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Club Gets Football Forecasr

pROFESSIONAL football star Leslie r ooSpeedy" Duncan, San Diego Charger's defensive halfback, was the guest speaker at San Diego Hoo-Hoo club 3's annual sports night.

Duncan explained filmed football sequences for club members, held a question and answer period and gave a forecast for this fall's season.

Chairing the event was Frost Hardwood's Milt Olsen. Door prizes were won by Chuck Hampshire, the club secretary, and Don Shilling. The club has held a number of successful events so far this year.

Chow Breqk Becomes q lifescnrer

A dinner break probably saved the lives of 30 swing shift workers at Pickering's plywood plant at Standard, Calif., on March 16, when a huge laminated beam gave away at 8 p,m. during a savage storm bringing down a 60 x 128 foot roof section and dumping several roof mounted cyclones and blow pipe into the plant.

Bill Willis, swing shift foreman, mustered his crew following the roof collapse and incredibly found no one missing. Pickering attributed the cave-in to storm conditions-rain which soaked sawdust on the roof, plus hail and high winds which lashed roof-mounted blower equipment.

Clean up and emergency repairs brought the plywood manu{acturing facility back to near full production the following week. Permanent repairs to the huge roof system and full operating production wer€ not reached until April 18.

NALS Voles Nome Chonge

The name of the National Association of Lumber Salesmen has been chaneed officially to the National Forest Products Wholesalers Association, Inc.

The name change was voted to more accurately describe the association's functions and membership.