1 minute read

From BSBI Committee for Scotland Chair Lindsay Mackinlay

7. Field meetings In 2022 we hope to -

• Return to having regular field meetings [subject to Covid regulations] and to organise Rough Crew outings. • Return to having live field workshops • Hold the Annual Summer Meeting which was planned in Scottish Borders. We are planning to hold outreach meetings, general meetings, recording meetings, meetings to study specialist groups of plants.


8. Date of next AGM will be during the Scottish Botanists’ Conference November 2022. 9. Any other business Lindsay thanked fellow CfS members and Scottish VCRs, all BSBI Staff, in particular Jim McIntosh, Julia Hanmer, Louise Marsh, fellow BSBI committee and board members and all volunteers. Thank you to NatureScot for their continued financial support. Lindsay hoped BSBI would have a brilliantly normal 2022! * * * *

From Lindsay Mackinlay, Chair, BSBI Committee for Scotland

After over seven years, this is Angus's last Scottish newsletter as editor! What started as just filling in 'for a small while' turned into a much bigger journey. I think it is fair to say that Angus' work on the newsletter has been fantastic over the years and he has overseen the production of something that I, like many other members, genuinely look forward to receiving each year. I would therefore like to express a big thanks to Angus for all his hard work on the newsletter and hope that he will continue to contribute to it into the future, but from the ranks.

We are now, of course, looking for a new Scottish newsletter editor and we would welcome informal applications from anyone who wishes to take up this editorial opportunity to progress our very own newsletter into the future.

The editor wishes to thank Lindsay and the Scottish Committee for these kind words of appreciation. Angus