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San Diego meeting

Greets new Cats

qAN DIECO'S ar.tire Hoo-Hoo Clulr \J Three transformed fir'e kittens into fullfledged felines at their recent annual concatenation.

New members are Bob Abbott. Genr Huckstead, Don Paradise, Gene Piercc and Bruce Willel Bill Olmstead of Mission Valley Lumber chaired the event.

Manning the degree team were: Clyde Jennings, Bill Olmstead, Bud Baker. Bill Harvey, Ron Angelo, Chuck Hampshire. AI McAlpine, Milt Olsen, Bob Croy. Al Frost and Don Schilline.

Weyerhoeuser Mon Honored


(Cont,inued lront Pu,g,e 6) torr l'r't'nt'h Lumbt'r Co. on April l. l9(rl tApril Fool's l)ay, lid likt's to jokt').

It wasn't mut:h to slarl. with. Jrrst a nrndown old harn on the rear of the nlnserv pr'ol- er-ty and enough yard alea for somt' galdt'n redwood and constnrttion lumbt'r. but with plenty of hard rvork and a lot o[ imasination French ]ras trans{ormed his "barn" into a first class lt'tail building materials operation.

In fact, everyone is happy. Grant Bur'ton feels that the yard has definitelr helped his nursery husiness. French gets tremendous exposure from Burton's big nursery trade. and most of all the cusl()mers are plcased with the t:omplete oncstop j ('tup.