a Road from the Mountain Part 1

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Voyagers Ali Bramwell (New Zealand/Ireland) Alois Schild (Austria) Annelise Zwez (Switzerland) Bernhard Gerber (Switzerland) Bram Arnold (UK) Bruce Allan (UK) Channa Boon (Netherlands) Christophe Doucet (France) Cho Hyun-Jung (Korea) Daniela de Maddalena (Switzerland) Denizhan Ozer (Turkey) Elisabeth Priedl (Austria) Enrique Munoz Garcia (Chile) Erika Batdorf (Canada) Fred Luedi (Switzerland) Gabriel Adams (USA) Graham Cochrane (New Zealand) Harold de Bree (Netherlands) Iliko Zautashvili (Georgia) Jessy Rahman (Surinam) Juliet Fowler Smith (Australia) Kylie Bakker (New Zealand) Lisa Benson (New Zealand) Marjolijn van de Meij (Netherlands) Max Buehlman (Switzerland) PARK Byoung-Uk (Korea) Paul Donker Duyvis (Netherlands) Phil Dadson (New Zealand) SIM Jae-Bun (Korea) Susanne Muller (Switzerland) Suzanne Bartos (Australia) Yoko Kajio (Australia/Japan) Yoo Joung Hye (Korea) FLUT (Harry Heirmans & Rufus Michielsen / (Belgium) ARWINDA (Lisa Schamberger & Christian Bestle / Germany) Documentary Crew MBC TV (Lee Gun-Soo & Park Chan-Min / Korea)!

! ! ! ! ! ! Voyagers! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Sharyn!Hogarth! Fiona!S.!Doyle! Bethany!Scott! John!O’Toole! Angela!Bieniek! Ji!eon!Lee;Brown! Poppe!Zouroudis! Fiona!Woods! Angela!Scott! Niclins!Road!Networkers! Kyong;In!Kwon! Nancy!Ayton! Sue!Cruikshank! Neil!Berecry;Brown! ! !

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This%project%was%made%possible%by%the%generosity%of%the%Nine% Dragon%Heads%organisation%in%agreeing%for%it%to%be%conducted%by% participants%in%Nomadic%Part%2,%in%addition%to%their%own%work,%as% they%travelled%the%Silk%Road.% % When%resources%at%not%available%for%Browns%Cows%Art%Projects%to% undertake%programs%of%work%such%as%Nomadic%party%2,%it%seeks% to%realise%art%synergistically%and%as%an%act%of%giving%though% collaboration.% %

Road%from%the%Mountain% %


In#September#2012#a#“caravan�#of#art#from#the#Mangrove#Mountain#Districts# travelled#the#ancient#Silk#Road#from#Tashkent#in#Uzbekistan#to#Tbilisi,#Georgia.# #


Mangrove#Mountain#Districts#is#a#rural#area#on#the#Central#Coast#of#the#State#of# New#South#Wales#in#Australia.#It#is#currently#in#a#condition#of#change#with# pressure#from#urban#expansion,#over#exploitation#of#water#resources,#mining# proposals#and#inputMhungry#industrial#farming.# # Many#wish#to#preserve#its#diversity#of#farming#practices,#local#culture,#identity,# and#food#producing#potential#for#the#future.#Road%from%the%Mountain#is#one# project#in#a#series#that#seeks#to#strengthen#local#capacity#and#engender#creative# ways#to#collectively#envision#a#future,#and#to#proactively#achieve#it#through# action,#rather#than#in#reaction#to#crises#arising#from#the#greed#of#others.# # We#believe#art#is#uniquely#able#to#do#this.# # The#project#originated#with#an#invitation#to#Neil#BerecryMBrown#and#Jieon#LeeM Brown#to#participate#in#the#Nine#Dragon#Heads#event#Nomadic%Party%II.#They# were#unable#to#attend,#but#conceived#a#way#to#contribute,#and#at#the#same#time# create#an#opportunity#for#Brown’s#Cows#artists#from#Mangrove#Mountain#to#be# inspired#by#the#romance#and#mystery#of#the#journey.## # Participating#“Mountain”#people#were#Sharyn#Hogarth,#Fiona#S.#Doyle,#Bethany# Scott,#John#O’Toole,#Angela#Bieniek,#Jieon#LeeMBrown,#Poppe#Zouroudis,#Angela# Scott,#Niclins#Road#Networkers,#KyongMIn#Kwon,#Nancy#Ayton,#Fiona#Woods,#Sue# Cruikshank#and#Neil#BerecryMBrown# # The#individual#works,#the#stories#within#the#odyssey,#were#digital#images#printed# on#lightweight#synthetic#fabric.#The#“caravan”#travelled#under#the#floral#emblem# banner#of#the#Mangrove#Mountain#Districts,#designed#by#Angela#Scott,#based#on# the#plant#Doryanthes#excelsa#(Gigantic#Lily).# # #

# # On#the#road#the#works#were#under#the#creative#direction#and#coordination#of# Juliet#FowlerMSmith#and#Suzanne#Bartos,#and#in#the#hands#of#the#party#of#the#

international#artists#making#the#trip#physically.#The#artists#were#free#to#deal#with# them#in#whatever#way#they#felt#appropriate#to#the#circumstances.## # Stories#of#the#art#works#were#told,#and#new#stories#created#to#bring#back;# traveller’s#tales#to#inspire#future#journeys#to#places#of#myth#and#imagination.# # At#the#end#of#the#journey#documentation#of#the#project#was#displayed#at#the# Mangrove#Mountain#Country#Fair#on#the#20th#of#October#2012.# # # # # Conceptual#framework:# # When#the#journey#began#the#“cargo”#consisted#of#material#goods,#products#of#the# industry,#creativity#and#culture#of#its#origin,#the#Mangrove#Mountain#Districts.#Its# value#was#tangible#and#tradeable.# # When#the#journey#ended#the#original#material#value#was#gone;#the#artworks#had# been#traded,#given#away#or#altered.#However#new#stories#had#been#created;#a# greater#value#had#been#acquired#through#the#enrichment#of#personal#experience# during#the#journey.## # A#template#for#the#project#was#the#frame#narrative,#a#structure#of#stories#within#a# story.## # Road%from%the%Mountain#was#supported#by#Nine#Dragon#Heads,#Brown’s#Cows#Art# Projects,#the#Mangrove#Mountain#Districts#Forum#and#a#Cultural#and#Community# Grant#from#Gosford#City#Council.# # #

##### # # # # We#greatly#appreciate#the#opportunity#for#this#project#to#be#realised#through# Nomadic#Party#2#and#hope#it#contributed#to#the#success#of#the#Nine#Dragon# Heads#journey.# # We#offered#it#to#everyone#travelling#with#Nomadic#Party#2,#hoping#they#would# find#within#it#an#opportunity#to#play;#to#conjure#with#any#materials#or#ideas#it# contained,#in#the#creation#of#new#stories.#Thank#you#to#all#those#who#took#part,# particularly#to#Juliet#FowlerMSmith#and#Suzanne#Bartos#and#Park,#ByoungMUk# without#whom#it#would#not#have#been#possible.##




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! Animal.(Mineral.(Vegetable.( ( %

A(fake(goanna,(badly(constructed(from(willow(and(papièr(machê,(is(tied(to(a( gum(tree,(by(a(visiting(artist.(She(is(busy(constructing(replacement(animals( for(the(time(when(all(of(the(real(animals(have(been(wiped(out,(finally,(by( human(activity.( ( % The(image(becomes(a(souvenir,(transplanted(into(an(Irish(country(town.((It( is(so(wet(here(now,(that(vegetal(life(can(easily(smother(a(building(within(a( generation.( % % Fiona,%from%Ireland,%has%participated%in%two%residencies%at%Mangrove%Mountain,% and%presented%an%exhibition%of%20%Irish%artists’%work%at%the%Country%Fair.%





$ Research$ continues$ to$ decipher$ the$ mysterious$ inscriptions$ found$ on$ many$ smooth) barked$trees$in$Australia.$However,$some$children$have$long$professed$an$ability$to$be$ able$to$read$the$messages$on$the$bark.$ $ The$gum(tree$stands$by$the$spring$$ I$peeled$its$splitting$bark$ And$found$the$written$track$ Of$a$life$ I$could$not$read.$ (From$A$Human$Pattern:$Selected$Poems$by$Judith$Wright.$ The$larval$stage$of$the$moth$Ogmograptis$scribula$“writes�$the$story$of$its$life$journey$as$ it$tunnels,$unseen,$through$a$precise$part$of$the$cork$cambial$layer$of$its$chosen$eucalypt$ host.$ $ Shedding$ its$ skin$ as$ it$ grows,$ and$ progresses$ along$ its$ serpentine$ path,$ all$ the$ events$ in$ its$ life$ are$ recorded$ in$ its$ script.$ $ Then,$ at$ a$ moment$ signaled$ by$ seasonal$ changes$ in$ the$ trees$ metabolism,$ it$ turns,$ and$ retraces$ its$ path,$ retelling$ its$ story$ and$ consuming$ the$ enriched$ residue$ produced$ on$ its$ outward$ journey.$ After$ its$ cycle$ is$ completed,$and$it$has$returned$to$pupate,$the$outer$bark$peels$off.$Just$as$the$narrative$ has$ been$ one$ of$ mirrored$ movement,$ so$ too$ the$ written$ account$ exists$ in$ reversed$ versions,$one$on$the$new$bark,$and$one$on$the$old.$

There$are$at$least$12$species$each$with$its$signature$dialect,$and$even$more$yet$to$ discover.$ $ Until$several$years$ago$it$was$thought$there$was$only$one,$until$a$schoolgirl$in$Canberra,$ Julia$Cooke,$started$asking$questions.$In$a$school$project$she$identified$three$distinct$ scribble$‘dialects’$ $ A$youthful$Julia$Cooke$wrote:$ And$then$upon$a$smooth(barked$tree,$$ I$found$the$oddest$mark.$$ Like$a$funny$zigzag$pencil$line,$$$ Scribbled$on$the$bark.$$ The$owner$of$the$tag$was$gone—$$Perhaps$it’s$very$shy?$$$ What$sort$of$thing$could$make$this$mark?$$ And$how$and$when$and$why?$$$ Gran$couldn’t$read$the$writing,$$$ And$it$made$no$sense$to$me.$$$ $ Could$it$be$an$insect$code,$$ Written$on$the$tree?$$ $ from ‘My Little World’ by Julia Cooke and Marjorie Crosby-Fairall, 2011.$

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( The$images$used$for$Ji$eon$Lee2Brown’s$work$are$stills$from$a$documentary$film$ about$Koreans$in$Australia$made$by$Jinsook$Gham$in$2011.$ $ $ $ Re$text:$ $



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$ $ $ Just$returned$from$a$journey$through$the$Channel$Country,$with$this$image$of$a$ Eucalypt$in$full$sunlight.$ $ $ Diamantina$Lakes,$Channel$Country,$from$the$air.$ $




& & & Made&of&silk&yarn,&Pot&Hole&Cover&for&the&Silk&Road&will&be&placed,&in&a&manner,&en& route&by&“Nine&Dragon&Heads;&Nomadic&Party”.& & & From& the& age& of&nine& I& kept& Silkworms,& starting& with& 2& fat& worms,& and& daily& I& would& visit& Mr.& Brockbank’s& Mulberry& Tree& to& choose& the& best& leaves& to& feed& them.&Soon&the&first&two&spun&their&silky&cocoons&and&began&their&transformation& to& moth.& After& a& while& and& several& seasons& the& numbers& grew& to& hundreds.& I& would&painstakingly& transfer& tiny& worms,& smaller& than& my& pinky& nailOtip& from& one& leaf& to& another.& I& was& told& to& do& this& as& the& tiny& worms& were& too& small& to& travel&from&one&leaf&to&the&next&themselves.&I&never&questioned&this&though&I&did& wonder& how& they& survived& in& their& normal& environment.& While& the& fat& worms& were&transforming&themselves&within&their&silky&cocoons&I&would&spin&off&some& of&their&silk&onto&a&contraption&my&father&made&for&me&from&wood.&I&would&hold& the&cocoon&in&my&mouth,&attach&a&strand&and&spin&the&thread&onto&the&reel.&It&is&a& shame&I&no&longer&have&the&silk.&

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & In& 2008& I& had& the& opportunity& to& contribute& a& piece& to& the& Mangrove& Mountain& Contemporary& Art& Award& “My& Favourite& Pothole�.& I& had& been& working& with& crochet& and& knitting,& creating& installation& pieces.& It& was& from& this& background& that&Central&Coast&Pot&Hole&Covers&was&established.&The&work&is&comprised&of&a& comprehensive& and& informative& 6& page& brochure&plus& samples.& The& work& has& accompanied& travelling& exhibitions& within& Australia& and& Worldwide& via& Bibliobox.& & & & & & &







A creation story tells of a tribal warrior, Bullana. One day, while out hunting and collecting food, heavy rains came. Bullana and his people took shelter in a cave above the valley floor, however the rains loosed the stones around the entrance to the cave and all were trapped by a landslide. As the fittest and strongest, only Bullana was able to escape through a narrow crevice. He was determined to do all in his power to keep his people alive. He would hunt, fish and bring water to his tribe trapped in the cave, day after day. The physical effort and weight of responsibility were enormous. Exhaustion caused him to fall into the ravine where he broke many bones, but he persisted, trying to crawl to hunt and fish and sustain his people. In the end, the effort was too much, and those in the cave were dying. Bullana finally collapsed in his beloved valley, amongst the trees and plants there. His hand reached out and grasped a small plant, and as his spirit left his body, the plant grew masses of long broad leaves, and the great white flowers at the centre were stained red with his blood. Like many Creation stories it is an ultimately tragic tale, but it tells of strength, courage and perseverance in the face of adversity. The Gigantic lily, Doryanthes excelsa, is used by Aboriginal people as food, and in traditional medicine to promote strength and endurance. A section of the story as told to C. W. Peck by an aboriginal informant in 1933. (Bullana is exhausted and injured) “Beside him grew a little plant. He knew no use for it. But it was destined to be of great use to him. Now up the stream he knew of a trickling spring. Another gully wound down its twisted way from above and opened into the bed of the river. It was very narrow, and in wet weather a little torrent splashed down from the flatter country above, and by means of a leaping waterfall it joined the more swollen river. Its sides were far more dense than the steep sides of the river. Out from a rock wall at the side gushed the

spring. In dry times It simply was swallowed up in peaty ground, but in rainy times it o'erbore them and joined the river. A spirit often came out from that glen. it was speckled with glowing fires that flashed and were covered, and flashed and were covered, over and over again. The spirit was light and ethereal, for it could never be seen in its entirety and it could never be heard. All the tribe knew of it, and all held it in awe. All but the medicine man, and he, sometimes, when he had donned the mystic pipe-clay bands, went right up to the spring and talked with it there. When he came back he bore with him beautiful bunches of ferns of many kinds. It must have been the spirit that came to the hero of this legend, for as he lay exhausted someone took his hand and placed it on the little plant that seemed to him to be of no use. Immediately it moved and grew. The leaves stretched up and up and became broader and broader. It was a wonderful happening. Many leaves came, each one long and broad and supple, and out from the central part came a long firm stalk. It grew up and up until at several feet a flower formed. The young man's wound was more painful now than ever before. He pressed his hand to it and he found it to be bleeding. Then he swung his hand over to that wonderful plant again and it became red with his blood. And it was warm. It is always warm. How long he slept no one knows. Whether it was for hours, or days, or years, has never been told, but when he awoke he was being well cared for. About his body was drawn one of the leaves of the Doryanthes excelsa. Out from his mia-mia he saw many of these plants. They had come while he slept. All had leaves like bandages, and many had stalks with great red buds to crown them.�

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% % % % % Pages%from%a%naturalist’s%journal%recording%observations%made%on%a%journey%to% the%previously%unknown%and%legendary%land%of%Mangrove%Mountain.%




Solitude: Quoted from ‘Walden’ by Thoreau ‘I only know myself as a human entity; the scene, so to speak, of thoughts and affections; and am sensible of a certain doubleness by which I can stand as remote from myself as from another. However intense my experience, I am conscious of the presence and criticism of a part of me, which, as it were, is not a part of me, but spectator, sharing no experience, but taking note of it: and that is no more I than it is you.’ (Thoreau 1997, p. 123) ‘I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will. Solitude is not measured by the miles of space that intervene between a man and his fellows.’ (Thoreau 1997, p. 123)



When I read about histories of the sites along the Silk Road I was interested in the relationship between the history and changing environment. I have worked with a photograph of a hand-beaded garment of a distance relative’s deceased estate, which was handed down to me from my grandmother. I paired this image with a photograph of picture frames and photographs hanging on the wall in my families home. I am interested in the passing of time and change in country, home and family over time.





! A!tradition!of!well!dressing!from!Derbyshire,!England,!was!transferred!to! Mangrove!Mountain!to!create!a!display!for!the!Country!Fair.!The!image!is!made! of!natural!materials;!flowers!petals!and!other!parts!of!plants!pressed!onto!a!wet! clay!background.! ! Well!dressing!is!a!summer!custom!practiced!in!rural!England!in!which!wells,! springs!or!other!water!sources!are!decorated!with!designs!created!from!flower! petals,!in!thanks!for!the!gift!of!clean!water.! ! The!tradition!is!most!likely!of!pagan!origin!and!was!revived!in!giving!thanks!for! the!purity!of!the!water!drawn!from!certain!wells!during!the!period!of!the!Black! Death!(1348P9).! ! Water!security!is!an!issue!for!Mangrove!Mountain!due!to!the!over!extraction!of! ground!water.!



iclins&Road&Networkers& &

A&collective&of&four&people&who&together&made&work&for& A"Road"from"the"Mountain"


& & Early&one&morning,&a&large&and&unfamiliar&truck&was&parked&on&Niclins&Road.&Framed&by& the&kitchen&window,&the&side&logo&read&Silky@Civic.&We&thought&it&an&uncanny& coincidence;&coming&just&as&together&we&began&to&work&on&this&project&for&the&Silk&Road.&&& Thus&it&seemed&the&roads&entering&and&exiting&Mangrove&Mountain&had&a&connection& with&the&Silk&Routes&of&Central&Asia.&&&&&&&&&&&&&And&our&journey&begins.............& & Inventory:* Books/Boxes/Carpet*Bags.** Stories,&religion,&philosophy,&things&of&value,&art,&carpets,&people,&carried&over&a&changing& terrain;&and&an&illustrated&book&conveying&an&interpretation&of&Doryanthes"excelsa" (Gigantic&Lily)&plants,&acting&as&sentinels&of&a&Billabong&(a&branch&of&a&river&that&comes&to& a&dead&end).&& *

Maps.& Lines&of&the&silk&trade&routes&interwoven&with&those&of&Mangrove&Mountain&roads,&and& traced&on&“silky�&paper.& Tiles.** Visual&impressions&of&local&flora,&inscribed&on&tablets&of&clay,&seen&in&the&shimmer&and& glare&of&summer&light.&& Power*Lines.* Brilliant&birds,&both&local&and&migratory,&perch&on&wires&through&which&we&are&talking& with&the&world,&and&watch&for&prey.& and&then&we&discover&a&fork&in&the&road................................&







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% !! ! Banksia!wood!is!pink!to!red,!with!inconspicuous!rings!and!conspicuous!rays.!It!is!spongy!and! porous.!It!readily!becomes!home!to!various!insects,!especially!termites!and!so!is!often!full!of! holes!and!little!tunnels.! ! Indigenous!Australians!obtained!nectar!from!Banksia!by!stroking!the!flower!spikes!then! licking!their!hands,!or!by!steeping!flower!spikes!in!a!coolamon!overnight.!They!also!used!the! flower!spikes!as!hairbrushes.!Early!settlers!used!the!nectar!as!a!syrup!for!sore!throats!and! colds!and!bushmen!would!impregnate!barren!"cones"!with!fat!to!make!a!slow@burning! candle.! ! In!the!famous!May!Gibbs!European!stories!the!"big!bad"!Banksia!Men!are!the!villains!of!the! story!and!are!modelled!on!the!appearance!of!aged!Banksia!"cones",!with!follicles!for!eyes! and!other!facial!features.! “We!came!to!a!grove!of!Banksia!trees!and!sitting!on!almost!every!branch!were!these!ugly! little,!wicked!little!men!that!I!discovered!and!that's!how!the!Banksia!Men!were!thought!of.”!! ! Aboriginal!stories!of!a!dangerous!being,!a!“hairy!man”!(they!come!in!many!sizes),!were! common!across!Australia,!and!known!to!Europeans.!It!has!been!suggested!the!knowledge!of! these!beliefs!influenced!May!Gibbs!in!her!creation!of!the!Banksia!men!in!her!stories.!

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Hairy% men% beliefs% were% common% across% most% of% aboriginal% Australia.% In% stories% from% different% cultures% and% language% groups,% the% beings% took% different% forms.% Some% were% more%than%two%metres%tall,%and%some%quite%small.%They%often%came%in%both%malicious%and% benevolent%varieties.% % The%one%from%the%Darkinung%language%group,%who%once%lived%at%Mangrove%Mountain,%was% called% Ghindaring." He% was% large,% his" body% hair% was% said% to% be% reddish,% and% he% was% associated%with%volcanoes% " Some%aborigines%describe%the%Hairy%Man%as%having%feet%that%point%backwards%to%confuse% trackers.% % A% story,% “Stone% Throwers”,% from% south% west% of% Sydney,% relates% the% activities% of% the% “Wullundigong”.% These% beings% correspond% to% the% “Wallthegang”% from% further% south,% being%small,%long%armed,%hairy%men%who%live%in%trees%and%caves.%Their%spirit%can%enter%the% bodies% of% men% who% can% then% transform% between% Wullundigong% (hairyness% and% propensity% to% throw% stones)% and% human% form.% They% marry% humans% and% pass% their% wullundigong%nature%to%the%next%generation.%If%caught%in%transition,%they%are%killed.%% % A%few%more%hairy%beings:%NgautQNgaut,%the%blood%sucking%hairy%man%of%Western%Victoria,% Waladhegarra% or% 'little% hairy% people',% Mumuga,% hairy% men% of% great% strength,% Winembu% are%scary%little%hairy%men,%Junjdy%are%fierce%little%hairy%men,%both%the%Turramulli%and%the% Imjim%are%large%hairy%men%and%have%a%bad%reputation%for%being%dangerous%and%invading% camps,%and%the%Imjim,%is%another%small%hairy%man.% % The%Quinkan%is%the%spirit%from%the%Dreamtime%living%in%the%rocks%around%Jowelbinna,%far% north%Queensland.%The%Quinkan%has%two%sides,%two%distinct%beings.%There%is%the%long,%thin% wispQlike% Quinkan,% rounded% head,% usually% drawn% with% vertical% lines% like% energy% spikes% coming%out%of%his%head.%He's%the%good%Quinkan%and%lives%in%small%cracks%in%the%rocks.%And% there's%the%opposite%Quinkan,%the%bad%Quinkan,%big%and%fat%and%scary%Quinkan,%who%does% all%kinds%of%mischief%and%bad%things.% % %

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Image%from%Split%Rock%gallery.%%% A%nearby%site%was%used%for%religious%ceremonies%at%least%40,000%years%ago.%The%paintings% are%approximately%13,000%years%old.%%



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& & “Been there is a recognition of the endeavours of a family. It is, equally, recognition of a place that enfolded the lives of those people.” “As with the life of a family, so with a quilt......what you get in the end is not really what you planned!”


& & The&quilt&was&inspired&by&the&countless&stories&of&Angela’s&family,&and&her& childhood&spent&growing&up&at&Mangrove&Mountain,&where&her&grandfather,& Patrick&Marony,&first&started&farming.&He&was&an&artist&and,&it&is&said,&bought&the& land&for&the&beautiful&sunsets&to&be&seen&from&there.& & & & An&affinity&with&the&poem&by&Chinese&poet&Li&Po&(701M762)&was&also&motivation& for&Angela’s&work.& & The birds have vanished down the sky. Now the last cloud drains away. We sit together, the mountain and I, Until only the mountain remains.



& &Painting&&by&P.&W.&Marony,&Mangrove&Mountain.&c.&1912&





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! ! ! ! ! My!painting!is!one!I!was!doing!quietly....just!for!me...because!painting!is!not!my! forte!and!I!need!to!practise.!I!had!intended!to!paint!a!much!calmer!image.....one!to! relax!by.!However………..! ! Perhaps!it!represented!my!mood!!! ! When! I! heard! the! theme! for! Contemporary! Art! at! the! Mangrove! Mountain! Districts!Country!Fair!in!2011!was!"Another!Time",!I!thought!that!I!could!submit! this!painting,!as!the!image!of!rolling!waves!always!conjures!"time"!to!me.!! ! I!thought!that!the!title!"Time!and!Tide"!expressed!this!idea.!! !


Steps on the road…..

Istanbul, Turkey,Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Yangikazgan and Aydarkul Lake,Yangikazgan – Samarkend (Uzbekistan) Desert salt lakes, Samarkend – Bukhara (Uzbekistan) via Urgut village, Kitab Pass and Shakhrisabz city. Bukhara, Visit to Chor Bakr village, residence of Emir of Bukhara Sitorai-Mohi-Hosa. Samani dynasty mausoleum, Arc Fortress, Bukhara - Khiva (Uzbekistan), KhivaAyaz. Kala (Republic of Karakalpakstan), Ayaz Kala – Nukus. Visit to State Art Museum named after Igor Savitsky, Nukus - Aral Sea (Republic of Karakalpakstan), Moynaq (Republic of Karakalpakstan),Tblisi, Georgia, Opening at National Museum Tblisi.


! Interim!documentation!of!the!project!

A Road from the Mountain

presented!at!the!Mangrove!Mountain!&!Districts! Country!Fair!in!October!2012! ! ! ! ! !




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There is no road, the road is made by walking; and the story is made in the telling. Stories told in silence; travellers’ tales revealed in the space between words. For the listener, who, nothing himself, beholds Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is. A thousand and one nights on a ship of fools, There is only imagination..

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Chodir' uy' –' garden' tents' of' Bukhara:! An! exhibition! at! the! State! Museum! of! Uzbekistan.!! ! “In!summer!heat,!a!tent!disposed!one!to!rest!creating!a!feeling!that!one!was!in!an! oriental!fairytale.”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! From!Uzbekistan!Airways!Inflight!Magazine,!September!2012.!


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