2 minute read

BSS Field-meetings programme 2022

BSS Meetings 2022 (some joint with other groups)

NB BSBI members are welcome on any of these meetings


Sunday 27th March, 11am Limekilns, FIFE

Introductory Dandelions Workshop Leader: Leslie Tucker

Book with Maria.Chamberlain@ed.ac.uk. Sunday 10th APRIL , 10.30am River South Esk, EDINBURGH

Toothworts Leader: Richard Milne Book with R.Milne@ed.ac.uk. Friday-Monday 13th -16th May North Ayrshire & Arran coastal towns

Urban Flora: Ardrossan, Saltcoats, Stevenston, Irvine and Lamlash

Leaders: John Grace with Carol Crawford and Angus Hannah (BSBI)

For information and booking contact j.grace@ed.ac.uk. Tuesday 17th May , 7pm Invergowrie Burn, by DUNDEE

Leader: Brian Ballinger brian@garrickwood.org.uk. Sunday 5th June 11am (all day) Aberlady Bay, EAST LOTHIAN

Leader: Richard Milne R.Milne@ed.ac.uk. Sunday 19th June , 10.30 - 3.30 Tayport Heath and Tentsmuir FIFE

Practical help with PLANT ID APPS on mobile phones

Leader: Hamlyn Jones (joneshamlyn@gmail.com) or phone 07749880650. Tuesday 14th June, 7pm Caird Park, Den o’ Mains, DUNDEE

Joint BSS/Dundee Naturalists Mainly urban flora Leader: Brian Ballinger Thursday 16th June, 7pm Chambers Institution, High Street PEEBLES

Urban Flora Leader: John Grace: j.grace@ed.ac.uk. Thursday 23rd June, 10.30 am (all day meeting) Alness EASTER ROSS

Joint BSBI, BSS and IBG Leaders: Brian Ballinger and Mary Dean

Contact Brian Ballinger brian@garrickwood.org.uk. Saturday 25th June, 10:00am, Ben Challum, MID-PERTHSHIRE (V.C. 88)

Alpine Field Meeting Booking is essential; john.holland@sruc.ac.uk. Friday-Sunday 8th -10th July ABERDEEN

Urban Flora, Leaders: John Grace with David Elston, (BSBI)

For information and booking contact j.grace@ed.ac.uk Saturday 9th July, 10.30am Millerhill, EDINBURGH

Urban Flora. Leader: Richard Milne Book with R.Milne@ed.ac.uk

Left: Arabis alpina (alpine rockcress), Skye vc104. Right: Diphasiastrum complanatum x alpinum = D. issleri (Issler’s Clubmoss), vc92 (see p.27)

Left: Lycopodiella inundata (marsh clubmoss), Loch Katrine vc87 (see p.23) Right: Downingia elegans (Californian Lobelia) Dufftown golf-course, vc94 (see p.28)

Left: Crambe maritima (sea kale), King’s cave shore, Arran vc100. (See p.42; photo S. Cowan) Right: Centunculus minimus (chaffweed), track to Kelly Resr. vc76. First vc record since 1813 (See p. 33; photo A. Hannah: pencil tip for scale) 51




1. Corallorhiza trifida (coralroot orchid) Gusach vc97. 2. Fumaria densiflora Sandwick Orkney vc111 3. Carex maritima (curved sedge) Orkney vc111 (p.39) 4. Dactylorhiza transteinerioides (narrow-leaved marsh orchid) Duncan Donald, vc105 (p.35). 3 5. Baldellia ranunculoides ssp. repens Loch Ossian vc97; Anne McCutcheon (p.31).






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