1 minute read

Crossword No.6 Cruciada


1. Unyielding example of 19 with male support (4) 4. Conspires to lay trap initially in 23's study (6) 8. Socially awkward person from Virginia? (7) 9. Vail's torn, revealing collection of 19s (5) 10. An aid to study – a baby could use it! (4) 11. Quinoa, for example, brought doctor back to cover operation on female (8) 13. Arrangement of ten pens he found in pitcher plants (9) 17. Musical style of granite, perhaps (4,4) 19. One of 4, tall and long-lived, seen when saint leaves road (4) 21. One thousand and one upstanding Japanese mushrooms (5) 22. Vegetable for dessert? You're talking nonsense! (7) 23. Our subject is lad who's acquired a touch of the sun (6) 24. Feature of leaf of Allium member when seen from underside (4)



2. Variety of garlic, i.e. brain builder (7) 3. Junk mail turned over to reveal form of distribution data (4) 4. Some pineapples, bananas, etc show this as found in Greek temple, almost complete, with fish and fork (13) 5. Labs in the interior produced drink flavoured with Artemisia (8) 6. You French have the cheek to name flower (5) 7. Arable field belonging to Irishman? (5) 8. Nothing's taken from nightcap as source of illegal drug (4) 12. Grass that takes part in a collection (8) 14. Are rest relegated to having marginal teeth? (7) 15. Almost colourless, a bit of grass (5) 16. Set off fizzy powder to get one of 4 that's not 19 (5) 18. Come back, all right, or I produce tropical 19 (5) 20. Sledge dog you originally lost to shell (4)