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Shipmenis from Relioble Sowmills of


L.C.L. REDWOOD from Yqrd



87Ol Wilshire Boulevord (Suire 2OO) Beverly Hills, Golilornio

Oleonder 5-6312

Rclph DAIES, Buyer Ukiqh, Gqlifornia

Hobbs Wall has eoergthing you need

. kiln-dried redwood siding, ffnish, panels



. unusual size and grade speciftcations in green or dry redwood

. merch and utilitv as well as clear heart cut stoclg split stock, shakes

For prompt, courteous service-or price information-get in touch with Hobbs Wall now!

SCRTA Grode Commitfee Problems

(Continued from Page 2) calls from dealers asking him for information as to the areas where White Fir and Redwood Studs, Sheathing, etc., will be accepted by the building departments. This takes a lot of Erik's time and yet someone must be in a position to answer their questions. Some time back we did some work on a chart giving this information which we had hoped to distribute to all of the dealers. This way they wouldn't have to call Erik every time they had questions about the grades and species they could ship into the different areas. After we got it pretty well along, we decided against using it because, while in some areas they would accept certain grades, others wouldn't, and we thought it might be too confusing and get some dealers in trouble.

Another thing that bothers us quite a bit is the lack of cooperation on the part of retailers. A good example of this is that in a neighboring city the building department issued a bulletin to the effect that Utility grade lumber would not be tolerated in that city for roof sheathing or subflooring. This has now been corrected. The fact still remains that not one lumber yard in the area notified Erik of what had happened. He had to hear it from the wholesale representative of the Grading Rules Committee.

We all know this shouldn't happen ! Every so often a building department official will take it upon himself to issue a bulletin like this, and you can't expect Erik to do any- thing unless he knows about it. Information should come from a retail yard and as quickly as possible. I imagine some of the yards in that area knew about it the day it came out, but it was a tveek or two later before Erik knew of it.

There is still lots of work to be done. We are going to ask West Coast Lumber Bureau, WPA, CRA and all of the.other agencies to furnish our Association with printed copies of the accepted grade stamps so that they can be mailed to the lumber yards as well as the various building departments for use by their inspectors. This will enablE f_.- _t9 ide-ntify any bootleg stamps that appear on jobs. The chief of the Orange County nuitding Department, Mr. Donahue, asked us at a recent meeting foi such information, and also wondered why we weren't getting more publicity in the trade journals regarding bootleg stamps. They need and want any information we can give them that will be helpful.

As you may know, there have been grading schools con- ducted by Carl Ramstrom of WCLB and which were promoted by Erik. These schools have been conducted in lumber yards from Santa Barbara to Indio for the purpose of educating lumber yard employees and the building inspectors in the areas. I know the building inspectors appreciate this effort-possibly more than the employees of the lumber yards.

If you will cooperate, wholesalers and retailers alike -and have faith in the grading program-many of the problems facing us will be solved in the months ahead. We need your cooperation-financially and morally- to keep this necessary program active as it has been for the past five years.

Your Association has had Erik on the payroll for quite some time-three years to be exact-trouble-shooting when necessary for you fellows who have had problems with the building departments. He has had a tough job trying to keep everyone happy. He has done a good job and we will need him for some time to come. I would like to have all of you pitch in and do your part-this is your program and we must keep it going. We can do it with the help of each and every one of you.

Wood Conversion Compony Joins Lumber Deqlers Reseorch Council

Wood Conversion Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, is a new sustaining member of the Lumber Dealers Research Council. The company manufactures and distributes through retail lumber dealers a line of insulation board products marketed as Nu-Wood, as well as a flexible blanket insulation trademarked Balsam-Woo1.

Wood Conversion manufacturing facilities are located at Cloquet, Minnesota, and Riverside, New Jersey. The company was founded in l92l and is recognized as a leader and authority on insulation products for the building industry.

Lumber Dealers Research Council is progressing to a cooperative educational and research program with Wood Conversion for the future benefit of -ttrJretail lumber industry. Plans as they develop will be announced to the industry.

Sond Door Joins NHIA

The Sand Door & Plywood Co., Los Angeles, has ap- plied for active membership in the Nationll Hardwood Lumber Assn.