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MAIN OFFICE: (Mock Giles) 7l I D o Phone Glenwood 4-1854 . TWX Son Rofoel 25

DISTRIBUTION YARD: (Art Bond) Highwoy l0l Cloverdole,Colifornio o PhoneTWinbrook 4-2312

Sonto Gloro Volley Hoo-Hoo Club Honors Prentice Miller on Promotion

Santa Clara Valley Hoo-Hoo Club 170 honored Prentice Miller, the club secretary-treasurer, at a Ladies Nite goinqaway party held at the Red Coach Inn, the evening of June 18. Prentice, for many years associated with Chase Lumber Company in San Jose, will be transferred to the corrugatecl division of American Forest Products Corp. in Los Atrgeles this month.

More than 25 couples attended the event, which got underway at 6:39 p.m. with cocktails. Prentice and his wife were given guests-of-honor positions at the head table during dinner, following which Club 170 President Bob Buckley presented the couple with a desk set in appreciation oi Miller's devotion to club affairs, and as a reminder of the many friendships the couple had made during their stay in the Santa Clara County area.

L.A. City, nry Hif $8S million In June Buildingi '59 Record Seen

Both Los Angeles city and county set new building records in the month of June. The city's $54,791,353 in permits compares with $52,433,125 last June, and the county's $30,235,687 passes the $22,095,817 of. June 1958. The San Fernando Valley continued to lead all districts, with $I82,I45,577 in this year's first half, compared with $111,965,651 in the last year's same span. The leading county area was Hawaiian Gardens, with 504 permits at $3,339,500.

Gilbert E. Morris, general manager of the Building and Safety Dept., said the record for the fiscal year ended June 30 is more than $60 million above the previous year and the highest ever recorded in any fiscal period at $595,917,920. The city's permits in the calendar year's first half totaled $340,043,925, against $304,884,661 in-the same 1958 span.

TECO to Reorient Reseorch Activities

Recognizing changes in the research market which have become increasingly apparent in the last several years, and anticipating new opportunities and greater need for technical services in fields independent of actual laboratory operations, the Timber Engineering Company, affiliate of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, will reorient its activities in the'coming months to better serve the lumber and wood products industry. The change in emphasis will feature TECO services already well established in quality control and in administering and spearheading industry-supported technical programs on data development.

The change is a further step along the course chartered by the Board in 1958 to direct TECO efforts toward testing and quality control and toward the mass lumber markets, such as construction, as distinguished from basic research.

Concluding 16 years of operation, the Washington phase of the Timber Engineering Company laboratory operations will cease this winter. Meeting in Atlantic City June 3, the TECO board of directors decreed that the interests of both TECO and the lumber industry would best be served by discontinuing the Washington laboratory and directing TECO efforts to other phases of technical work.

Chairman of TECO's Board and President. Mortimer B. Doyle, noted that the laboratory had "played a very significant part in solving problems for both industry and government, and in establishing research as a valuable tool for the wood industry, just as in other fields."

Plywood quality control and testing work by TECO laboratory men in the Northwest will continue and the existing Western facilities will be augmented to better serve present and future clients.

William H. Scheick, vice-president, continues in charge of TECO technical activities and will chart the direction TECO efforts take in continuing to serve the lumber industry which founded the company through NLMA. The action by the Board on the laboratory in no way affects TECO's engineering and products sales activities, which continue under the direction of Ralph H. Gloss, vicepresident.

Instoll Bennett 2-Woy Pqnel Sqw

Latest purchasers of the Bennett 2-Way Panel Saw equipment, reported by Wayne C. Frvine, Dealer-Service, Atascadero. Calif., include Southland Door & Builders, San Diego; C.B.S. Plywood, Oakland, and Fred Kelloway Ilardware, Walnut Creek (a division of Baily Lumber Co., which owns five units).