VIVYD Magazine Open Theme Issue #28

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Team-up, VIVYD model Rosaly Martinez Corcino and VIVYD photographer Bobby Lee combine forces in the artful “Color of Life: Body paint editorial, page 22. WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM this issue

Nothing but stunning beauty as model Michaela shows how they do it on the west coast, page 58. Karl Lee is back at it again with another stunning editorial featuring cover model Devin Antal, page 12.

Sugar and Spice and everything nice as model Nicolle gives us the goods, page46.


...words from the editor this issue

Hear ye, hear ye let the summer of getting back to normal begin! Right before I wrote this passage, I went back and reviewed what I wrote last year at this time. Wow!!! It was rough. Almost like we were in a never-ending story with no end in sight. Now look at us, almost everything and everyone is moving at warp speed. Shows have started, shoots are being booked, and content is flowing. Compared to last year this time, my calendar is on steroids times ten, and yes that is a good thing. One thing that I am particularly happy about is the growth of team VIVYD! From models to photographers and writers, we are definitely moving in a positive and fruitful direction. I would fully expect that in the near future that you will start seeing promotions for VIVYD sponsored events and meetups, which absolutely has me ecstatic. Lastly, I would like to take a moment to say again that we here at VIVYD, we support diversity and equality in every way through our platform. We encourage all to be themselves while accepting the differences in others. We promote the notion that we are all individuals, while urging the importance of being empathetic to the journeys of our fellow man and woman. We strive to enlighten the facts of being human, that at the most basic of considerations, we are all one team with one fight. And while it may seem that you are in the fight alone at times, that we are here to support you! So, with that being said Happy Pride Month and Happy Juneteenth! May we continue to celebrate and recognize that our diversity is truly our strength!

Culture: Life Post Pandemic: 4 Things that may never be the same, page 18.

KEMP A/EFFECT: With Your Lips: You can change the world, page 32.

INSIGHT: My Brand: Things to consider when creating your brand, page 50.

Bobby R Lee Editor in Chief

VIVYD Magazine


Visit WWW. VIVYDMAGAZINE. COM for more information on how to apply for our internship program

Contents Featured Models Devin Antal Rosaly Martinez Corcino Elecia Southern Alexia Amadeo Bethany Sevek Cheyenne Nicolle Ho Michaela Cunningham

Contributors Writers


Karl M. Lee Bobby Lee Clarence Scott Sle Echols Dion Callahan Christy Monte-Rosa XXXXXXX

Bobby Lee Robe Brybel Raymond Kemp Ron Adams

VIVYD Magazine Editor in Chief Bobby Lee Magazine Design Bobby Lee Creative Consultant/Copy Editor Aimee Rivera

Follow us on

In Style Director Aimee Rivera

Looking to become a contributing writer or photographer. Send us an email at or send us a message on any of our social media pages.


Staff Photographer Sle Echols

on the cover


on the cover

on the cover Model Devin Antal Model Devin Antal

Instagram @devin.antal

Photographer Karl M. Lee

Instagram @ karl_fashion_photographer

Make-up Artist Nina Ahjahnia

Instagram @nina_nixie

Hat Petra Savage/Shop Petra Savage

Instagram @_PetraSavage

Dress Beauty Dresses


on the cover


need your attention, I need all your undivided attention, I need all eyes on me, and yes, I’m a little selfish, and a Control freak, and at any moment, you may lose all self-control and give in and let me have whatever I truly desire.


on the cover

Model Devin Antal Instagram @devin.antal Photographer Karl M. Lee Instagram @ karl_fashion_photographer Make-up Artist Nina Ahjahnia Instagram @nina_nixie Hat Petra Savage/Shop Petra Savage Instagram @_PetraSavage Dress Beauty Dresses WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM

on the cover

Model Devin Antal Instagram @devin.antal Photographer Karl M. Lee Instagram @ karl_fashion_photographer Make-up Artist Nina Ahjahnia Instagram @nina_nixie Hat Petra Savage/Shop Petra Savage Instagram @_PetraSavage Dress Beauty Dresses WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM

on the cover


ed, oh red oh red, I need your attention a beautiful woman in red can stop traffic, and a beautiful woman in red can stop time in one moment. The color red is always speaking and always has a message, Devin’s in Red, and will need your attention...kindly please, thank you so much stay tune!!! WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM




Life P




Pandemic Four things that may never be the same


by Robe Brybel

elcome to the beginning of the modern post pandemic era. If you are reading this, it means you not only survived the Corona Virus, but also safely navigated how to personally manage your emotions, isolation, zoom calls, take out only, and shear boredom. Let’s admit it, life during the pandemic was jacked up to use a polite phrase. Never before were people forced to have interactions solely with very close family and friends. Everyday hellos and smiles from strangers, were eradicated thanks to the wearing of facial protection. The Amazon driver and the postal service person became the new heroes of the day. All the little actions that were taken away were now at the top of everyone’s to do list. Needless to say, the pandemic has changed the world in ways that have not even been discovered, and in ways that are apparent as soon as you leave your home. Here are four areas where longlasting change may be the new normal. WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM


If anything, the pandemic has shown us that there is more than one way to make a living. The everyday workplace was completely turned upside down as professionals were told to stay home. Terms likes telework, zoom meetings, and telemedicine became a common place, as companies had to adapt to this unique environment. I read an unconfirmed article, where large companies such as Amazon saved billions of dollars in the travel budget simply because they did not fly representatives from place to place, they conducted virtual meetings instead. Companies now have not only tailored business to suit the needs of the pandemic, but some have also now moved to keep those changes in place in order to save in what is now seen as an unnecessary expense. I would anticipate that as we continue forward more and more organizations will move to these practices in effort to combat rising inflation, fuel, and food prices. As I alluded to in the previous paragraph the travel world was completely turned upside down due to COVID-19. Investopedia reports that approximately 60 percent of airline revenue comes from those who travel for business and in some cases, companies reporting business travel accounting for almost 75 percent of their bottom line. Since business travel was completely halted some organizations had to take hard looks at over-sized inventories and make huge cutbacks. And while travel today is increasing to early pandemic levels there is still less overall travel as reported one year prior to 2020. Here recently, there have even been over 3,000 separate instances to where passengers were reported unruly while on the plane with some flights needing to be diverted mainly because people are refusing to keep facial coverings in place while traveling. Business travel was not the only form of travel affected. Currently, cruise lines have only just begun accepting bookings for the end of the year, which leads me to think that this industry may never fully recover (who could forget the images of cruise ships anchored off the coast of Florida awaiting permission to return to homeport). Even though I am sure that the disruptions and expenses will eventually subside the damage to overall travel will continue to be felt for many years to come while companies decide and implement their post pandemic business models.


Culture Food service was another of a long line of industries that were hit hard in 2020. Here is a question: have you been out to a restaurant and were told that the wait was an hour even though the building was only half full? Obviously, this wait is not actually due to the building being at capacity, but due to shortages in the work force. In an article found on about 17 percent of US restaurants were either permanently closed or in long-term hiatus. These closures caused a severe shift in the work force which is accounting for the delays in the hiring of old and new workers as many of them have found other ways to make a living. With a change so drastic, many companies are offering bonuses and increased wages to recruit potential employees and meet staff shortcomings. And all though this sweetens the deal for some, there are many who would rather bypass these opportunities and seek employment in a more pandemic-proof occupation. Although personal life has been one of the least talked about areas affected by the Corona Virus, it is worth noting that we have all paid the price in being isolated and unable to interact with our neighbors or fellow citizens. This lack of common interaction, fueled with a divisive 2020 political atmosphere, and socially negative occurrences have driven a wedge of mistrust and skepticism in many that was not there before which in turn reenforces the feelings of solitary. While it is good to see full faces again, people have forgotten how to smile at each other and just simply acknowledge their fellow man or woman. While mask requirements have eased some still feel that it is prudent to keep basic interactions to a minimum and keep their distance. As people continue to adjust, it is my belief that it is going to be awhile before we can begin to trust each other enough to hold an actual conversation of worth with anyone other than with those that we already know. The truth of the matter is that we are moving towards the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 is going to go down in history as the year that changed the world forever. Many of our pre-pandemic practices while not forgotten may have fallen as casualties in a very long list of victims never to be seen again. While I remain hopeful for a better day tomorrow, it is important to remember that we must acclimate to what will later be defined as our new norms. Article sources information:



Color of Life The

Model Rosaly Martinez Corcino Instagram @alirozay_

Photographer Bobby Lee Instagram @blu.horizonphoto


Body Paint Editorial


Featuring excerpts from:

Colors of Life by Jennifer Hillman

Open your heart dear Child… Show your beauty hidden inside with grace and wisdom. Wisdom built on ley lines have a consistency power… Never fluctuating from the pulse of the Universal Heart. Plain as the color of the moment to appear You two create each moment’s color Being the brightest Or reds, greens, and blues Or the muted hues of the same

Create your palette and see the beauty You have within you Hidden, alive and ready for action Breathe and you live…right? Or do you? If your palette be dried without the watercolor to rejuvenate it? Pigments like the atoms of thought Generate the essence within the presence of life. Dull sky does change to be bright as the sun arrives with the Colors of the yellows, oranges and reds hues… Enriched textures of the mind’s journey

Full poem can be found at:


Color of Life






HISTORY OF PRIDE MONTH Pride Month is largely credited as being started by bisexual activist Brenda Howard. Known as ‘The Mother of Pride,’ Brenda organized Gay Pride Week and the Christopher Street Liberation Day Parade a year after the Stonewall Riots. This eventually morphed into what we now know as the New York City Pride March and was the catalyst for the formation of similar parades and marches across the world. Speaking of the rainbow flag, it was actually gay politician Harvey Milk who asked a talented designer friend, Gilbert Baker, to design an all-encompassing symbol to take to San Francisco’s Pride March in 1978. Sadly, Harvey Milk was assassinated along with Mayor George Moscone on November 23, 1978, in San Francisco City Hall by Dan White, a disgruntled former supervisor who was angry at Milk for lobbying against having him reappointed on the Board of Supervisors. Bill Clinton was the first U.S. President to officially recognize Pride Month in 1999 and 2000. Then, from 2009 to 2016, Barack Obama declared June LGBT Pride Month. In May 2019, Donald Trump recognized Pride Month with a tweet announcing that his administration had launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality, although critics have noted that actions speak louder than words.

For more information please visit:



Bethany Model Bethany Sevek Instagram @bethany_marie02

Photographer Clarence Scott

Instagram @clarencescottphoto

Dress/Bracelets/necklace from Mila Rae Boutique





Model Bethany Sevek Instagram @bethany_marie02 Photographer Clarence Scott Instagram @clarencescottphoto Dress/Bracelets/necklace from Mila Rae Boutique WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM


Model Bethany Sevek Instagram @bethany_marie02 Photographer Clarence Scott Instagram @clarencescottphoto Dress/Bracelets/necklace from Mila Rae Boutique WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM




ith Your Lips You Can Change TheEditorialWorld by Raymond Kemp Kemp Leadership Solutions @kempsolutions @rdkemp @kempn3d WWW.KEMPLEADERSHIP.COM WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM



ur language towards one another is the principle way we show respect, particularly when there is a recurring meeting between people, the consistency of speech and the way people are treated create an environment of comfort or


Depending on the part of the US your foundation was laid, you’ve probably heard these two common maxims or sayings: You teach people how to speak to you by the way you speak to them Treat people the way you want to be treated In our current worldwide climate these are particularly good

rules to consider. By the way there is a global pandemic that is still raging like the movie “World War Z”. And the world now knows the inequities of living Black in America as protests for change continue; not only in the United States but on every inhabited continent. Meanwhile many Americans long for the drunkenness of entertainment over the reality that this pandemic is sending people to their grave at a steady pace. Herman Caine for example, said masks were ridiculous and this was a hoax but, he was dead 30 days after he attended an rally with a group of fellow “hoax” believers. COVID-19 seems very similar to racism, it isn’t real until you have experienced it, and once you experience you’re a believer for life.

Treating people with dignity, respect, equity, and inclusion are a part of our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. YOU have more of an impact on the perception of these rights than you may think. Speaking life and being the encourager to others is fulfilling and satisfying. Think of the time when someone significant gave you a compliment, personal or professional, do you remember that feeling? Do you remember when someone gently challenged you to do something that was a bit beyond your WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM

capabilities but, you persevered and met the goal? A subtle measure of encouragement will go a long way and create a outward measure of comfort, an “I believe” notion for our family, friends, associates, and strangers. I was running White Rock Lake and some random stranger says to me, “great pace”; and onward I went without the thought of slowing down crossing my mind until I completed the circumference of the path. Those words lifted my confidence and they were from a stranger. That can be you, offering encouraging words to someone lift them higher than you know.

Editorial You have total control of the words that you say. Every word that proceeds out of your mouth, you are in total control. A way for us to change the world is to STOP SAYING NEGATIVE STUFF. This sounds simple and it is. I was listening to a podcast the other day and the guest (Trevor Moawad) commented, ‘that the words people speak are 10 times more powerful than if they just think it, and negativity is a multiple 4-7 times more powerful than positivity’. Examples of people saying something negative, aloud, and then it occurs are ubiquitous but I will share one: In an interview 12 days before the World Series Bill Buckner said, ‘the nightmare is to lose on run scored on a ground ball through you legs’; which he then became famous for. So, lets stop. Stop saying negative things, especially to others. No more insensitive, racist, misogynistic comments to anyone. No matter how subtle a comment may be, it may hit its target with the precision of a Harpoon Missile causing grave damage to another person. Instead let’s follow the lead of Jim Kwik, instead of allowing negative thoughts to dwell, lets “Stomp A.N.Ts.”! (Automatic, Negative, Thoughts) Driving through town one afternoon I encountered a flashmob that abruptly stopped traffic. A group of protestors jumped out with a speaker and microphone, and began to make proclamations about their cause. As I felt a rise in my own irritation I paused and thought about what must be on their mind. Besides what they were shouting about. They were so compelled and so passionate about their cause that they risked their lives in an unauthorized protest that shocked and stopped traffic in this major thoroughfare, in the middle of downtown. Isn’t it interesting how we are so pressed about driving that sometimes the driver will toot their horn with an expectation someone walking will rush across the street or parking lot? Isn’t that peculiar? A person sitting in a climate controlled environment, likely outfitted with their favorite music and/or movies, drinks, and most creature comforts one can think of, hands free phone included…so privileged and so impatient with someone’s walking pace that honking their horn, from within this luxurious environment, to express their intolerance at having to wait on the pace of the walker’s gate or the glide in their stride, SMH. So privileged is the driver, we can not wait.

As I listened to the protestors speak with boldness about their cause, making declarations about how they should be treated, thoughts of Patrick Henry and John Lewis flooded into my mind. Those two patriots and their voices, their protests, and their passion is borne again in this group. I honked my horn in support as they drove away, flags blazing, hands out the window, and though that was my only means of supporting the moment it felt good and was memorable. And now as I see those folks, I have become more compassionate. All because I listened instead of complaining, held onto the reigns of my thoughts like a cowboy until I learned something in my silence. As we continue to stay home and stay safe let us begin now, in our small groups of family and friends we live with, to treat people with dignity and respect. Let us begin now to use words of affirmation, acts of kindness and service as we make infrequent trips outside of the house and interact with the Grub Hub & Uber Eats, Amazon, and our extremely reliable postal service. Begin now to practice the art of lifting the countenance of others with encouragement and stomping ANTs whenever we see & hear them, in person and online. We can do our part to change the world, with our lips. None of us, no one living on earth at this moment started the inequities we endure today however, every one of us can do something about it. Encourage yourself often with these 10 two-letter words: IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME. For more information on Kemp Leadership Solutions please use the following links:

The Art of War There are five dangerous faults that may affect a general -If reckless, he can be killed. -If cowardly, he can be captured. -If quick-tempered, he can be provoked to rage and make a fool of himself. -If he has too delicate a sense of honor, he is liable to fall into a trap because of insult. -If he is of compassionate nature, he may get bothered and upset. These are the five serious faults of a general, ruinous to the conduct of war. The ruin of the army and the death of the general are inevitable results of these five dangerous faults. They must be deeply pondered.

Today’s application: Leaders must first know both their strengths and weaknesses in order to be affective. Knowing these traits will allow a leader to become balanced and not bias to fault. WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM

Healthy Choices

Healthy Choices


n the modern gym yoga balls can be seen everywhere. Sometimes you might see children bouncing them around like giant basketballs, however the most common application is the use of the ball while stretching either prior to a workout or after. While these balls may look a bit odd to use, they are very versatile. When inflated properly, they can bear weight well over 2000 pounds and adjust to everybody frame, shape or size. Here are a few basic benefits of why we all should include this piece of gym equipment in our everyday exercise.


Healthy Choices

The Yoga Ball The ball is an outstanding supporting prop. It helps to allow your body to flex and bend even when in discomfort. This helps you to maintain great posture all while reducing the chance of sprain or injury.

It helps to make exercise painless. Many studies have shown that yoga is a growing alternative to typical recovery therapy. The ball helps your body to bend at angles that would typically be painful.

Yoga balls have been recommended for use during pregnancy as well as labor. The ball can be used to relieve pressure on the back which in turn releases the discomfort to the spine. Another application while you are pregnant is using the ball to stretch the pelvic muscles open. This aids in encouraging blood flow, thusly helping in the growth of the fetus.

Less than 500 calories Twice Baked Buffalo Chicken Sweet Potatoes These loaded twice-baked sweet potatoes are hearty enough to stand on their own and waste nothing, thanks to the flesh being blended into a creamy blue cheese filling. Add to that spicy buffalo chicken, sauteed veggies and cheese, and you’ve got a delish all-in-one meal.





Cheyenne Model Cheyenne

Instagram @mrscheyenneirene

Photographer Dion Callahan Instagram @DECalPhotos


Black Music Month Throughout our history, there has been no richer influence on the American songbook than Black music and culture. From early spirituals born out of the unconscionable hardships of slavery; to the creation of folk and gospel; to the evolution of rhythm and blues and jazz; to the ascendance of rock and roll, rap, and hip-hop — Black music has shaped our society, entertained and inspired us, and helped write and tell the story of our Nation.





erhaps the greatest symbol of the Italian capital, and one of the most well known structures on the planet, the Colosseum is an architectural & engineering wonder.

Nothing beats the feeling of coming around the bend of the street in the city center that brings this gigantic ruin into view for the first time. It was built between 72 and 80 AD under order of Emperor Vespasian. Titus took over from him when he passed away before the structure was completed.

For more information: WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM


Post Pandemic Dreaming What are some of your upcoming travel plans???

3 Fun Facts about the Colosseum: 1. The Colosseum Could Simulate Water Battles

Land based battles were definitely the main event at the Colosseum, but Rome needed space to prepare for water based battle as well. The intricate plumbing system built underneath the Colosseum once allowed for the entire arena to be flooded to simulate the ocean. Soldiers could make use of the arena to prepare for what might happen to them while out on the real seas in battle situations. 2. There are 80 Entrances in the Colosseum There are 80 entrances and exits into and out of the Colosseum. Back in the day the arena could accommodate 80,000 spectators at one time. Today the Colosseum is used for tourism and the occasional live concert performance. During these events it is able to hold just 50,000 people due to structural constraints and safety regulations. 3. It is One of the Seven Wonders of the World Even the heavy decay and damage to the facade didn’t stop the Colosseum from being dubbed one of the Seven World Wonders in 2007. It was also recognized by UNESCO as an official World Heritage Site in the 80s. It remains the largest amphitheater on Earth and is well deserving of this title.





Nicolle Model Nicolle Ho Instagram @nicollenavigos

Photographer Christy Monte-Rosa Instagram @ChristyMonteRosaPhotography

Make-up Artist Reicee Brewer Instagram @Jus_A_Touch





Model Nicolle Ho Instagram @nicollenavigos Photographer Christy Monte-Rosa Instagram @ChristyMonteRosaPhotography Make-up Artist Reicee Brewer Instagram @Jus_A_Touch WWW.VIVYDMAGAZINE.COM


My Brand

Things to consider when creating your brand by Ron Adams






alling all enraptures and other creatives. Can you feel me on this? Brand creation is one of the most delicate things any businessperson ever has to do. This seemly simple thing can make or break your business, ensure the return of consumers, and dictate whether or not a sponsors will endorse you and your product in the future. It takes a vision and much forethought to create a successful brand. Many of us who decide to take this route spend countless hours of time and money in order to ensure that we are giving our dream the best step forward. Although, we dedicate some much effort to our success, there are still pitfalls that we all cannot help to fall into. Here are four common drawbacks that I have seen as repetitive cycles with new brand creators. Decide on the parameters of your brand. Before you start building your brand you should decide what you want your brand to represent. This representation can come in many forms, but what I have seen is most people is that they want their brand to represent what they define as themselves or their true passion. This representation can normally be found in a mission or vision statement and the core values that each one of us use to define our


company’s actions and beliefs. This system will determine how you conduct business, interact with patrons, and how your brand will expand and grow in the future. Once you have a clear definition how you want to represent your brand, you will be able to establish hard and soft lines in which your business will operate. These boundaries will help to keep your business focused, while safeguarding that all you interact with will have the same awesome experience. Without these clear margins, it could cause you to produce an inconsistent product or service. Demographics for your brand. After you have your parameters firmly established, now you are ready to define your targeted demographics. Your targeted demographic is briefly defined as the group of people that your product is primarily created for. Usually when establishing a specific audience multiple combinations of groups are combined to arrive at your exact focus area. Here is an example: middle class, median income or 60k, minority, ages 24 – 35. In this example multiple groups are combined to make the one group. With this information you can now develop products that specifically are tailored to the needs, wants, aspiration, trends, marketing, and social media preferences of that group. Of course, this does not mean that you do not offer your brand to other demographics, it just means that your brand focuses on that targeted group and expands from there. One helpful hint, be aware that creating too large of a targeted group will only place pressure on you, the creator to develop products to be more inclusive of a wider range of likes.


All Things matter. So, this is probably the most underestimated attribute when creating a new brand. As a businessperson nothing can be more important than remembering that all things matter. Client interactions, punctuality, the ability to deliver a product within the established time frames, etc. are all measurable pieces of the total brand and can literally mean the success or failure of your visualization before it gets off the ground. It is important to understand that your brand name travels at the speed of the internet. It is true that you cannot please everyone, but what I have noticed is that your brand is solid in delivering quality, other patrons who enjoyed their dealings with your company will come to your defense and serve as your first line of defense will dealing with those you just cannot please.

Rebranding. I decided to include rebranding in this conversation because it is important to know that if you ever have cause to rebrand your brand or business, that it will come at a cost. Here is a great example: If you had a brand that concentrated all of its marketing to pregnant women under the age of 35, then later decided to change it’s target audience to men over the age of 50. Then your initial and established audience base would most likely stop utilizing your brand as men over the age of 50 have very little in common with pregnant women under the age of 35. During this period of rebranding, you can expect many negatives to include a loss of revenue. So, when creating your brand employ a little foresight to include where you see your brand in the future and safeguard avenues that will allow your brand to expand effortlessly.


Trend Setters

Fedora Collection


Designer Karmen Kickhigher @fedora_collection_designs



Trend Setters


The Fedora Collection Design Co offers high quality, beautiful Fedora’s, wide brim and short brim, floppy Fedora’s, panama hats, felt hats, cashmere hats and more that are sure to build confidence while making a bold statement for both men and women.




Michaela Michaela Cunningham Yuki Kodo Management










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Rosaly Martinez Corcino



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