Catalog Gastro

Page 74

Chocolate drink (Frederic Nutt, The Complete Confectioner or the Whole Art of Confectionary Made Easy, 1807) Toast 20 cardamom seeds and the seeds of 1 anise star in a frying pan over a low heat for 1-2 min., add chili flakes, orange peel and cinnamon and cook until the orange peel gets dry. Grind them into a mortar until turn into a fine powder. Put pieces of rough chocolate, the powder of spices and milk into a pan, slowly bring to boil, stirring all the time; heat until the chocolate has melt and the drink is hot.

The perfect tea (Isabella Beeton, The Book of Household Management, 1800) The tea-pot should be of a size proportional to the number of persons that are to be served. If six persons are to drink tea, the pot should hold nine cups. One tea-spoonful of tea leaves is sufficient for three cups of tea. These should be put into the pot and boiling water should be poured on, till the pot is one-third full. It should thus stand a quarter of an hour, which will draw a good tincture. When the tea is sufficiently drawn, the rest of the boiling water should be added. The tincture of tea in the pot will make the whole sufficiently strong, and the boiling water added, will make the whole sufficiently hot. The tea should be served in hot teacups.


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