PARD Re-Opening Plan:

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Any measures in the most current local disaster declaration supersede any specifics outlined in this plan.


Any measures in the most current local disaster declaration supersede any specifics outlined in this plan.

REPURPOSE EMPLOYEES Food Distribution Sites Payroll Covid-19 Call Center Airport Passenger Health Screening Virtual Recreation Drive-Thru Testing site 213 Supplies Storage & Inventory (IS) Census EOC Call Transcriptions Finance Accounts Payable Purchasing Blood Drives Plasma Drives Special Projects

STAFF CAPACITY -Reduction of Hours | -Essential Services | -Vacancies | -Leave (AL/SL/EPSLA)

1st Sanitation, support for cross department functions (drive through testing), etc.

2nd Regular duties- janitorial, mow, trim, weed eat, equipment & fleet maintenance, inspections, maintain expensive turf investments (golf course, athletic fields), staff meetings and leadership development opportunities.

3rd Specialized projects on work plan, drainage improvements, inventory control and risk management, records management (disposal), cross training (parks to golf; parks to PW, Traffic, Health Dept., Internal Services, etc.) GIS layers for parks and trail infrastructure, develop equipment and lifespan replacement plans, master plan implementation, analysis of surveys and services.


Transition Between Phases ✓ Effectively meet public health indicators as recommended by White House Coronavirus Task Force and CDC Gating Criteria, State of Texas, and local public health officials. ✓ Continued downward trajectory in cases/deaths and upward trajectory in screening, testing and treating (determined by state and local public health officials). ✓ Conduct a risk assessment of all spaces, facilities and programs. ✓ Ensure sufficient park and recreation department staff capacity and budget to support reopening for Phases 1-4. ✓ Prepare and train staff for Phases 1-4 to ensure their health and safety. ✓ Continue to support essential services to community – food distributions, blood and plasma drives, etc. in all Phases. ✓ Assess capacity of critical partners in Phases 1-4. ✓ Secure cleaning and disinfection supplies, personal protective equipment (PPE) and establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) and associated training for all Phases.

✓ Community awareness and education of public health measures of each Phase. ✓ Ensure sufficient park and recreation department staff capacity and budget to support reopening for each Phase. ✓ Be prepared to revert to previous phases if transmission increases.

Outdoor park and recreation open spaces that allow for physical distancing can open to public for single use or household for passive use activities

There are several considerations that must be made in all phases, including staff protection measures, staff capacity, policies regarding personal protective equipment (PPE), training and communications.




GATHERINGS • Group gatherings of no more than 10 individuals allowed

INDIVIDUALS • Masks are required @: -commercial entity -building or -space open to the public, or -an outdoor public space, wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household. • Maintain 6-foot social distance. • Temperature Checks

EMPLOYEES • Flexible Schedules • Vehicles Passenger Limit • Varied /Staggered Shifts • Split Crews • Masks required • Telework required for those that are able. • Maintain 6-foot social distance

OPEN TO PUBLIC • Trails • Old City Cemetery by appointment • NOT OPEN TO PUBLIC

SAFETY FIRST • Do not use parks/trails/ amenities if you are symptomatic or are sick • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds • Maintain 6’ social distance

A SCALABLE PLAN- some offerings such as parks, golf, tennis, dog park may reopen prior to Phase 2 depending on local health measures (ems response, positivity rate, death rate, ER/ICU census).

• Administrative Offices • All Aquatic Facilities • Recreation Centers • Brownsville Sports Park • Programs: Fitness. Dance, Special Populations, Lifelong Recreation, Special Events, After School • Summer Camps • Organized Sports Facilities - Youth Sports, Adult Sports • Athletic Fields Practices, Reservations, Games • Ringgold Civic Pavilion • Brownsville Events Center • Brownsville Golf Center • Parks: Shelters, Playgrounds, Splashpads, Restrooms, Drinking Fountains , Skate Parks • Courts Tennis , Basketball, Pickle, etc. • Bike Barn • Inclusion Caboose • Dog Parks •




GATHERINGS • Gatherings of no more than 10 individuals allowed • No Mass Gatherings (outdoors) larger than 100 – approval required • No Indoor Mass Gathering larger than 25% - approval required • Drive In / Drive Through Event Alternatives

INDIVIDUALS • Masks are required @: -commercial entity -building or -space open to the public, or -an outdoor public space, wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household. • Maintain 6-foot social distance. • Temperature Checks

PARKS & TRAILS OPEN • Outdoor Fitness Equipment • Tables, Benches • Restrooms • Drinking Fountains • Open Space Fitness Training (sm group) • Court Sports (noncontact use) • Dog Parks • Skate Parks • Athletic Fields – Practice • Small Group Environmental Clean Ups • Old City Cemetery


RECREATION • Virtual Recreation. • Recreation Centers & Programs 25% • Aquatics: -Swim Team Practice -Aqua Aerobics -Lap Swim

• Do not use parks/trails/ amenities if you are symptomatic or are sick • Wash hands often with soap and water (20 s) • Maintain 6’ social distance

SURFACE DISINFECTION – sufficient quantities and daily scheduled disinfection for frequently touched surfaces (handles, knobs, rails, tabletops, benches, playgrounds, etc.).

REMAINS CLOSED • Recreation Centers - In Person Indoor Recreational Programming: Zumba, Dance, Special Populations, Lifelong Recreation, Fitness Classes. • Indoor Youth & Adult Sports • Summer Camps, After School • Athletic Fields – Spectators Scrimmages, Games • Parks –Pavilions/ Shelters • Tournaments - Outdoor & Indoor Golf, Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Volleyball • Special Events (Lunada, Festivals, Fairs, etc.) • ROW Street Events • Special Events • Inclusion Caboose •




GATHERINGS • Gatherings of no more than 10 individuals allowed • No Mass Gatherings (outdoors) larger than 500 – approval required • No Indoor Mass Gathering larger than 50-75% • No Outdoor Mass Gathering larger than 50-75%

INDIVIDUALS • Masks are recommended @:

-commercial entity -building or space open to the public, or -an outdoor public space, wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household.

PARKS & TRAILS OPEN • Outdoor Fitness Equipment • Tables, Benches • Restrooms • Drinking Fountains • Open Space Fitness Training (sm group) • Court Sports (noncontact use) • Dog Parks • Skate Parks • Athletic Fields – (practices only) • Small Group Environmental Clean Ups • Old City Cemetery

RECREATION • Recreation Centers & Programs 50-75% • Fitness Classes – 6’ • Indoor Sports (practices, no contact or spectators) • Outdoor Sports • Outdoor Tournaments – Modified for small groups/minimal contact – Limited Spectators 8’ SD

2 REMAIN CLOSED • In person Recreational Programming – for vulnerable populations: Special Populations, Lifelong Recreation • Indoor Sports– Spectators Scrimmages, Games • Indoor Tournaments - Basketball, Volleyball, etc. • Special Events (Lunada, Festivals, Fairs, etc.) • ROW Street Events • Special Events • Inclusion Caboose •







PHASE 4 is a scalable

When Sick -

• Adhere to personal hygiene guidelines when using City facilities, when at home, or with friends & family.

timeline to phase out restrictions. Some activities and or programs may still be restricted throughout the Phase Out process to resume normal activities. Some reopening’s may occur before another’s, as capacity allows.

• Masks or facial coverings are strongly encouraged. • Maintain 6-foot social distance, or,

• Dispose your trash in a trashcan. • Do not use or participate if you are symptomatic or are sick. • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds.

• Stay Home.

• Bring your own towel, sanitizer, tissue, reusable water bottle, etc.

• Administrative Offices • Aquatic Facilities • Recreation Centers • Brownsville Sports Park • Programs: Fitness. Dance, Special Populations, Lifelong Recreation, Nature & Outdoor, Special Events, After School • Summer Camps • Organized Sports -Youth & Adult Sports • Rentals - Shelters, Pavilion, Facility , Fields • Athletic Fields - Practices, Scrimmages, Reservations, Games • Tournaments Outdoor & Indoor Brownsville Golf Center • Trails • Parks: Shelters, Pavilions, Splashpads, Restrooms, Drinking Fountains , Skate Parks, Playgrounds, Exercise Equipment • Courts - Tennis , Basketball, Pickle, etc. • Bike Barn • Inclusion Caboose • Dog Park • Old City Cemetery •

…every county is strongly encouraged to follow these face however, that this face-covering requirement does not apply to the Following: 1. any person younger than 10 years of age; 2. any person with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering; 3. any person while the person is consuming food or drink, or is seated at a restaurant to eat or drink; 4. any person while the person is (a) exercising outdoors or engaging in physical activity outdoors, and (b) maintaining a safe distance from other people not in the same household; 5. any person while the person is driving alone or with passengers who are part of the same household as the driver; 6. any person obtaining a service that requires temporary removal of the face covering for security surveillance, screening, or a need for specific access to the face, such as while visiting a bank or while obtaining a personal care service involving the face, but only to the extent necessary for the temporary removal; 7. any person while the person is in a swimming pool, lake, or similar body of water; 8. any person who is voting, assisting a voter, serving as a poll watcher, or actively administering an election, but wearing a face covering is strongly encouraged; 9. any person who is actively providing or obtaining access to religious worship, but wearing a face covering is strongly encouraged; 10. any person while the person is giving a speech for a broadcast or to an audience; or 11. any person in a county (a) that meets the requisite criteria promulgated by the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) regarding minimal cases of COVID-19, and (b) whose county judge has affirmatively opted-out of this facecovering requirement by filing with TDEM the required face-covering attestation form—provided, however, that wearing a face covering is highly recommended, and -covering standards.

 Every person in Texas shall wear a face covering over the nose and mouth when inside a commercial entity or other building or space open to the public, or when in an outdoor public space, wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household; provided, …

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