner reiterates in her understated fashion, “the her a running start and she hasn’t looked back. The facts emphasis on excellence and proficiency is the cornerstone confirm it. There is a large gap in industry understandunderstand of our commitment to our clients.” ing and adherence in regulatory areas, specifically where With its unprecedented growth, the success story that upstream tank inspections are concerned. is G.K. Hills Tank Inspection begs only one question and Over the course of a decade, while working as a conit has nothing to do with the industry or the inspection sultant, Brueckner performed extensive research and of tanks. Clients (and even the competition) invariably eventually created customized proprietary systems which wonder about the company name! Did Brueckner buy the are unique to G.K. Hills Tank Inspection. “I bring to the company or does it belong to someone else? table an innovative and stream lined system that allows us “People are a bit surprised but G.K. Hills was my late to fast-track tank inspection services while aligning with uncle! He consistently stood for integrity and told me the Client’s Integrity Program,” she says. “Our little inside to always treat people with respect,” she explained. “He joke is that we can deliver completed reports faster than passed away but in a small way his legacy lives on. I the competition can dry their ink,” she adds, tongue in named the company after him because his values ARE the cheek. company’s values: integrity and respect respect.” So how do they do it? For starters, G.K. Hills Tank Inspection applies state-of-the-art technology to the API 12 Series construction design, ensuring no inspection overkill. More


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