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getting ready to get sexually involved or already involved and might soon become a father and don’t know what to do to really be one. Now the world “Father” if I threw a ball far and you threw it far’ –ther or further; what did you do? You threw your ball past the point where my ball landed. So you threw your ball further or far’ –ther. Now when a man becomes a father he is producing life to go beyond the point where his life may stop. You can’t be a father with her. She in her natural state is a mercy from God to you and me. I am going to say that again; she in her natural state is a mercy from God to you and me! Why? Why is she a mercy? And when you don’t treat mercy right it demands punishment. When you go before the judge and you know you are guilty. You are not asking for justice but you are pleading for mercy. And when you get mercy; mercy is underserved kindness. You know you don’t deserve it but somehow you receive it; so you aught to show more gratefulness for mercy then gratitude for justice. Now how are you sisters a mercy to the man that you are married to or a mercy to the man that you have given birth to a child for? You and I are called finite beings; finite means we have a time to come in and we have a time to go out. So Ecclesiastes the preacher in the bible says; “There is a time and a purpose for everything that is done under heavens.” There is a time to be born and there is a time to die. So everyone sitting in front of me know that you got here; so you are born. What are you headed for? You are headed for death; sooner or later. As a young person you are not concerned with death; I understand for I was once like that too. I was young. I want to talk about death and life in terms of male and female relations for just a moment; when you are born into the world death and life work together. You are not walking without death; death is walking right beside you. When a mother gives birth to the child; death is right there. When the child comes through the birth canal it is either going to live or it is going to die. If it is does not take in the first breath of life it is called stillborn. Death walked with that life. Now God gives the infant a mother hopefully a father. You are to keep death away from a new life that is not aware that death walks right beside it waiting for an opportunity to come in and claim it. And if you are careless with the new life; not watchful over the new life then death will take the new life away. Now as a young brother; you that are sitting in front of me; you sisters when you leave your house you feel you are going to come back; don’t you? You get in a car; you and your buddies smoking reefers or snorting cocaine or drinking liquor; “Come on baby let go for a ride. Crank it up it says a 160 on the dash board.” You don’t know death is sitting in the front seat with you. You don’t understand that death is riding with you. So when you drink the alcohol or smoke the reefer which is impairing your ability to see, smell, taste, hear and feeling accurately and adequately then you are inferring with your own ability to maintain and sustain life. So death gets just a little closer but you don’t see death. You don’t feel death or hear death but it is right there. So you are going on down the highway and you decided to crank it up and one misjudgment you run off the road and you run into something and 56

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