7 minute read



Redwood Region Conservation Council-May ?'10, 16th anrrual junior logging conference, Crescent City' Calif.

Inglewood ffoo-n:oo-ptte Club 10-May 11, monthly meeting' SunnY Lee's, Los Angeles.

Arizona Retail 'Lumber & Builders Supply Assn'-May 11-13' King's Ransom Motel, Sedona, Arizonu ,

Southeri Oregon Timber Industribs Assn.-May 12, business meeting, Rogue Valley Country Club, Medford' OregoL

Black -Bart'Hoo-Iloo Club 181-May !7, Railroad Nite, Rondeveous Restaurant, Willits.

Sacramento Iloo-Hoo'Club 109May 1?, dinner meeting, Robinhootl Caterers, Guy Spence chairman

Los Angeles Hoo-Iioo Ciub Z-May 19, Old Timer's Night Lakewood Country Club, Lakewood'

Oakland Hoo-Hoo Club-39May 19, annual Reveille and Golf Tournament, Castlewood Cbuntry Club, Pleasanton'

San Diego Hoo-Iioo Club 3-May 19, Old fimer's Night and dinner, Randro Bernardo Inn.

Los Angeles Hoo-Iloo-Ette Club l-May 19-21, 5th annual national coniention, Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Ilollywood, Calif'

San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club 9-May 26, monthly luncheon, Gino's Restaurant.


Lumbermen's Annual Invitational-June 2, Alta Sierra Country CIub, Grass Valley, Calif. Dewitt Smith chairman.

Albuquerque Lumber Merchandieers Assn-June 7, steering committee, Village Inn Pancake House, Albuquerque, N.M.

Inglewood' Iloo-Eoo'Ette Club 10-Iune 8, monthly meeting, Alondra Club, Lawndale, Calif.

Los Angeles IIoo-IIoo Club 2-June 9, monthly meeting, Palos Verdes Country Club, Palos Verdes, Calif.

Black Bart Hoo-Hiro Club tgt-Iune 10-11, annual family weekend, Hobergs Resort.

California Redwood Assn.-June 12, directors meeting, CRA Ofrce' San Francisco, Calif.

American Plywood Assn.-June 12-14, annual meeting, Gearhart Motor fnn, Gearhart, Oregon.

Redwood Inspection Service-June 13, directors meeting, RIS Office, San Francisco, Calif.

J. $tAilIoil & $uu INCORPORATED

19300 South Alqmedo Compton, Colif.

SPruce 4-2220

4770 Dislrict Blvd.

Vernon, Gqlifornio

Phone: lUdlow 9-5581

Fourth Annual Forest Industries Marketing C,onferenceJune 14-15, "Today's Markets", University of Oregon, Dr' Stuart U. Rich.

San Joaquin IIoo-Hoo Club 3l-June 16, Sports Day, Kingsburg Country Club, Bert Dennis chairman.

Salt River Valley IIoo-Hoo Club ?2-June 16'17, two day tourrtament and banquet, Hassayampa Country Club, Frescott.

Sacramento IIoo-Hoo Club 109-June 21, dinner meeting, the Itobinhood, Capital Plywood and Capital Lumber Co. sponsors.

Ilumboldt Hoo-Hoo Club 63-June 25, annual picnic, G-P Grove on the Van Duzen, Ken Noble chairman.

San Diego IIoo-IIoo Club 3-June 25, golf tournament, place to be announced.

Pacific Coast lY'holesale Hardwood Dietributors Assn.-fune 26-28, Ilarrison Ilot Springs, Vancouver, B.C.

Tfie Key Corporation

191 No. Lil.ac. Box 189' Ridn, Cahil. Tdeplwne Area Coile 714 ' 875-20ffi


HE S'I'OR\ is told that I(/irtston (llrtrrt'hill ltailt'd a cab ont' t'r't'ning in tht' Wcst lird ilt Lott<lon. ar-rd ordert'd tht' cabbit' to drivt' him lo l]lJ(]. rvlrt'rt' ltt' u'as schedult'd to deliver att atldt't'ss.

"SrirLt'. Sir'." said tht drivt'r'. ''vott'll have to get yoursel{ another cab. I t'an't go that far. You st't'. Sir- Mr. Churchill is br'oad<'asting itt ittt ltottt and I got to gel 'ome to 'ear 'im ott the ladio.''

(llturchill was s() plt'ast'd. thal ht' handt'd the cabbie a pound not('. at which tlrt'fcllorv sltoutt'd: "Hop in. Sir. I'll takc vou [() Iill(1. To ht'll u ith ( lhrrrchill l'' .:i -:!

'l'lrt wt'atlxrl hatl bttn abominable fc,r' str,'eral davs in il row. antl Jonts was tltorrtrghll displeast-d rtith this ilttt'r'[t'rtrtt'r' witlt his golf gamr'. "l'irtt'weatherl'' he snortctl. "lt t'ortl<ln't b,'mttt,lt rvorst if lht gort,r'rrmt'r)l was running itl"

-\[olrammed is admiltrl fol having raist'd himst'lI llonr u t'itrrtt'l rlrivt'r to a lxrntiff. a legislator. aud a lnottttt't'h: for having strlrrlut'<l Arabia. u'hit'h had nt'vt'r bt'[olt' bt't'n srrbjrrgalt'tl : [,rr ltar'ing uivt'rt tlre fir'sl chec'k to tht'Roman l,mpirt'iIr llrt'llast. arrel to that r,{ tlrt Persians. lJut Iadmirt'hinr still ntott [or ha'r.irlg kr'1it ptact' itt his ou'tt hortst'" amottg ltis rvivcs. Voltailt'.


Old Growth Redwood, Shorts P. E. T. Green Commons, Dry Uppers

JACK DIONNE 1882-1966

And somt' modeln trulh-t('ll('r'. speaking of t'conomius. sa\ s that the r('ason a dollal won't do as much lol people as it ottt't' did is simplv lx'c'ause pt'oplc won't rlo as nrrrch f,rr a dollar as thev once rlid.


As palt o[ tht'gradual.ion t'xams in English. t]tt'studttrts llt'rt' usked to u.ritt' a blief dt'linition of a self-made matr. A brightt'ycd vourtg ladr'. rvrott' this one: "A self-madt' nran is likt l st,lf-madc cigurettr'--t lot o{ Bull rvrapped in trartspat't'ttt r'ovcr."

ii j,! ii

Jamcs A. (,alfit'ld said: ''Poverty is ttttcolttfortable, as I t'ittt tt'stify: but nint'times out of ten the best thing.that can happt:tt to a youllg' matr is to bt' tossed overboat d irnrl <:ompt'llt'<l t,, sink ol su'im fol himst'lf.''

A small-town nervspap('r' <:alrit'd a half pagt' ,rf rvhilt' spac,'. in tlre center o{ whic}r \t'as set in vt'r'r'srnall t1'pe: "1'his spac,' belongs to Jim Brown. wlt,r rvt'ttl fishin!r rlith tht' <'opr- in tris pocket."

"There are a rnilliorr wilvs of bt'irtg \\ r'()ng. btrt ortlv olt(' u'tt\' to bt' right." Alislollr'.


Lorge Timbers ond Wide Sizes

Our Speciolty








Wholesqlers Eye Investment Return

"The'distribution risk is as, great, if not greater, than the production risk. The return on investment of wholesalers should be as good as that of suppliers. It isn't, and I think it's to a large extent our own fault.?'

So stated Paul L. Courtney, executive vice president of the National Association of Wholesalers at the recent NAW annual meeting in Florida. National-American Wholesale Lumber Association is affiliated with this parent association and maintains liaison with NAW through J. J. Mulrooney, executive vp of NAWLA.

Courtney said the wholesalers' dollar volume is growing faster than that o{ retailing and, in fact, faster than the gross national product. He said that the dollar volume of wholesaling was up 12 percent from 1965-1966.

He believes the reason for the rapid growth of wholesaling is that most sophisticated suppliers are analyzing marketing costs more closely and are discovering that the "least cost" method of distributing goods is through wholesaler-distributors.

New Federql Timber Policies

The Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service have revealed plans for uniform timber sale and appraisal policies and procedures,

The five points of the program are: (1) Establish uniform appraisals methods between the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. (2) Conduct a review of bidding pro. cedures in the highly competitive Douglas fir region in Oregon and Washingon. (3) Develop a uniform system of measuring forest products. (4) Continue past prolit studies of federal timber purchases. (5) Indicate appraisal factors to be reviewed when a significant difference between appraised and bid rates exists in a region for more than three months.

New UL Plywood Roting

Underwriterso l,aboratories has accepted softwood plywood grades manufactured under Product Standard PS 1-66 as interchangeable with lumber in all UL wood frame floor-ceiling assemblies {ire-rated to one-hour or less.

This action adds validity to specifications for l/r't standard. plywood with exterior glue, and 5/"" rongae-and-groove interior underlayment grade under such resilient finish floors as tile or carpet.

Plywood also may be used in either the underlayment or the subfloor layer of a floor system in combination with l-inch lumber products.

Sierrq Club Gets Clubbed

When the Sierra Club launched its campaign against the pro' posed Colorado river dam at Bridge Canyon, Ariz., it unwittingly put the Hualapai Indians on the warpath.

The dam would be on Indian land and would bring tourists to the remote reservation. So the Hualapai called the turn.

Said the tribe chairman, George Rocha: "W"e are tired of having our homeland kept a wilderness to give Sierra Club members a place to run away from their own world."

Big Ooklqnd Annusl

Oakland Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 will hold its annual Reveille May 19, at Castlewood Country Club, starting with the golf annual at 9:09 a.m. There will be prizes for all categories of golf.

The cocktail hour features the Topless Tootsie*r and their Hippie Happening Fashion show, followed by a top sirloin dinner and a top notch show.

Annuql Sofety Awqrds

Ar<trta lit'rltoorl Cornparrv has won thc (1. I'roph1- Iol 1966 for the lrt'st oler-all safctl 'fhe trophl uas tru'ardcd bv Stanlcl' HrrL'tt" conrmittt'e chairmtrn of tlrc

C. ll. Johnson Accidcrrr

Pn'r t'ntion Committec aurl al,.o safet)' di rcr:10 1 ol Willits llcdrvood Pnrdrrr.ts Compan.v, at thc organi- $ zation's spring mt'cting at Ukiah, Calif . (.al-Pacific: Rcdwood Co. oI Arcata and Willits Redl'ood Products Co. u'ere second and third runners up.

Cal-Pacific lledrvood also rron thc achie'r-cment award {or the greatest decrease in accident frcquencl' with Arcata Redwood and Georgia-Pacific in second and third place. The logging award was presentcd to Simpson Timber Co. and Cal-Pacific Redr.ood won the plant alr'ard for no lost-time acc.idents. In tht' allied prriduct.s division oI tht' safetr competition" Mtrsonite Corp. l'on first place.

'fht: (1. Il. Johrrson .\r'r:iderrt Prt'r't'ntion Cornrnittcc was cstablisht'd in I9,1.1 lrr'Otis li. Johnsorr in honor oI his {ather. C. lt. Johnson" foun<lt'r' of [-niorr Lrrnrlrt'r. Co.

Redwood Cifizen's Committee

"Let's scttlc this recll'oods national park qustion" is tht: battle cry of a citizt'n's organization which has bccn lormed in the Itcdrvoori l-mpile to support L'alif. Congressman Don Clauscn's Rcdl oocl,*-to-tlrt:-Sea-Palk 1rlan.

'fJre chairman is C. Robclt Bu,nu-. prominent ]iureka businessman. rvho said thel- are pushing a letter-writing campaign to gain Conslessional support for the Clausen llill. HR ?7 12. Clausen represents the redrr.ood region.

Ilarnum invited all Cali{ornians to join redwood reg;ion residents in supporting the plan bv rvriting Senator Henry \I. Jackson" chailman of the Senate lnterior. Committee.

Oregon Morketing Conference

"ilIet'ting tht' Challcnge oI Toda1.'-s NIarkc[s" .rvill tht'rnc t]re fourth anntral I'orest Lrdustrics I[alkctirrg Con[crt'rrt,c sponsoLc<l by the l'orest Industlics l\Ianagt:rnt.nt Centcr of thc School oI l]u-.iness Admini,stration. Unir.cr.sit1. oI Or.cgon, and hcrld on the flniversit,-v campus in Ilugene on Junc I I and 15.

The unique fcature about this rrational confcrcnce is that thc topics and spcakcrs have bccn choscn to rcprcs{-nt the forcst inclustries at all k'r't'ls of marrufacturt'. distr.ibution. trnd end-use - the forcsts, mills. clistributors. dcalcrs, architecl.s, and buildcrs. according to ccntet' dircctor l)r. Sttrart U. Ilit,h.

Government Business Loqns

The Small Business Administration announced recently it has approved loans totaling approximately $2 million to companies engaged in the manu{acture and sale of lumber and wood products.

The loans include five totaling $483,500 for lumber manufacturing firms; seven loans totaling $557,000 to pallet, moulding, trim and wood cabinet manufacturers; six loans for $975,000 to retail lumber dealers, and trvo loans for $24,000 to logging contractors.

To The Market

Douglas F,ir, White Fir Incanse' Cedhr, Sugar Pine Pondefosa Pine l ilengths up to 18'. Fine grained old growth timber from our YollaBolla Tree Farm.