Convex Safety Mirrors are a widely-used safety device in Australia, to increase visibility of obstacles in hazardous locations. These devices are designed to provide a wider field of vision to reduce blind spots and to indicate to the viewer the presence or absence of a moving or stationary vehicle and/or pedestrian. The convex shape of the mirror results in distortion of the image, speed and distance of any object. Due to this it is important to use the below guide to ensure the Safety Mirror’s positioning and size is appropriate for its location. Components and Requirements of a Safety Mirror Environment: Safety Mirrors are available for both Indoor and Outdoor applications. Outdoor Safety Mirrors are identifiable by a ‘visor’ that shields against glare and reduces weathering. Indoor Safety Mirrors will generally not require a visor. Size and Distance: Safety Mirrors can be found in a range of sizes, varying from 300mm to 1000mm. To determine an appropriate size, consult the following steps: 1. Estimate distance between the intended placement of the mirror and the expected position of the viewer. 2. Estimate distance between the intended placement of the mirror and the object or area that must be highly visible. 3. Add the distances together from steps 1 and 2. This combined distance* will determine the size of the mirror.
Choosing the appropriate mirror r er to mirro
Step 1 vie
Step 2 m
irror to o
Step 1 and Step 2 = Combined Distance* *Distance guide is for convex mirrors only
Combined Distance*
Up to 12 metres
Up to 15 metres
Up to 20 metres
700 - 800mm
Up to 25 metres
900 - 1000mm
Over 25 metres
Material: The material used to create a Safety Mirror will affect factors of durability, cost and the suitability of the application. The following table compares the three most commonly used materials in Australian Safety Mirrors.
Cost Applications
Good: Durable, scratch-resistant and cost-effective. Will indent with force.
Car parks, loading docks, warehouses, retail facilities, low visibility intersections and road and convenience stores.
Better: Durable, weather resistant, scratch resistant.
Buildings, car parks, play grounds, loading docks, childcare centres and super markets.
Stainless Steel
Best: Highly durable, resistant to impact, extreme weather conditions and vandalism.
Areas with extreme weather or vandalism, including railway stations, airports, public areas, roads, intersections and mine sites.
Visual Distortion: A Convex Safety Mirror is designed to provide low levels of distortion, making it suitable for use on roads and in areas where image distortion may be hazardous (e.g. roads, car parks, warehouses). Dome Safety Mirrors distort the image further to provide a wider area of view (either 90°, 180° or 360°), due to this Dome Mirrors have a reduced viewing distance. They are appropriate for indoor use only, and have a number of applications for shopping centres, offices, hospitals and warehouses. Mounting and Backing: Convex Safety Mirrors may be either wall mounted or pole mounted, depending on the height required and the range of available backing. For example, a pole mounting bracket will be required on a street corner, and a wall mounting bracket will be required in a shopping centre.