Annual Report

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Bani-sweif Scientific Pharmaceutical Students’ Association Egyptian Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation Together for the best 0128 52 050 34

Annual Report for BSPSA President 2011-2012 Mostafa Mohamed Sayed Hassan  -


Handover and Year Planning: I received BSPSA President Handover from Mr.Ahmed Mamdouh for two successive years (2009-2010 and 2010-2011), it was fairly organized and full of important details. I had only one meeting with him during receiving the handover, but I reviewed him in some difficult situations over the year as immediate past president (IPP). I had two objectives at the beginning of the year, first is to raise the professionalism level of each executive board member of BSPSA and establishing BSPSA work on Noncentral Management Style. Second is to hunt EPSF Award to be the best one between other member associations. First executive board meeting is held within a week after the elections and old executive members defined the nature of the work of each committee for the new ones. We managed to host the EPSF 16th Conference in case of withdrawal of PSPSA-Pharos from hosting it and we elected the BSPSA Vice President (Mr.Mohamed Yasein).

 Activities Developed:  Communication with Fayoum and Bani-Sweif Pharmacists’ Syndicate - Fayoum Pharmacists’ Syndicate is a great supporter for us, either morally or even financially. They give us support letters to recommend BSPSA to host the EPSF 11 th Symposium, they fund many Public Health events and our event photos were published in their magazine. - Bani-Sweif Syndicate Communication started in late of the ever, even though we are able to plan, promote and hold the Professional Pharmacist Program.  Communication with College and University Administrations: - It’s strongly improved this year and become a point of strength in our internal and external Public Relations manners.

 Co operations: - This year we expanded our activities so we make many co operations with: Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company, Sigma Pharmaceutical Company, Leadership and Development (LDG) Group and Dawaa Smart Pharma (DSP).

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Sanofi Pharmaceutical Company managed to approach BSPSA to promote their training Program (Future Access); but there were many obstacles with the company representative.

 Financial Situation: - It was hard at the beginning of the year because our small budget and we made a strict financial plan to reduce the expenses to the minimum. - Global Change Course provided good income to our fund. - EPSF 11th Symposium Budget was negative, so many expenses covered from BSPSA Fund.  Professional Development: - The committee chairperson was skillful to choose a good team and he made a strong subcommittee. - At local level: we able to held one day of Leaders in Training (LIT) Program, Teddy Bear Event (TBH) with Fayoum Syndicate and PPAC Campaign with 4 parts of it and we got the best association in EPSF for PPAC Online Campaign. - At national level: BSPSA had delegates to LIT, TBH and PPAC Events.

 Public Health: - The committee chairperson able to hold an exceptional awareness campaign for the blinds before staring the EPSF Public Health Agenda. - She was able to stick to all Public Health Portfolio events, and her subcommittee was fairly good.  Continuous Education: - BSPSA promoted to EPSF Step on the Way (SOTW) Course and sent more than 20 participants. - BSPSA Executive members decided to take a situation and stop promotion for the EPSF Future Pharmacist Program (FPP), regarding the certificates that not received from the last year - For the first time the chairperson was able to hold 3 extra events and they were comprehensive and successful. - He played an important role in communication with Bani-Sweif Syndicate.

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 Student Exchange program (SEP): - BSPSA is the best EPSF Association in SEP Activity, so we got 4 SEP Contracts. - Local Exchange Officer (LEO) was able to make a good publicity for contracts depending on outgoing students from BSPSA through the previous year. - He put a rating list for all applicants to the contracts depending on their nominations, CVs and their performance in the interviews.  Humanitarian Committee: - It’s the first year for this committee and it’s not involved in EPSF structure. - The committee established in cooperation with Resala Charity Association, then after many events we started to work independently on the events. - The chairperson put a good base for the future committee leaders and make good relations for the Official Resala Organizers in Universities)‫ (منظمين أسر رسالة بالجامعات‬.  -

Promotion and Networking(IT): The two chairpersons played an effective role in promoting BSPSA and EPSF events. We had professional e-mailing system. We are able to include new types of coordinators in BSPSA Structure such as

Blog Editor, Photographers and Designing Coordinator.  Public Relations (PR): - The chairperson was excellent in dealing with internal PR situations; he managed to hold an open and closing day and played a role in organizing the harmony of BSPSA work.  Documentation: - It’s the best year in documentation system; the secretary general was perfect in providing data base for all members and writing executive board meeting minutes. - He made official calls for vacant positions regarding BSPSA Standards.  Hosting EPSF 11th Symposium: - After withdrawal the right to host the symposium from EPSF-NUB; we submit a strong proposal to hold it and we had only one month to prepare for the hosting including the promotion and registration. - It was the largest EPSF National event over 30 years in terms of VIP Attendees as the Head of Egyptian Pharmacists’ Syndicate attended it, also in terms of media coverage, program and number of days.

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The symposium report was accepted by all EPSF GA Members Votes.

 Representing BSPSA at the Official level: - I represented BSPSA at EPSF 25th General Assembly (GA) (Cairo University) and played an important role in editing EPSF Constitution, at 26th GA during the 11th Symposium and 27th GA (Misr University) and played a role through EPSF decisions and elections of the new EPSF Executive Board. -

At presidential workshop (held during EPSF 11th Symposium);I submitted a proposal to distribute the extra SEP Contracts to EPSF Association Members -from IPSF Reallocation Project- and provided information and perceptions about the EPSF # AIESEC Partnership.

 BSPSA Delegation: - BSPSA had over 15 delegates to the EPSF 16th Annual Conference held by PSPSA-Pharos. - We had one delegate on the name of EPSF to DUPHAT-Dubai.  -

Obstacles: Financial situation at the beginning of the year. Managing between experienced board members and fresh ones. Had no time to hold 1st Official BSPSA GA to make a new constitution edition. Contacting many EPSF Board Executive members on behalf of some chairpersons and it was time wasting. Having to change one of the board members made a challenge to complete our events successfully in addition to organizing the EPSF 11th Symposium.

 Self-evaluation: - This year was full of hard working, learning and developing of ourselves and our organization, I did my best to obtain the EPSF Award but there was an unclear criterion for choosing the awarded association.  Recommendations: - Linkages and partnerships with other NGOs and Deeping the concept of external PR. - Trying to fix direct contact between each chairperson and his/her alternative in EPSF Board. - Informing BSPSA Adviser and Supervisor with all work developments periodically.

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Send official delegation to the 4th Eastern Mediterranean Pharmaceutical Symposium (EMPS) which would be held by ASPSA-Alexandria University and to IPSF 59th World Congress which would be held at Netherland. Reviewing immediate past president (IPP) in hard situations and large partnerships.

 Final Remarks: - It’s my pleasure to thank some people even they are outside BSPSA Structure: Dr.Shady Mohalhal, a board member of Fayoum Syndicate, Dr. Nouruddin Wageih And Ms. Zeinab the Vice Dean Secretary For their support. -

Thanks to the great team and my friends: Mohamed Yasein, Ahmed Elkady, Amr Hamdy, Mohamed Moenes, Mohamed Elbadry, Mona Gamal and Ahmed Mamdouh; I learned too much from each one of you … And to my little brothers and sisters; Ahmed Mahmoud, Mohamed Ali, Ahmed Saad, Rana Ahmed and Alaa Gamal; BSPSA would be safe between your hands,


Great Thanks to”: Dr, Sameh Fekry AboZeid, BSPSA Adviser and Dr. Khaled Rashad ElSheemy, BSPSA Supervisor. Mostafa

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