Bukambibig Volume 1, Issue 2: Resistance

Page 23


He looked at his status to respond, but when he searched for her account, a saw sudden lightning flashing before his eyes: “Add friend.” “Batch, wouldn’t you want to listen to me first?” II. There’s nothing to worry about for her Facebook reply saying “Let her suffer from her sins. It’s not misogynistic. It’s about her immorality” seemed sensible and kind. As expected, her friend replied, “Even if it’s true, the video has no room in the honorable chamber of the House.” Agitated, she commented, “That’s her karma. She humiliated and damaged our Father with her lies.” Bothered, she closed the conversation, opened new sites, then she received a reply, “Is the video event relevant to the case?” In a span of few seconds, she replied, “Yes, it will prove her connection to the criminals. And if not, why is she so hysterical about exposing it? Why is she so defensive? It’s an evidence for the accusations against her. I know, you are either a YELLOWMONGER or a DRUG ADDICT. Why are you supporting her? She supports those criminals. They must all be killed.” Unfriending him came to her mind despite being batchmates. She has known him since high school. Without a doubt, she does not want to see hate posts about her beloved leader. Thus, she decided to unfollow him. She opened his account, saw the sunflowers in his cover photo, and his reply that shouts, “Neither. Again, even if the accusations are true, it is still humane to give her respect.” Angered, she replied, “Why backing a dirty politician? Why can’t she just admit all accusations? I wonder, are you a DRUG ADDICT or a YELOWMONGER?” Realizing that her friend does not know anything of the ill doings of the immoral woman made her decide to unfriend him. Thus, looking at his profile, she saw an enticing lightning flashing in her eyes: “Unfriend.” “Batch, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Elsie C Albis • 4

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