BIS School Information handbook 2022-2023

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Table of Contents School Information Handbook 1 Welcome from our Principal Kiserian Campus 2 Welcome from our Principal Lavington Campus 3 Key Contact Information 4 Communication with Parents 5 Parents Details 5 Guidelines for use of Calls, Emails and Messaging 6 Emergency Communication 6 Complaints Policy 7 Admissions/withdraws & Finance Procedures 9 Student, Parent and School Agreement 9 Right & Resposibilities 10 Child Protection Policy 11 Parental Conduct 11 Student Code of Conduct 11 Student Behaviour Expectations 12 Termly Calender 13 School Menu 13 Use of Files and Protection of Privacy 13 Security and Visitors to School 13 Lost and Found Items 13 Money and Mpesa 13 Mobile Phones and Electronic Equipment 14 Request for Leave of Absence 14 Books and Materials 14 Field Trips 14 School House System 14 Use of Facilities 14 Smoking/Alcohol/Drugs 15 Healthy and Safety 15 Physical Health, Illness 15 School Day Timings 16 School Dress Code and Uniforms 17 Extra-Curricular activities 17 School Transport Policy 18 Curriculum 19 School Life 21 Alumni 22

Welcome from Our Principals

“Thank you for expressing interest in being part of the Brookhurst Family and taking time to visit our website to explore some aspects that define our uniqueness in delivering the British National curriculum. We appreciate the needs of the ever dynamic world and as such chosen to impact into our graduates, the morals and the knowledge to help them cope with present and future challenges. While we have a responsibility to deliver international curriculum we are true to embrace and model the African discipline and embrace the good culture of all round disciplined learner. Character formation is our first pillar that’s acts as a gateway to excellent academic performance. Our model is that of healthy rapport amongst all stakeholders.

Our students enjoy free interactions with all staff. Students in BIS are confident and have high self-esteem developed through openness and being given a chance to express themselves. Every learner is a winner in Brookhurst. In our strategic plan we have clearly projected the future of Brookhurst by ensuring a clear path to talent development and academic excellence. We have successful programs such as aviation, a robust School of Art and Music. We have lived true to our mission by posting excellent performance in IGCSE and taking part in international sports tournaments. Brookhurst has a robust and exciting Learning Support Department that is building a strong reputation in identifying learning difficulties and remediating learning challenges.

The learner’s development is tracked and necessary measures taken to help the underperforming students. There are regular updates to all stakeholders to ensure efficiency of the department. Using individual education and behavior plans, strategies are worked out on how to use effective teaching to help the students. The department is also tasked to apply for access arrangements to needy candidates. We are committed to treating each student as an individual and our purpose is to drive aspiration, ambition and achievement. I hope you will enjoy finding more about Brookhurst international school through this website, phone call, email or a visit to our campus. “

We Are Brookhurst, We Are Family.

School Information Handbook

I feel privileged to lead such an exciting and vibrant school, which offers great opportunities for young people. It is our goal to make each and every student succeed. We offer our students the best possible opportunities to become confident, thoughtful young people who are prepared for any future challenges, in an exciting and increasingly competitive global world.

At BIS, we are very proud of our caring, inclusive ethos where we set high standards and expectations for our students to achieve and behave their very best. From the moment a student joins our school community we want them to feel a sense of happiness and belonging, as this is essential to their future success. Through the British curriculum, our academic standards at BIS continue to improve term after term and year after year. Our school will continue to further develop TALENTS as we believe in a strong sense of character and skills development.

Our superb facilities and dedicated staff enable us to deliver our programs in an environment that is intimate, friendly and attuned to every specific educational need. We keep our classes relatively small to create an atmosphere where you can feel relaxed and comfortable, which allows learners to really get to know their teachers. I want to mention a lesson that personally inspires me to do and achieve more despite failing a hundred times. You are only limited by your imagination. Thus, let us start our new term at school with hopes and dreams that no matter how limited we might be, we will do our best to achieve our dreams. Also, there is something magical about success. If I asked you to name the first man who walked on the moon. I am pretty sure that I would get a bunch of answers. However, if I asked you who was the second person, I know I would barely get any answers.

Because, traditionally, we do not value the second or third positions as much as we should. After all, it is not only the first person who deserves fame, a name, and a notable status. Whether you believe it or not, each and everyone deserves it because we all work hard and give our best. Additionally, those who have invested their best but were not able to manage a victory, Keep working hard because hard work pays off.

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Key Contact Information

We know it can be important to get in contact with the school. Please find a list of useful contact emails and phone numbers here.

Administrative Assistance and Admissions Department – Kiserian Campus

Administrative Assistance Desk Kiserian Campus:

Finance & Accounts Office:

School Transport Office:

Administrative Assistance and Admissions Department – Lavington Campus

Administrative Assistance Desk Lavington Campus:

School Principal:

Academic Senior Leadership

School Campus Addresses

Brookhurst International School – Kiserian Campus

Kiserian-Isinya Road off Magadi Road

Google Map Link:

Brookhurst International School – Lavington Campus

Mageta Road off Muthangari Road

Google Map Link:


Social Media Platforms


Instagram: Twitter/X:


+254 0786-304-694
+254 115436917
+254 115812262
+254 115078949
+254 115074257
Nurses Office:
School Principal:
+254 114178784
+254 0705-329-469
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Communication with Parents

Throughout the year there are numerous opportunities to communicate with parents via calls, letters, emails, direct messaging, school diary, newsletter and in person. We very much like to keep in touch with parents and are happy to discuss any positive or negative feedback that you would like to share. Due to the nature of a school, it is not possible to meet with parents without an appointment as teachers and staff have teaching commitments and very busy schedules. If you would like to have a meeting with your child’s teacher or a school leader, please contact them directly through their official contacts (email or telephone) or contact the front office desk to make an appointment.

As we are a busy school and there are a significant number of letters that are sent home to parents throughout each academic year. In order to be as environmentally responsible as we can, we send the letters via email so please do check your email routinely for communication from school. On occasions we may send a paper version of a letter if there is important information we need the parents to complete and sign. Anyone requiring a paper copy of a letter sent via email is welcome to contact the school and ask for a paper copy to be sent home.

A note is made in student diaries by the class teacher on a regular basis. This note gives an update of the learning that has taken place that week, along with a selection of photos, homework and announcements/reminders. In Secondary you will receive emails throughout the year when required, from your child’s subject teachers and/or Form Tutor to update you on various aspects of your child’s academic progress and activities. If you would like to speak to someone in school but you are not sure who you need to speak with or how to arrange it, please get in contact with the Front Office through our administrative assistance contacts and the team will help you make the necessary arrangements.

Parents’ Details

It is crucial for parents provide all the correct contact information to the school at the start of the academic year. Please inform the school in confidence, if there are any:

• Changes in family environment/circumstances

• Changes in addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers

• Factors that might have a bearing on the work, behavior and emotional state of your child.

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Guidelines for Use of Calls, Emails and Messaging

Brookhurst International School recognizes the need for clear communication channels between the various stakeholders of our school community. With very few exceptions calls, emails and messaging practices at Brookhurst are very good but occasionally misunderstandings and errors can happen, and this is something we wish to avoid. For parents we have developed the following guidelines in the use of any of those communication channels between school and home.

• Emails and direct messages can be used to inform the teachers of something that happened at home or ask questions that require only a brief answer. Any dialogue relating to student progress is better addressed in a face-to-face meeting or phone call between parent and teacher.

• If there are issues that require a discussion or a longer explanation, it will be necessary to arrange an appointment with the teacher.

• Teacher schedules may not allow answering emails and direct messages immediately. But we will endeavor to acknowledge receipt within 24 hours if it is anticipated that a response is not feasible within 48- 72hrs. Please do not expect an exchange of messages and email communication with teachers after working hours or at weekends.

• Any urgent issues that need to be dealt with the same day need to be communicated via the administrative desks.

• Any communication by calls, direct messaging or e-mail between home and school should always be polite, friendly and respectful and in accordance with our school values.

• The CC function on emails should only be used when considered absolutely necessary to avoid over communication and sending the wrong signal to the main recipient.

Emergency Communication

An emergency and/or crisis communication plan is in place at Brookhurst International School as, during times of crisis, it is natural to want information as quickly as possible. Brookhurst provides its community with the maximum amount of information that is possible and appropriate depending upon the kind of emergency and other constraints (i.e. legal dictates, security, emotional well-being of those involved). The safety and security of all children at Brookhurst are the school’s top priorities and all actions taken will reflect this. Should such an event take place, parents will be informed via one of the following methods:

Calls: when immediate action is necessary

SMS: when immediate action is necessary

Email: when families need to be informed within one day’s notice

Newsletter: regarding an issue, which involves security, but does not directly influence the running of the school.

SMS Alerts System

Brookhurst operates a bulk SMS system to communicate with all parents quickly and effectively.

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Brookhurst Complaints Policy

Brookhurst International School aims to work collaboratively in partnership with students, teachers, parents and other external partners. However, it is recognized that there are times when there will be issues that are not resolved to the satisfaction of stakeholders and that they will wish to make a complaint. If any party have a complaint, the school will treat it in accordance with the policy and procedures detailed herein.

Responding to complaints will be given the highest priority by the school and will be dealt with comprehensively. The school regards that a complaint is any matter about which any party is unhappy and would like the school to take action. Further, all complaints will be investigated and the complainant notified of the outcome within 14 days. A record of all complaints will be made available to any external agency that may be interested either to verify action taken. Any aggrieved party will be free to contact the school using alternatives of email-in written form or verbally through a phone call or in person.

If a student is expelled from school, the parent may appeal using the complaints procedure. This policy is available on the school website or through application to the school. The school will provide for a written record to be kept of all formal complaints that are made, and the action taken by the school as a result of these complaints (regardless of whether they are upheld). The school will ensure that all correspondence, statements and records relating to individual complaints will be kept confidential, except where a body conducting a school inspection or as advised by any other entity as governed by the Kenyan Law requests access.

Below are the briefly stipulates 3-tier complaints procedures:

Stage 1 – Informal Resolution

• It is hoped that most complaints and concerns will be resolved quickly and informally.

• If parents or any other party have a complaint they should normally contact the Principal. The matter will be resolved immediately to the complainants’ satisfaction.

• If the complaint is made to any member of staff and not resolved at that point, the member of staff will escalate to the Principal for further action.

Stage 2 – Formal Resolution

• If the complaint cannot be resolved on an informal basis, then the complainant should put their complaint in writing to the Principal. The Principal will decide, after considering the complaint, the appropriate course of action to take.

• In most cases, the Principal will meet with the complainant concerned, normally within two days of receiving the complaint, to discuss the matter. If possible, a resolution will be reached at this stage.

• It may be necessary for the Principal to carry out further investigations, in which case a definitive answer will be given within 10 further working days.

• The Principal will keep written records of all meetings and interviews held in relation to the complaint.

• Once the Principal is satisfied that, so far as is practicable, all of the relevant facts have been established, a decision will be made and the complainant will be informed of this decision in writing. The Principal will also give reasons for his decision.

• If complainant is still not satisfied with the decision, they should proceed to Stage 3 of this Procedure.

Stage 3 – Senior Management Team Panel Hearing

• If then complainant seek to invoke Stage 3 (following a failure to reach an earlier resolution), they will be referred to the school Director, who will constitute a hearing to involve all the members of the Senior Management Team (SMT).

• The matter will then be referred to the SMT Panel for consideration. The Panel will consist of the Director of School, Principal, Deputy Principal, Dean of Students and an independent member who is not directly involved in the running of the school.

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• The Director of School on behalf of the Panel, will then acknowledge the complaint and schedule a hearing to take place as soon as practicable and normally within 14 days.

• If the Panel deems it necessary, it may require that further particulars of the complaint or any related matter be supplied in advance of the hearing. Copies of such particulars shall be supplied to all parties not later than three days prior to the hearing.

• The parents may be accompanied to the hearing by one other person. This may be a relative, teacher or friend. Legal representation will not be appropriate and as such not allowed.

• If possible, the Panel will resolve the complaint immediately without the need for further investigation.

• Where further investigation is required, the Panel will decide how it should proceed.

• After due consideration of all facts considered relevant, the Panel will reach a decision and may make recommendations, which it shall complete within 14 days of the Hearing.

• The Panel will write to the Complainant informing them of its decision and the reasons for it.

• The Panel’s findings and recommendation will be sent in writing to the complainant.

Recording of Complaints

All complaints, and the outcome of the individual complaint, are duly recorded in the Complaints Register. The stage at which the complaint is concluded, whether at the preliminary stage or the final stage of a Panel Hearing, is appropriately noted.

Parents can be assured that all concerns and complaints will be treated seriously and confidentially. Correspondence, statements and records will be kept confidential. A record of complaints is kept for three years.

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Admissions/Withdrawals & Financial Procedures

A childe wishing to enroll at Brookhurst will require to go through an interview process that seeks to gauge his academic capabilities and evaluate his/her character as an individual. Once your child has been offered a place in the school, the finance department will issue your first invoice which must be paid in full to secure your child’s place in school. Once all fees have been paid, you will then be directed to purchase school uniforms for your child from the necessary service providers. All invoices are issued in accordance with the timelines shown on the Schedule of Fees, which are published in March each academic year, and all fees must be paid before the start of each academic term. Please note that if your child is a boarding student, they will not be permitted to enter the boarding house unless all fees have been paid in full. If you wish to withdraw your child from the school for any reason, please inform the admissions department at your earliest convenience who will send you a withdrawal form for completion. Please note that in order to receive a refund of your child’s deposit, a full term’s notice in writing must be given in advance, in accordance with the timelines stated in the Schedule of Fees. Parents are asked to keep the school informed, through the administrative assistants at the front office of any changes that may occur to their contact details, including email addresses and mobile phone numbers.

Student, Parent and School Agreement

As a school we value the support of parents and guardians with regards to ensuring every child under our care makes progress both academically and socially. In addition, we have high expectations of all our students and expect them to follow the various rules and policies with regards to uniform, behavior around the school and mobile phone usage. As such, we have set out the following student, parent and school agreements shown below that we expect all members of the school community to both agree and adhere to:

Student Agreement

I will:

1. Be polite and kind to all members of the school community.

2. Attend school every day, unless I have a very good reason.

3. Be punctual to school and to lessons.

4. Follow the school’s uniform and dress code.

5. Follow the school’s mobile phone policy and behavior/conduct policy.

6. Take full responsibility for my own behavior and the consequences of my actions.

7. Embody the Brookhurst Student Values

8. Carry with me all necessary equipment/kit to be ready to learn.

9. Ask for help when needed.

10. Choose and complete to the best of my ability a wide range of challenging homework tasks.

11. Be a positive and enthusiastic ambassador for the school.

12. Respect and celebrate differences and diversity and be tolerant of others’ views.

13. Make full use of the Student Leadership Team to ensure my views about the school are heard.

14. Aim to develop and show all the attributes of the BIS Learner Profile.

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Parent Agreement

I will:

1. Be polite and kind to all members of the school community.

2. Ensure our child arrives on campus fully equipped, on time and ready to learn, and maintains maximum attendance.

3. Provide time and a quiet space for our child to complete homework tasks.

4. Engage with and support our child’s learning by asking them about their day.

5. Support the school and our children by attending, where possible, all PTC meetings, relevant events and relevant Parent Workshops.

6. Make sure our child gets adequate sleep, eats a healthy diet, and gets physical exercise.

7. Respect the professionalism of academic staff and support and follow all school policies.

8. Be positive and enthusiastic ambassadors for the school.

9. Not post negative messages online or any other social media platform about the school, any child, teacher, parent or overall Brookhurst community.

10. Attend all meetings with academic staff when requested, and correctly follow the designated lines of communication when contacting the school.

11. Show respect for, and tolerance of, the diverse nature of the school.

12. Understand, model and encourage the attributes of the BIS Learner Profile.

13. Ensure our child follows the school’s uniform and dress code.

14. Encourage my child to imbue the necessary values inside and outside school.

15. Pay all invoices by the due date, and seek permission in advance for any delay.

School Agreement

I will:

1. Be polite and kind to all members of the school community.

2. Show respect and tolerance for the various cultures and diverse, global community the school attracts.

3. Monitor punctuality to school and lessons and attendance, and inform parents of any concerns.

4. Provide all necessary specialist resources to facilitate learning.

5. Provide a range of engaging, challenging and enjoyable homework tasks.

6. Provide a safe, positive, and healthy learning environment for your child.

7. Be positive and enthusiastic ambassadors for the school.

8. Provide clear, regular and timely communication regarding your child’s achievement and progress, physical and emotional wellbeing, and all aspects of school life.

9. Respond to all enquiries within 24 hours, and, wherever possible, meet with parents within 48 hours of any request.

10. Issue all invoices in a timely, clear and efficient manner.

11. Model, grow and reward all the attributes of the BIS Learner Profile.

12. Understand and meet the individual needs of every single student, wherever possible.

Rights and Responsibilities

Each student, parent, staff member, and directorship member in our school community has the right to be treated with respect, courtesy, and consideration by all other students, parents, staff, and members of directorship. As a top international school, our community members are compelled to act towards others as internationally-minded citizens. Our expectation is that all members of the community model the school Values of Integrity, Compassion, Commitment and Open-Mindedness.

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Child Protection Policy

Brookhurst International School aims to provide an environment in which students are safe from abuse and in which any suspicion of abuse is dealt with in a prompt, appropriate and competent manner, and according to Kenyan Law. If a child protection issue arises, the reporting of this must be evaluated and attempts should be made to address risks to the child. This Child Protection Policy is applicable to all adults interacting, involved and working with any child at Brookhurst, including but not limited to parents, guardians, other family members, teachers, coaches, volunteers, interns, assistants, school leadership, board members and office staff. All employees and volunteers must be familiar with and adhere to the Child Protection Policy and Procedures handbook in work-related activities.

Parental Conduct

Brookhurst is a safe and supportive community, where relationships between staff and with other adult members of the community, especially parents, must demonstrate mutual respect and a recognition of shared responsibility for student welfare and educational progress. Parental involvement is an important factor in educational success and in dealing with emerging issues with child’s learning at an early stage. In cases of parental involvement, unacceptable behavior by any parent towards staff will be confronted and challenged. The Brookhurst directorship is responsible for ensuring the health and safety of school staff and students in an environment of trust, care and respect. Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to threatening or actual physical violence, intimidation, unwarranted verbal or written threats, shouting, swearing or inappropriate emails and the circulation of malicious rumor in the community. Any communication by email between home and school should always be friendly and respectful. Inappropriate email exchanges include negative emotional responses, personal criticism, threats and unsupported claims which cause distress to the employee. Where such behavior does occur, school staff know that their employer will play a proactive role in taking all possible action to deal with it. These include the following stepped sanctions which will be applied according to the severity of the incident:

1. A school meeting with the parent/guardian, staff member in the presence of a school leader to resolve the issue in a mutually respectful and constructive manner.

2. A written warning to the parent from the Principal after investigation of the incident.

3. Referral to the Director which may result in measures which address the specific action.

4. Referral to the Director which may result in expulsion of the student from the School as a final resort.

Advice and support are given to Brookhurst staff on procedures to follow in dealing with such incidents at any stage required in dealing with parents.

Student Code of Conduct

We have modelled our code of conduct on the principles of positive education and restorative practices. All Brookhurst students are expected to adhere to the school’s Student Code of Conduct. It is based on the principle of respecting the rights of other students to be able to learn without interference. Students are expected to interact in a respectful and friendly way with their fellow students, their teachers, and all other school staff and visitors to the school. When outside on the school grounds, students are expected to show respect and care for their surroundings. Students are not to leave the school grounds without parental permission and the agreement with the school office. Parents and Students are encouraged to consult our students’ code of conduct policy prior to registration and upon admission to our school. (student code of conduct)

Brookhurst holds a zero tolerance policy to bullying in all its forms; physical, emotional and cyber bullying. The bullying and cyberbullying policies are available on the school website. Students sign an anti-bullying pledge upon admission.

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We run a positive behavior policy as illustrated by our ‘respect’ rules of conduct



• To yourself

• To the community

• To the environment

• For your belongings


• To others

• To yourself

• To the environment


• To show you are happy

• To give off positive vibes

• To put others at ease

• To show warmth towards others

Patience Equality Collaboration Trust

Student Behavior Expectations

• To remain calm

• To allow time to respond

• To allow time to think

• To be treated the same

• To be understood

• To be fair

• To communicate

• To be a team player

• To be a family

• To believe in each other

• To rely on each other

• To be protected

The goal of school behavior guidelines is to support students in understanding how to act responsibly and to resolve his/her problems effectively. Staff shall enforce behavior rules and procedures fairly and consistently amongst all students. Each teacher will take responsibility for general classroom management by setting expectations, modelling correct behavior, rewarding good behavior, counseling the student, applying consequences fairly when this is considered effective. When a student continues to act inappropriately and the classroom teacher has exhausted classroom management options, or when a single action by a student is sufficiently severe, the student will be referred to the Head of Department or Deputy Principal.

Expulsion from school for repeated or severe infractions against school rules, a student may be expelled from the school as a final measure. Decisions on expulsion will be made at the discretion of the disciplinary panel.

Student ID Card

All students will be issued with identity cards 18 days after admission to the school. The student ID card is essential for student use within campus and on various out of campus excursions. Nonresident students require student ID cards for foreign travel. Students are required to keep their student IDs with them and in case of loss to report to the administrative desk.

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Termly Calendar

There is a termly calendar that contains information on school dates and events issued to all families at the start of each term. This can also be found on the school portal and social media platforms.

School Menu

Lunch is compulsory for all students and must be paid for on a termly basis along with all other fees. All meals are prepared and cooked freshly each day by our quality catering team and a wide variety of choices are available each day, including western dishes and Kenyan dishes. Students are encouraged to eat their 3 core meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Supper) as well as their 2 snack breaks.

Brookhurst International School does not allow external food to be brought on campus. Our weekly menus are displayed on each campus and also on our school website.

Use of Files and Protection of Privacy

Brookhurst uses photos and videos to promote the school to various audiences, including its website and social media. The school is gathering content to promote BIS and all its schools locally, regionally and worldwide. Brookhurst International School (BIS) owns the copyright of any images taken, and photos will only be used for the purpose/s mentioned above. Parents must inform the school in writing if consent needs to be withdrawn or amended at any time by contacting:,

The school will take all necessary steps to ensure that children are in a safe environment and that the privacy of children and families is protected. The school will not release contact information about any family associated with the school to any third party, except for the police or local authorities if demanded, without the prior consent of the parents concerned. Employees and professional photographers are subject to policies and rules on how and when such images may be taken and used.

Security & Visitors to School

Visitors to the school, including parents, are requested to sign our visitors’ register upon arrival at Reception. While the visitor’s host is called down to Reception, a badge will be given to wear during the visit. In the interest of everyone’s safety, we request that visitors stay with their hosts at all times. Visitors are asked to sign out on the register and return their badges before leaving the school. In the following cases, parents are not required to register as visitors:

• Visits to the school for drop-off, pick-up, or short enquiries or services at the Reception,

• Attendance at school events (such as the performing arts show).

Many parent volunteers help with special events and provide general support for the school, which is greatly appreciated. Parents who volunteer at school should follow the Visitors’ Policy described above and coordinate their efforts with staff members acting as hosts.

Lost & Found Items

We encourage parents to label all clothing, shoes and water bottles. Please contact your child’s teacher or the administrative desk to enquire about lost items. A lost and found section is kept and is available from the school reception. Items remaining in the lost property after the end of term will be sorted and given to charity where appropriate. Brookhurst International School accepts no responsibility for any item a child loses during any part of the school day.

Money & MPESA

We inform parents through our communication channels if money will be needed in case of payment of an out of school activity or field trips. The money should be deposited to the school accounts or paid to:

MPESA Paybill: 222111 Account: 160072#STUDENTNAME.

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Mobile Phone & Electronic Equipment

Mobile phones have become an integral part of modern society and they have no doubt transformed the way in which humans stay connected and also how we access the internet on a daily basis. Both adults and children can be connected 24 hours a day if they so desire, with mobile phones being used to instant message people, partake in social media, make phone calls, surf the web and play games. However, as a school Brookhurst believes that mobile phone usage by young people within a school setting is detrimental to their wellbeing and character development as a whole. Children are not allowed with mobile phones on campus. They might be occasionally asked to come with laptops or study tablets to support specific lessons. If they need safe custody of any devices, they should deposit them with the relevant teacher or administrative desk. The school shall not be held liable for any items that goes missing.

Request for Leave of Absence

School attendance at Brookhurst International School is compulsory on a school day. If your child is absent on a given day, please notify the administrative desk or class teacher by 8:00AM along with a valid reason for the child’s absence e.g. illness, appointment. Students who arrive after 9:00 AM must enter via the main entrance and sign the Late Arrivals register at Reception before going to class. Punctuality is very important to us at Brookhurst, and we will contact parents if their children are regularly late.

We ask parents not to take their children out of school during the term whenever possible. If exceptional circumstances require that an authorized leave of absence be granted, Preparatory and/or Secondary Heads should be consulted. Where possible, parents are asked to notify the school two weeks in advance so that teachers can make adequate arrangements for their absence. Students will be excused in cases of illness, funerals of close family members, emergencies, and to observe a family’s religious celebration.

Books and Materials

Students are expected to be responsible for personal and school materials. All textbooks remain the property of Brookhurst International School; they are loaned to students who must pay for replacement of lost text and library books. In Preparatory School, some stationery and school materials are organized by the school. Some books are consumable, meaning children write in the book and they take it home at the end of the school year.

Field Trips

Field trips will be announced in advance. Parents are asked to give their permission for their child to participate after being informed of the particular field trip. Overnight study trips and out of country trips might require payment by parents towards the cost of the excursion. Parents fill in forms authorizing trips to countries outside of the school’s host country.

School House System

Upon admission into Brookhurst International School the student is placed into one of 3 houses OAK (black color), WILLOW (gold color) and CEDAR (maroon color). We try to ensure wherever possible that any siblings are placed in the same house upon entry to the school. There are many house events throughout the school year to maximize house spirit; one such event is our weekly House Shirt Friday, where all students and staff wear their house colored t-shirt with pride.

Use of Facilities

When using the school ensure that:

• Children remain supervised at all times

• The pool areas are accessed at the allotted times under strict adult supervision

• Bicycles and skates are used on playing field, track and school driving lanes only

• Dogs not allowed on the school campuses

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Student smoking, drinking alcohol and taking of any drugs is not permitted on or near school premises or during school-sponsored study trips or events. Students found doing so will face consequences in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Our school campus is also a non-smoking zone for all adults.

Health & Safety

Brookhurst International School strives to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment. We expect all members of our school community to support this and to make responsible, safe decisions when participating in our curricular and extracurricular activities. Important: Please make sure that the school has your most current contact details, as well as your emergency contact information. All parents must ensure that the school office has an updated student health information sheet.

There is no legal requirement for our staff members to give out medication to students. Exceptions to this guideline are possible, e.g. in cases of chronic illnesses. In such cases, the following requirements are expected from parents:

• Receipt of a written parental agreement

• Receipt of a medical prescription of the doctor indicating the name and dosage

• Agreement by the school that the student is not able to take the medication by him/herself

Physical Health & Illnesses

A. Common illnesses

In the best interests of the child and the wider school community, children with a fever, nausea, cold symptoms (runny nose or persistent cough), or any other signs of illness should remain at home. Should a child show an illness at school, the school nurse will contact the parent, who must arrange to pick up their child as soon as possible.

B. School Nurse, Medication, Reduced Mobility

Our school nurse is available on-site during the school day to provide first aid and ensure that students with medical conditions are identified and adequately supported in school. If a child needs medication during the school day (including non-prescription/’over the counter’ products), parents must inform the nurse, who will store the medication safely. Parents must send medications to school with clear, written instructions in their original packaging. Parents must inform the school nurse if their child cannot participate in PE, swimming, or other physical activity due to an injury, medical condition, or reduced mobility (e.g. crutches). In addition, parents must provide a medical certificate.

C. First Aid and Medical Care

If a child becomes ill or injured at school, the parents will be notified at the earliest opportunity and kept fully informed. If a serious injury occurs at school or further medical attention is needed, an ambulance and/or emergency doctor will be contacted immediately.

D. Food Allergies

As nuts are common allergens, we attempt to reduce the amount in our school environment during lunch and break times. The meals produced at school do not contain nuts or nut products as ingredients. We ask all parents to refrain from sending foods containing nuts for shared treats, e.g., birthday cakes.

E. Safety in Class

Students should tie long hair back for PE and practical science lessons. Earrings should either be removed or covered with medical tape during PE activities.

F. COVID-19 and Contagious Diseases

In an outbreak of COVID-19 or another contagious disease, the school follows all relevant ministry of health directives to minimize the spread of disease at school and maintain the health of our school community. Parents are informed of these directives and resulting school policies and are asked to give their full cooperation in such cases.

G. Medical Insurance Policy

Brookhurst requires all students to be covered by individual medical insurance policy. Insurance policies insure quick and effective service provision at reputable medical centers and hospitals.

15 School Information Handbook

School Day Timings

Please find below an overview of school day timings at our campuses:


TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 5.45-6am Marathon Marathon Marathon Marathon Marathon 6.00-6.30am Showering/ grooming Showering/ grooming Showering/ grooming Showering/ grooming Showering/ grooming Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast 6.30-6.45am 7.00-7.15am 7.15-7.30am 7.30-8.00am 8.00-10.00am 10.00-10.30am 10.30-12.40pm 12.40-1.30pm 1.30-4.00pm 4.00-4.20am 4.20-5.00pm 5.00-6.30pm 6.30-7.00pm 7.00-8.00pm 8.00-9.00pm 9.00-9.30pm Class Roll-Call Class Roll-Call Class Roll-Call Class Roll-Call Class Roll-Call Topics from PHS Topics from PHS Topics from PHS Topics from PHS Topics from PHS Assembly Assembly Lessons Lessons School Service Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Lessons Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Games Games Games Games Games Games Debate Clubs Games Games Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Family Dinner Quiz/Assignment Quiz/Assignment Quiz/Assignment Quiz/Assignment Entertainment Entertainment Preps Preps Preps Preps Sweet Dreams Sweet Dreams Sweet Dreams Sweet Dreams Sweet Dreams
Games Dinner Lunch Entertainment Time 6.307.00am 7.007.30am 7.308.00am 8.0010.00am 10.0011.00am 10.0011.00am 12.302.00pm 2.003.30pm 3.304.00pm 4.006.00pm 6.3007.00pm 7.009.00pm Saturday Sanday Marathon Grooming Breakfast Classes/ Aviation Break Break Personal Cleaning Coffee Bar Games Dinner Lunch Entertainment Marathon Grooming Breakfast Mass in the hall Break Break Games Clubs 16 School Information Handbook

School Dress Code & Uniforms

At Brookhurst, we believe that a uniform instills pride in the school and as such we have a strict uniform policy that all students must adhere to. Students are expected to wear the prescribed uniform correctly every school day, except on specific designated non-uniform days. We believe that commonly accepted standards of modesty and neatness will ensure appropriate and non-offensive student dress in an international school setting. With the belief that proper dress is integral and conducive to a learning environment, we require that students wear appropriate, non-distracting, inoffensive clothing. Slogans and logos on clothing must not include vulgarity or references to drugs or alcohol.

Please note the following key points/guidelines regarding uniform:

• Skirts should be knee-length throughout the school, including in the Sixth Form.

• There should be no extreme hairstyle or color. Hair should be smart and of the reasonable length across the head. If requested by the school, a student will modify their hairstyle or color if the administration deems the style/color to be against our guidelines.

• Students will tie their hair back as requested by teachers, for example in practical Science lessons.

• At the Early Years classes, we request that all girls with hair longer than shoulder length tie it back.

• Girls should only wear a plain, narrow ‘alice-band’ type hair band. Hair bands should not be of a wide material bandana style, or in bright colors, or have any additional parts sticking out of the top.

• No make-up is permitted for any student across the whole school.

• Students are permitted to wear a watch and one pair of small sleeper or stud type earrings.

• Necklaces must be worn underneath the uniform and must be removed for PE and sports

Extra-Curricular Activities (For health and safety reasons).

• No other jewelry is permitted at any time. Nose piercings and other body piercings are not allowed.

• Tank tops and other sleeveless tops, team uniforms, hats, and costume clothing may not be worn in the dining hall.

• No tube or bandeau skirts are permitted.

• Undergarments e.g camisoles and tank tops are not to be exposed.

17 School Information Handbook

School Transport Policy

Brookhurst International School recognizes the importance of providing safe and reliable school transportation services for our students. Our school transport policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for ensuring that our transportation system operates smoothly and safely.

Eligibility for School Transportation

School transportation is provided for all students who live beyond a reasonable walking distance from the school. The school will determine the eligibility of each student for transportation based on their home address. However, for parents who wish to pick their children, the car should have a school sticker. For students who use taxi services, the parents should have a designated cab and communicate the details to the school. For the students who walk/cycle home, they are required to sign in/out at the gate.

Safety Standards

All school buses are equipped with safety equipment such as seat belts, first aid kits, and fire extinguishers. Each bus driver must have a valid driving license and undergo regular training on driving safety, emergency procedures, and child safety.

Route Planning

The school will determine the school bus routes based on the number of eligible students and the geographical location of their homes. The school will also consider traffic congestion and safety issues when planning the bus routes.

Bus Stops

The school bus stops will be located in safe and visible locations that are accessible to the students. The school will also communicate the timings for picking and dropping the student at the designated areas. The bus wait time will be 5 minutes to pick / drop the student.

Discipline and Conduct

All students who use the school transportation system are expected to follow the school's code of conduct while on the bus. Students who do not comply with the rules and regulations may face disciplinary action, including suspension of transportation services.


The school will communicate regularly with parents and guardians about transportation schedules, changes in bus routes, and any other relevant information. Additionally, the parents are required to communicate to the school a day prior of any changes in pick-up of the student.


Fees for school transportation will be determined by the school and communicated to parents and guardians at the beginning of each academic year.

All the transport fees should be paid in full at the beginning of the term. The fees will be adjusted to carter for inflation when need arises.


The school is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal property that occurs during transportation. The school is also not liable for any injuries or accidents that occur outside the school bus.

18 School Information Handbook


This school transport policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. By following this policy, Brookhurst International School is committed to providing safe and reliable school transportation services for our students.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Always use designated Brookhurst International School parking places when parking on the school site. Please do not use parking reserved for Brookhurst staff and avoid parking along narrow access lanes within the school campus. Drop off and pick up of students will be at the designated areas. Kindly do not pick up your child from the classroom.


We follow an adaptation of the British National Curriculum from Year 1 (Age 6+) to Year 13 (Aged 17+). The British National Curriculum is divided into 5 key stages that track the development of students. The curriculum offers the following benefits:

• Internationally reputable education.

• Skills based knowledge.

• Student centered learning methods

• Environment that fosters global exposure

Students from Year 1 to Year 9 study a range of subjects, including: English, Mathematics, Science, Art & Design, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Social Sciences, Economics, Business, Literature, Music, Drama, Languages, Physical Education and ICT/Computer Science. Brookhurst students begin specialization after Year 9 after a series of career workshops so that they can identify their path early. Specialization entails students selecting more specific subject choices within their programme. Students in Year 10 and 11 follow a two-year course leading to the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations. Students who achieve 5 credits in their IGCSE examinations can go on to study for the Advanced Level General Certificate of Education in Year 12-13. Students who pass their A-Level examinations gain the gold standard of university admission worldwide.

At Brookhurst we uniquely implement the British National Curriculum in the following ways:

• We use the learner centered approach. This is achieved through the profiling of the students to understand the best method to gain knowledge and understand concept.

• We believe in shaping the school around the child, where excellence in teaching and coaching comes together with the child at the center.

• A wide range of languages including, French, German, Mandarin and Swahili.

• Science students can select from Physics, Chemistry and Biology for their career path and admissions in the universities.

Students can join Brookhurst from the Kenya National Curriculum after sitting for their KCPE or KCSE examinations. A student who has sat for KCPE joins Year 9 dependent on their KCPE total marks whereas, those who have done KCSE join Year 12 dependent on the KCSE average score. Brookhurst follows the Northern Hemisphere Academic Calendar which runs from September to July. Brookhurst also offers BTEC courses. BTEC is a high-quality, career-focused qualification grounded in the real world of work. This means BTEC learners develop and apply the knowledge, skills and behaviors that employers and universities are looking for. BTEC courses on offer are in Business, Sport, Music, Art & Design.

19 School Information Handbook

Curriculum Table

Approx. Age Local Kenyan System Adapted BNC at BIS UK Bands 5+ Pre-Unit Reception KEY STAGE 1 6+ Standard 1 PREPARATORY LEVEL Year 1 7+ Standard 2 Year 2 8+ Standard 3 Year 3 KEY STAGE 2 9+ Standard 4 Year 4 10+ Standard 5 Year 5 11+ Standard 6 Year 6 12+ Standard 7 Year 7 KEY STAGE 3 13+ Standard 8 Year 8 14+ Form 1 SECONDARY LEVEL Year 9 15+ Form 2 Year 10 KEY STAGE 4 16+ Form 3 Year 11 (IGCSE Exams) 17+ Form 4 Year 12 KEY STAGE 5 18+ Year 13 (A-Level Exams)
School Information Handbook

School Life

Brookhurst International School aims to work collaboratively in partnership with students, teachers and parents to ensure a positive school environment and nurturing school life.

Student Leadership

The Brookhurst Student Council serves to provide leadership opportunities and to foster student responsibility. Students from preparatory school to the senior school come together to vote for their student council leadership positions. The contest for the positions is considered a battle ground of ideas. Together with a Teacher Advisor, the Student Council plan school community events and programs that are of interest to students and promote intercultural understanding.

Counselling & Pastoral Care

The counseling department aims to support all students through their education at Brookhurst by addressing personal, social, academic, and career skills needed to achieve success while at Brookhurst International School and beyond. We provide a confidential and safe environment for students to receive individual and group counselling, referring students to outside resources as required, advocating for students’ well-being, supporting the healthy transition of students to and from Brookhurst, assisting in the teaching and implementation of a school wide guidance and pastoral program, providing support and assistance to parents, and fostering a school community that is educated about the students’ emotional and social needs.

• Personal Counseling is for students who are having difficulty coping with their personal and social lives. Personal counseling focuses on helping students gain the skills and confidence necessary to handle their difficulties.

• Academic Counseling focuses on promotion of student success at school. Students work with counselors to increase organizational skills, peer relations and approaches to learning.

• University and Career Counseling are offered to help students prepare for, choose, and apply to post-secondary education. Exploration of skills and career choices is an important part of this counseling process.

Learning Support

Brookhurst recognizes that students with learning differences need support in gaining the skills and knowledge necessary to access the school curriculum at an age appropriate level. Students who enter school with learning diagnosis or who are referred by parents or staff members will receive a learning support plan that is developed in collaboration with parents, the student, teachers, and outside professionals. Within the limits of financial and staffing resources, Brookhurst can offer students who have been diagnosed with specific learning disabilities, physical and sensory differences, and mild developmental disorders support in one or more of the following models: in-class support and accommodations and small group direct instruction.

Extra-Curricular Activities

At Brookhurst, we provide a broad and varied extracurricular activities programme, drawing upon the expertise of our teaching staff. The activities reflect the diverse talents and specialisms of our teachers and students. Activities may include academic subjects such as English, Mathematics and ICT as well as sporting activities such as basketball, tennis, Golf and football. Other activities can include music, choir, taekwondo, hip hop, ballet and cultural dance. ECAs are conducted by our own teaching staff and, on occasion, outside specialists and providers. Each term, the activities on offer change and we try to have a healthy mix of educational, sporting and fun activities. Please note that for certain ECAs, a charge will be made which will be communicated to parents before the activity begins

21 School Information Handbook

Sports Academy

Brookhurst International School sports academy programs promote sportsmanship, commitment and teamwork within our students. Our sports academy hosts an array of team sports throughout the school year. The following activities take place during the school year: Cross Country, Volleyball, Soccer, Badminton, Tennis, Swimming, Basketball and Golf. Brookhurst student athletes have the chance to participate in local, regional and international competitions. Locally, Brookhurst International School enjoys the membership of Kenya Association of International School (KAIS) and Kenya private schools’ association (KEPSA). The two premier associations organize competitive games each term. Internationally Brookhurst participates in competitions such as:

• Kelee Warrior Cup (UK)

• Dubai Super Cup (UAE)

• Nottingham Cup (UK)

Tutor System

Brookhurst tutor system underpins our approach to molding our students learning journeys. Tutors are teachers who aid the classroom teacher by taking individual students under their wing and mentoring them through high school education. High School teachers meet their students routinely on one on one engagements that seeks to get a brief on the students wellbeing, academic progress and their adherence to the school’s core values.

School Library

Students use the learning resources in the libraries during class time but are also encouraged to check out materials for research or to read at home. Through donations and school purchases, the libraries have acquired 45,000 volumes, including online subscription databases. The libraries are open to students during school hours. If a book gets lost, damaged, or defaced, the student’s family will be required to pay for a new copy. We always welcome books in good condition.


All computers, including those in the classrooms, are fully networked with supervised Internet access. Students are not allowed to use school computers without adult supervision. Further, Brookhurst has IT Acceptable Use policies which specify the important ground rules that students must follow when using computers, IT services and IT equipment.


Students leave Brookhurst international school academically prepared for international and local colleges and universities and also equipped with a range of skills and attitudes that will serve them well throughout their lives and in society in whatever field of endeavor they seek. We are noted amongst the various international schools in Kenya for having alumni who stand by our motto, dedicated for excellence.

Former Brookhurst students are encouraged to join our Alumni group. Brookhurst alumni group is a fun contingent of former students who keep the school engaged in their activities whilst in college and in life.

22 School Information Handbook
23 School Information Handbook
Alumni Quotes

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