Change Your Eyes Color Permanently with LASER

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Change Your Eyes Color Permanently with LASER People uses colored contacts for changing eye color, but now days no need to change contact lenses every day to change your eye color. There are some surgical procedures to change eye color permanently. LASER is most commonly used because it’s a painless technology and has a less complications. Laser is surgery that changes eye color permanently. So, low intensity laser beam will pass through the cornea and remove pigment from eyes and you will get original color like- Green and blue mostly. Iris transplant is also a surgery that can change eye color permanently. But there are some risks associated with it so, make sure you will be taking all given precautions. Risks such as:

• Injury to the cornea

• Swelling of the iris • Swelling of the cornea • Elevated eye pressure • Cataracts • Iris abnormalities • Watery eyes

• Itchiness • Sometime vision loss • Eye infection • Uncontrolled inflammation of the eye • Eye disorders • Untreated retinal detachment • Untreated chronic glaucoma • Rubeosis of the iris • Proliferative diabetic retinopathy • Stargardt’s retinopathy and many more. If you are planning to change eye color permanently then, it’s obvious it will come to your mind that how much does it cost to permanently change your eye color? Here is the just estimate actually it varies from country-to-country it costs around $4,000 to $10,000. So, you have to show your complete medical history to avoid any severe complications and get ready with the budget.

With the help of surgery, you can permanently change your eye color. Now, no one can restore it like whatever the color of your eyes you have but once you’ve changed them in to blue or green you cannot rollback it to again into black or brown. Where, Iris implant surgery actually does not change the eye’s color. It just blocks the color, that’s the reason people see a different color while looking at your eyes. In this procedure change can be reversed back by removing the implant from your eyes. So, you have to check it out thoroughly and consult with eye specialists that what color you are looking for and for which procedure you are comfortable? then, show your complete medical history and go for all the routine checkups then go for eye color change surgery; because eyes

are most important part of your body. So, you must double check for everything before going to surgery. Now days you can do video consultation for anything so, don’t get panic and take it easy. View Source:-

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