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tw6E * w<""'I

S fhu all-purpose gun tacker. Drives heavy Q staples i/{'iotAtn long. A man-size tool for

A favorite builder's tool. This hammer lacker drives yo" and u7ru" staples, interchangeable in the CT-859. For staples up to %0", sell the HT-755.

This mallet-operated tool speeds and sim- nENT THEM LoAN THEM sELL THEM

Pro{it steadily from repeat orders for D.uo-Fast Staples.

Contact your nearest Duo-Fast office today.

Lumbermen Honor Rqilroqdmen

rnHll CHEEK TO JOWL ttatur. of tlr,' railroad I'ttsinr-ss att'l I the lumber industry got continued recognitiolr {rom tltt: Humboldt Hoo-Hoo Club at it's latest annual llailroad Night' Georgia-Pacific tra{fic manager Jim McArthur c:haired tht' so<,ial that drew reps {rom 35 dilTert'nt railroads' \earl1' seven -qcore cnjoyed a dinner ancl lie-srvaPllilg scssiort in Enrcka. Calif.'s old Car-*orr Mansiort.

s0clAUzlt{G are (1) Don Metcalf and Stan Parker, Palco and Del slone, Arcata nrJ*orO-. tZt -LioyO Hecathorn and Frank White of Arcata Redwood. (3) Alden Aill. "iacitii Luniber, Dave Davis, Van De Nor Lumber Sales. (4) Stan Preble, iiAJ*rtet NitG, anO Fran Holmei, Fred C. Holmes-Lumber Co. (5) Bill Pozun, io,'i,n- riior., eblJn -Ellingson, G-P: (6) Phil Keltv, simonson Lumber Co',

Rounds Lumber Soles Chonges

Ilrl Cole replar:eri Chtrt k l'orrrt as salt'srnanager of Ilounds Lumber co.. at.c,or<li'g t() (.oml)arry oflir,ials. col., f.rmer assistant salcsmatrag..er'. joine<l liotrrr<ls art (llovtrrdalt'. (lalif'. in 1957'

O111,1 -ralt's chartgt's in< lrrcltr Promotiort of Art Atkinson" former manager t,f their "lier[-l)-\\ixrtl" homes division. into northern (,alif,,r.nia salt's" itnrl tlrt'a<lrlitiorr of I)er.r'arnt' Bahr lr'ho lvill also cor,'cr lhtrt lt'rritolr'.

Colt rroterl that Hrrg.o \lillcr. atrother letcran "Rotttltlsrlilll," r,ontinuts in t httrgt' r,f tht' Arcatlia. Calif.- strles office'

Wickes Continues ExPonsion Plqns

'l'ht. Wit'kt's Corp.'s sctrior r-p- E' L' X{cNeelr' has rt'r'ealcd -*cygrll intlr i11r rggrganizatiols that f ill lt't \\'ickcs '"ittt rt'llstr the nrrmlrt:r oI lumlr.r and building supplr- or.rtlets from its prt's..t I j'rl t. 1(r5 170 orrtlets h.v tht-- end oI l9(lfl''"

Ht, did not say how manY. ii any- u'oulcl l't: locatt'd irr \Vest. l'{cNeely added that Wickes rvas htrlI its prt'st'nt sizc [our l,car-s ago, thc j ust

Trouble - Free

Sliding Door Pockets

Specify Nordahl, and your sliding door troubles are over, whether for quality cr budget construction Nordahl sliding door pockets are so perfectly aligned, the ball-bearing rollers seem to glide along the aluminum tracks forever. Pockets f rame-in easily and quickly rigid metal reinforced jambs require no stops. Shipped complete as package unit -- makes installation a breeze. Do the best by yourself and