Cirque: A Literary Journal for the North Pacific Rim, Volume 11, NO. 1

Page 118



Hades and Persephone sobbing. Orders from Hades. Orpheus walking out of the Underworld with Eurydice.

ORPHEUS (cont'd) Hades told me that I could have Eurydice back. But I'd have to walk the whole way back to the living world with Eurydice right behind me. He said that if I looked back, she'd be gone forever. Walking. The joy and excitement of Orpheus. ORPHEUS (cont'd) But right when we were about to get back, I ... Orpheus looking back. Eurydice disappearing. ORPHEUS (cont'd) I thought about how much I loved my wife. And I looked back. And she was gone forever.


THERAPIST Do you play the lyre for anyone else?

The trees bend to listen to Orpheus' music. ORPHEUS No. I used to play the lyre for everyone. But not anymore. I was so good that the trees would bend to listen.

Illusion halts. Eurydice turns back into the urn. Orpheus' FAMILY looms over him.

THERAPIST How does your family feel about -- this? Shots show a robed man on a mountain. He's playing a lyre. ORPHEUS Well, I don't really talk much to my family anymore. My dad's Apollo. God of music. A guy that busy doesn't really have much time to spend with his son.

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