1 minute read

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Dear Dave,

Thanks very, very much to you, Max Cook and The Merchant for the wonder{ul photos of our Redding Concat.

After battling the small 8page Log & Tally, I dedicated myself to an all-out effort to obtain permission from the HooHoo Board to get a 16-page magazine. After writing to Al Kerper, who in turn contacted Max Cook, I called the printers and "stopped" the Febrrrary and March issues pending our next meeting. The 16-page size won handsdown.

The main topic of our meetings-between-meetings in Chicago was the Redding "affair." It is simply the greatest thing to happen in Hoo-Hoo for quite some time. Your firm's coopera- tion is tlrly appreciated, not only in Redding, but by all the International Officers and Directors who attended. We appreciate your cooperation more than you'll ever know.


Barbara Lee Taylor Assistant Treasurer Hoo-Hoo


Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Dear Dave,

After conducting a whirlwind series of seminars in marketing and sales throughout Europe, I am taking time out in timeless PortugaI.

The quiet pace permits reflection and an opportunity to think of you and say hello.

George N. Kahn "Smooth Selling" Sintra-Estefania



The Merchant

Dear Mr. Cutler,

I have just read the Febnrary 1967 issue of the MERCHANT in which appeared the stories of our new log dolly and pnrlpwood Yardster with retractable forks.

Thank you very much for your interest in our products. We found particularly pleasing the delightful pun of a headline, "Hello Dolly!"

Again, thank you.

Very truly yours,

Jim H. Curry

Public relations assistant Taylor Machine Works Louisville, Miss.