Meliora Sequamur Magazine Winter 2017

Page 44


‘Try’ rugby with the Rebels There was a great turnout at the Year 7/8 ‘Try’ rugby clinic, which was run jointly by the Melbourne Rebels and BGS staff. Rebels players Tom English and Mitch Inman were on hand to encourage the boys – many of whom are new to rugby – to just have a go and enjoy it. Particularly popular (despite some boys being in full school uniform!) was the opportunity to hit the tackle pads.

Rowing off the record Tonners do us proud The records show that BGS came third in the U17 Schoolboys Coxed Eight at the National Titles in Sydney in April. What the records don’t show is that the BGS rowers surrendered their bronze medals to the Melbourne Grammar crew, who came in third on the day but were later disqualified on a boat technicality.



“The BGS boys reminded us that rowing is just a vehicle; the real lessons are far deeper and more meaningful than can be shown on any scorecard.” Posted on Facebook by Sarah, a Melbourne Grammar parent.

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