bUneke BREVARD Magazine Issue 1

Page 24




When other people throw things away or donate them to thrift stores, I find Uneke ways to use them again.

If you’re like me, you don’t want to be weighed down with carrying an extra sweater or jacket, just in case you might get cold. I found a lightweight, inexpensive solution to that! Almost everyone has a t-shirt that may not fit around the hips, or was a souvenir and you can’t bring yourself to throw it away. It seems I’m always buying a sweatshirt from every city I go to, so being

cheap, but chilly, when I found myself needing a little extra cover-up, I went into a souvenir t-shirt shop and found a rack of irregular rejects for $1.99 and got the largest one. I borrowed scissors and cut the front straight down. I ended up with a vest-type overshirt that I could cover my shoulders with and take the chill off! You can also upcycle an old t-shirt from your collection and keep the cut shirt in your car for when you need a little cover-up. No sewing needed!

Add fringe if you like. Roll it up and put in the trunk of your car, or if you carry a big tote, drop it in there. You’ll hardly notice the extra weight and you’ll have the perfect amount of coverage the next time you’re in a chilly restaurant or taking a moonlight stroll on the beach, wishing you had brought a jacket. Thanks to my daughter, Tiffany, for being my model. ,


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