3 minute read

introduces the "profit ceilingf'

look up! There's o big new profit opporiunity overheod ond it's oll yours! More residentiol. institutionol ond commerciol construction is swinging to the "open-beom ceiling" look every doy ond thot's lhe one reol ceiling syslem lhof you hondle exclusively.

Toke odvontoge of this open-beom trend now! Promote the quolity "Open-Plon" design ideos of Western Wood ond you'll move plonks ond beoms through your yord fosf!

Just moil the coupon ond we'll send you oll the free builder-home buyer "Open Plon" merchondising moieriol you'll need including brochures, envelope stuffers, disploy bonners ond rodio/TV spots thot sell builders ond prospective homeowners olike on the whys ond hows of quolity living with Western Wood.

Publlgher A. D. Bell. Jr. Edltor

David Cutler

Assoclete Eilltor and Ailvortlrlnc ProduoSlon RiEhard Heckman

Clrculatlon DeDartment Martha Emery



MEx Cook, advertlsing and new6, 420 Market Street, San Francisco. Callfornla 94111, Phone (415) Yukon 2-4?97.


Teil Tlss, advertlslng and news, 412 West Sixth Street. Los An- geles, Callfornia 90014, Phone (213) MA 2-4ffi5 or MA 2-06?0. NEW YONI(

Hal l(. Poritz, advertlslng and news, 369 Lexington Ave,, New York. New York 10017, Phone (212) MO 1-0380.



MATERIAI,S MERCHANT is pub. lished monthly at 412 Woet Sixth Stroot, Los Angolos, Callfornia 00014. Phone (213) MAditon 2-4566 or ]}IAdlEon 2-06?0 by Callfornla Lumber Merchant. Inc. Please address all corresDondence to Edi- torial Offices. Sbcond-class postage ratesr pald at Los Angeles,_Cal. Advertl8lng rates upon requesl Subscriotion Rotoe-U.S., Canada, Mexico- and Latln Amerlca: $4one year; fl - two Years; $9 - thlge vearb. overseaa: E5 - one year; $aiwo years. slngles copleq 50/. Back coples 75l when avallable.

Chanse ol Adilroes-Send subscrlp- tlon orders and address changes to Circulatlon Department, Western Lumber & Bulldlnf Materlals Merchant. 412 West Slxth St., Los Anseles.' Callf. 90014. Include ad' ilress label lrom recent issue ll posslble, plu.s ne!, address, zone number or zlp coce.

The Morchant Magozlno Eerve3 the members of the:- Arlzona Retall Lumber & Bullders SUPPIY A88o- ciation. Phoenlx; Lumber Merchants' Assoclatlon ol Northern California. Los Altos; Montana Buildins Materials Dealers A88ociatlon,- Helena: Mountaln State8 Lumbei Dealeri Assoclatlon, Salt Lake Citv and Denver; Lumber Assoclatlo-n of Southern Calllornia. Los Anseles; Western Bullding' MaterialS Assoclatlon, Seattle'

THE MERCHAIIT is an i.nilepenilent ,nagazine pubkshed nlotuthfu for those ,nernbers of the lu,mber an'd' build,i,ng materials industri,es who need and wa,nt factual, accurate news and an obiectiae ana,Wsis of eaents and products of concern to thern i,n busi,ness.


It's Whqt's Hoppening, Bcby

OME IMPROVEMENT is what's happening. May is National Home Improvement Month and if you're not already tied-in and ready to swing with the action, you had better get ready.

Unlike National Forest Products Week, which is almost uniformly a failure across the West, National Home Improvement Month comes sailing in every year looking bigger, brassier and better than before.

Well-financed, coordinated and directed, the promotion is backed by a blue ribbon list of the biggest names in home improvement. Operated through the National Home Improvement Council, the promotion works for the lullest development of the remodeling industry by representing not only the lumber and building materials dealers, but the builders, contractors, manufacturers and associations.

The council points out that last year, more than $13 billion was spent on home improvement and that other sources indicate that a $69 billion backlog of modernization exists in the United States with an additional $16 billion developing each year.

So we think that it is probably safe to assume that out of all those billions of dollars tlat there is more than enough for all concerned. A safe conclusion, surely. But are you getting your sliee of that action now? Or maybe you are making a few bucks, but realize that there is a lot more where that came from ?

Well, this is your chance to either get started from scratch or to expand what you have already done. Don't make the mistake of sittine there and saying to yourself, "May is nearly over, maybe I'll do it later."

Many dealers have already received, some time ago, the first of a series of promotional mailings that gave the information needed for dealers to get in on the action. If you didn't get the mailing, or didn't take advantage of it, do it now. Call your supplier, or a manufacturer if there is one nearby, and get the facts from them. Also take a look at the public service ad (that means we don't get any money for it) The Merchant ran last month on page 39. It has a coupon you can send in.

Most all of the nationally-circulated consumer magazines that relate to home improvement, do-ityourselfing and the like have run, or are running in the current issue. stories that create a desire in the public to duplicate in their homes what they see in the magazines. You may have already recognized some recent inquiries as coming from these magazine articles.

So now what do you do, how do you turn all this into sales? Good question, and the complete answer to that would probably fill a couple of hundred big, fat books. We do, however, know what we think should be your first step. Write the National Home Improvement Council, 11 E. 44th St., New York, N. Y. 90017 and get their $4.95 posr paid packet on how to promote home remodeling. (See pp.B-9 lor denils.) It is a real dandy, you'll find your fin returned many times over if you'll follow the expert advice contained therein. And you can't find a much better deal than that around town.