HKAFF 2018 booklet

Page 43


1967 (Re-run) Time Venue

*18/11 5:00PM BC

香港Hong Kong / 2018 / 145 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 胡海輝 Wu Hoi-Fai


條褲製作從五月風暴出發,透過訪問重塑事件,以不同角度重新檢視 這段空白歷史,拼貼成一幅以小見大的舞台卷軸。紀錄劇場《1967》於 2014年首演大獲好評,2017年重新修訂,載譽重演,同樣叫好叫座,難

得以錄像留下舞台光影,當年向隅者,或想認識香港這段重要歷史的 觀眾萬勿錯過。

In May 1967, riots broke up in Hong Kong. Countless strikes and homemade bombs scattered all over Hong Kong for more than 6 months. Thousands of people, including policemen, protestors, or just citizens, were injured, dead, or arrested. However, both the British Hong Kong government and the HKSAR government have been reluctant to talk about it. Pants Theatre Production created an original documentary theatre production work, 1967, comprising interviews, 因片長關係,此電影票價會作調升,並以票房及購票網站為準。 Ticket price will be adjusted due to film's length. Please refer to

news clippings and other found documents. 1967 was premiered to great acclaim in 2014. In 2017, its revival also drew major attention. This film is a video recording of the 2017 revival.


1967 Post-screening Sharing Session 由一場勞資糾紛開始,抗爭演變成警民衝突、政治鬥爭,再發展成汽 油彈亂飛和土製菠蘿⋯⋯「六七暴動」距今足足五十年,半世紀以前


條褲製作於2013年開始籌備,2014年8月首演紀錄劇場作品《1967》 , 並於2017年10月重演,他們走訪當年捲入這場風暴的不同人士,翻尋


團藝術總監及導演胡海輝將會出席映後座談會,分享創作歷程及困 難,以及對這歷史事件與紀錄劇場情有獨鍾的原因。

This bloodiest violence called 1967 riots shook Hong Kong half a

18 NOV

century ago, but its historical accounts are fading away over time. To fill in the blank in Hong Kong history, Pants Theatre Production created a theatre performance, “1967” in 2013. After visiting different people who were involved and sifting through old newspapers, government documents and records, they re-presented this history on stage. The theatre performance premiered in August 2014 and

日期 Date: 18/11 (Sun) | 時間 Time: 7:15pm

地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F 嘉賓 Guest : 胡海輝 Wu Hoi-fai

語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese

re-enacted in October 2017. Followed by this insightful screening, Wu Hoi-Fai, the Artistic Director of Pants Theatre Production will share the adventure of turning this multi-dimensional controversy into a theatre performance, as well as his interest on such a secreted topic.

Everyone Is A Star


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