Move Magazine Health Issue 2016

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Start your road to recovery at Renascent’s Paul J. Sullivan Centre

WINMAR Restoring Lives at Fairview Lodge ®

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MOVE Magazine's st 1 Anniversary!

THE HE ALTH I S S UE 2 0 1 6

Letters from our Publisher & Editor on Page 2

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Publisher’s Letter


Happy Anniversary to Us!

We Moved it! And what a fabulous journey it has been. Starting this wonderful magazine was a gamble, I admit it. We had no idea how it would go, but after a year we are ecstatic with the feedback! Saying we are pleased with the results we’ve had so far is an understatement. We have met so many wonderful businesses and people across the region. Move magazine has connected businesses, helped readers and grown our parent company, Graymatter Marketing Solutions. It hasn’t been easy – we’ve endured long hours, bad dinners and a lot of sleepless nights, but all been well worth it. Our team has changed; we have grown, and we have brainstormed on how to make Move magazine even better so we bring the best business and lifestyle information to you, our readers. Moving forward always has its challenges, scary parts and exciting parts. I find the team at Move works together toward a common goal: to bring success to our business and others while informing and entertaining our readers. We pride ourselves on giving our advertisers competitive pricing to showcase their businesses, whether they are big, small or in between. We want to help that entrepreneur who has an idea to bring to life, and that business owner that just needs an affordable website and a little advertising to get off the ground running. In 2016 we have big plans. We will be adding a new edition to our roster: a Home and Harvest issue coming out in September. Home is really where it all starts, and we look forward to bringing you yearround decorating ideas for indoors and out, tips on keeping your home – and life – organized, and simple, delicious recipes for every season featuring locally grown produce. I want to extend humblest thank-you to our advertisers for helping us get Moving, and also to North Alliance Press, our printer, for being a wonderful partner. I wish you a happy, profitable and successful 2016 in all areas of your life.


Moving Durham Forward PUBLISHER Audra Leslie

Edito r ial and D e s i g n EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Karen Sheviak


Kat O’Donnell


Angelika Kot


Katie Carroll


Dawn Riddoch


Dawn Riddoch Kat O’Donnell


Rob Caldwell Stephanie Hinds


North Alliance Press

Natio nal sales D i r e c t o r Vanessa Blue


MOVE is published by

Audra Leslie

C o ntac t

Editor’s Letter

It’s a new year, the opportunity for a fresh start, and Move magazine is kicking off 2016 with our first annual health issue. It is packed with information to help you make healthy changes in all areas of your life. We have stories to help you improve your diet (“The No-Diet New Year,” page 24) and get unplugged and outside (“Beat the Winter Blahs,” page 4). You’ll be inspired by the account from Kim Naar (page 27) on how she stayed positive and open while recovering from a brain tumour. And don’t forget about health in other areas of your life. Whether you want to improve your finances (page 34), your business (page 35) or your outlook on life (page 36), we’ve got you covered. Our feature story takes an in-depth look at addiction, a topic that is too often the "elephant in the room." For those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol (page 20), a fresh start can literally mean making changes that will save their life and allow them to reconnect to family and friends. Renascent has a long history of helping people beat addiction, and the Paul J. Sullivan house, right here in Brooklin, has been treating men since 1989. Our feature outlines the many ways that they help addicts and their families recover. This issue of Move magazine marks our first anniversary, and it’s hard to believe how quickly that time has passed. For our team, it was a year full of learning, hard work and wonderful interaction with the people, businesses and communities in Durham Region. We truly live and work in one of the best regions in Canada, and we wouldn’t trade our experiences here for anything. Thank you for making our first year an incredible one.


Karen Sheviak 2 |

Breeze Publishing 1550 Bayly Street, Unit 16A, Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3W1 phone:


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Adv er t ising P o l i c y Breeze Publishing accepts advertising based upon space availability and consistency with its mission to promote Durham Region health, wellness and lifestyle. Move is not responsible for the content of advertisements, the products offered or the viewpoints expressed therein.

Edit or ial N o t e The information provided in this magazine is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed practitioner or health care provider. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Breeze Publishing, its affiliates or parent company. Different views may appear in future articles or publications. Articles in Move are copyrighted and must not be reprinted, duplicated or transmitted in any way without permission.

insidemove THE HEALTH ISSUE 2016

Home & Lifestyle

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Business & Education




Beat the Blahs: Getting Outside in Winter 04 Puppy Training 06 Is My House Sick? 08

Pickering – A Sustainable, Livable and Healthy City 09 WINMAR Brings Hope From The Ashes 10 KI Pills 12

Steps to a Fresh Start: Recovering from Addiction with Renascent 20

Vitamin & Mineral Suppliments Understanding Adrenal Fatigue Seniors and Health Helping Hands at Home Street Drugs Responding in Time Zumba with Heidi

13 14 16 17 18 22 23

The "No Diet New Year" Dear Dr. Grewal Surviving a Brain Tumor Martial Arts "Benefits" Package Vibro-Acoustic Therapy Back to the Garden Why Chiropractic Care Can Help Anyone Choosing the Right Caregiver

You Have Been in a Car Accident. Now What? Saving Money: Tips for Every Age Top 3 Tips for a Healthy Business Mindful Failure: Growing Your Outlook

24 26 27 28 29 30 31 33

33 34 35 36

Move Recipe: Carmela's Famous Meatballs 38 Fresh from the Farm 39

Beat the Blahs move

home & lifestyle


The temperature is −5 C and the snow is falling fast out your window. You just want to curl up with your tablet and a cup of coffee and lose yourself online for a while. Almost half the year in our part of Canada is spent under the cloak of winter. Those cold temperatures and shorter days mean we tend to stay inside more. Often as not, that indoor time is spent staring at a screen: computer monitors, televisions, cell phones or other mobile devices. 4 |

home & lifestyle And, though many of our devices are mobile, we tend to be immobile when using them. Yet long periods of immobility while staring at a screen can be bad for blood circulation, contribute to dry eye syndrome and make us feel lethargic, unmotivated or even depressed. Perhaps the most effective solution is to disconnect and get outside. Yes, it may be winter, but, as the Norwegian saying goes: “There is no bad weather, only bad clothing choices.” You don’t need to go on an epic hike. A short walk around the neighbourhood can do wonders to refocus your mind and get your blood pumping again. The important thing is to get out there and do it. You’ll also be getting some of your recommended allotment of weekly physical activity. The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week (brisk walking, jogging, swimming, skating, etc.) Start with 30 minutes a day. If you have a busy schedule, try breaking it up into smaller chunks of time, such as three 10-minute walks. Let’s not forget our kids – they need exercise and outdoor time, too. In the last few years, we’ve seen a multitude of studies showing the importance of play and the resulting health problems that can come from too much screen time and lack of physical activity. A trailblazing book on the subject is Richard Louv’s Last Child in the Woods. Louv coined the term “nature deficit disorder” to describe the rise in behavioural problems and ADHD, which he believes is due, in part, to inadequate time spent outside in nature. In addition, recent studies have shown that too much time spent indoors under artificial lights can cause children’s eyes to grow incorrectly and can lead to nearsightedness (myopia). Some scientists believe that may be because humans evolved spending lots of time outdoors, and so our eyes evolved with lots of natural light. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that the more time kids spent outside, the less their risk of developing myopia as they get older. The winter season can offer challenges to maintaining optimum physical and mental health, but with some mindfulness and a little effort, we can strike a balance between indoor and outdoor time, exercise and relaxation, and being plugged in or not. What have you got to lose?

Best Clothing for Outdoor Winter Exercise While there can be many benefits to outdoor winter exercise, it’s important to take safety precautions and dress appropriately. Always check the weather forecast before heading out, and pay special attention to the wind chill index, which can make it feel much colder than what the thermometer says and increase the risk of frostbite. If it’s raining or snowing, be sure to wear waterproof apparel. Getting wet makes you more susceptible to the cold and makes it harder to keep your core body temperature where it should be. Dressing in layers is the key when exercising in winter. The heat your body generates during exercise can make you feel warmer


than it really is. Yet sweat evaporation can make you lose heat and feel chilled. With layers, you can adjust accordingly. The first layer should be a synthetic material to draw sweat away from your body (avoid cotton, as it stays wet on your skin). The next layer should be insulating, such as fleece or wool. Lastly, a waterproof, breathable outer layer should be worn. Our extremities – head, hands and feet – are especially vulnerable because blood flow is concentrated in our core during cold conditions. A hat that covers the ears, gloves or mittens, and thick or doubled socks are necessities. In more extreme conditions, face protection such as a ski mask or face-covering scarf may be required.

Durham Area Winter Events Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority’s Family Cross-Country Ski & Snowshoe Day Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (In case of bad conditions, the alternate day will be Feb. 6) Ganaraska Forest Centre (map at GRCA website: Come out to the trails of the beautiful Ganaraska Forest east of Clarington and ski or snowshoe in a winter wonderland. Pre-registration and payment are required for this event by calling 905.885.8173. Two sessions are available: 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. − please note which one you are registering for when you call. $20 per person with complimentary ski rentals. Children must be 8 years or older to participate. Refundable equipment deposit is required. For more information, visit

The Oracle Trail Race Saturday, Feb. 13, 2016, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Durham Forest, Concession Road 7, Uxbridge This winter forest trail race is the first of its kind in Ontario. Choose to race 5 km, 15 km or 25 km. There’s also a 1 km kid’s fun run. Racers of all abilities are welcomed and there will be food and additional activities as well. For more information, visit

nothing happens until you


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home & lifestyle

By Karen Sheviak When our dog, Bogie, died last year, we knew we would eventually get another one. That happened sooner than we had anticipated, when we got Zeppelin, a nine-week-old LabradorShepherd cross this spring. She stole our hearts really quickly, and we enjoyed watching her grow like crazy over the summer. One of the first decisions we made was to take her to dog training in the fall. We chose Zephyr Canines. The owner, Veronica Evers-Doyle, is a certified dog trainer who competes in several disciplines (agility, dock jumping, rally obedience and conformation) with her Nova Scotia duck tolling retrievers. She uses only positive reinforcement, which involves ignoring the behaviour you don’t like and reinforcing the behaviour you do like, whether with treats, verbal praise or playtime.

into a sit. If this doesn’t work, gently push your dog’s bottom to the floor, and instantly reward him. It often doesn’t take very much repetition for dogs to learn this command. Once they are reliably obeying the hand signal, add the verbal command and increase the length of time they must sit.

Stay To teach your dog to stay, show him the palm of your hand, take one step back, instantly step back to your dog and reward him if he has not moved. Gradually increase the time that you are away, and the distance you walk away.

House Training

There are two important things to remember with stay. The first one is to not reward the dog if he gets up; return him to the original spot, then repeat the hand signal and reward him if he stays. If you don’t return the dog to the original spot, it will be confusing for him, and he will learn that he can move all the way across the room in repeated “stays.”

At the beginning, house training your puppy is basically guessing when he might have to “go.” Take the puppy outside every couple of hours, or more often, whenever possible: first thing in the morning, after each meal, after playing and right before bedtime. Praise the puppy each time he eliminates outside the house, and ignore any accidents indoors.

Also, never call your dog to come from a stay. Stay means “stay there and it’s going to be really boring until I return to get you.” Eventually, when you say “stay” your dog will know that nothing interesting is going to happen, and that you will return to release him every single time.

Here is some advice from Evers-Doyle on how new puppy owners can teach basic commands and skills while having fun and bonding with their puppy so he becomes a well-behaved member of the family.

Crate Training The first time you put a puppy in a crate, he will probably whine and cry – possibly for hours. Some people persevere through this, and usually within a few days, the puppy will be fine with staying in the crate. Another method is to introduce your puppy to the crate more slowly, adding food to lure in the puppy, and gradually increasing the time he is in there without whining. Only take out your puppy when he is quiet and relaxed – if you take him out when he whines or barks, he will learn that this is what he has to do to get released. And never use the crate as punishment.

Sit To teach a dog to sit, show him the hand signal for sit. This signal looks similar to when you are holding a treat and dogs will often offer a sit if they think they will get food. If the dog doesn’t sit, slightly raise your hand upward, the dog’s head will follow your hand up, and his backside might automatically go down 6 |

Come Our hand signal for come is to extend a hand, bend the arm at the elbow and bring the hand toward the chest. Come is probably the most important command for your dog to learn – it could literally save his life. For this reason, begin by training this command simply by saying come and giving your dog a treat – that way he will learn that only good things happen when he obeys come. Then train on a leash, so you can gently pull your dog toward you if he doesn’t obey. The idea is to ensure that he never ignores the command come, so if his life is ever in danger, you know he will return to you. And your response to the come command must always be positive, no matter what your dog has done! This means no punishment, no harsh tones in your voice, and rewards when he comes, such as praise, food or a toy. This will ensure that your dog will not associate coming to you with getting in trouble.

home & lifestyle


Heel Techniques to help your dog learn to heel include holding treats and feeding them to him only when he’s by your side; stopping when he pulls and only walking when the leash is loose; and changing direction each time he pulls so he learns to stay by your side so he can watch what you’re going to do. Some dogs respond well to a harness-type leash that goes around their nose and does not put pressure on their neck.

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General Tips • Evers-Doyle starts with hand signals for dogs and then follows up with the voice command. This way, she can use the hand signal for sit while she is in a conversation with someone, without having to stop to get her dog to do something.

• Never repeat a verbal command. This will ensure your dog will obey commands the first time he hears them.

• For each command, make sure you have a release word, so the dog knows he is done and can move around. This could be “all done” or “OK” but be careful with the latter. We use it a lot in conversation, so your dog may hear OK and think he’s done when you haven’t intended to let him go.

• Do training with your dog a few times per day but just a few minutes at a time. Puppies get bored quickly, so short, fun training sessions are best. And make sure you end with your dog succeeding. If he is getting very few treats and constant corrections, it’s time to make it easier so he’s happy and successful at obeying the command.

• Gradually make the commands more difficult by adding distractions, so your dog obeys you no matter what: if your dog can stay in the living room, try it in the backyard, then in the park. Ask people to walk by, bounce a ball or carry dog treats.

• A good dog is a tired dog! Make sure your dog gets adequate exercise, both on-leash walks and off-leash playtime, and mental exercise, such as training and puzzle dog toys.

• Look into more advanced training for your dog once you have finished puppy classes. Options include agility, scent work, dock jumping and rally obedience.

• Most importantly, make it fun – use your dog's favourite treats, throw a ball, or play any game he enjoys. Your dog loves you and wants to please you more than anything, so training him in a fun way throughout his life can cement that bond and make him a happy, loving companion. | 647.808.6604

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home & lifestyle

Is My House Sick?

A Healthy House Is a Happy Home By The Stacee-Free Team Many homeowners aren’t aware of the link between their habitat and their health. Radon exposure has no immediate symptoms. Carbon monoxide poisoning can initially resemble the flu, and exposure to some toxins may be confused with seasonal allergies. Allergies and asthma affect many Canadians, and symptoms can be triggered by any number of irritants, such as animal dander, dust, air pollutants and mold − all of which can be found in the typical Canadian house. As well, fumes from chemicals, glues and finishes can trigger headaches and nausea. Here are a few tips to combat any sensitivities you may have because of irritants in your home. Vacuum frequently: Carpets are a safe haven for dust mites, skin cells and bacteria. Ensure your vacuum is equipped with a highefficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, and use it on both hardwood and carpeted areas. Your bed: Dust mites live in mattresses and pillows. Encasing your mattress in a cover will help keep dust mites out — and make sure that those who’ve already moved in will stay put. Be sure to change sheets and covers often.



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Formaldehyde: Many plywood cabinets, not to mention laminate flooring, contain formaldehyde, so choose hardwood if you can. Moisture: Accumulating moisture over time leads to breeding grounds for air pollutants like mold. An air exchanger is a must-have addition to any home and will help avoid recycled air full of allergens and dust. Plus, you’ll bolster your defence against moisture buildup. Chemical burnout: Ensure that existing paint is lead-free and always use water-based products with low volatile organic compounds levels (VOC). Don’t simply paint over the drywall. Sealants: Ensure all sealants used in the home are nontoxic, including those used on furniture. Efficient furnace filtration: Having a proper filter on your furnace, and changing it monthly, drastically reduces exposure to harmful particles and dust. CO2 levels: Check them every six-months. 8 |

For more information, visit



Pickering – A Sustainable, Livable and Healthy City A Message from the Office of Mayor Dave Ryan While many would argue that taking care of one’s health is an individual responsibility, I feel that the City of Pickering can set a leadership example by building a more livable, sustainable and healthy city. According to the World Health Organization, communities and neighbourhoods need to ensure access to basic goods; be socially cohesive; promote good physical and psychological well-being; and be protective of the natural environment in order to achieve health equity. The City of Pickering supports these tenets and is committed to providing outstanding and meaningful programs and services to the community. For example, the Pickering Recreation Complex offers a wealth of exciting, contemporary and affordable options to keep the community fit and active. This award-winning facility has over 3,100 members who participate in fitness classes, tennis, squash, racquetball, weight and cardio workouts and nutrition counselling. The City also promotes lifetime fitness routines by offering discounted memberships to adults over 65, as well as youth under 18. We truly believe that investing in our youth is an investment in our future. And by nurturing and developing our youth, we are building a more dynamic, cohesive and strong community. For these reasons, we offer a variety of free teen programs and events open to all Pickering residents between the ages of 13 and 19. A City-issued Teen ID is a passport to fun and can be used to gain access to free basketball, break dancing, swimming, racquetball and squash. Teens looking for a more laid back experience can relax and have fun in the Games Rooms at both Petticoat Creek Community Centre and East Shore Community Centre.

development because Pickering needs jobs for its residents and revenues to help run the city. Our downtown is expected to be home to 15,000 residents and 15,000 jobs over the next 15 years. As such, we wish to reinforce the City Centre as the heart and soul of Pickering – a premier destination to live, work, gather, and inspire. We envision:

• a highly walkable downtown with visually interesting streetscapes • a mix of land uses including distinct and urban living options located near major transit stops and transfer points

• open spaces for different activities and experiences • bold entry points defined by architectural excellence, public art and public plazas

• a commitment to sustainability through active transportation infrastructure, and green design Finally, I would be remiss not to mention Durham Live, which will be a master-planned tourism destination, comprised of a broad and diverse array of entertainment experiences, and defined by dramatic, vibrant and cohesive urban design elements. This tourism destination will live up to its namesake, Durham Live, because it’s not just about Pickering. It’s about all of Durham Region and providing entertainment, employment, investment, and partnership opportunities for its residents and businesses. In closing, we are very excited about what’s in store for Pickering, and we hope that you can also share in this excitement. I personally look forward to continue working with you and other stakeholders in building a modern, progressive, livable and healthy city.

Another important goal that we are working toward is our journey to become Ontario’s most sustainable city. While we take environmental stewardship very seriously, we know that we can’t do it alone. We rely on our residents, community groups and businesses to help keep Pickering clean and beautiful. The City runs several community-based cleanup programs, such as the 20-Minute Makeover and Adopt-a-Park. Furthermore, our award-winning Celebrating Sustainable Neighbourhoods program has attracted hundreds of enthusiastic participants. As a result of this program, the City of Pickering, in partnership with the Highbush Public School Eco Club, unveiled a large butterfly garden at Amberlea Park this past summer. This living, vibrant and colourful community enhancement project has been officially certified by Monarch Watch and is now included in the International Monarch Waystation registry. Remember, true sustainability isn’t just about social and environmental considerations. It’s equally as important to focus on economic nothing happens until you


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We see it on the news all the time: a building engulfed in flames. A distraught family with their possessions destroyed and nowhere to live. But we rarely hear about what happens next, when the firefighters have left. On Oct. 27, 2015, a fire occurred at Fairview Lodge, a long-term care home in Whitby that is owned and operated by the Region of Durham. The blaze burned for hours, and once all of the residents were safely evacuated, the job changes from emergency work to the long haul of cleaning and restoring the site. That’s when WINMAR, a disaster recovery company, steps in. “In consultation, and in co-operation with the Region of Durham’s insurer, WINMAR was hired,” says Sonia Coward, manager of risk and insurance for Durham Region. “WINMAR provided emergency clean-up and remediation of contents that were being brought to the new home. When WINMAR comes into a site such as the one after the fire at Fairview Lodge, there are several important steps they take.

• The first thing to do is meet on-site with fire department, adjuster and property owner. The purpose of this initial meeting is to discuss potential safety hazards of the site and create a safe environment for workers and the public, says Shawn Caklec, a project manager at WINMAR. “We then fence off the area, board-off building openings and, if immediate danger is posed by anything on-site, we remove that as well.” 10 |

• The next job is to assess the damage and the building contents. They determine what can be restored, pack up all contents and attempt to clean them in a cost-effective way. “We also must take into consideration that some items have a certain personal value – when we run into this, cost is somewhat put aside and we’ll try out best to restore the item,” says Caklec.

• Throughout the demolition and cleanup, Fairview Lodge presented some unique challenges for a couple of reasons. First, it was a longterm care facility and the new one, which was being built adjacent



to the existing building, was not yet completed. This put the residents and the region in a difficult position to find housing for the seniors who were displaced, says Caklec. Also, the one wing that was devastated by the fire was considered asbestos waste. A lot of the material was melted together and some of the non-asbestos material would have been impossible to separate from the contaminated material. WINMAR had to take special care to deal with the asbestos from this wing. Throughout the entire process of cleaning up after the fire, WINMAR had to ensure that all safety precautions were followed. They also had to maintain constant communication with the Region, since their staff were not allowed to enter the building at many times while WINMAR was dealing with hazardous materials. “In our experience, WINMAR responded in a timely, thorough and professional manner,” says Coward.

Our team understood the tragedy that they had gone through and everyone pitched in to ensure that it went as smoothly as possible.

The process of cleaning and restoration, plus finishing the construction of the new residence, had taken months. In the meantime, the residents had to have another place to live. “The Region worked in partnership with the Central East Community Care Access Centre to temporarily place residents who were displaced by the fire in long-term care beds within the community, including congregate sites at two Regional homes— Hillsdale Estates and Hillsdale Terraces, says Jennifer Bishop, assistant administrator of Fairview Lodge. In June, Fairview Lodge reopened its doors. In the new Fairview Lodge, “Residents have access to seven self-contained home areas, ranging from 26 to 29 beds; new dining and laundry facilities; enhanced space for specialized programming; and 24-hour nursing care,” says Bishop. And by the time residents moved in to the new facility, WINMAR had finished their work, too. The company managed to salvage and clean a variety of items from the fire, including medical records and charts, specialty beds and medical equipment. But the most important part was dealing with the possessions of the seniors who had thought they had lost everything.

“We coordinated with more than 100 residents to have their personal belongings picked up from our office – it felt like we had someone full time in the office coordinating their belongings,” says Caklec. "And it was a privilege for us to be able to help the residents in that way. Our team understood the tragedy that they had gone through and everyone pitched in to ensure that it went as smoothly as possible.”

For more information, visit

FAIRVIEW LODGE Fairview Lodge, a 174,958-square-foot building that houses 198 residents, is located in the Town of Whitby. It is one of four longterm care homes owned and operated by the Region of Durham. Replacing the original home, which opened its doors in 1951, this state-of-the-art facility is designed with an emphasis on environmental stewardship and accessibility standards. nothing happens until you


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community In 2014, the CNSC changed the regulations to ensure that everyone in the primary zone around the nuclear plants (within 10 kilometres) would have KI pills in their possession. This had to be completed by the end of 2015. It’s important to note that the safety regulations on CANDU reactors, like the ones in Durham region, have several safety systems that are designed to contain any leaks within the reactor for days, says Ken Gorman, director of environmental health with Durham Region Health Department. All of these systems would have to fail before radioactive gases would be released into the environment, and there would be time to evacuate people before this happened. The KI pill distribution plan is part of the directive of the CNSC to be prepared for a worst-case scenario, in hopes that it will never happen.

KI Pills By Karen Sheviak

People who live and work in Durham Region probably rarely give a second thought to being close to the Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Generating Stations. However, that may have changed last fall when local residents received packages of potassium iodide (KI) pills, which help reduce the risk of developing thyroid cancer caused by exposure to radioactive iodine. There was no reason to be alarmed about receiving the pills; it was simply due to a change in regulations by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). Previously, KI pills had been available at daycares, schools and health-care facilities. Members of the public could also pick them up at local pharmacies. However, only six per cent of eligible people went to the pharmacies to pick up their KI pills.

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“KI pills are only one step in a nuclear emergency preparedness program,” says Gorman. “The only time anyone should take the pills is under the direction of the chief medical officer of health of Ontario – who would make announcements on radio and TV in an emergency.” The pills are effective if taken four to six hours before exposure to radioactive iodine. They work by filling up the thyroid with non-radioactive iodine, which prevents the uptake of radioactive molecules. KI pills do not protect against other types of radiation exposure − only thyroid cancer. The distribution of the pills has been very successful. “So far, more than 200,000 people have received the pills, and another 11,500 (people who live from 10 to 50 kilometres away) have ordered them online,” says Gorman. The goal now for the Durham Region Health Department, and the other agencies working with them, is to ensure the sustainability of the KI distribution program, and to have a plan for 12 years from now when this batch of KI pills expires.

For more information, visit



What You Need to Know About Vitamin & Mineral Supplements By Andrea Miller MHSc, RD Are you overwhelmed by the towering shelves of vitamin and mineral supplements in the grocery store? There are so many options, but there are also so many questions: Which ones really work? Exactly how effective are they? Are they worth the money?

• Women of childbearing age who are thinking of getting pregnant

Supplements can be beneficial, but the key to getting enough vitamins and minerals is eating a balanced diet. Before taking vitamin and mineral supplements, talk to a registered dietitian or your physician about your personal nutrition. Make an effort to consume a healthy, well-balanced diet, including three meals and one to two snacks, from a variety of food choices. Keep in mind that foods provide a variety of vitamins and minerals and other nutrients, including fibre, that are not found in a vitamin or mineral supplement.

• Women who are pregnant need added folic acid and iron, which

Here are the answers to some common questions to help you determine if a vitamin supplement may be right for you.

should take a supplement that contains at least 400 ug (0.4 mg) of folic acid. This is to prevent neural tube defects that can begin early in pregnancy, even before many women realize they are pregnant.

can be obtained from foods and from a multivitamin.

• Men and women over the age of 50 should consider vitamin D and vitamin B12 supplements. A daily supplement of 400 IU of vitamin D for both men and women over the age of 50 is recommended. Also, adults over 50 may not be able to fully absorb vitamin B12 that occurs naturally in foods and, as a result, they should take a supplement. A daily multivitamin designed for people over 50 years of age is a good way to get both of these nutrients.

• People who don’t consume dairy products or use fortified soy

1. Will vitamin and mineral supplements increase my energy?

beverages may need a vitamin D and/or calcium supplement.

No. The energy that your body needs to think, work and play comes from the food that you consume. Vitamins and minerals in pill form do not provide calories/food energy.

• Vegans need a source of vitamin B12 either from a supplement

2. Can vitamin and mineral supplements reduce stress?

• People with certain medical conditions, such as anemia or

No. Vitamin and mineral supplements do not reduce stress. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is one strategy that may help you cope with the stress of daily living. A supplement will only provide some missing nutrients if you are not eating well.

or foods fortified with vitamin B12. They may also benefit from a calcium and vitamin D supplement.

osteoporosis, may require more of some nutrients. Or if you’ve had surgery or an infection, you may require extra nutrients or a supplement until you regain your health. Talk to a registered dietitian about your specific nutrient needs.

• People with very restricted diets, such as those with poor appetite,

3. Should I take vitamin and mineral supplements to make sure that I am getting what I need or give them to my kids when they don’t eat right?

• People who smoke have an increased need for vitamin C, so they

Not necessarily. Vitamin supplements do not replace a healthy diet. Vitamin and mineral supplements do not provide the macronutrients we get from food, such as fibre, carbohydrates, fat, protein and calories. If you’re concerned about whether you or your children are getting enough nutrients, speak to your health-care provider or a registered dietitian.

Remember that no supplement will take the place of a healthy diet or camouflage the impact of a poor diet. Eat well and be active every day.

4. Who should consider taking a supplement? There are some situations in which you may require a vitamin supplement. Remember, if you are concerned about your nutrient intake or think you may need a supplement, speak to your healthcare provider or registered dietitian.

very low calorie diet or food allergies, may need a supplement.

should take a vitamin C supplement and eat foods rich in vitamin C, including citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers and potatoes.

Andrea Miller is a consulting dietitian in Whitby, Ont., and an instructor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. For more information, visit

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By Virginie Markussen

How many times have you heard yourself or others say, “I just always feel so tired”? In today’s busy life, you may feel like you are constantly running on empty, but brush it off and continue with everything that is asked of you. You never stop to think, “Is this normal?” By ignoring your body’s cry for help, you are setting yourself up for disaster. More and more people are suffering chronic illnesses and diseases that rob them of a quality life. This is why I want you to join me on the quest to learn more about a condition called adrenal fatigue.

enough sleep, a poor diet or being a perfectionist (if you constantly push yourself to do more than you can handle). Being in an unhappy marriage or job can also wreak havoc on your health. So can constant drug and alcohol abuse. Some professions have a higher risk for adrenal fatigue. Even those who suffer physical traumas like head injuries or burns, or live with allergies, asthma and other diseases can be susceptible to adrenal fatigue.

What Are the Adrenals? We all know that old sins of the past can catch up to us. We have all experienced times of high stress, whether it be emotional, physical, psychological, environmental, infectious or a combination of all these. But we never stop to think what damage this can have on our health. Adrenal fatigue can happen to anyone. If you don’t rest your body often enough, if you ignore unhappy feelings toward your job, partner or friends, or if you just feel overwhelmed by life’s demands, you are setting yourself up for adrenal fatigue. The more stresses you have, the higher the likelihood is of suffering this little-known condition. We all handle stress in different ways. What might be stressful for one person may have no effect on someone else. Some people may already be born with adrenals that are weak. There are many lifestyle factors that can contribute to adrenal fatigue, such as not getting 14 |

The adrenal glands are small organs (3.5 to 5 grams) that are located on top of the kidneys, near the spine and just underneath the last rib. These extraordinary glands produce many different hormones that serve a variety of functions in the body, and one of the hormones is adrenaline. As we all know, this is the “fight or flight” hormone, which helps the body to respond to any stressful situation. But within this organ there is an area where cortisol is secreted and this is by far the largest part of the adrenal cortex. Cortisol plays a huge role in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and helps maintain steady blood sugar when you are faced with a stressful situation. It also has anti-inflammatory effects on tissues and helps regulate sodium and potassium in the heart cells, as well as increases the strength of the contraction of the heart muscle. In addition, cortisol can influence behaviour, mood, excitability and even the electrical

health activity of neurons in the brain. As you can see, without cortisol, many of the body’s organs and cells can’t function properly and will not respond in the right way to a stressful challenge. The lack of cortisol is what causes adrenal fatigue. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get a clear diagnosis from a doctor because there is no conventional test that will indicate adrenal fatigue. The only test available will either indicate that you are suffering from Addison’s disease (extreme low adrenal function) or Cushing’s disease (extreme high adrenal function), which are two very extreme cases of adrenal fatigue.


The Importance of Exercise Exercise can be one of the biggest challenges for someone with adrenal fatigue. Physical exercise is crucial for a healthy body and mind, but overdoing it can have serious repercussions for someone with adrenal fatigue. Don’t forget, exercise that is being performed too vigorously or over an extended period of time can cause stress for the body. This is when a person struggling with adrenal fatigue should consider physical activities that are gentler on the body. Swimming, yoga, going for walks and dancing are all activities that can contribute to a body in motion without too much stress. Even parking your car a little farther away from the mall entrance can give you those extra steps per day. (And remember, making love to your partner is also exercise and it gives you endorphins, which in turn help your stress level.)

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue • Difficulty getting up in the morning • Still feeling fatigued even after many hours of sleep • Having a craving for salt and salty foods • Lack of energy • Increased effort to do your daily chores • Decreased sex drive • Difficulty handling any stress, small or big (road rage, anxiety, compulsive eating)

How Can a Person Deal with Adrenal Fatigue? It all comes down to lifestyle. Being able to recognise what steals your energy, be it your work situation, your home environment or the types of food you eat, is the first step to recovery. From there you have three options: change your situation, change yourself to adapt to the situation or leave the situation all together. As with any recovery from a physical ailment, you have to work with your body as a whole. Your food choices have to be looked at (how much you eat, what you eat, when you eat, how often you eat and the environment that you surround yourself with when you eat). It is vital that you find out if you are suffering from any food allergies or sensitivities. This is very common with people suffering from adrenal dysfunction. The amount of sleep and the quality of sleep is a major factor in this recovery, but so is your emotional and mental mindset. We all know the saying; “you are what you eat,” but perhaps most importantly, you are what you think. Correcting your emotional and mental mindset is another important step. The mind is a powerful thing, so do what is needed to face your emotional baggage, be it getting professional help, getting social support or even starting a diary to help you through the muddle in your mind. Give yourself permission to be who you are supposed to be. The road to recovery from adrenal fatigue is often a long and challenging journey. It is important to know and understand that with progress there will also be setbacks. Learn to listen to your body and be kind to it.

Virginie Markussen is a nutritional consultant and freelance health writer. For more information, contact

• Longer recovery time after a cold, injury or trauma • Feeling light-headed when you stand up quickly • Mild depression • For women, increased PMS • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) • Unfocused thoughts • Less accurate memory • Decreased tolerance • Don’t wake up until 10 a.m., then getting an afternoon low between 3 and 4 p.m. and then feeling better after 6 p.m. and your supper in the evening. • Less productivity Some people might experience just a few of these symptoms; others might have all of them. It’s when you take all of the signs and symptoms together that you get an indication that you might be suffering from adrenal fatigue.

How Supplements Can Help Supplements are often necessary for the body to completely recover. Vitamin C is one of the most crucial vitamins, since the more cortisol is made, the more vitamin C is used. Other vitamins that help in the healing process are vitamin E, vitamin B (especially B5), magnesium and calcium. A good multi-mineral, along with the vitamins listed beforehand, is also beneficial. Fibre is also important when dealing with constipation, which often occurs when experiencing this dysfunction. Licorice root is the best known herb for the support of the adrenal gland, but ashwagandha root, Siberian ginseng, gingerroot and ginkgo biloba can also be used. Always make sure you talk to a trained health-care provider before taking any supplements or herbs.

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Seniors and Health By Karen Sheviak

One of the top concerns for anyone in the baby boomer generation or older is health care. And that age group is increasing every year. According to Statistics Canada, the number of seniors aged 65 and over increased by 14.1 per cent between 2006 and 2011 to nearly 5 million. Health-care issues such as preventive medicine, access to treatments and the costs of supplementary care are increasingly on their radar. Who? Me? Old? There are things seniors can do to prepare themselves to deal more often with the health-care system as they age. And one of the most important things for many people is to accept that aging is unavoidable and prepare for it, says Susan Eng, vice-president of advocacy for the Canadian Association for Retired People (CARP). “The boomers tend to be a generation in denial,” says Eng. “They think ‘I am never getting old!’” People can do a lot to slow the effects of aging, say by exercising and eating well, but, she adds “Don’t expect to recover your 20s! Be aware of where you are in life.” What You Can Do Focus on well-being. Eat properly, exercise, don’t smoke, and don’t drink too much alcohol. Remember that one of the determinants of healthy aging is social connectedness, so keep in contact with friends and family as much as possible. Get out of the house, whether for a walk or activities within a seniors’ centre or religious community. Prepare for aging by making sure you live in a space that you can handle as you get older. Finding the Right Physician It is also important to have a physician who is willing to look beyond a patient’s age when making treatment decisions. But according to Eng, there are only about 250 geriatricians in Canada, which is about one-quarter of what is needed. So finding that doctor with expertise on aging may be difficult, if not impossible. “We need doctors who understand the dynamics, the biology and the pathology of aging,” says Eng. “Some spend only a minuscule amount of time studying geriatrics in medical school.” Many seniors also feel that they are not getting the best options from their physicians. They may be denied a transplant or knee operation because of their age. While there are sometimes good reasons 16 |

for these denials, the decisions can also be based on outdated misconceptions of what it means to get old and how well seniors can recover. “Seniors may hear from their doctors, ‘That’s just part of getting older.’ But boomers are not going to accept that answer,” says Eng.

“the boomers tend to be a generation in denial.” What You Can Do If you have concerns about your physician or treatments you have – or haven’t – received, write them down and bring them to him or her to discuss at an appointment. If you are not comfortable doing this, bring someone with you who can advocate for you. Health Care Outside the Hospital Another major issue is what happens to seniors if something sudden happens, like a heart attack. They are treated in the hospital and then expected to go home or to a nursing home. But they can’t go home to live alone, and nursing homes often have long wait lists. “Post-acute care is a new essential service for Canada,” says Eng. But little has been done so far, and home-care funding is not where it should be. “Not everyone can afford home care, and the bottom line is that the system can’t really help you after a hospital stay.” What You Can Do Save for retirement. Most people believe that they will be spending their retirement savings on cruises. But the reality is that the costs of medical care are high for seniors, adds Eng. We are used to having free medical care throughout our lives, but many of the types of care that seniors may require aren’t free. Rehabilitation, nursing homes, some medications – just these few things can add up to thousands of dollars per month, and that is while the spouse still has to cover the costs of the family home. By being aware of what can happen as you age, and taking an active role in all areas of your retirement – financial, health and well-being – you can get the most out of the health-care system and help ensure your all your needs are met for as long as you live.



Helping Hands at Home By Diane Robertson

Caregiving is fast becoming one of the most pressing issues in health care in Canada. There is a great need for help, and resources can be difficult to access. I have first-hand knowledge of the demands that caregiving puts on an individual and the whole family. While working in the fast-paced corporate world of human resources, I spent 18 years helping my mother care for my father after he tragically became a quadriplegic. During that time I met and married my best friend, and then helped care for my motherin-law after she had two heart transplants. And just recently, we lost my father-in-law to a very short and aggressive battle with lung cancer. These experiences had a profound effect on me and helped me realize my purpose in life. I now dedicate my time to helping seniors and their families who are facing the same challenges that I did as a caregiver. My company, Helping Hands at Home, offers services that help seniors who need assistance stay in their homes as long as possible, such as light housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation and grocery shopping. I even offer companionship, such as chatting, reading or playing cards, at a person’s house and in retirement homes. Helping Hands at Home not only helps the seniors we visit but also their families. Caregiving can be very stressful, and even a small amount of assistance can make a huge difference for everyone involved. If you feel your family is in need of caregiver relief, you can rest assured that Helping Hands at Home will provide the type of care you want for your loved one in a trustworthy, supportive way, so your family has peace of mind.

For more information, email, visit or call (905) 706-5794.

“We will provide the type of care you want for your loved ones and peace of mind for you.�

Diane Robertson Owner / Senior Caregiver

(905) 706- 5794 nothing happens until you


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STREET DRUGS By Karen Sheviak

Kids seem to be growing up faster all the time, and there are few things that parents worry more about than illicit drug use among teens – or even tweens. New drugs are often more dangerous than what kids used in past generations, so parents need to make sure that they have all the facts, know where to turn if their teen needs help, and develop a solid relationship with their kids so they can talk openly and honestly.

access to more information.” He adds that if your teen does say that they have been around drugs before, make sure you follow up with another non-confrontational question, such as “How did marijuana being present make you feel?” “This type of communication invites the child to be involved in a conversation rather than being bombarded with accusatory questions that are easily answered with one word,” says Thomson.

Detective Constable Gary Thomson, a 13-year veteran of the Durham Regional Police Service with nine years of experience in drug enforcement, spoke with Move magazine about preventing kids from using drugs – and where to turn if they do.


START WITH COMMUNICATION Talking to your kids is the best way to help them avoid the dangers of drugs – and that starts long before you may suspect any drug use. “Initiating conversations about the child’s school day, friends and after school activities will allow parents to get an understanding of what a normal day looks like for their child,” says Thomson. That way, if the child’s behaviour begins to change, you will notice it early on before the problems get more severe.

If you have communicated with your child as outlined above, he may be willing to talk to you about his exposure to or use of drugs. However, there are certain signs to watch for that kids often exhibit when they begin using drugs. According to Thomson, “General drug use by young people can be associated with changes in mood or behaviour; reduced memory; an increase in problems at school related to attentiveness, finishing assignments and attendance; a decrease in motivation; changes in sleep patterns or oversleeping; paranoia; an increase in experiencing depression; and/or a change in circle of friends.” But, he adds, many of these symptoms can be normal during the teen years so they are not a definite indicator of drug use.

THE CONSEQUENCES When parents speak to their kids about drugs, they need to make sure their language is non-judgmental so kids feel comfortable talking to them. “For example ‘Do you smoke marijuana?’ could be replaced with ‘How often do you find yourself in a situation where marijuana is present?’” says Thomson. “The first question can be easily answered with a ‘no’ to avoid the topic, whereas the second question invites the child to answer using a sentence and allows the parent 18 |

In addition to the physical and mental effects of drug addiction, teens could face serious legal consequences if they get caught using drugs. “Young people could face criminal charges or be placed on a diversion contract (in which case they might have to submit to regular drug testing or go to counselling) if caught using illegal drugs,” says Thomson. “If caught during school hours or on school property kids could also face suspension.”



When parents speak to their kids about drugs, they need to make sure their language is non-judgmental. Plus, being convicted of a criminal offence for drug use could impact the young person later in life when seeking employment or attempting to travel out of the country for a family vacation.

DRUG AND ADDICTION RESOURCES Parents may feel a wide range of emotions if they discover their child is using drugs, from denial and anger to sadness and anxiety. Parents should access any resources they can as quickly as possible, both for their child’s benefit and their own. Thomson recommends websites such as, which is a charitable organization that provides information for parents and teens and tells you where you can go for help. “The Durham Regional Police website also has a drug abuse section with information and resources listed; there are links for the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and the Public Health Agency of Canada,” says Thomson. “And, if a parent would like to speak to an officer in person, each division of the DRP has a Youth Officer and School Officers available.”

PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS/ADDERALL/PERCOCET/ OXYCODONE The use of prescription medications by young people is a growing trend. Medications are obtained from friends and family members (with or without consent) or can start with the young person’s own prescription. Medications abused include opioids (pain drugs) such as Oxycodone which is an ingredient in Percocet, and stimulants or amphetamines such as Adderall, which is used to treat hyperactivity disorders such as ADHD. Adderall is known to be abused by young adults in college or university for its ability to increase concentration and focus. Adderall has been given nicknames such as “the study drug” or “smart drug.” Signs of prescription drug abuse include: • Weight loss • Constipation • Nausea • Headaches • Loss of appetite • Financial loss to support habit • Requesting increase in doctor prescriptions or double doctoring

For more information, visit

COMMON DRUGS: SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS By Detective Constable Gary Thomson


MARIJUANA/WEED/GREEN The most common drug used by young people. Fairly easy to access for young people through friends, schoolmates and older siblings. Marijuana can be perceived by young people as a “natural” drug and therefore viewed as low risk. Signs of marijuana use include: • Dry mouth • Red, bloodshot eyes • Hunger • Coughing • Decreased memory and reaction time • Paranoia and anxiety

MDMA is a psychoactive drug that can cause a euphoric effect for the user. MDMA is most often consumed during a party setting or when attending dances or music festivals. MDMA is found in powder, capsule or pill form. Pills are often not labeled and are stamped with symbols attractive to young people. MDMA can cause the user to have feelings of love for someone they recently met. This can lead to an increase in sexual activity by young people. Young people may consume MDMA as a way of dealing with anxiety or feeling awkward during social gatherings/parties. Signs of MDMA use include: • Increased body temperature and sweating • Teeth clenching or chewing • Dilated pupils • Vision problems • Fainting • Panic attacks and anxiety • Increase pleasure for touch • Abnormally friendly behaviour nothing happens until you


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Over past 27 years, roughly 8,000 men have come through the doors of the Paul J. Sullivan Centre in Brooklin for treatment for addiction to drugs and alcohol. But the stories of some of these men stand out simply because of how far they had to come to recover. Kevin Amisson, the house manager at the centre, remembers one in particular.

The joke is funny, yet sad at the same time. Addiction takes a huge toll on families in Canada. It is the second most commonly diagnosed mental health issue facing Canadians. According to the CBC, drug and alcohol addiction affects one in 10 Canadians – more than 3.5 million people − not including the families of those who struggle with this disease.

"The first time Roger arrived, he wouldn’t even get out of the van to enter treatment. The second time, Roger came in, and he was in rough shape. He had been living on the street, his hair was matted, he was nonverbal. Mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, he was done.

Renascent has been a leader in abstinence-based drug and alcohol treatment since 1970. The Renascent Fellowship was founded by Paul J. Sullivan and a group of businessmen, half of whom were recovering alcoholics. They wanted to open a different type of treatment centre, based on 12 steps and abstinence, that provided gender-specific drug and alcohol recovery programs.

He completed treatment, did well for nine months, then had a brief relapse so he came back in treatment. He recently got his one-year medallion (for being sober for one year). He has a girlfriend and a job. So many good things have happened to him since entering recovery. He is happy and productive, well and grateful. And so is Roger’s mom (who helped him begin his recovery journey)." When someone calls Renascent because they are considering treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, Amisson asks them an important question. “I ask if they want to have a good life, one in which they respect themselves,” he says. “In addiction, everything is taken away.” “Sometimes when people call, they are so sick: they have lost their job, their family, they are beaten, broken, sick and tired,” he continues. “They may have been in and out of hospitals detoxing. Then they come here and after four or five days they start to feel better, and the temptation to return to their old ways comes back. They start to feel good and they forget about where they were when they called.” Amisson recalls what someone from Alcoholics Anonymous told him early in his recovery that sums up the beginning of recovery: “Try things our way for six months and if you don’t like your new life, we will gladly refund your misery.”

Renascent’s Paul J. Sullivan Centre

Their program for men began a year later, and 10 years after that, they started the first treatment centre for women in Ontario. They have rented a number of facilities over the years, and now own and operate four houses: The Punanai Centre for men in Toronto, the Graham Munro Centre for women in Toronto, The Lillian and Don Wright Family Health Centre in Toronto, and the Paul J. Sullivan Centre for men in Brooklin. Today Renascent is fully accredited and employs certified addiction counsellors. They offer trauma-informed care that addresses concurrent mental health issues and the needs of the entire family. ADDICTION TREATMENT Renascent offers different addiction treatment programs so they can meet the needs of just about anyone who needs help.

• The Primary Care residential program is either 28-day or 35-day and provides around-the-clock counselling and support. This program, in addition to treating the individual, also offers education so clients learn about the disease, and group sessions to help clients overcome the isolation and shame that often comes with addiction. It focuses on physical and mental health as well, and offers holistic solutions in a home-like environment, not an institution.

The Seven Cs Often, children who have parents that are addicted to alcohol or drugs feel that it is their fault or that they should be able to help their parents stop. Learning the Seven Cs can help kids and adults alike deal with their family member’s addiction in a healthy way. I did not Cause it I cannot Control it I cannot Cure it But I can help take Care of myself by Communicating feelings Making healthy Choices and Celebrating myself.

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By Karen Sheviak

• The Continuing Care program is very important because once the Primary Care program ends for a client, that’s when the real challenge begins – the challenge of living a new, sober life. Whether you’re accessing the program over the phone or in class, the Continuing Care program can boost success rates by more than onethird. The program lasts 15 weeks and gives participants the skills to face stressful situations, build new supportive networks and reduce their risk of relapse. • The Alumni Care program is available to all Renascent clients – forever. The program helps clients maintain their connection with Renascent with visits, meetings and opportunities to work with current clients, among other things. FAMILY PROGRAMS Addiction affects more than just the addict; it can have a devastating impact on everyone in the family. That’s why Renascent offers family programs. Even if an addict in a family doesn’t want help, family members age seven and up can claim a better life for themselves.

• The Essential Family Care program helps families understand addiction and recovery. Partners, moms, sons, uncles and kids learn how addiction has affected them and their family. They learn what is controllable and what is not. • Weekend Parenting Program: This program gives parents the tools they need to parent in recovery. • One-on-One Counselling: Anyone age seven and up can access individual sessions. • Free Family Information Nights: Renascent holds free information nights twice a month – the first Tuesday of the month in Toronto and the third Thursday of the month in Brooklin (at 7 p.m.) WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS Renascent also works with companies to help them help their employees who may be addicted to drugs or alcohol. Addiction doesn’t shut off when someone comes to work; it may cause increase absenteeism and lateness, decreased productivity and on-the-job accidents, among other things.

Healing Myself, Healing My Family Since sobriety (and a whole lot of work on my own spirituality), [my children] seem to have become more confident, they have not gotten in trouble at school and are much less likely to fly off the handle and react to challenges with fits of anger. This change, I believe, is due to them not having to deal with a toxic environment. They are learning to live life in a much healthier way.

The Workplace Solutions program at Renascent is for both employers and employees. The team helps with everything from arranging a seamless entry into addiction treatment to reintegrating clients into the workplace. The treatment that Renascent offers works because it covers all aspects of an addict’s life. And it is client-centred, so they treat their clients with dignity and respect. “It’s a home, and we treat it like a home,” says Amisson. The counsellors not only have the training but also have lived the experience of addiction and recovery, a quality that most clients say made a big difference during treatment. “There is no judgment because we have actually been there – we know first-hand what the clients are going through,” he says. Amisson came to Renascent for treatment for drug addiction in 2002. “I now have a home, a beautiful wife and grandchildren from a blended family,” he says. “My life totally changed. I went from being a drug dealer and painting cars in an auto body shop to being manager here at Renascent. When I look back, I realize that I am a totally different person today.” Treatment at renascent is about reclaiming your life, he says. “Right now, if you’re addicted to alcohol or drugs, you’re just existing, and addiction is in the driver’s seat, not you. A big part of treatment is getting a handle on what you can and can’t control. It’s about cleaning house and establishing new ways of living that ultimately can give you a life that you never imagined possible.”

To learn more about Roger’s journey – and his mom’s, visit For more information about Renascent, visit or call 1-866-232-1212.

“71.4 percent of Renascent clients remain clean and sober two for years post-treatment”

I’m happy that I can spend the rest of my life trying to give my wife back the years that my drinking took away from her. And I’m happy that I have a second chance to give my children a good life – the life they deserve. I can now be at peace, rather than at war, with the world. And this is the best present I could possibly give to my kids. – A Renascent Alumnus

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Responding In Time By Marissa Higgins

We all go through life hoping that emergency situations don’t happen, but unfortunately they do. You can’t predict when an emergency will strike or to whom. It’s best to learn and regularly refresh your first aid and CPR skills so that you can be prepared during the most crucial moments of someone’s life. Take Allan’s story: Allan Harris, 54, was playing golf with his son John and friend Oliver Shaw this past summer. After a great shot at the fourth hole, Allan remembers hollering, “Yeah, baby.” The next thing he remembers is waking up in the hospital three days later. Allan had collapsed on the course in full cardiac arrest just seconds after that great shot. Though he says he was familiar with the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, “cardiac arrest is like walking up to a light switch and just turning it off,” he says. “There was no warning.”

John began CPR. With paramedics en route, Allan’s heart started and stopped three times. All the while, John continued chest compressions. Allan survived and spent three days in a drug-induced coma. Allan knows it was his friend’s and son’s efforts and the CPR know-how that contributed to his survival. Every second counts in an emergency! Knowing how to respond and being prepared to act quickly during can be the difference between life and death. On average, paramedics can take between eight and 10 minutes to arrive at a scene, depending on variables such as call volume and time of day. After someone experiences cardiac arrest, brain cells begin to die in four to six minutes. Effective bystander CPR helps maintain vital blood flow to the heart and brain until help arrives. It can mean the difference between a full recovery and a permanent disability.

About four years prior, Allan and John were watching a football game together on TV when a commercial about CPR came on, Allan asked his son if he was certified. The elder Harris had taken CPR classes every two years for decades in order to keep his CPR certification active. His son had not yet done the same, and Allan recalls getting on the floor to show John the proper way to do chest compressions.

By performing simple procedures and following certain guidelines, it may be possible to save lives by giving basic treatment until professional medical help arrives. When you know how to react efficiently and appropriately you can save a life! Don’t leave it up to fate.

“It’s a good thing John remembered—or I wouldn’t be here,” says Allan. While his friend Oliver called 911 with a cell phone,

Register for your first aid and CPR course with Responder 101. For more information, visit




Zumba with Heidi By Kim Naar


few years ago, I was looking for an exercise routine that I could stick with when I decided to try my first Zumba class at Get Heidi Fit. I had no idea what I was in for or if I would even like it. I had no dance experience and I was feeling a little skeptical because I had never found an exercise routine that I could stick with for more than a couple of months. Now I am in the best shape I have ever been in, and am enjoying a much better quality of life, thanks to Heidi Tsinokas. Get Heidi Fit was founded by Tsinokas after she became a fitness instructor and discovered Zumba. She started teaching Zumba because she loved how it gave adults a rare opportunity to get out and dance and get fit at the same time. Her classes take place in local schools and dance studios. When you walk into Tsinokas’ class for the first time, she greets you warmly and offers a few pointers on how to make the most of your first class. Once inside, the other participants also welcome you with open arms so you feel right at home. Zumba classes are perfect for everyone, no matter their age or fitness level. The one thing you can

count on is a smile from ear to ear as soon as that music starts! As each class progresses, the different personalities of the participants emerge. There is the noisy, rowdy bunch in the middle that keeps everyone laughing. At the sides are the younger crowd who are into the music – especially the current hits. Then there are the quiet ones in the back who prefer to just focus on their workout. Right up at the front are the original crew, which includes a 68-year-old woman who wears braces on both of her legs but can out-Zumba the younger group in the blink of an eye. Each style and approach are accepted and respected by everyone – including Tsinokas. One of the common misconceptions about Zumba is that you need to know how to dance or have rhythm. In fact, you don’t even need coordination. Tsinokas herself has zero dance background – just a love of music and fitness. In Zumba, anyone who has a permanent ailment or who is recovering from an injury can simply create alternative moves to meet their individual needs. It’s common to see someone not doing turns, lifting their arms differently, or doing an alternative to a squat. The great thing about Tsinokas is that she encourages you to do what feels right and will even help you develop some substitute moves to ensure you still get the maximum benefit from your workout. Over the years I have seen people come into class complaining of headaches, stress from work or exhaustion from the demands of their family. But by the end of class they feel exhilarated, have a smile on their face and are ready to take on the world. Tsinokas has found a way to fit her passion into her everyday life with Get Heidi Fit. In every class, she creates an environment where all participants feel welcome and can enjoy working out with no monthly fees, no expectations and, most importantly, no judgment.

For more information, visit or email nothing happens until you


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The "No-diet New Year": health

By Andrea Miller MHSC, RD Happy New Year! Happy New Diet! Every year, Canadians resolve that they will eat healthier, exercise more and lose weight. Although these are wonderful and compelling goals, perhaps making them on Jan. 1 is not ideal. There are many welldocumented and valid reasons for making, and subsequently failing to keep, New Year's resolutions. One of the key reasons is that we are not prepared. If we do not set ourselves up for success, then we will most certainly fail. There is no other way! Making resolutions work involves changing behaviours – and in order to change a behaviour, you have to change your thinking and your environment. Rather than waiting until Jan. 1 to make your resolutions, think about what small changes you can make throughout the year that will help you reach your goals.

Begin at the End (not the beginning)! The first step might be to think about your goals! But wait. Rather than look forward to where you want to be (which is what all diets have you do, and why all diets ultimately fail), try looking back from your goal to where you are now. Start with the end! Think about your three month goal − is it weight related? Fitness related? Maybe it is related to cooking and meal planning − or all of the above. Picture that goal and then step back and visualise yourself at two months, one month, two weeks, next week and tomorrow. What small change can you make tomorrow that gets you one step closer to where you want to be in three months? Then write it down! Plan out some daily, weekly and monthly steps that lead you to your milestone. Start small and evaluate along the way. Sometimes a goal needs to be adjusted or changed to fit your needs, preferences and lifestyle. Instead of thinking that you failed if you do not reach your goal, think that the goal was not right. Maybe it wasn't the right time, the right circumstances or the right order of steps. That's OK. Be forgiving of yourself, be flexible, write it down and move to the next small step.

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Eating Changing your thinking means moving away from the dieting mentality. Embrace healthy eating and let go of restrictive eating patterns. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Avoid watching programs that offer the next miracle weight loss solution − there isn't one. Think about why you want to make healthy changes to your lifestyle and focus on you, not the miracle. Next, call a truce with food! Give yourself permission to eat. Restricting your favourite foods often results in eating more of 24 |

them. Have these foods, but fit them in around healthy meals and snacks, not in place of healthy eating. Eat when you are hungry. Going long periods of time without eating (as diets often have us do) generally results in eating more, and eating less healthy (to say nothing of feeling grumpy). Responding to your hunger is honouring yourself and your body. Take time to eat. Eating slowly results in increased satisfaction, and often eating less. It takes 20 minutes for our brain to receive the message that we have eaten. Most of us eat in less than 20 minutes, which doesn't give our brain enough time to process that we've eaten too much. Simply slowing down can result in significant changes in eating for many people. Set a timer to help you eat slower and give yourself time to adjust. Finally, you don't have to eat a perfect diet to be healthy. Nutrition perfection is unattainable and quite frankly, unsustainable! Go for consistency, not perfection. Try working toward having 80 percent of your food choices be healthy and 20 percent be treats, or what I call "sometimes foods". If you are eating well, 80 percent of the time, that is pretty awesome.

Engineer your eating environment! How can you engineer your environment to help you meet your health goals? Make it harder to eat! Using your timeline for your goals, start changing how you shop, how you cook and even how you store food at home, to help you reach your long term goal. Here are a few non-dieting ways you can make your environment work for you.

Grocery shopping tips • Chew gum while you are grocery shopping − this will result in less impulse buying.

• Make a list for grocery shopping and stick to it. • Avoid shopping when you are hungry. • Divide your shopping cart in half − fill half with only fruit and vegetables.

Resolving to start the year off without a diet! health

At home • Store all snack foods in cupboards − ideally lower level cupboards. • Use smaller plates, bowls and glasses for all meals − smaller dishes results in smaller portions.

• Keep a bowl of fruit on the counter and store cut-up fruit and veggies in see-through containers, kept at eye-level in the fridge.

• Serve meals from the stove and put leftovers away, right away − avoid using serving bowls on the table. • Plan for leftovers − and use them. Freeze leftovers for another meal or divide them into containers for lunches. • Keep a colouring book and markers or a puzzle book next to your favourite chair so you can colour or play Sudoku while watching television. • Eat without distraction − no screens while eating. • Make it a rule to not eat in the car.

At work • Get away from your desk for lunch. • Avoid keeping any candy, chocolates, nuts etc., within arm's reach of your desk.

• Bring a lunch, or even part of a lunch, every day.

• Plan time to go for a walk on your lunch hour or on a break; 10 to 15 minutes each day results in one extra hour of exercise each week! • Do not carry any small change/coins − this will limit vending machine use. • Plan monthly office birthday celebrations. Celebrate multiple birthdays at one time to decrease the number of slices of not-verygood-cake you eat!

Curbing the cravings! Anyone who has ever been on any diet can likely attest to the food cravings that resulted from the diet. Even when not dieting, we experience food cravings for a variety of reasons. Start your year off with some strategies in place to help you curb your cravings! Disarm your cravings with the 5 Ds: delay, distract, distance, determine, decide!


Delay: When you notice a craving for a food − whether you are at your desk, in the shopping mall or just sitting down to watch your favourite show on Netflix − wait for 15 minutes! If you are truly hungry, you will still be hungry in 15 minutes. This short delay decreases impulse eating and increases awareness of eating while distracted. There is nothing wrong with having a bowl of chips while watching a movie (remember the 80/20 guideline), but try to make those snack decisions thoughtfully, not impulsively. Distract: Find another activity to do instead of eating. Colouring (there are many beautiful adult colouring books now), puzzle books, jigsaw puzzles, paint-by-number, building a model car, knitting, doing your nails, brushing your dog, etc. are all great activities that you can enjoy while watching TV. Most of these activities are not compatible with eating. Doing something else may lead us to forget about the food craving we had. Make a list of things that you can do instead of eating, when you have a craving. Planning ahead helps curb the craving! Distance: Keep food (especially snack foods) out of sight! When we see food, we want it. This is a law of nature (I think!). If you cannot see, or better yet, don't even purchase snack foods, you are less likely to eat them. Determine if you are actually hungry! Check in with your appetite. Are you wanting food because you are truly hungry? Or are you eating for reasons unrelated to hunger? If you are not hungry, what can you do instead of eat? Decide if you are hungry and what you want for your snack! Make a mindful decision based on your health and your goals. Keep the end in mind and think about what you do today. Will move you toward or away from your goal?

Celebrate your success! As you make small changes to reach your goal, always take a moment to reflect where you are. Celebrate all successes − big or small. Do not use your weight as your only measure of success; it is only one tool in your entire tool-box of health. Remember to focus on healthier food choices, a healthier food environment and increasing your activity level. These are all important aspects of your health. Remember to be patient and kind with yourself. Enjoy your food, do not diet, and move around in a way that feels good and is enjoyable, for you. I wish you a happy, healthy, non-dieting New Year!

For more information, visit nothing happens until you


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Dear Dr. Grewal Dr. Winnie S. Grewal answers your questions about orthodontic care.

and tooth decay. Whether inherited or acquired, many of these factors affect the alignment of teeth as they erupt. My teenage daughter grinds her teeth while she sleeps. Should we visit an orthodontist?

Why do children suck their thumbs or fingers and can it be harmful to their teeth? The thumb or finger sucking habit seems to relax and comfort babies and toddlers – and it’s perfectly natural! But as a child grows it may be harmful to his or her teeth. In most children, thumb sucking stops on its own between two and four years of age. But if it persists after the permanent teeth have erupted, it can drastically change growth patterns of the jaw and cause significant misalignment of the teeth. It can hold back the growth of the lower jaw while causing the upper jaw to be thrust forward. This can cause the upper front teeth to flare out, an anterior open bite (where the front teeth fail to close together) or other problems. This is why it is important to stop the behaviour at an appropriate time, before damage occurs.

Tooth grinding, also called bruxism, may occur during the day or at night after you go to sleep. Lots of young children grind their teeth, though most tend to outgrow it. Grinding can be the result of stress and anxiety. If this is the case, her dentist can make a nightguard to help alleviate the stress on her teeth and jaw. It can also be the result of a "bad bite" or crooked teeth. If her bruxism is the result of a dental problem, a skilled orthodontist can correct the issues that are causing her to grind her teeth. If the clenching or grinding is not taken care of, she could end up fracturing, breaking and wearing away her teeth.

Dr. Winnie S. Grewal is a certified specialist in orthodontics with offices in Ajax and Bowmanville.

Is requiring braces inherited? Most orthodontic problems are inherited traits, just like brown eyes or big feet. Inherited problems include crowding of teeth, spacing, extra or missing teeth and upper and lower jaw deficiencies. Other problems occur from thumb/ finger habits, premature loss of baby and/or permanent teeth

For more information, visit www.grewalorthodontics.comCall for a complimentary consultation! Ajax: 905-427-7310 Bowmanville: 905623-2283

Want your best smile?

Get the healthy, beautiful smile that you’ve always wanted. We offer a variety of safe and gentle treatment options to give you the customized, individual care you deserve. We specialize in family orthodontics with alignment options from traditional braces to Invisalign®. "I go to my dentist office for checkups. But I went to my orthodontist for my smile."

Dr Winnie S. Grewal

Certified Specialist in Orthodontics

Visit us at 26 |

Ajax Office – 905.427.7310 Bowmanville Office – 905.623.2283



Surviving a Brain Tumour: A Personal Story By Kim Naar

Four years ago, what started as a regular day was just the beginning of a journey I wasn’t expecting. My vision felt strained and my balance was off. After six months of tests and seeing specialists, it was confirmed I had a noncancerous form of meningioma, a tumour that develops from the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. The tumour rests against my optical nerve, causing double vision in my left eye as well as imbalance, numbness in my face and nasty headaches. The tumour continued to grow and began pushing on other key areas of my brain, causing those symptoms to worsen as well as adding more, such as fainting and fatigue. After 15 months, I finally went for gamma-knife radio surgery (multiple tiny beams of radiation shot at the tumour). The procedure wouldn’t remove the tumour, but the surgeons hoped it would stop it from growing. Due to the precarious location of the tumour, the surgical team refused to physically remove it because of the high risk of complications. After a very long recovery, it was deemed successful. Even though the tumour is still there, annual MRIs show that that it has not grown since the surgery, allowing me to perfect how I cope with my symptoms instead of constantly having to adapt as it grew. How did I deal with this? State of Mind I figured I had two options: I would either allow it to consume me and take over my life or I would consume it and keep control of my life. I opted for the latter. Every day, I applied my regular “it could be worse” attitude. Instead of focusing on the things I couldn’t do, I began to appreciate the things I could do more and more, simple things like breathing in the fresh air and the ability to see my beautiful daughter.

One thing I didn’t want to happen was for my condition to interrupt my little girl’s life, and it was because of the support of some wonderful dance moms that I was able to ensure my little dancer didn’t miss a step in her final year of dance. I also had, and still have, the incredible team at The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance (TCHPP). Joe, Alvin and Sarah have been instrumental from day one in helping me cope with and manage my symptoms in a natural way. Then there is the biggest support group of all; my Zumba family. Heidi Tsinokas, my Zumba instructor, has been a pillar of strength for me from day one. What my Zumba friends have done for me cannot be expressed in a few words. Their love and support has kept me going. When I started having to wear an eye patch to class they made me feel like it was natural. When I stumble, they are ready to catch me. When I have to go slow, they keep an eye on me. When I miss a class, they all text me to check in. My first outing only eight days after my surgery was to Zumba, and even though I was only able to sit in a chair and move my arms they made me feel on top of the world. I believe my “it could be worse” mantra, my desire to ensure my daughter was still living her life, being open about my condition and seeking support from those around me made the difference for me. I hope that those things will make a difference for anyone else going through a similar situation. Kim Naar and her family

Talk About It We tend to hide those imperfect things in our lives from others, but this was a time when talking about it helped more than silence. It was an ailment people couldn’t see, so I decided it would be helpful to explain things like why I was staggering round (no, I hadn’t been drinking) or why I couldn’t drive. It helped relieve the stress I felt and opened up a great support line for me. Friends and Family I am very lucky to have the right people in my life. It goes without saying that the care from my entire family was extremely important. But the support from my husband and daughter, who experienced the full spectrum of symptoms at their worst, was indescribable. nothing happens until you


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Durham Self-Defence MusicGreater Lessons For All Ages (6 Weeks to Adult) Fitness, Focus,• Balance, Awareness Group & Private • & Situation Management through & Karate. Music Store: BooksJiu-Jitsu & Accessories

YOUR "BENEFITS" 905-431-3538 By Bob Burnett ss Focus Balance Awareness Situation Management Piano Voice Guitar Drums Violin Cello Band Instruments Through Jiu-Jitsu Karate Kali


Even though they are becoming rare, benefits packages for employees still exist and offer perks that are explained in a contract or a nice booklet: all one has to do is read what’s there. If we are really fortunate we can even have a say in some of them: increase this, reduce that; opt in, opt out.

y Music Centre & Greater Durham Self-Defense 15 Thickson Rd. N. Unit 10 • Whitby, ON L1N8W7

MUSIC -240-1618

SELF-DEFENSE But we may not realize that in our daily lives, we are constantly presented CONTACT: 289-240-2719 with "benefits" packages that may not be as easy to discern as reading

a booklet. Like those fortunate enough to have a say in their benefits program, we also have a say in our own benefits: we just have to take the time to be aware, observant and full of self-knowledge. If we know ourselves – what we like, what we want, where our interests and passions take us – and we are in tune with the daily rhythm of our lives, (6 Weeks to Adult)and activities that will we should have a good idea about the programs Group and privite music lessons. Voice, Piano, benefit us. So we • Group & Private • begin to do our research to seek out the best fit. Guitar, Drums, Violin, Cello and Band Instruments Speaking people, trying something out and keeping an open, flexible Music Store: Books to & Accessories mindViolin are essential to finding a perfect match. Given the frantic pace of Piano Voice Guitar Drums Cello Band Instruments life for most people, finding an activity that accomplishes several goals at once is time well-spent.

My MusicMusic Centre Lessons

For All Ages

289-240-1618 Fitness Focus Balance Awareness Situation Management Through Jiu-Jitsu Karate Kali

Martial arts training is frequently overlooked as an activity because of misconceptions: "I have to be in much better shape," or "it’s too violent." Yet quite the opposite is true. Beginners in the art see it as a fitness will also teach them some self-defence. More experienced 15 Thickson Rd. N.program Unit 10 •that Whitby, ON L1N8W7 practitioners come to see and appreciate not only the physical benefits (cardio, joint and muscle health and flexibility) but also the cognitive MUSIC SELF-DEFENSE benefits (increased powers of concentration, awareness of people CONTACT: 289-240-1618 CONTACT: 289-240-2719 and situations, and confidence). They learn about nerves and pressure points, which can aid in relaxation and healing.

My Music Centre & Greater Durham Self-Defense

Music for Young Children r All Ages (6 Weeks to Adult)

& Private •

Specialized music lessons for children

as young as 6 weeks. oks & Accessories Violin Cello Band Instruments

289-240-1618 eness Situation Management

tsu Karate Kali

28 |

ter Durham Self-Defense

In short, martial arts training has stood the test of time because it is a comprehensive health benefits package that also happens to teach valuable self-defence techniques. With students ranging from age 4.5 to 62, our martial arts program probably has a place for you or someone you care about. This is a place where a lifetime of benefits may be found – perhaps the perfect addition to your benefits package.

Shihan Bob Burnett, M.Ed., RokuDan is the chief instructor at Greater Durham Self-Defense.




By Karen Sheviak

Sit for a minute, and imagine the feeling you get when one of your favourite songs comes on the radio. You may feel energetic and happy. Or think about being in a beautiful forest, with the wind rustling the leaves, birds chirping and a stream gently flowing. The sounds make you relaxed and at peace. You may think that those feelings come simply because you like the song or the sounds of the birds, but there’s more to it than that. All sounds produce a frequency that resonates in our bodies, and when we enjoy certain sounds, the frequencies from them can actually be healing for us. This principle guides a field of complementary health care known as vibro-acoustic therapy (VAT). VAT is a process in which you lay on a bed with special transducers that project sound and music in order to apply healing vibrations to the body. Different vibrations are used for different parts of the body. VAT can reduce stress and tension, improve sleep and increase your pain threshold, often reducing the need for certain medications. There is evidence from the University of Toronto that VAT can help improve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and fibromyalgia. Lin Sweet, a therapist at Harmony Health Oshawa, specializes in VAT and other complementary therapies such as reflexology, therapeutic touch and reiki. Her interest in these therapies began about 25 years ago, when she learned reflexology to help her husband reduce his symptoms from asthma. Her work in VAT has yielded similar results. Her husband had colorectal cancer and had side effects that weren’t healthy. “When I discovered VAT, he used it for healthy colon function, and he finally had some quality of life,” says Sweet. “It was pretty remarkable.” Most VAT sessions are about 30 minutes long and they can be combined with other therapies. Sweet suggests trying it for five to six weeks and seeing how it works for you; the only contraindications are for those who have a pacemaker, epilepsy or are in the first trimester of pregnancy. Sweet brings vibrations into her treatments and her own life in

other ways as well. She uses reiki drumming therapy, in which she drums near the body so the vibrations envelope the area to be healed. She also participates in a seniors’ drum circle in Oshawa. “During a drum circle, if someone starts drumming at the pace of a relaxed heartbeat, within five minutes, everyone’s heart will be beating at that exact rhythm,” she says. Our bodies are mostly water, and sound travels through them four times faster than it does through the air, she adds, so it can have a profound effect. She says that one of the great things about VAT is that it can’t hurt you in any way, and it feels really good. One of the best sounds that helps to heal the body? “Laughter,” says Sweet. “And the best one for your body is the sound of your own laughter.”

For more information, visit

OTHER THERAPIES Reflexology: The application of pressure to feet, and sometimes hands, to zones and reflex areas that correspond to certain areas in the body to relieve stress and tension and improve circulation. “People need reflexology today because we usually wear shoes and walk on concrete,” says Sweet. “We no longer stimulate all those spots on our feet that we used to when walking barefoot, outside on uneven, natural surfaces.” Reiki: Also known as the “laying on of hands,” reiki is based on the idea that a life force energy flows through us and if that energy is low, we are more likely to get sick or feel stress. Reiki can help the body’s energy fields come into alignment. Reiki Drumming: A specialized method of introducing Reiki energy into the client’s energy field to promote healing, deep relaxation and stress relief. Therapeutic Touch: Therapists place their hands on or near the patient’s body with the intention to help or heal. The focus is on balancing the energies and stimulating the body’s own natural healing ability. nothing happens until you


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Back to the Garden By Dawn Riddoch

Like most people who start taking Juice Plus+ (a juice powder concentrate from 30 fruits, vegetables and grains), Joe and Sarah Palumbo of Oshawa were introduced to the product through a friend. “I prepared most of my meals myself, but I always knew that I wasn’t eating enough fruits and vegetables,” says Joe. He wasn’t looking for another way to get more fruits and vegetables into his diet, but once he learned about Juice Plus+ it made sense to him. Joe and Sarah became customers and representatives of the company that night. “A lot of people don’t see food as being fuel or as being the building blocks that your body uses to repair itself,” says Joe. As a massage therapist with The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance (TCHPP) in Pickering, he sees people in various stages of healing on a regular basis and teaches them about the importance of nutrition in helping the body heal – and how Juice Plus+ can help with that. He and Sarah began to notice positive changes in their health almost immediately, and then, when Juice Plus+ introduced the Tower Garden, he thought it was a great way to have year-round access to home-grown vegetables. The Tower Garden is compact and convenient – a true plug-andgo system. It is maintenance free, soil free, and self-watering. It is two-and-ahalf feet in diameter and four-and-a-half feet high and can grow 20 different vegetables. “You can grow anything in the Tower Garden that grows above the ground,” says Joe. A Juice Plus+ Success Story Joe grew up in a family where having a garden was a necessity. Both his grandfather and his father had gardens and grew the majority of their family’s food during the summer. Joe and Sarah have carried on the family tradition by having a garden of their own. Joe has a passion for educating people on the benefits of growing their own food, and the Tower Garden allows them to do that in a more convenient way. “Most people are under the misconception that for a plant to be healthy it needs to grow in soil,” says Joe. The Tower Garden is unique in that the roots of the plants are inside the tower but they are not sitting in water. Water pumps into the tower every 15 minutes, showering the root systems with nutrients. Wind blows through the tower, providing the plants with oxygen and the tower's white colour allows the reflection of light back onto the plants. It uses one-tenth of the water of a conventional four- by eight-foot garden, plants grow in one-third of the time, and the Tower Garden pays for itself within one season. “It’s easy, it’s affordable, and you get to grow your own fresh vegetables all year round,” says Joe. Joe, Sarah and Kieran with their Tower

In the spring of 2013, Patricia Pearsell's 19-year-old son Brandon was diagnosed with pelvic osteosarcoma. The chemotherapy and radiation treatments shrunk the tumour considerably but left her son very weak. Pearsell was interested in finding ways to help her son’s immune system recover when she met a woman from Juice Plus+. “I wanted this to be the best choice for my son,” says Pearsell. She admits she was skeptical at first. She had never heard of Juice Plus+ but after doing some research she decided to try it because Juice Plus+ has a Child Health Study, which allows a child to receive the product free if a parent is signed up. She noticed changes in herself immediately and began to see changes in her son a few weeks later. Pearsell learned at a follow-up appointment that her son’s tumour had stayed dormant for a year. The surgeons felt confident that they could remove the tumour and leave him with an intact and functioning leg and hip joint. She paid her Juice Plus+ friend a visit in hopes of finding more ways to help her son. Pearsell and her son began taking Juice Plus+ Complete shakes, which helped her son gain weight and improve his immune system. Her son recovered from surgery better and faster than expected. Pearsell was so impressed with her and her son’s improved health that she is now a Juice Plus+ representative.

For more information, call Joe at 905-995-4325 or visit or 30 |


Chiropractic is one of the largest primary care professions in Ontario, and there is good reason for that. Chiropractors focus their attention on the health of the spine and nervous system, which controls everything that goes on in the body. If the nervous system is irritated by pressure from the spine because it is out of alignment, then the person cannot truly be healthy, even if she has no symptoms. If she does have symptoms, they may include pain or a change in sensation or a sense of unease. Chiropractors also treat other areas of the body, such as joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments that have been injured by trauma or overuse. It's very important that our bodies be in good balance. And everyone can benefit from chiropractic care – from babies and children to adults and seniors. Here are some common scenarios that chiropractors look after.

• Because birth can be traumatic, babies should have their spines checked shortly after birth. Chiropractic adjustments can be helpful with colic and feeding difficulties. Since children frequently fall when learning to walk, ride a bike and during activities, they should be regularly checked to make sure their spine is in good alignment.

• Adults often work in awkward positions at computers or other places for prolonged periods of time, which puts the alignment of their spines at risk. Stress also affects the health of the nervous system, and chiropractic care is helpful in dealing with stress.

• Athletes are frequently injured during training or competitions, so sports teams and organizations have chiropractors on staff for injury treatment and to increase athletic potential.

• Seniors can benefit from chiropractic care because it helps with balance, range of motion and mobility, which can decrease as we age. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to maintain a healthy life, along with eating a healthy diet, getting enough rest, exercising regularly and keeping a positive attitude.

Dr. Sharon Peterkin has been in practice for 35 years and is the owner of Pickering Chiropractic Health Centre, a multidisciplinary health centre. For more information, visit, email or call (905) 420-1443. nothing happens until you


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• We will work with you on a schedule that fits your needs. We are available 24/7 − all at a low-cost, effective rate. • We will match you with the right person to take care of you or your loved one. Depending on the type of care you require, we can provide PSWs (Personal Care Attendants) RPNs , RNs Or a Live-In/Out Caregiver. • Specialists in brain injury available • We work with all insurance companies (disability, accident or private insurance). • We provide all insured, dependable, compassionate, trustworthy and qualified staff.



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The Importance of Choosing the Right Caregiver When you first realize your loved one needs a caregiver, it can seem like an overwhelming task to choose the right agency and the right person. The caregiver you choose will be intimately involved with her and will become someone you rely on, someone who will care for your loved one when you can’t. You will need a person who accomplishes all that while bringing you peace of mind. Start by considering the needs of your loved one. Does she need physical therapy? Help with personal care or housework? Someone who can drive her to appointments or errands? Or does she require a combination of all of these? Write a job description based on her needs. This way, the person you hire will know exactly what is expected. But keep in mind that this plan will have to be flexible over time as her needs change. Interview prospective caregivers. You will want someone who is experienced in the type of care you need and who will be respectful and professional. Make sure you find out how the caregiver will handle any emergencies, what will happen if she is sick and can’t work unexpectedly and how often she will report to you on any changes she notices in your loved one’s condition. Include your loved one if she is capable of being involved in the hiring process. She will be spending a lot of time with the person you choose, so make sure she is comfortable with the caregiver.

Before making your final decision, check the caregiver’s references and, if possible, arrange a couple of casual in-person meetings with your loved one. This way, you can ensure they will be compatible, and everyone will be comfortable with the arrangements you make.

Health Care, Home Care From a Company That Cares UMS is an organization devoted to servicing home care and health-care staffing needs. Our goal is simple: to provide you with the highest possible level of dedicated and compassionate health-care providers. We are driven by our commitment to place highly skilled and experienced healthcare workers. We take a personal interest in every worker that represents us and in every client that we serve. Our focus on customer service and quality care makes UMS a top choice healthcare agency provider. Whether you need one personal support worker for home care or several registered nurses at a health-care facility, we will exceed your expectations for your health-care staffing needs.

You Have Been in a Car Accident. Now What? Advice from a Personal Injury Lawyer By John Russell Thankfully, the most important thing that needs to be dealt with after you have been injured in a car accident happens almost automatically. With one call to 911, the emergency help you need is on its way. Or you can simply go to any hospital or walk-in clinic and know that you are going to receive the best possible acute care.

Presenting Your Claims While you can, of course, complete your accident benefit application without the assistance of a lawyer, determining the amount and type of benefits you may be entitled to can be difficult.

Unfortunately, what happens after your injuries are initially treated is somewhat complicated. There are two distinct types of potential claims that anyone has after being in a car accident. The first, and most important at least initially, is called a no-fault accident benefits claim. The second is a tort or negligence claim.

A lawyer can help you complete the accident benefit application package and ensure you receive the treatment and benefits you are entitled to. You will definitely need to retain a lawyer to present your tort or negligence claim.

Accident Benefits Claim Every person that is injured as a result of the use or operation of an automobile is entitled to advance a no-fault accident benefit claim. Basically, if there is an automobile involved in causing your injuries, you likely have a claim. The accident benefit claim is designed to ensure that you get the treatment and care you need to fully recover. You may also be entitled to basic income replacement benefits if you miss work while recovering after an accident. It is important that you complete an accident benefits application package as soon as possible after the accident. Tort or Negligence Claim The other potential claim you have after a car accident is a tort or negligence claim. Unlike the no-fault accident benefits claim, responsibility or liability for the accident is an issue. Using plainer language – who caused the accident in an issue. You can only succeed with a claim if someone else can be held to blame for the accident that caused your injuries. The government has unfortunately placed some hurdles in the way of succeeding with a tort or negligence claim arising out of a car accident. You will have to prove that you sustained a “serious and permanent injury.” You will also have to deal with a $36,000 deductible that applies to claims for pain and suffering arising out of injuries sustained in a car accident.

So how do you choose a law firm? Start by choosing a lawyer who practises only personal injury law and has extensive experience with the system you will have to navigate on your way to physical, mental, emotional and financial recovery from your injuries. The lawyer should have the resources to spend whatever is necessary to build and present your claims properly to the insurance company that will be responding to your claims. You should never have to pay a retainer or any up-front fees. Many lawyers are more focused on getting you to “sign up” than they are with making sure you understand the claims process. You need to be comfortable with your lawyer and confident in his abilities. The process of choosing a personal injury lawyer should feel natural and not forced in any way. Keeping these considerations in mind will help you choose a lawyer that has the experience and expertise to get you the compensation you deserve, while ensuring you understand and are comfortable with the claims process. For more information, visit nothing happens until you


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$aving Money Tips for Every Age By Karen Sheviak Move magazine spoke to Tom Dimson, president and CEO of Equity Credit Union, about how to start building your savings. His top advice? “Start young!” says Dimson. “Developing the discipline of saving at a young age can mean you’ll have a lifelong habit.” And that habit can bring you financial security, freedom and the ability to achieve your goals. Once you have that principle down, paying yourself first, it’s time to consider how much to save. It’s easy to think that $20 won’t make a difference, but over time, it will. “Something is better than nothing,” says Dimson. “It doesn’t matter how small the amount is.” Here is his advice for saving money at any age. YOUNG ADULTS • If you can, start saving for retirement. Even a small amount can make a huge difference if you start in your 20s – starting in your mid-30s can mean you’ll have about half the money when you retire, due to losing just 10 years of compound interest. • At this stage, paying down debts and your mortgage as much as possible can secure your future as much or more than money in your bank account. And with interest rates on savings so low, it makes sense to pay down debt as much as possible. • Try to save up six months of expenses in case of an illness or job loss. Use the Tax-Free Savings Account so you won’t pay tax on the interest. • If you have children, start investing in an RESP as soon as possible so you can take full advantage of the government grants that accompany it. MIDDLE AGE • If you have a high income, the RRSP is the best choice for saving, since your income will likely be lower in retirement, so you will save on tax dollars plus get a rebate now. • If you have a lower income that you suspect may increase over the next decade, the TFSA may be the better bet. Plus, it offers more flexibility for withdrawals if you think you may need some of the money before you retire. • Maximize your RRSP contributions if you can. SENIORS • If you haven’t managed to save enough for retirement, consider downsizing from your current home. As you get older, you will likely need a smaller home anyway, and the money freed up by downsizing is tax-free and can go a long way toward your retirement expenses. • Once you are 71, you will have to convert your RRSPs to RIFs, in which you take out a certain percentage of the money every year.

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Why Everyone Should Have a Legal Will A will enables you to do the following: • Choose who will get your property after your death • Choose how your property will be divided among your various beneficiaries • Give specific items of property to specific people • Appoint someone you trust to administer your estate • Appoint a guardian for your minor children If you die without a will, your property will be distributed by a court-appointed administrator according to statutory rules for "intestate succession." Your property will be divided among your surviving spouse, children, and possibly other relatives in whatever manner the law of your jurisdiction specifies. You will not have a chance to give property to non-relatives or to exclude relatives. Additionally, if you have no relatives, your property will go to the state rather than to a friend or charity of your choice. They also hold a 30 per cent fee and can sometimes raise this amount to 35 per cent if they feel there was more work than usual.

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It’s January and the beginning of a brand new year. It’s a good time to revise your business strategy and update your goals and aspirations for 2016. A healthy business is more than just money coming in the door.

Management: Know what you are good at and, if you need to, hire experts or partner with organizations that bring a specific skill set to the table. Use technology to provide efficiencies and increase productivity. Spend time every week working on the business, being aware of your goals and objectives and the tactics that will get you your sales projections. Make sure you work on your reputation and your brand so they are synonymous with you. Do you, your trusted advisors and staff understand the company goals and mission and are you all on the same page?

Top 3 Tips for a Healthy Business

Clients: Focus your energy on diversifying your client mix so all your eggs are not in one basket. Continue to market, sell and network – this is to be a priority for your business. Growing your sales and your network helps your company progress both in sales and market share. Know your target audience and where they are so that time and energy is not wasted in the wrong markets. Know what your customers want and over deliver. Be unique and innovative in your service delivery. Financials/Cash Flow: Make it a priority − it is the lifeblood of a business. Get the cash flowing into the business immediately, take deposits for projects and offer incentives to have clients pay on time. The goal is to close the time gap between invoicing the client and paying out costs such as staffing, services and inventory. Know your numbers and understand basic ratios such as current ratio and break even ratios. Know what it costs to operate your business or sell your product and service. Having these numbers in your head helps you stay on track and correct the direction before it’s a problem.

The Business Advisory Centre Durham helps budding entrepreneurs and existing business start and grow their businesses successfully. We are a nonprofit funded by the Ministry of Research & Innovation, Ministry of Economic Development, Employment & Infrastructure and the Region of Durham. Please connect with us at www.bacd. ca or 905-668-4949

Teresa Shaver is the executive director of BACD. For more information, visit or call 905-668-4949.



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business & education Dweck explains that individuals with a fixed mindset believe that obstacles and failures in the learning process represent a challenge to one’s intelligence. As a result, some people see that the process of completing a difficult task carries potential opportunities for failure, so they avoid it. In contrast, a growth mindset individual believes that intelligence is fostered with experiences, nurturing a desire to learn and grow as an individual. Embracing challenges and persisting in the face of setbacks, including failures, are part of the entire learning process. Failure is seen as a first attempt at learning, with growth and progress serving as the stepping-stones on the journey.

Mindful Failure GR O WI NG Y O UR O UTL OOK By Christina Schindler Have you ever had a moment when you achieved something that you thought was impossible? When this happened, did you stop to consider what factors contributed to your success? These may include education, a professional network and family and friends. In today’s connected world, we also have a greater understanding of the relationship between health, wellness and mindset as factors in our success. Over the last few decades, research has examined the link between your outlook on life and your mental and physical health for good reason. There’s plenty to consider.

The connection between an individual’s mindset and her outlook on life becomes closely intertwined when you add an opportunity to fail into the situation. We always want to put our best foot forward in everything we do, and making a mistake doesn’t always allow us to do that. Instead of feeling the pressure and stress of failure in a situation, revisit the experience and consider how your mindset and outlook contributed to the result. Were you giving your best effort to the task? Are there new strategies or pieces of information to consider on the next try? These questions represent examples of how a growth mindset combines with an optimistic outlook to learn from a situation seen by many as a “failure.”

One key component in your personal outlook is identified in your sense of optimism. Many people think that optimism can be defined based on the perspective of seeing a glass as “half full” or “half empty.” The truth is, there is so much more to it! In The Optimistic Child, author Martin Seligman explains that optimism is “…about looking at a difficult situation realistically and figuring out which parts you own and which parts you can do something about.” In other words, we can learn to react in a specific way to different situations. We can foster a positive outlook through these experiences and in turn, act on those parts we can change.

"Trying new things and embracing failure along the way is another component of our overall health and wellness" Trying new things and embracing failure along the way is another component of our overall health and wellness. For many children and adults alike, failure is a word that carries negative feelings and memories. It often reminds us of a time when we were unable to do something or earn a result we had hoped for. Yet Carol Dweck argues that failure is simply a stepping-stone along the learning journey of life. In Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dweck explains the relationship between your outlook on life and learning as well as the significance of how you interpret failure. 36 |

Whether you are a child, student or adult, gaining a clearer sense of your outlook on life and learning is central to your long-term success. Our health and wellness depends on our ability to remain open to new challenges, embrace situations and grow in the moment. Our attitude in these opportunities will help us thrive as we increase our mindfulness of the connection between mental and physical health.

Christina Schindler is the director of research at Trafalgar Castle School. To learn more about Trafalgar Castle School’s approach to growth mindset, contact Christina at schindler.christina@

business & education

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This recipe comes from Angie Simone, owner and head chef at Carmela's Catering, which is based in Durham Region but serves customers throughout the GTA. These meatballs will be delicious any way you serve them. We suggest Meatball and Provolone Cheese Sandwiches, the classic spaghetti and meatballs or simply meatballs, sauce and salad! Prep Time: 20 Minutes | Cook Time: Approx. 2 Hours | Makes: 40 to 50 meatballs, depending on the size INGREDIENTS:


• 2 lb minced veal shoulder • ¾ cup grated Parmesan cheese • ¼ cup milk • ½ cup bread crumbs • 1 tbsp fresh parsley • 1 tbsp pepper • 4 eggs • 1 cup day old bread, crust removed and cut into cubes (our secret addition to make them the perfect texture!) • 2 tbsp oil

1. Place meat in a large bowl and add Parmesan, milk, bread crumbs, parsley, pepper, eggs and bread. Mix with hands until well blended. Be sure to squish and squeeze the ingredients together (that’s why using your hands is best for this step!). 2. Pour oil in small bowl, dip fingers in oil and rub insides of hands together to coat. 3. Take small amount of the meat mixture, roll into a ball and place onto a lightly greased cookie sheet. We like to make our meatballs about the size of a tangerine, but you can make them any size you desire! 4. Next, bring your favourite tomato sauce to boil on the stove top. 5. Add in your meatballs one at a time and let cook for 1.5 to 2 hours, until the meatballs are cooked through.

TIP: We love to freeze our meatballs and sauce so they are ready for a quick and easy dinner after a long day! Simply place meatballs and sauce separately in freezer bags and freeze for up to three months. CONTACT INFO: For more information, contact Carmela's Catering at 416-723-6988, email or follow Carmela’s Catering on Facebook.

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FRESH from the FARM By Karen Sheviak

A school fundraiser that debuted in Durham region last fall was, quite literally, a fresh idea. Fresh from the Farm is a program in which parents can buy prepackaged bags of fresh root vegetables, including onions, potatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes, and apples to raise money for schools. The program, which began in 2013 but debuted in Durham Region in 2015, had 142 schools take part, an increase of 60 schools from the previous year.

Their goal for the future is to continue to expand the program and add features such as an expanded recipe resource using the vegetables in the program. The Ministry of Education would like Fresh from the Farm to be available to all school boards in the province by 2017. The challenges to meeting that goal include getting the word out to every board, and finding farmers who can meet the increased demand for the vegetables and fruits.

Cathy O’Connor, a registered dietitian and the program coordinator, says that Fresh from the Farm is based on the Manitoba Farm-2-School program and was started by Dietitians of Canada, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Education and the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association. The positive response to the initiative is growing here in Ontario; they exceeded their sales from 2014 by nearly 200 percent, selling 465,000 lbs of produce.

O’Connor is optimistic that those challenges can be overcome. They received a lot of positive feedback about the quality of the produce and how the program is funded. Fifty percent goes to the farmers, 40 percent to the schools and only 10 percent to fund the program, she says. “Plus, we have an effective team of volunteers that have the process down-pat.” That meant that the distribution at the schools was pretty much seamless.

“The spike in sales was a delightful surprise and our growers quickly rose to the challenge of meeting the increased demand,” says O’Connor. Those suppliers are exclusively from Ontario, and they aim to keep the produce as local as possible. However, due to the large quantities they require, not all the produce is from Durham Region. Another benefit of Fresh from the Farm is that it can be used to introduce healthy eating concepts to the classroom. “The program raises the awareness of the importance of good nutrition in the development and well-being of our children,” says O’Connor.

Devon Peart, a registered dietitian and a school champion (a volunteer who helped run the program) at Southwood Park Public School in Ajax, says that one father pointed out that small farms used to be the norm, and he wanted to do his part to support them. “And many parents I spoke with expressed how happy they were that the school was involved in Fresh from the Farm,” says Peart. “They love the fact that it supports healthy eating and is ‘not the same old chocolate bars.’”

Information on next year’s program will be available in April. For more information, visit or email nothing happens until you


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White Heather

Scottish Bakery Ltd.

Robbie Burns Day January 25th, 2016


The new year may be a time for a fresh start, but we’re done with resolutions – and the inevitable guilt that comes with not keeping them! For 2016, we’re committing to a new lifestyle that allows us to meet our health goals while enjoying life more. For everything we’re not doing, we’ll add a new, better activity because being healthy and living life to the fullest go hand in hand. Happy New Year everyone!

My goal is to try to time manage better and incorporate some time for myself. I have been working long hours, and then putting all my time to my family, which is great, but I need to find time for myself and get back to doing things I enjoy, such as cycling, walking and spending more time with my girlfriends. - AUDRA LESLIE

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An ither Burns night An ither Burns night, Has finally come alang, If you've got an invite, You'll hae to sing a song, You'll soon be reciting poems, Wi a whisky in one hand, A haggis in the ither, You'll be feeling mighty grand, Daein wan o Rabbies, Or wan you've writ yersel, Gie it public airing, You'll hae us in a spell, Once the night's ower, Poems spinning aroun yer heid, Burns night is for aw body, It's a pity that he's deid. 40 |

Focus on not letting the past steal my present. And no more diet pop! - VANESSA BLUE

I am going to get active so I have the energy to get through my busy days. Whether it’s walking the dog, doing yoga or lifting weights, exercise makes me feel better – and happier. - KAREN SHEVIAK

My health goal for 2016 is to cut out sugar as much as possible. Also I would like to start going to a yoga class again. - KAT O’DONNELL

Drink lots of water, get into a healthy fitness routine and set goals in all aspects of my life. - KATIE CARROLL

To stay healthy this year, I am going to confront my chocolate addiction more seriously, focus on going to the gym more often, maintain a balanced diet…and drink more coffee. - ANGELIKA KOT

For 2016, I want to focus on nurturing my body and building up my strength. Focusing on my mind, body and soul will ensure my body functions like a well-oiled machine! Yoga, exercise, stress management, and fun with my loved ones will be the perfect recipe! - KARLA SIMONE




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