2 minute read


By FRANK DAVIS SecretaryManager

nNE OF THE finest educational training

V courses that the federated associations have been exposed to in a long time for the training of building material employees, is the programmed learning course on construction, estimating and blueprint series; cooperatively sponsored by the Weyerhaeuser Co., The National Lumber and Building Material Dealer Association and its federated state and regional associations.

It is a revolutionary new home study course scientifically designed to upgrade the employee's knowledge and to boost sales.

The course includes fourteen booklets on the subjects of foundation and flooring wall frames, ceiling, roof, stairs, exterior finish, interior finish, residential blueprint reading, material takeofi, post and beam construction and high rise construction, The coat of the course is $150 per enrollee.

The Arizona association is going all out in urging our retail and wholesale members to have their employees take the course.

This is being done by a five page mailing, personal interviews with dealers and wholesalers, and by displaying the course at our annual convention which was held May 9-I1.

It is the opinion of yours truly, that continuing education of building material employees is a must in today's market. The aggressive dealer should take advantage of all the educational programs offered by his association.

This may be the deciding factor in whether he will be in business five years from now.

More FR lumber Used in Phoenix

Wood impregnated with chemicals that make it fire retardant has been used extensively by the J. C. Penney Co. in a Phoenix, Ariz., shopping center. It is the first major use of such wood in a Phoenix commercial building, although it has been used in sev' eral Phoenix industrial installations.

More than 78,000 bf. of Non-Com fire protected wood was used for studs, plates and blocking as well as for frarning around heating duct openings.

Non-Com is a product of the forest products division of Koppers Co., Inc.

Redwood Size Chonge

The Redwood Inspection Service says that as of April I, standard dressed thickness for 2" nominal redwood dry or green became l5/g". This is a change from the previous l\/^t' or thicker material which will still be available from some mills on a buyer-seller agreement basis.

Clubs Holding Nqtionql Confqb

Hoo-Hoo-Ette Club 8 (San Francisco Penninsula) will be the hostess club for the sixth annual National Hoo-Hoo-Ette Convention. The convention is scheduled for May l7-I9 at Rickey's Hyatt House. Palo Alto. Calif.

Lumber gals from all over the country are welcome at this gala event,

Club Elects New Officers

Two recent events spotlighted the doings at Hoo-Hoo-Ette Club 10 (Inglewood, Calif.). Company night featured an Irish Jig bv Vivian Dowall, Ed Fountain Lumber Co. National President Bettv Jones and her retailer husband Jim jetted from San Francisco to attend.

At the monthly meeting, these new officers were ele<:ted: Louise Hays, president, L. H. Eubank & Sons; Judy Fial, lst vp., Saroyan Lumber Co.; Doris Sims, 2nd v.p., Crenshaw Lumber Co.: Eleanor Pechstedt, 3rd vp., Sanford-Lussier, Inc.; Mildred Dutton, secretary, Penberthy Lumber Co.; Hazel Panza, treasurer, Joslin Lumber Co,; Mary Vaczi, membership, Rossman Lumber Co.; Mary Sheldon, correspondence, Mullin Lumber Co.; and Ever' Hane|, publicity, Ben F. Gosser Constmction Co.

Point in Squore Cons?

Dutch Masters Paint & Chemical Co. contends its new square cans {or paint "will touch off a revolution that will change packaging in this country forever." Meanwhile, a square paint can, the company calculates, Iakes 35/o less shelf space than a round can, according to a story in the WalI Street lournal.