Broughton InTouch Oct/Nov 2021

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Gardening Projects courtesy of the Boughton Astley Volunteer Group (BAVG)

Broughton InTouch Bringing you up to date with your community

Edition 07 BAVG Freephone: 0808 528 4477 Email: Registered Charity No: 1191840

BAVG Social Coffee Mornings Our regular Monday coffee mornings, previously held at the village hall, are proving a great success and have now moved to St Mary’s Church. This is to make way for the popular return of Kurling and Boccia. The numbers have been increasing as the weeks go by, jigsaw puzzles have been swapped and many new friendships made. So why not join us from 10.30am through to 12.00pm on a Monday for a cup of tea or coffee, have a chat a catch up with friends or partake in a game of dominoes or cards.

Knitting Group The BAVG was made aware of a small group of residents who wanted to meet up once a week to knit, we have arranged a venue and provided the necessary paperwork for them to enjoy their pastime at the village hall. A few residents have also pointed out the success of the Yarn bombs in our neighbouring villages so let us know if anyone is interested in knitting or crocheting, if enough of you come forward a new yarn bomb experience may be born!

Many thanks to BASH Skip Hire for sponsoring this edition, see the back page for details. Feel free to contact us if you would like to sponsor future editions.

This newsletter is available to read digitally, for free, on If you would like to opt out of receiving a paper copy please email us. Deadline for the Dec/Jan edition is 01 Nov 2021. We accept features and information from any not-for-profit organisation within our community. Email October/November 2021

Broughton Astley Volunteer Group InTouch and responding to our community’s needs

St Mary’s Wild Garden On the last Saturday of each month the BAVG volunteers work alongside members of St Mary’s church to tame the wild garden that has become rather too wild. We have been meeting a for a The first visit in May couple of hours each time and have already stripped Progress in August a massive amount of growth out from under the natural trees in the churchyard. If you are interested in helping please give us ring at the office and we will add your details to our conservation list.

Litter Picking The BAVG has a supply of litter picking equipment which we are only to happy to provide to volunteers. As we are a registered charity we have our own insurance but do insist that our volunteers accept and follow our risk assessment. This means that BAVG litter pickers are covered under the BAVG insurance. You can still go out and litter pick with other groups in other areas but you will not be covered by our insurance. We also have an agreement with Harborough District Council to use What3words app to report where collected litter has been left. Unfortunately leaving it by a litter bin can cause a delay in collecting as not all litter bins are the responsibility of the District council. So if you wish to volunteer your time for a spot of litter picking please get in touch with us.

Western Willows Conservation Area The BAVG welcome Joe Johnson who has volunteered his time to coordinate the conservation work at the Western Willows wildlife area, see page 5 for more details. Joe has also put himself forward as a Tree warden for the village. We will soon be suggesting times and dates for working parties to resume once we can start to tackle the hedges and trees without disturbing nesting birds. Once again if you are interested in conservation work please contact the BAVG office. October/November 2021


Broughton Astley Volunteer Group InTouch and responding to our community’s needs

Community Market The BAVG team really enjoyed the community markets at St Marys church on 4th September. We were pleased to see so many stall holders supporting both the village and the church and we grabbed a cuppa and a piece of cake too!

New Age Kurling and Boccia We are happy to announce that the Kurling and Boccia groups have returned to the village hall. Kurling is similar to the sport we are used to seeing at the winter Olympics but without the ice, the stones use ball bearings but the object of the game still remains the same. Boccia has recently been shown at the Tokyo Olympics so if you fancy taking part in a new sport let us know. The Monday and Tuesday sessions are currently well attended but we do have the possibility to put on more. Specific baby area

Good selection of toys Baby weighing scales available

Make new friends

Messy play

Bouncy castle regularly available

Come along to our friendly and welcoming Tots group Held at Broughton Astley Village Hall Regular arts and crafts

9.30-11.00 Thursdays. Term time ONLY £3 per family (up to 2 children) 50p per extra child

Supportive environment

Actively Seeking New Volunteer Helpers Find out more information on Facebook—Broughton Astley tots 3

October/November 2021

What's on at St Mary’s!

for a blessing!

Saturday 30th October -10.00-3.00pm A time to remember – An opportunity to come and light a candle, write a note of remembrance in our church and to pick up a spring bulb in memory of a loved one. Short Wednesday 8th September 10.30 -12.00 prayers will be said for your loved ones every Teddy Bear Bunch returns every week during half hour. term time! A friendly parent/carer and toddler Saturday 6th November 10.00-12.00 group in church with Katie Kangaroo! Our monthly Community market for local Sunday 19th September at 9.45am Messy businesses! Telephone Tom on 07492902651 to Church Returns! Different church for families! book a stall! Autumn arrives and we are starting to bring some kind of normality to our programme of events and services open to all community members!

Sunday 26th September Harvest Festival service at 9.45am Please bring tinned and packet goods for use by our local foodbank! Come and have a good old sing! Saturday 2nd October 10.00-12.30 Community market and coffee morning with craft stalls to support local businesses. Please support this venture! Telephone Tom on 07492902651 to book a stall!

St Mary’s is looking for kind people to bake a cake for us to help with our fundraising events from time to time. We have lovely cake bakers in church….but they often get overwhelmed with requests! If you are willing to donate a cake for a sale please contact Moira! We’d love to hear from you! If you are a business we would gladly advertise that it’s one of your cakes! E mail Moira on Thank you!

Sunday 17th October 9.45 from St Mary’s A News pet service in St Mary’s - Part of Messy Church! Bring your pet or favourite cuddly toy

Revd Sharon

Broughton Astley Family Fun Day 2021 It was wonderful to see so many people out on the rearranged day (blooming British weather – never does what you expect!) Lots of families were having lots of fun and it gave several groups a chance to fundraise. Thank you to everyone who made it a great success – all the volunteers working on the BBQ and Bar, The Broughton Scouts for help with set up and take down and bringing the climbing wall. The Enderby Young Farmers for help with set up and take down and bringing the tractor. The amazing performance cars, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue for the fire engine. And finally, to all our Sponsors – Platform Housing, Hinckley and Rugby, Jelson Homes, Phil Holden Fasteners Ltd and Multicell Ltd. See you next year. All at Broughton Alive.

October/November 2021


Western Willows Wildlife Garden The BAVG conservation group headed by Joe Johnson, is aiming to redevelop the sensory and wild garden on the Western Willows Allotment site, that is open to the public. It is aimed at encouraging schools, nursing homes, people with disabilities or anyone else to come along and enjoy the garden. We will require assistance from residents of Broughton Astley to clear the area and to help grow new plants and tree’s, along with clearing out the pond and encouraging wildlife to the area with bird boxes, hedgehog homes etc.

If you want to get involved and help please contact Joe on

Work has been continuing on our redevelopment and stage 1 should be completed by the time you read this! We said that last time, but as you know, there are often delays, sometimes beyond our control. Delays are not limited to building work, but every area of our lives and we seldom welcome and enjoy them. Your holiday is delayed again, you’re stuck in traffic and delayed getting home, and worst of all - your Amazon Prime order is delayed! Oh, the horrors of modern-day living.

something is delayed in your life, you can use that time to acknowledge and express appreciation for the good things in your life. This is one of the areas we reflect on at the end of the Renew Café sessions we hold each Wednesday afternoon. Throughout the Covid season, we have met online and outside on the church grounds but with the completion of stage 1, it will be held in our new community hub. Do come along, enjoy some cake and give some space for your wellbeing. For more details visit our Facebook page or website

An often-overlooked aspect of delay, which we sometimes can’t see because of our frustration is its potential to develop patience and appreciation as we focus not on what we don’t have but what we do. There are so many things to be thankful for. Perhaps next time


October/November 2021

The Broughton Astley scout group has been quite quiet over the summer, but now the vast majority of restrictions have been lifted the Beaver, Cub and Scout leaders have been making exciting plans for this term’s activities, whether at the Ullesthorpe Scout campsite, in our HQ by the village hall or further afield. Many have missed camping and plans are certainly underway by Cub and Scout leaders for some overnight experiences and allowing the young people to develop their skills and confidence too. The Scouts had a significant presence at the village Fun Day in early September. The older members helped with the set up and pack away of several of the marquees and during the event, there was always a queue for people to have a go on the climbing wall; many of the younger people had never done it before and challenged themselves to climb to great heights … literally! It was fabulous to see their smiling faces when they conquered their fears and some even hit the buzzer 7 metres up! Other activities offered at the Fun Day included learning how to use a flint and steel to safely start a fire, nordic braiding, coconut shy and splat-a-rat; some of these may just seem like fun activities but they show the range of some of the things that scouts of all ages do, they all require skill and with practice can all be improved too. We had a large number of people wanting to get involved but we only have limited space and to meet the wishes of so many people across the village we really need more adult volunteers to come and join the fun, whether helping the organising committee, as a leader, or maybe helping look after our building and equipment. Volunteering is good for you and your mental wellbeing. For many adults, the best memories from their childhood are from being out and about, exploring the area and learning new skills with friends. So, if you would like to help create memories for today’s young people then please get in contact for a chat. We know you are busy and will be flexible to fit around the rest of your life. We look forward to hearing from you.

email or visit

October/November 2021


BAGA's Trading Hut opening times for customers visiting us on site will change from the end of October. Up until 31st October we will be open every Sunday between 10.00 and 12.00. We will then be open every first Sunday during the months of November, December and January, before reverting back to every Sunday from February 2022. So if you need to purchase such things as potting compost, or stock up on our selection of wild bird feeds for winter use, please note the above timings.

services outside of our once-a-month opening please use the contact email address on our website and we will endeavour to help you in any way we can.

If during the winter months you have any urgent requirements for our products or

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides in Broughton Astley If your daughter is interesting in joining us or be added to a waiting list please Register on Register your daughter | Girlguiding or google Girlguiding Join us.

The Broughton Bus The community bus shopping trips are being very well supported and our drivers are pleased to be involved in offering transport to the weekly BAVG coffee mornings. Contact Details 01455 283001 or 282966


October/November 2021

Our members have had a busy time since our last report! We met in the park to mark NHS staff, Social Carers and Front-line workers day on the 5th July for a chat with some delicious “NHS” cake and the following week got together in the garden of our Secretary for a tea party to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the formation of our WI. We enjoyed a wonderful sociable time with sandwiches, strawberries and cream followed by celebration cake and a Pimms or St. Clements cocktail. We were entertained with a selection of songs by Ian Hill on keyboard and each member received a gift of an engraved handbag mirror. The sun shone and we all had a lovely afternoon. At our first meeting back in the village hall in August we welcomed Julie Ede, who gave us a fascinating insight into the

turbulent life of Edith Piaf.  In September we learnt “All about cards” from Mike Lister and in October we are making a Christmas decoration with Carolyn Boulter. Our members Sheila L, Rosie, Julie, Chris R, Allison and Fran have knitted a total of 325 little hats for Innocent Smoothie bottles, which have been delivered to Age UK Leicester, who will receive a donation from the company for each bottle with a hat sold. We are restarting our additional activities and visits as soon as we can.

For more information call 01455 282118

Transport into the electric age!... We are seeking to change our reliance on fossil fuelled transport, so looking to acquire an electric vehicle. This would be smaller than our existing minibuses, but wheelchair accessible and provide a more effective and flexible solution for many transport applications. We are delighted to have been granted a substantial amount from the Lutterworth Area Community Fund. (previously GLP Magna Park) towards the purchase of an all-electric vehicle, converted to carry a wheelchair passenger. Our grateful thanks are due to the trustees and administrators of the LACF for granting us this funding and support from Councillor Rosita Page who has pledged funding for the vehicle.

01455 555571

A demonstration vehicle of the type we are considering was loaned to us for a few days in October/November 2021

early August. This enabled us to evaluate the vehicle and assess its suitability including several of our drivers having time driving it too. The vehicle in question is an ‘eNV200’ - based on the Nissan Leaf and converted for wheelchair access. We are compiling feedback from this exercise which will guide us on a decision, which may see us taking the bold step toward electric transportation!


from needing the food bank’s help later this year.  More than a million people across the country say they are very likely to be forced to turn to food banks if the UK government goes ahead with plans to cut Universal Credit payments by Thank you for all you’ve done to help us during £20 a week this October, which for some these challenging times. Your support has families, will mean suddenly losing up to a fifth meant we’ve been able to continue providing of their income.  vital emergency food and help to local people struggling to afford essentials against the But it doesn’t have to be like this.  backdrop of the pandemic. We have Social security should be strong enough for all distributed over 16 tonnes of food so far this of us to rely on when we need a lifeline – year to our local clients through our because, as the pandemic has shown us, life is distribution centres and are grateful to all our full of things we can’t plan for.  This October, supporters and volunteers who have made this the government must choose to keep the happen. Broughton Astley residents alone have lifeline and protect people when they need donated over 2 tonnes of food and supplies to support, not cut them adrift.  us.  Will you help show we need to keep the While people need us, we’re determined to be lifeline? To get involved visit here for them – but we don’t think it’s right that anyone in our community is struggling to Thank you so much again for all your afford the essentials. This isn’t the kind of support.   society we want to live in.  Tel: 01455 558797 Twitter: @LuttFoodBnk That’s why we’re asking you to stand Facebook: Lutterworth and Vilages Foodbank with us and help protect more people

“I have been busy meeting residents about flooding issues in Jubilee Road and dealing with County Highways about overgrown hedges and trees overhanging the village roads. In addition I am looking at traffic calming measures and supporting the possibility of a permanent one way system in the village centre.” Neil Bannister


October/November 2021


PARISH COUNCIL Anti-Social Behaviour We are disappointed to report that over the school summer holidays and longer nights there was an increase in Anti-social Behaviour around the village. The Parish Council has suffered damage to the glass window in the bus shelter outside of the Co-op car park (this has still to be replaced but delay in availability in obtaining suitable glass and insurance applications caused the delay), many broken bottles on the skatepark, a bench seat has been vandalised, the youth shelter graffitied and twice a shopping trolley has been thrown into the brook. We are continuing to work closely with the police on all these incidents. We are also dismayed to have to report that recently the toilets at Frolesworth Road Recreation Ground had to be closed due to misuse over a few days which included all the toilets being blocked with tissue paper and human fecal-matter on the floor of the ladies. This is unacceptable and our Groundsmen should not have to deal with this type of incident whilst trying to maintain our Village to the high standard that is expected by all. We would like to reiterate that any incidents or matters of concern should be raised directly with the Parish Office on 01455 285655 or by emailing Please note that we do not currently use social media such as Facebook so any areas of concern raised there will not be picked up by the Council.

Flooding At the Parish Council Meeting in August, County Councillor Neil Bannister confirmed that all the drainage works on Station Road and Frolesworth Road in respect of the drains owned by the County Council have now been repaired. The works have included relining, replacement piping and have been jetted through to clear. LCC found tree roots had broken a drain and this pipe has now been repaired. Gulley repairs have also been completed outside of the White Horse. The County monitored any issues after the recent heavy downpours and no flooding issues were detected. There remains repair works by Severn Trent Water to take place, but they do not often advise the County when their repairs are being done but the County are aware of recent activity so the necessary works may have been done but confirmation is still needed. Please visit our website to view minutes of all meetings held where you will be able to view recent reports from our District Councillors. Our website also holds a wealth of information.

Community Speed Watch Leicestershire County Council have contacted the Parish Council with regards to two proposed Community Speed Watch Schemes they intend to run in September 2021 and March 2022. September’s scheme will be a volunteer free scheme and will involve the placement of speed indicator signs which will monitor and record the speed of passing motorists.

October/November 2021



PARISH COUNCIL The March scheme will include the use of volunteers to monitor and record the speed of passing motorists. It was agreed at August’s Parish Council to submit an expression of interest in both schemes.

Wildflower Verges The Parish Council has adopted four verges within the village to improve their value for wildlife. In June this year the verges were surveyed by NatureSpot. Their findings revealed a surprising diversity of flora with an average of over 30 species on each verge. The verges are now being managed differently to help wildlife. Mowing will take place in September, cuttings removed shortly after and then Yellow Rattle seed will be sown. This helps grass become less dominant, leaving space for more wildflowers. If you would like more information on these verges, please visit:

Local Council Responsibilities And Who To Contact


October/November 2021

BASH Skip And Grab Hire was originally called Broughton Astley Skip Hire founded by Richard Smith and Kate O’Gleby-Smith over 15 years ago. Richard and Kate live in the village and donate a skip to the Broughton Astley Carnival each year. BASH are a customer focused Waste Removal company specialising in all options for waste disposal, BASH offer Skip Hire, Grab Hire, BASH Bags and BASH Xtra van collection service. We also deliver aggregates either bagged or loose. Servicing commercial and domestic clients in and around Leicestershire, Team BASH provide a bespoke service that meets your needs and requirements. The friendly and professional team are available to advise you on the different options. BASH customers trade and domestic love to talk about their experience … take a look!

Tel: 01455 209149 Email: Web:

One-stop-shop for grab hire and skip hire October/November 2021


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