Broughton InTouch June-July 2023

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Gardening Projects courtesy of the Boughton Astley Volunteer Group (BAVG)

Broughton InTouch

BAVG Freephone: 0808 528 4477



Registered Charity No: 1191840

At the Broughton Astley Volunteer Group we are very often reliant on the help and support of our local volunteers, sponsors and generous donations.

The BAVG Community Allotments have undergone a dramatic transformation since our last newsletter with micro plots and community bays now built, painted, and filled with compost ready for the selected members to get growing. This could not have been possible without a number of companies.

Hinckley and Rugby Building Society has awarded a substantial sum to the project which has already been a big help and will continue to do so as the allotment develops. Also a big thank you to Coles Plant Centre, Enderby Young Farmers, the Co-op and a generous private benefactor, who has a keen interest in the local community. Thank you to all our volunteers, for all their hard work, enthusiasm, experience, fun and friendliness they bring to the project.

So what’s next? We are looking at a children’s area, interactive compost area, group work area and ultimately a high-level planter for our disabled community.

Want get involved in any capacity? See our facebook page BAVG Community Allotments or by emailing

A big thank you also to the volunteers that have been helping “clean up the old BAGA hut” ready for it to become the new BAVG Gardeners hub at Western Willows.

A new kitchen is on its way and plans are underway for further activities!


Many thanks to Broughton Alive for sponsoring this edition, see the back page for details.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to sponsor future editions.

This newsletter is available to read digitally, for free, on If you would like to opt out of receiving a paper copy please email us.

Deadline for the August / September 2023 edition is 3rd July 2023. We accept features and information from any charity or not-for-profit organisation within our community.

June / July 2023

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Broughton Astley Volunteer Group

InTouch and responding to our community’s needs

To celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III, members of the BAVG Monday morning coffee club, craft and kurling groups were invited to a luncheon and dance in the village hall. It was held on the Bank Holiday Monday as part of the “Big Help Out” day.

Over 80 local residents got to celebrate with plenty of food and cake, a toast to the King and plenty of flag waving. A huge thank you to all our BAVG volunteers for all their hard work as we could not do this without you. Plus a special mention to Gerald Brown for providing the music and dancing and the WI and cake bakers for the wonderful cakes!

God Save the King!

Finally a last thank you this edition to Platform Housing who kindly gifted £500 to the BAVG to help subsidise the coffee mornings, held each Monday morning at St Marys church.

Due to their success, the hours were extended a couple of months ago to 10am-12pm and we are busier than ever.

The kind donation will help subsidise the coffee, biscuits and community bus that is used to transport some residents.

Feel free to join us, everyone welcome!

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Broughton Astley Volunteer Group

InTouch and responding to our community’s needs

Defib Training

Are you confident in using a Defib or performing CPR in an emergency?

The village now has 5 defibrillators and the BAVG along with the Broughton Astley Scout group have run some awareness sessions around the use of Defibs and CPR. The 1 hour sessions can build your confidence in using a defib and performing lifesaving CPR in the event of an emergency.

Due to their popularity, some more dates have been added. The free sessions will be held at the Scout Hut opposite the Village Hall on Wednesday 14th June (7.30pm-8.30pm). Sessions are limited so book now.

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The Broughton Bus

It is good to report that our new bus was delivered on time to the U.K. for its final conversion and fit out. Completion is anticipated as being in June ’23 and we look forward to seeing the bus on duty very soon!

Our first day trip for 2023 - to the Shepshed retail outlet was fully supported, and we expect to offer a repeat visit later in the year. Our new

drivers have been welcomed ‘on board’ and are already offering greater options for expanding the range of services that we can provide. Please contact either of the numbers below if you are interested in future days out or would like to book a seat for one of our regular shopping trips (Lutterworth, Hinckley, or Broughton Aldi.) If you prefer, you can enquire at the weekly B.A.V.G. coffee mornings where always have at least one of our bus team in attendance, who would be happy to assist.

New committee members are always welcome as we continue to offer our range of bus services for Broughton and district. If you feel able to help in any capacity, we would be pleased to welcome you to our A.G.M. on Tuesday 13th June 2023, 12-00 at Broughton Astley Conservative Club.


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01455 283001 or 282966

Welcome to the Parish of Broughton Astley and Croft with Stoney Stanton

Priest: The Reverend Pauline Cummins

We look forward to seeing you at one of our services or events below you can also find more at: and www.achurchnearyou › bacsschurches

Sunday 2nd July

10.00 Stoney Stanton - Holy Communion United Church Service

10.00 Croft Holy Communion United Church Service

Sunday 16th July

9:30 Stoney Stanton - Holy Communion Service

9:45 Broughton Astley – Messy Church

11:15 Croft – Holy Communion Service

Good selection of toys

Baby weighing scales available

Messy play

Sunday 9th July

9:30 Stoney Stanton - Messy Church

9:45 Broughton Astley – Holy Communion Service

11:15 Croft – Holy Communion Service

Sunday 23rd July

9:30 Stoney Stanton - Holy Communion Service

9:45 Broughton Astley – Holy Communion Service

11:15 Croft – Morning Worship

Specific baby area

Make new friends

Bouncy castle regularly available

Last session before the summer is 6th July!

Come along to our friendly and welcoming Tots group Held at Broughton Astley Village Hall

Regular arts and crafts 9.30-11.00 Thursdays. Term time ONLY £3 per family (up to 2 children)

50p per extra child


Seeking New Volunteer Helpers

Supportive environment

Find out more information on Facebook—Broughton Astley tots

June / July 2023


We were fabulously entertained at our March meeting by “Los Amigos” who introduced us to South American music. With Neville on electric guitar, Harry on drums and percussion and Verity on clarinet and saxophone, we were carried along with a varied selection of rhythms and beats of cha cha cha, tango, rumba, bossa nova and samba melodies. They were all tunes that we recognised such as “Tea for Two” and "Girl from Ipanema". All the music is heavily influenced by traditional tunes brought to the region by the Conquistadores and African slaves.

A group of us went for a flower arranging workshop at Saffron’s Flower Farm in Broughton Astley and enjoyed a very artistic morning and others enjoyed a crafting day arranged by our Federation.

Allison, one of our members, stepped up at very short notice when our April speaker had to cancel due to illness. As a primary school teacher, Allison had many amusing anecdotes to tell us of the funny things her young students had said during the course of her career.

News from St Mary’s

Call 01455 282118 for more information.

Broughton Astley Rangers spent a fantastic time at Leicestershire Outdoor Pursuit Centre. They enjoyed both activities on land and water. Lots of team work and conquering fears. This trip was supported by Broughton Alive.

If you or someone you know are interested in joining the Girlguiding community then please log onto our website:

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We usually meet twice a month as a forum for local photographers of all abilities who enjoy photography and want to learn more. For more information, please join our Facebook group - Broughton Astley Camera Club (Photographic Society)

BROUGHTON ASTLEY SEA CADETS are recruiting again! We welcome new cadets in the age range 10 -18 years. For our young people, Sea Cadets makes exploring the world and who they want to be, safe and exciting. Sea Cadets is different from school. There's a lot of learning, but it's done through activities both on and off the water, with our volunteers leading by example. Our ethos is built on the customs and traditions of the Royal Navy.

We have adult volunteer roles in both uniformed and non-uniformed positions and with full support and training, you can volunteer in a way that suits you. We are also looking for volunteer trustees to help manage the unit while giving something back to your community.

We meet at Thomas Estley Community College on Mondays (except BH) 7-9 pm. Send us an email or feel free to come along and take a look at what we do. You will be made most welcome.

June / July 2023 9



Residents will see that work has been completed (or is near completion) on the combined cycleway / footpath across our Leisure Centre site.

It will be 3m wide and run from the current footpath entrance by The Bull Public House car park, it will run parallel to the 3G pitch and onto the existing Leisure Centre car park.


Approval has been given for the public footpath which currently runs around the perimeter of Thomas Estley playing field to be diverted and follow the new combined cycleway and footpath. The school playing field is not public open land for people to roam around or exercise their dogs on. Both have been repeatedly reported during Ofsted inspections over the safeguarding of pupils and health and safety issues due to dog fouling.

Unfortunately, Leicestershire County Council would not let the Parish Council implement the diversion ahead of the new footpath being built, but once completed, Thomas Estley will be securing their site to prevent public access.


The Parish Council would like to place on record our thanks to Councillors Mick Swinfen and Ray Capewell for all their hard work over the years they have represented the residents in our Parish as they step down from office.

They have no doubt seen a lot of changes and have been instrumental in making our Village what it is today. On behalf of the residents, the Parish Council wish them both well in their future endeavours.

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Broughton Astley Parish Council has been awarded £25,000, via Harborough District Council, from Central Government as part of the Levelling Up Project to make improvements to town and village centres.

Improvements will include:

1 Bench

1 Notice Board

6 Planters

All the above are made from timber effect recycled plastic and are dark oak in colour and will be positioned throughout the village centre.


The Parish Council are pleased to welcome Ella Patrick as our new Deputy Clerk. Please note our Office Opening hours are 9.00am – 1.00pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Friday (we are closed on a Wednesday)

We can be reached by telephoning 01455 285655.

“Iampleasedthattherehave beenhighwaydressingand patchingrecentlyinGreenRoad, CoventryRoadandMainStreet.

However,thequalityofrepairsto somepot-holesisn’ tgoodandI ampressingtheHighwaysDept forbetterrepairs.Itsavesmoney inthelongertermtodothejob rightfirsttime.”


June / July 2023 11 BROUGHTON ASTLEY

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