2017 Orientation Guide

Page 41


Hosting guests in the dorms

Dorms, no matter which one you live in, can be crowded for just two people, let alone when you choose to host guests. Here’s some tips to maximize space and entertain your guests.


icture this: You’re bored alone in your dorm room and you friends text you asking if they can “come over.” At first glance, this seems like a great idea, since all you’ve been doing is watching Netflix on your laptop all day not realizing that it’s already 7 p.m. and you haven’t eaten a single piece of food all day. You text them back saying, “sure, see you in a bit!” It’s at that moment you realize that your dorm room wasn’t built for others to be in, or be entertained in. You panic, having no idea what you’re going to do. Don’t be that person who is remembered as the person who had nothing to do in their dorm room. Here’s some tips to make the most out of having guests over, whether it’s that special someone, family member, or hallmates. Play board games: This simple, yet effective tactic is a guaranteed way to entertain your friends no matter what the situation. Board games and cards are great because they don’t rely on electricity and pretty much everyone can pick on them. Obviously, don’t pick a hard, longtactic game like Risk if you’re with a larger group of people. But games like UNO, Sorry and Cards against Humanity are great at getting everyone involved.

Play video games: This is very similar to board games except with one twist, you have to have the TV, system, game and proper number of controllers in order to pull it off effectively. Don’t be the people who sit and play a one-versus-one game of Madden if you have more than two people in the room. Play games to get everyone involved, Wii sports, Guitar Hero and classic games are always a good choice. Watch movies: Nothings easier or more relaxing than hosting a movie night in your dorm room. Putting the lightweight mattresses on the floor and sprawling out while your friends pack around to watch a movie on Netflix is perfect for any night when the weather is too poor to go out. Bonus: Most everyone has a microwave, so either buy some microwavable popcorn or use your meal swipe to make your dorm room smell, making everyone who’s not there jealous. Host a pot-luck: Never had a pot-luck? Well you’re in luck. If you live in the dorms, everyone is required to have a meal swipe. So gather your friends, grab different foods around campus, and return to have a glorious feast of Woodworth stir-fry, Noyer pasta and Chick-fil-A fries. You won’t be disappointed.

Just chat: You’d be surprised at how sometimes the best things to do while entertaining guests, is doing nothing at all. Sit down and have a conversation with those around you discussing your background. Often times, this can lead to new friendships, new understandings of people and a lot of laughs in the meantime. Share stories, listen to others and see just how easy it is to have fun just by having a conversation. Study: But, wait, this list is about ways to entertain people right? Well yes, but remember that there’s a reason you’re in college in the first place – to get an education. Invite your friends over after class for a quick study session before you go on to do more fun things later. Sitting down with a classmate in the dorms can be a lot more relaxing and fun compared to having to stay quiet in Bracken. Rearrange furniture: This one should be done before your friends come over, or maybe they’d be willing to help? Either way, rearranging furniture throughout the year is the best way to see how exactly you can utilize your room to maximize it’s space. This will also keep your friends guessing and wanting to come back to see what’s next.

Play/create music: This should be a nobrainer. What is one thing almost everyone in college has in common? We all listen to music. Have a speaker set up (don’t turn it up too loud) and see what kind of music your peers listen to. This can help them get a sense of what you enjoy and may open up your music pallet to something you never heard before. It’s also a great way to get a party started, or at least pump you and you friends up before you go out for the night to study or something like that. Do anything: A lot of times, your friends are just as lost at what to do in the dorms as you are, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Invite your friends over, catch up on each others day and then ask each other, “What do you want to do today?” It’s a classic Spongebob and Patrick scenario finding random things to do around your dorm hall and who knows, you may do something that your really enjoy. More often than not, those weird days, where you didn’t expect to do anything end up being the best. Get out of the dorms: If it’s the middle of winter and there’s nothing else to do, I get it, stay indoors. But Ball State has so many fun activities for students to participate in for free. So take advantage of these free events before you graduate and start paying for them.

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