Moon Circle Notebook

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Moon Circle Moon Circle is a monthly gathering of womxn that align with the full and new moons. Our purpose is to connect with one’s self, each other and the rhythms and energies of the natural world. Moon Circle is a safe place to hold space, be vulnerable, and to give and receive support while we lift each other up and rise together, through ritual, meditation, nature and more.


Moon Circle IS MOON CIRCLE is deep, real, vulnerable connection with other womxn. MOON CIRCLE is meant to be an inclusive group, no matter what your belief system or creed; If you crave a space to do inner reflection and self-work this space is open to you. The circle of sisters should be considered a nest environment, we must be vulnerable and know that what we say will not be shared beyond the circle or judgment passed within.

A FEW WORDS WE LIVE BY Sisterhood Connection Empowerment Open Heart Collective & Inner Rising Unconditional Support Guidance Intuition


Moon Circle IS NOT MOON CIRCLE is not exclusive, this is not a place to feed your ego. No one makes money off this group. If you do find a good fit for business partnerships, please keep that separate from this circle. MOON CIRCLE should not feel like a burden or an obligation, it should feel good. If its not for you, be honest. We are not here to create issues or rifts in your life. If issues arise, please deal with them with the person you are having the issue with, do not talk to other sisters about the issue unless you’ve addressed it first.

A FEW THINGS WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN Judgment Drama/Clickiness Competition Comparison Passive Aggressive Behavior Racism Exclusion Caddy Conversation

What to Expect

We all come to this circle from different points in our journey, and different walks of life. So here are a few of the things you can expect from MOON CIRCLE.

THE JIST The format is typically check-ins, then learning about the rhythms of that particular lunar phase, then a ritual, exercise or activity to deepen our connection with the current energies and inner work we are doing. Please clear your evening, as our typical circles usually last about 3 hours. There may be cost form time to time in the form of food to share, or if we bring in an expert, medium, etc. to guide us, but it is always talked about and agreed upon first.

THE TALK We talk a lot about our higher powers, we all have different belief systems, but please be comfortable listening to other women speak about God, Ala, the universe, witchcraft, prayer, tarot, divination, spirits, vaginas, etc. This is an open group, and we talk deeply about things, so please be ready.

THE WALK We aim to walk with each other, and teach each other what we know, we all have skills to bring to the table. You will be asked to host a moon circle and come up with your a ritual/activity. Be ready to be an active participant, share, support and at times, lead. We are all equals in this group.

THE WORK Spiritual work, and sisterhood is emotional work. There are many a circle where we all end up sobbing our eyes out. Please be ready to come prepared to feel your emotions, and hold space for others feeling theirs. Be ready to go deep and be vulnerable. If you are triggered, be honest so your sisters can help you move through it.


“I don’t shine if You don’t shine” — AMINATOU SOW & ANN FRIEDMAN

Shine Theory is an investment, over the long term, in helping someone be their best self—and relying on their help in return. It is a conscious decision to bring your full self to your friendships, and to not let insecurity or envy ravage them. Shine Theory is a commitment to asking, “Would we be better as collaborators than as competitors?” The answer is almost always yes. People know you by the company you keep. Shine Theory is recognizing that true confidence is infectious, and if someone is tearing you down or targeting you as competition, it’s often because they are lacking in confidence or support themselves. It’s a practice of cultivating a spirit of genuine happiness and excitement when your friends are doing well, and being there for them when they aren’t. Don’t mistake this for networking. Shine Theory is not about trying to help everyone you meet along the way in your career, because if you’re doing it right, it’s simply not possible to invest deeply in that many people. There are only so many hours and so many email replies in any given day. Shine Theory is intentional. It is accountable. It is personal.



Moon Phases Connecting into and living by the moon phases can be centering, and align us with the subtle energies that we interact with daily. Each phase of the moon harnesses a different energy we can use in our every day life. The moon has a cycle of 29.5 days. Every 2.5 days the moon passes through a new astrological sign, harnessing the energies of that sign. In Astrology, the moon rules over our inner emotions, our unconscious, our moods, habits and instincts; out inner universe. Moon work is inner work, shadow work and self-reflection.

NEW MOON WORK The new moon, also called the dark moon, is a time to set intentions, start new projects.

FULL MOON WORK The full moon is the peak of the moon cycle. It is a time, for rest wrapping up projects, and releasing what no longer serves you.

ASTROLOGY KEY a Aries b Taurus c Gemini d Cancer e Leo f Virgo

g Libra h Scorpio i Sagittarius j Capricorn k Aquarius l Pisces

Comfortable in her fullness, resilient in her darkness.


in: a b c d e f g h i j k l


in: a b c d e f g h i j k l

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