1 minute read

Transportation and forest products share interests

By Kathy Schultz Vice President TMX Shipping Portland, Or.


I products are closely related in the Northwest with statistics showing that of all the lumber shipments sent from the western region to the United States markets last year 54.6s/o traveled by truck, 40.80/o by rail and 4.60/o by water.

A close relationship has developed between the members of both industries with the exchange of ideas and sharing of mutual problems fostered to some extent by the number of transportation clubs in the Northwest area that include shippers in their membership. A listing of these clubs includes:

Transportation Club of Portland, Inc.: Formed in 1912. Current membership 280. Members represent rail, truck, air and marine industries plus shippers representing all kinds of commodities and products. Activities include monthly lunch meetings with programs and/or speaker; scholarship awards; joint installation of officers with the Portland Traffic Club. Mailing ad-

Story at a Glance

Forest products transporta. tlon problems . . employees of two industries share mutu. al concerns . . . clubs foster exchange ol ideas.

dress: P.O. Box 3283, Portland, Or. 97208. Pres. C.M. "Marty" Richmond, Hawaiian Marine Lines.

Women's Shipping Club of Portland, Inc.: Formed in 1958. Current membership 209. Members represent rail, truck, air and marine industries, with membership open to all related support services. Activities include monthly dinner meetings with programs and speakers; annual transportation and trade workshop; boss of the year award; summer field trip to a port facility. Mailing address: P.O. Box 4521, Portland, Or. President: Mary Schroeder, Ataka Lumber America, Inc.

Delta Nu Alpha: Formed in 1956. Current membership 82. Members represent the ranks of business, education and government as well as college students. Activities include programs. Mailing address: P.O. Box 2831, Portland, Or. Pres. Larry Morgan, Delta Lines.

Portland Traffic Club, Inc.: Formed in 1937. Current membership 125. Members represent rail, truck, air and marine industries plus shippers. Activities include monthly dinner meetings with programs and speakers; fund raising for education and charity. Mailing address: P.O. Box 1027, Portland, Or. 97208. Pres. George Charlan, Niedermeyer Martin.

Other clubs in Portland connected with the transportation field include Portland Shipping Club, Propeller Club of the United States, Portland Steamship Operators Association, Inc., American Society of Traffic & Transportation, National Railway Business Women's Association, Air Cargo Association, Oregon Trucking Association, Inc., plus other clubs indirectly related to the transportation industries.

Ms. Schultz is a good example of the close tie-in between the forest products industry and shipping. I{er background includes nine yeors with Ll/eyerhaeuser Co. as supervisor of documentation and seven years with Viking International as operotions mgn She is octive in three transportotion clubs as well as several other monthly dinner meetings with pro- organizations-ed. grams and educational speakers; selection of "transportation person of the year;" educational and career