The 48

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Illustration by: Sebastian Pape

r u o h 8 4

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Monday 30th July 2012 “A coffee fuelled trip across the Weymouth sand and water... dragging ourselves away from the ‘Lympic screens like Jurassic crustaceans evolving toward an alternative view of this constructed arena...” As I write this it is 2:52pm on Monday 30th July. It is day three of the Olympics, and we are 43 hours 52 minutes into producing a newspaper in just 48 hours; a newspaper that, hopefully, you are now holding in your hands. It has been a slightly bonkers coffee-fuelled experiment so far, but in between technological-breakdowns, cyclepowered partying, lack of sleep and a huge Weymouth-and-Portland-sized serving of art, performances and Olympic sailing... we are finally nearing completion. This newspaper has been put together this weekend by a number of volunteer designers, young people from Bristol, Bath and Weymouth and internationally renowned sports journalist and Olympic ‘commentator’ David Goldblatt, as part of b-side Multimedia Arts Festival 2012. Our crew have been out taking photos, interviewing people on the street, blogging, tweeting and writing features

all for The 48 - a newspaper created in 48 hours - making it THE alternative Olympic souvenir that everyone wants! Unless you’ve been hiding under a Portland rock, you will know that Weymouth and Portland are hosting the sailing events this summer - but there is so much more going on in the area beyond the Olympics and Paralympics. Those of you curious enough to venture beyond the big screens on the beach might already have stumbled across some truly weird and wonderful things hidden away in some unexpected places... Perhaps you witnessed a brass band bursting into life every time Weymouth bridge lifted, or hand-cranked a sound sculpture by Nothe Fort. Maybe you caught a contemporary film screening or discovered some cuttingedge art in bus-stops, coffee shops, traffic information boards, shop windows or train stations. You might even have found yourself in a 360º cinematic dome being enchanted and hypnotized by “a cheese induced dream, yet with neither cheese nor sleep”. And those are just some of the things that happened yesterday - we still have weeks of b-side events left to go.

We have purposefully written, produced and printed this entire newspaper during the first few days of b-side, to try and capture this incredible festival live and as it happens. All the photographs on The 48‘s front cover have been taken by volunteers, the b-side team or members of the public during the last few days. Whether you are here to see the sailing or just to soak up the atmosphere, we hope this newspaper inspires you to explore beyond the sailing and discover something weird and wonderful of your own. So pick up one of the free b-side brochures in a cafe or venue around Weymouth or Portland or visit - but whatever you do - come and have a look! Let us know what you think by tweeting us on @bsidefest or use the hashtag #the48. Lastly, many thanks to our volunteers, and of course the artists and team at b-side HQ. Also big thanks to Salt Bar & Kitchen for letting us use their wi-fi. Have a great b-side festival! Sandy, Alice, Rob and Neil

contributors: Taylor Bragg

Sean Longhurst

Louis Ross

Alice Ralph

Neil Leonard

Rob Foddering

Sandy Kirkby

Katy Star

Andy Whale

Annie & Belle

Helen Ingham

Ian McKell

Jenni Sparks

Robin Mackenzie

Sebastian Pape

Monsieur Po0-pourri Po0-pourri Monsieur

Monsieur Poo-Pourri and Sir Stanley Dancing-Legs


Photographs by: Andy Whale

We recently met with b-side festival artist and gentleman Monsieur Poo-Pourri to chat about moustaches, styling tips, and contemplating life with the pointing of a cane...

the envelopes of my letters, far more useful than a canine dancing dog, how could that ever catch on and what kind of sore brained nincompoop would watch it?

Are you looking forward to being back in Weymouth this summer?

He has a moustache to rival yours – do you two share styling tips.

Well my attempts at taking a dip last year were an unmitigated disaster due to the fact that the water was too cold for my delicate temperament. When I was younger, despite the valiant efforts of my nanny and a whole host of perfumes and potions from the finest apothecaries to be found on the Rue de Merde in Paris, I still was racked with fever and at times had a rather unbalanced mind from days of ingesting tinctures and going to bed wrapped in fur blankets next to fires to thrash out the vileness that had taken residence about my person. My leisurely perambulation that I intend to undertake this year may well be a success though crowds can be such a bore, and I have heard that there may be an event of Olympian stature occurring while I will be visiting though I may try and get my butler, Mr Aston to ascertain exactly what this is and cancel it, the last thing a strolling gentleman needs is to have his quiet composure disturbed by people in shorts!

Our facial whiskers are sculpted with bees wax scented with lavender obtained from F.W.Trumper, in Jermyn Street, London. We each have our own moustache comb, carved from ivory with a pearl handle. My valet curls the ends around his little finger and then stands like that for thirty-five minutes until it is fully set.

And are you looking forward to experiencing some of the weird and wonderful things b-side has on offer? My dear, weirdness is only for people who have nothing to actually say so they have to affect a perfunctory queerness to get others to notice them. As for wonder, I gave up wondering about things long ago. Until such a time comes that somebody can explain to me why putting tea in bags has not become a hanging offence, I may then re-take up the activity of wondering but until then I will remain content to remain purely in the realm of the quotidian. So who’s this furry friend that appears in the photographs with you? His name is Sir Stanley Dancing-Legs, a rare and expensive imported breed mostly found in the South Pacific. Originally they were used to find gold and when they did, their legs would move so fast as they dug that is looked like they were dancing for joy. Still to this day, Sir Stanley can do a passable rhumba if the wind is in the right direction and the gramophone is on at full tilt. Do you two spend a lot of time together? Certainly not, a gentleman needs quiet contemplation and time to consider high minded things, Sir Stanley’s fixation with bottoms and genitalia destroys ones equilibrium and leaves one exhausted and quite out of sorts. His crudeness should be a sobering reminder to us all about avoiding the base pleasures of the body and opening up the olfactory canals to the muskiness of strangers encountered in the street. I only keep him now because it was my poor mama’s last request, if I had my way he would be being used to glue down

We can see you’re rather a fashionable gentleman – where do you like to go shopping for your look? A gentleman never does his own shopping. We have staff for that. We hear you’ve been working hard pointing at things recently... tell us more. Contemporary life can be so fast paced and bothersome that one misses the pleasures of simply observing what is about oneself. Many a time I have been held in rapture at the sight of spilt chipped potatoes cascading down a curb, or the delicate greens of phlegm on a seat or even better the surprised expressions on the faces of geriatrics, alive for another day yet knowing that death awaits them as certainly as night will follow day. My cane simply points these things out before they are lost forever. The minutiae of life is so much more interesting when it is framed and called to attention by a well bred man with a cane and a keen and cultivated taste. Only one who experiences beauty can illuminate the beautiful for others. It seems that it is my humble task in life to show those less refined and aesthetically maligned the true beauty of Weymouth through the terribly complex art of pointing. So how do you like to spend your time relaxing, when you’re not promenading or pointing at things? I have never been terribly energetic so have never done anything that I have had to relax from. A gentleman never breaks into a sweat, I tried exercise once and found it thoroughly disagreeable and implore all of you never to take it up if you want to stay fit. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party? Karl Jung Lastly, in the spirit of what is taking place this summer... If you could choose or invent an event for the Olympics what would it be? Well obviously point-to-point racing…I cannot believe that you have asked such an absurdly obvious question my dear! Thanks Msr Poo-Pourri, we look forward to seeing you along the esplanade very soon!

Monsieur Poo-Pourri points at things Following the success of his elaborate toe-dipping at b-side in 2010, Monsieur Poo-Pourri is returning again to Weymouth this year; dressed in his best Victorian clothes he will promenade along the Esplanade. He will point out the overlooked; dog shit on the pavement, a wonky sign, a stunning pattern on a handbag and also the truly startling; the sun in the sky, two lovers walking hand in hand... Definitely not one to miss: Msr Poo-Pourri will be pointing at things on Weymouth Esplanade on Saturday 11 August and Sunday 12 August at 11am and 3pm

5 Cut out and keep your own Monsieur Poo-Pourri moustache!

b-side back chat Zain, 19, Student

Gail, 58, Nurse

Rebecca, 18, Student

Daphany, 67, Retired

I would like to see in the Olympics: Cricket

A-side or B-side: B-side

I would like to see in the Olympics: Wheelbarrow racing

I would like to see in the Olympics: Drama

What would you recommend to a visitor: Nowhereisland (

I would like to see in the Olympics: Masters Running

What would you recommend to a visitor: All the art installations around Weymouth

A-side or B-side: B-side

Aimee, 23, Costume Supervisor

Sean, 23, Student

Sally, 43, b-side Commissioner

Gary, 45, Plumber

Art or Sport? Art

Art or Sport? Art

What is the most interesting thing you have seen today: The Cultural Olympiad

What would you recommend to a visitor? Creating the Spectacle; part of the b-side multimedia arts festival

I would like to see in the Olympics: Children jumping on beds

I would like to see in the Olympics: Events you can’t prepare for

What is the most interesting things you have seen today: Hywel Davies sound installation

A-side or B-side: B-side

Liz, 60, Creative Producer

Pete, 41, Photographer

Joff, 37, Full-time Rocker

Cedric, 35, Entrepreneur

I would like to see in the Olympics: Street Games

What is the most interesting things you have seen today: An old lady on an iPhone

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen today? A puppy throwing up and eating it

I would like to see in the Olympics: Chip eating

Art or Sport? Art

I would like to see in the Olympics: Putting rubbish out

I would like to see in the Olympics: Press ups

What is the most interesting thing you have seen today: Chips


b-side back chat Katy, 26, b-side banana

Joe, 19, Student

Will, 27, Various

Louis, 18, Student

I would like to see in the Olympics: Cheese identification

I would like to see in the Olympics: Cheese Chasing

I would like to see in the Olympics: Free Running

I would like to see in the Olympics: Egg and Spoon race

What is the most interesting things you have seen today: Old ladies wearing flags

What would you recommend to a visitor: The ICCI-360 dome

What would you recommend to a visitor: Battered mackerel on the Nothe

What’s the most interesting thing you have seen in Weymouth: The torch wade

Robert, 41, Dentist and Liam, 6, child

Eloise, 15, Student

Sandy, 44, b-side festival producer

Howard, 7, Footballer

I would like to see in the Olympics: Junior football

What is the weirdest thing that you have seen today? A crab claw floating on some stairs - but I only just got here so it could get weirder.

I would like to see in the Olympics: Dog shampooing

What is the most best thing that you have seen today? The ice-cream shop. Also I liked riding a bike for the cycle-powered DJs.

Sarah, 23, Costume Designer

Lucy, 13, Student

Michael, 7, Donkey

Mike, 41, Construction Manager

I would like to see in the Olympics: Extreme Knitting

Best thing that I have seen: Triops at the b-side opening.

Best thing that I have seen: The Olympic ribbon

I would like to see in the Olympics: Drinking

What would you recommend to a visitor: Moving Tides Carnival

Weirdest thing I have seen: Triops telling everybody to “strangle Lucy”.

I would like to see in the Olympics: Bobbing for apples.

What would you recommend to a visitor: The boating lake

What would you recommend to a visitor: The beach!

What is the most interesting thing you have seen in Weymouth? Triops at b-side



The difference between success and failure can often be measured by the smallest of margins, and nowhere is this more true than with the pinnacle of competitive athletics; the 100 meter sprint. Milliseconds may be all that separates fame and glory from a soggy walk home.

Words by: Jack Manuel Illustrations by: Jenni Sparks

The ultimate endurance event. Competitors are characterised by their extreme stamina, determination and a week off sick. Those on the podium swear by inspirational mantras such as ‘Just one more episode’.

Brute force for an exacting technique are what’s called for in the modern day wrestling event. It’s not enough to simply power one’s way through, success also requires the knowledge of when to brandish a bank note and make eye-contact with the bartender.

B-SIDE ARTIST VIDEO INTERVIEWS We posed the question to some of our b-side festival artists of what would THEIR alternative Olympic event of choice be. Some gave it a little more thought than others, but all came up with something unique... well, nearly all! Visit b-side Festival’s vimeo page to find out more, plus watch interviews with some of our artists:


Illustration by: Sebastian Pape

Iain McKell Having grown up in a Weymouth hotel run by his parents, photographer Iain McKell started creating a visual diary of the area during the 1970s, capturing a social record of those who lived, worked and holidayed here. McKell explores the world with an intense eye for detail, and his photographs present a society that is ever-changing, transient and complex. He later went on to photograph an unknown Madonna for her first magazine cover shortly before she first topped the charts, and has since shot for the likes of i-D, The Face, The Observer, Sunday Times, Independent and Vogue. Beautiful Britain: Photographs from the 1970s to the Present by Iain McKell, with an essay by William Oliver is published by Prestel price ÂŁ24.99 in hardcover (ISBN 978-3-7913-4701-1).

Book signing Iain will be signing copies of his new book Beautiful Britain, which spans 35 years of his work documenting British society - and features many of his images taken in Weymouth. Sunday 5 August at 1.00 - 3.00 pm Imagine Books, 23 St Alban Street, Weymouth, DT4 8BZ


All images from Beautiful Britain: Photographs from the 1970s to the Present, by Iain McKell. Copyright Š Iain McKell, 2012

b-side Events in Weymouth 27 July - 12 August




LIVE EVENTS JULY 29 – LANGUAGE LAB Kid Carpet – ICCI360 Arena JULY 29 – TRIOPS ICCI360 Arena JULY 29, AUG 04, 05 – TO-ING AND FRO-ING Hywel Davies – Town Bridge, Weymouth

18 17 14

AUG 11 AND 12 – MSR POOPOURRI POINTS AT THINGS Jordan Mckenzie – Esplanade, Weymouth (see pages 4 - 5 of this newspaper)


SEPT 02 – GANZFELD EXPERIMENT Ailie Rutherford – SALT, Weymouth SEPT 07 – STILL & STILL MOVING Eyebrow – Sandsfoot Castle, Weymouth


13 12

JULY 31 – WEYMOUTH SANDS Tony Lopez – Sea View Chinese Restaurant, Weymouth



AUG 08 – WEYMOUTHS Paul Soulellis – Phoenix Bakery



3 20

4 5


6 7





23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1. Raw Streets 2. Triops 3. To-ing and Fro-ing 4. AquaVoltaic 5. Closer to the Wind 6. Sailing Out of Grain 7. Promised Land 8. Distance Readers 9. MisGuided Tours 10. Weymouth Sands 11. Weymouth/Portland 2012 12. O n Spam Business Proposals 13. Monsieur Poo-Pourri 14. Weymouths 15. Array 16. Rowena (Bowleaze Cove) 17. Parallels and Meridians 18. b-side Festival zine 19. The Language Lab 20. Still and Still Moving 21. The Ganzfeld Experiment


Sep 2







9 10 11 12 2


You can pick up a copy of the b-side brochure in Weymouth from any of these places... 8 SALT BAR - Locally sourced seafood and other seaside delights. Brewers Quay, Hope Square, Weymouth, DT4 8TR. Open 9.30am-midnight everyday. 5 THE STABLE - Pizza, pies and cider. No 13 Custom House Quay, Weymouth, DT4 8BG. www. 5 THE PHOENIX BAKERY - Delicious freshly baked artisan goods. 6-7 Coburg Place, Weymouth, DT4 8HP. B DORSET ICE CREAM COMPANY – Treat yourself to a b-side inspired ice cream! 7 Trinity Rd, Weymouth Old Harbour.

b-side Events in Weymouth 27 July - 12 August


LIVE EVENTS SEPT 01 – GANZFELD EXPERIMENT Ailie Rutherford – New Inn, Portland SEPT 01 – LANGUAGE LAB Kid Carpet – Royal Manor Theatre, Portland


SEPT 08 – SOUNDING STONE A&B – Drill Hall, Portland SEPT 09 – MOONLIT GARDEN Chiswell Community Garden, Portland SEPT 09 – FIELD TRIP A bus trip with a difference! b-side teams up with ExLab for this unique opportunity to visit some of the best contemporary artwork, meet the artists & curators, travel along the Dorset coastline & enjoy an alternative bus experience. See web site for all details.

25 32




SEPT 01 – THE VESSEL Mike Ricketts – Jailhouse Café, Portland

27 31 33


SEPT 05 – PARALLELS AND MERIDIANS Joe Stevens – Jackson Gallery, Portland

29 30

NB: All dates and locations are correct at time of going to print, however these may be subject to change. Please visit: or call* 0845 259 1102 for up to date info. *Call charges apply, 4p per minute peak time and 1.5p at all other times.





28 29 30 31

22. Parallels and Meridians 23. Babygrow 24. Creating the Spectacle! 25. The Vessel 26. The Ganzfeld Experiment 27. Pedal Powered Pop Up Events 28. The Language Lab 29. A Natural History of Pseudomorphs 30. Sounding Stone 31. Portland Colour Library 32. Waiting for Godot 33. Array










...and if you are in Portland then you can also pick up a copy in any of these venues... 5 JACKSON CAFÉ AND GALLERY - 77 Fortuneswell, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1LY. 5 JAILHOUSE CAFÉ – The Verne, Portland. 5 QUIDDLES CAFÉ – The Esplanade, Chesil Cove, Portland, DT5 1LN. 5 THE BLUE FISH CAFÉ AND RESTAURANT – Chiswell, Portland, DT5 1AN. l THE NEW INN – 35 Easton St, Portland DT5 1BS


Illustration by: Helen Ingham

Illustrations by: Robin Mackenzie

Wanted: Pedal Power If you were lucky enough to attend the b-side opening launch at the ICCI360 Arena on Sunday night then you will have already seen cycle-powered electricity in action. b-side founder (and DJ) Alan Rogers was spinning the decks powered only by four bicycles and the sweat - thankfully no blood or tears - of partygoers from the crowd. The bikes fueling the party were built by several local youth clubs in Weymouth and Portland working with eco-artists Magnificent Revolution who use alternative green technology – bikes – to create pop up cinema screens for exciting, exhilarating (and occasionally exhausting) film viewing experiences, powered by the audience.


The cycle-powered generators are something that b-side would love to buy as a permanent resource for Weymouth and Portland as part of their ‘b-side Encounters’ project - a youth arts programme set up and managed by b-side for local young people aged between 13 and 19. Young people work with artists, filmmakers, dancers and musicians - and past projects have already created some truly innovative and thought-provoking work. If b-side Encounters had their own cyclepowered generators then they could stage pop-up events throughout Weymouth, Portland and beyond, and provide some amazing new opportunities to local young people. But b-side needs your help! They are fundraising for this project through crowd-

funding site and need to raise £2,000 before the 31st August. For just a £10 or £20 donation, you could help bring this incredible tool to young people - and in turn provide free cycle-power for a whole host of new local events in the future. They are already part-way there; if just 88 people donated £10 in the next month then they are on course to smash their target. Please help. Visit projects/bside-encounters-bicycle-cinema to help make this crazy cycle-powered dream a reality. For more information on b-side Encounters:

@bsidefest on twitter Follow @bsidefest on Twitter for all the latest b-side festival breaking news! @pjmillson: @bsidefest today. ‘At’ B-side Fest, do you get it? Anyway, I’m at B-Side Festival today. It’s gonna blow my tiny mind like it did last year! @wiredcanvas: Time to unleash the #48! @ bsidefest @alicaurusrex @neilleonard #bside #Olympic2012 @Eyebrow6: download our new fulllength ‘walking soundtrack’ for @bsidefest completely free of charge at @jjrichardsonX: Weymouth has been buzzing the last few days @sjhross: I left a tshirt at Weymouth in 2008. If anyone comes across it today, can you send it back? #london2012 @MaritimeMix2012: Have you seen the amazing #art just outside #Weymouth #train station yet? @bsidefest artist #DayBowman take a pic if you’re passing! @citylit: If you’re around #Weymouth during the Olympics, keep an eye out for @citylit tutor Wendy Elia’s painting around town http:// html @beckyyallennn: Casually seeing a naked barbie on the pavement.. Weymouth just gets weirder and weirder

@DeryckNewland: Big Congrats to all super south west creative crazies for great #battleforthewinds tonight on Weymouth Beach topped off by 2012 fire waders! @ThePhoenixBaker: Weymouth! Great day @ bsidefest looking forward to @soulellis 2moro! Place to be at the moment @MaritimeMix2012: Come and see #Array at Nothe Fort from 10am- 5pm #art that needs YOU to make it work.... @bsidefest @wiredcanvas: Initial briefing for #the48 complete! Time for an ice cream. @bsidefest @bsidefest: A long, exciting + a little bit of a mad day @Chriswesthead1: Can’t believe Weymouth was trending on twitter #weymouth @AshleyWatts3: Now going to see Triops in the @icci dome @PlayLabTv: RT @maritimemix2012: The mighty Triops last night @bsidefest @icci360 dome! There is a whole programme of amazing events until Sept 9th... @DanyLouise: @AlanRogers2012 giving one of the best, most relaxed + funniest “welcome + thank-you” speeches I’ve ever heard (+heard MANY)# @bsidefest @pjmillson: Today begins my epic task: photos (my other life) of the amazing B-Side Festival in #weymouth. On your marks, get set… see you there!

@PhoenixBrighton: One of our studio members Stig Evans is participating in the B-Side Multimedia Arts Festival 2012! @ddench: We are all loving the fantastic atmosphere in Weymouth and Portland at the moment @DanyLouise: At Weymouth Station. Manager: what are you doing here? Me: looking at the art. Manager: what art? Me: points to it. Manager: well you can’t. @weymouth_dorset: Today the b-side festival starts in Weymouth, running until 12 August. It’s site-based contemporary art. @bsidefest @PopUpDorset: Heading to #Weymouth #portland ?- come and see us (if you’d be so kind) #Dorset #art @Elisha_Wyatt25: @TeamGB take a look at the photos my students have taken down in Weymouth as part of their work with Relays #teamGB @bsidefest: Keep your eyes peeled for @bsidefest artist @soulellis out & about in #Weymouth or catch him @ThePhoenixBaker with his beautiful book works @wilgenix: Have a great day and super creative week. Today: #sailing #weymouth #olympics #photography @ace_southwest: Weymouth Concert Brass play for the opening of Town Bridge while the boats go through.

@alisonjfreeman: My mum’s had a wool shop in Weymouth for more than 20 years. Today she had her first customers from Venuzuela & Argentina. Love Olympics. @bsidefest: steve-mcpherson/sets/array listen to the full Array sounds of Weymouth & Portland by @ bsidefest artist @McPhersonSteve or visit now at #Nothefort @bsidefest: What’s that I spy at a #bus stop in #Weymouth ?... @bsidefest artist Frances Scott’s fantastic film proud to be hosts... @Car0lineBlake: Enjoyed seeing Simon Ryders - A natural history of pseudomorphs #Portland Bill simon-ryder-2/ get there if you can @51joe: Gps animated work live in weymouth for bside festival @yawnsville: Really hoping this’ll be the summer when Kid Carpet drops his new album @HiveBeachCafe: Lookoing forward to the launch of the B Side Festival in Weymouth this evening! @bsidefest: @wiredcanvas & @neilleonard working hard to produce 48hr #zine for @ bsidefest long as this makes sense to them! @LisaTandem: Looking forward to @bsidefest launch party tonight with @stevesdaughter @ AlanRogers2012 @soulellis et al #Weymouth rocking this summer

Niels Post: On Spam Business proposals

Email spam in all its unrequited glory pours out of your computer screen and onto the windows of unsuspecting shops and offices as a series of odd, humorous and strangely poetic text interventions. Be on the look out around Weymouth Town Centre. Photograph, tweet and pass them on!


The 48 was produced in 48 hours in Weymouth, Dorset, between 28 - 29 July 2012 by Wired Canvas ( and Neil Leonard ( / as part of b-side Multimedia Arts Festival 2012 ( #the48

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