bUneke Magazine Issue 24

Page 17

By Sayandeep Biswas

Teens Can Save Earth Discuss

Blue Whales

Blue whales are the largest animals that have ever existed on Earth. They are incredibly huge and weigh as much as 150,000 kg, which is almost equivalent to the weight of 30 elephants! Blue whales are found worldwide. Larger whales grow up to 33.5 meters in length. Typically, they have long mottled, graycolored patterns that appear to be light blue when seen through water.

Krill, a kind of small crustacean, form the major diet of blue whales. These marine animals can eat about four tonnes, or 1,000 kg of krill every day. There are numerous other interesting facts about blue whales, but the saddest one is that they are endangered. The animals were almost extinct at one point, when the International Whaling Commission declared them a protected species in 1966. The main threat then was commercial whaling, but today, it is climate change. The changes in the marine environment have

badly affected krill, and this in turn has led to a fall in the blue whale population, too. The presence of toxic substances in sea waters is another factor contributing to this.

Everyone can work together to save endangered animals. Educate yourself. Awareness is important. We should be mindful of what happens when endangered animals become extinct. Social media is one of the greatest places to spread awareness. Never purchase goods made from endangered species. Before buying souvenirs, know what you are buying. Products might

be made from animals that are protected or endangered. This includes artifacts made from ivory, tortoiseshell, and coral. Some products may be made from the fur of endangered animals such as tigers or otters. Medicinal products can contain animal parts. It is not uncommon to be offered animals for sale, such as monkeys, tortoises, snakes, or lizards. A number of plants are also endangered or protected, such as cycads. Do not pick wildflowers. When it comes to nature, leave only footprints, and take only pictures. Learn more! https://www. treehugger.com/facts-aboutblue-whales-largest-animals-everknown-earth-4858813


Sayandeep Biswas, from India, founded Teenscansaveearth, inspired by younger people who work to save our planet. He aspires to be an environmentalist and a neurosurgeon.

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