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num "House of Ease," June 20, at its site in the Mills Estate, Burlingame.

The two civic officials were ioined in the ceremonv bv two key members of Reynolds Aluminum, Albert M. Cole, !g_t*gl Housing & Home Finance Agency administrator, Washington now executive vice-pre-sident oi Reynoldi Aluminum Service Co., and W. O. Yates, vice-president of Reynolds Aluminum Sales Co. and Pacific regional salesmanager.

- Ttrq B_urlingame 'model home" is one of 43 now being built in key cities. It features a package of more than 20 "maintenance-free" aluminum prbducti including roofing shingles, -siding, windows, insulation, trim, facia, flashing; gutters, downspouts, ductwork, hardware, thresholds, naili, root vents. etc.

lhe lackaSed aluminum home was built by Pennington and Teague, formed last November by R. W-. Teaguef design _c_onsultant to some of San Francisco's leading blilders, 1"q -W. N. Pennington, who has a long backgroind in the builders'_ supply field. Their previous jo-int building venture was in the Portola Valley area adjacent to Westiidge.

Another "House of Ease" is underway now in Palo Alto by _tb" Dolg Couch building group. It -was to open about mid-July- The Mills Estate irdaet is said to be ripresenta- tive of about 30-40 more to come in the Millbrae tract, all tqqty{"S _the Reynolds aluminum package and in the $35,000-$45,000 price range. It is the -first Juch venture in this area.- It is reported that the package increases the amount of metal used in the home from 50 to 2.500 oounds but the overall percentage of aluminum in the house still will not be of major proportion. The ranch-type model just built has three bedrooms, two baths, a family ioom and iwo fireplaces.

Ad Men Join Fibreboord

Appointment of Howard R. West as manager, advertising and sales promotion, Fibreboard Paper Products Corporation, San Francisco, is announced by Jack L. Davies, director of marketing planning. West's most recent posi- tion was senior account executive with Campbell-Miihun Agency in Minneapolis.

Appointment of Frank Wilson as "Pabco" brand advertising manager at Fibreboard was also announced. He had been creative director for the Wyman Company in San Francisco prior to joining Fibreboard.

Lew Godard of Hobbs Wall in San Francisco visited Los Angeles the first of July and brought with him Jack Crane, Larry Hanscn and Bill Johnso,n of the S.F. sales staff to inspect the modern facilities of Independent Building Materials Co. in Torrance, where Bill Upton and Don Jewett were hosts on the special safari.

Ed Seward, who has been with Orban Lumber Co., Pasadena, since 1950, is back from a 3-week trip by train to his 40th class reunion of Dartmouth unive.rsity in Hanover, N.H., and side trips to Montreal, Vancouver and Portland, where he visited his daughter and her family. At the school reunion, Ed greeted Ernest Rautenberg, now an executive with The Celotex Corp., Chicago.

Arcata Redwood's Paul Ward, being a connoisseur of roadside signs from way back (like many another traveling man), spottecl this gem on his last run t,hrough the 'terri- tory: "Fruit's Goose HatcheryPopular, Calif."

Word reaches the Mainland of the "crowning" of Horace Wolfe, Los Angeles lum,ber wholesaler, as "King of the Coco Palms" on the island of Kauai during his June trip to the Hawaiian Islands. Kamaaina Wolfe has visited "the Garden isle" so many times the past few years that they decided this summer to make him an honorary part of the place.

Rounds Lumber Company Veep Harry Merlo visited accounts in the east and midwest the week of June 29.

Bob Osgood, L.A. wood products importer, entertained a group of business associates at the new Sheraton-West "Executives Club" for luncheon recently. Ed C.rowley's new businessmen's club is considered one of the finest in southern California and the cuisine is reported perfect.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Woodson took leave of the Bay area for a June week's vacation at Lake Tahoe and Reno.

Lloyd Webb, softwoods division manager of E. J. Stanton & Son, returned to L.A last month from a" short vacation trio with his son Tom. The boys did a busman;s holiday, visiting Ukiah, Mollala and the Cloverdale area, where fishing and lazing were the order of the day.

Frank "Fairplay" Billings .was in Chicago for a June week on Cal-Pacific Redwood business.

Lynn Hansen, executive of Hansen Forest Products Co., Studio City, locked up shop last month for a week of fishing in the High Sierra with his wife. Didn't even take the kids !

Paul Tehero, purchasing agent for Western Door & Sash Co., and his family vacationed in southern California the first two June weeks.

Ida Cunner, "girl Friday" at MarquartWolfe Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Husband Ray entertained friends last month on a "trip" to "Little Tokyo" and the famous local "Ginza." After the top Japanese cuisine, there was dancing till all hours.

Oakland Dealer Lu Green of Garnerston & Green Lumber Co., and Mrs. Green recently flew to Dallas to attend the National Credit Congress, following up their stay there with an auto trip through Arizona and visits to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas.

Elmer Padula, sporting a brand-new Piper Comanche, along with E,. A. Padula Lum,ber's Bob Vice and Campbell, Calif., Dealer Ken O'Neill, flew up Canada way during mid-June to relieve Chilka Lake and Lake


Tsunnia (250 miles north of Vancouver, B.C.) of a total of 143 beautiful big trout.

Dealer "Slim" Hightower of Fleming & Hightower Lumber Co., Los Angeles, furnished the Dodgers boxseats (without attending himself), and Mary and George Clough furnished the friends for a lumberfolks picnic in Exposition Park before a game last month. The "appetizers," fried chicken and shrimp were swell, and even Les Steffen got in on the action, but the cause was lost when Manager Alston pulled Koufax in the l2lth inning.

Joe Todd, Zook Todd and Hollis Jones are happy to report Lyle Walker on the mend now in Oakland's Veteran's hospital. Lyle was stricken earlier this year but will be back at his Western Door & Sash desk before the end of the year. o for every wood for every purpose

Blood donations are urgently requested for M. A. "Arch" Freitas, wlio is listed in critical condition at Kaiser hospital in Walnut Creek following an auto accident on Danville highway, near Walnut Creek, June 26. Since the admission to the hospital of Mr. Freitas, head of Eureka Mill & Lumber Co. in Oaklancl, a team of physicians has rbeen constantly with the lumberman. Due to the nature of his injuries, "Arch" has received more than 20 blood transfusions and is still leceiving them. According to Kaiser officials, blood donations may be made at any Kaiser Foundation hospital anrl credited to the account of Mr. Freitas at the reouest of the donor.

..The 'demtrnd for stain is in' creasing steadily. Be ready to serve all the needs of your customers wi th the c omplet e line of Olympic stains . .for both exterior and interior use. Olympic Stain is perfect for shakes, shingles, sicling and fences, as well as interior woods.

NCLC Votes Affiliorion Wirh Internofionol by Overwhelming Moiority ond Stqrts New Activity os Humboldt Hoo-Hoo 63

With the issue of whether to affiliate their club with the International Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo as the main business, the general membership of the Northwestern California Lumbermen's Club met the evening of June 19 at the Eureka Inn to decide the question. NCLC President Tobe Moehnke, of Brightwood Lumber Co., presided over the big attendance.

After hearing a stirring talk by Supreme Nine Custocatian Jack S. Berry on the history and purposes of Hoo-Hoo, and an explanation from Northern California Deputy State Snark Hugh Pessner of the mechanics of organization, the members voted overwhelmingly in favor of affiliation.

The visiting Hoo-Hoo dignitaries appeared at the request of President Moehnke, who, with Vice-President Iay Gamsby and Treasurer Harold Freedin, felt that association with Hoo-Hoo International would attract many new members to the Club as well as greatly enlarge the scope of activities and increase their interest and value to present members.

The club voted to adopt the name Humboldt Hoo-Hoo Club 63, but anticipates drawing members from adjacent lumbering communities in Mendocino, Del Norte and Trinity counties. President Moehnke announced the appointment of Art Milhaupt, Phil Dubaldie and Hank Jacobs as a committee of three to arrange chartering of the new club and the first Concatenation.

With the vote in favor of International affiliation, NCLC becomes California's newest Hoo-Hoo chapter, a worthy addition indeed. The NCLC has been functioning for many years as a social organization in the area and is well known throughout the industry as the sponsor of the annual Lumbermen's Stag Day and Golf Tournament, held in Eureka everv vear and attended bv as manv as 700 lumbermen. President Moehnke announied that there will be no change in this or othei traditional events sponsored by the nerv Humboldt Hoo-Hoo Club 63.

The latest government estimates indicate 426 billion board feet of sawtimber in the Douglas fir region, enough to build 40.5 million average size American homes.

For Detoils of Olympic'r Moior Deolcr Progrom, wrilc 0rYtPtG sTililED

ORiole 3-35OO

Lowson Joins Georgio-Pclcific As Redwood Coordincrtor

Georgia-Pacific Corporation has appointed William E. Lawson, E,ureka, California, as general coordinator and advisor for its California Redwood timber, production and sales operations, announced President Robert B. Pamplin. Lawson was general manager of Holmes Eureka Lumber Company until its purchase by The Pacific Lumber Company in 1958. For 4f years prior to that, he had been vice-president and general manager of the California opera- tions of Simpson Redwood Company, and had previously been resident manager of Rockport Redwood Company for some years. He was born at Point Arena, Calif., and educated at Humboldt State College in Arcata, Calif. Active in industry projects, he is a former director of the California Redwood Association, past president of California Forest Protective Association, a member of Humboldt Countv Harbor Commission and a member of the advisory board of Humboldt State college.

Avert Boy-oreo GorpenterStrike

A threatened strike against members of the Associated General Contractors by Bay-area carpenters was averted in San Francisco, June 29, after attorneys told the union


members they were bound by a legal contract. Secretary Bartalini of the Bay Counties District Council of Carpenters said a meeting had decided that no "economic action" would be taken. The AGC announced June 25 that it would meet the 68f-cent,3-year wage increase negotiated by six other employer associations but would not join in signing a group bargaining pact.

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