Transforming Breckland - Spring 2022

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Spring 2022

Breckland A Breckland Council publication for all residents

Grants help groups grow a green future Inside this issue: Shaping the future of your town - page 3 Has your bin day changed? - page 5 Inspiring Communities is changing lives - page 6 A balanced budget for 2022/23- page 8 Supporting our armed forces - page 14

Welcome to the latest edition of Transforming Breckland I

n this edition we are delighted to be sharing information on a host of blossoming projects this Spring, plus important service updates and new opportunities that will directly support you and enable our local businesses to prosper in 2022. Despite the uncertainty caused by Covid-19 pandemic, we have now set a balanced budget (page 8 and 9) for 2022/23, which protects frontline services and commits to further investment in areas that matter most to you. This year our £1 million Inspiring Communities programme, now in its 2nd year, is making great strides in supporting our most vulnerable residents in the community (pages 6 and 7). We have also recently completed building work on our £1.8 million Elm House Temporary Accommodation project (page 12), which will shortly be welcoming new guests, directly aimed at helping residents needing emergency Transforming Breckland accommodation. brings you news and information on the Our agile support for local businesses continues (pages 4 and 13) and is ensuring services and support business owners have the right advice and funding to bounce back from the impact of the provided by Breckland pandemic. In Snetterton Heath we are enabling £3.4 million in external funding to help Council and its partners. deliver increased electricity supplies (page 13), which will directly support businesses to Your comments and set up and grow, bringing hundreds of new jobs to the area and securing hundreds more. ideas are very welcome. We have exciting new proposals to share for the future of Watton and Swaffham (page 3), part of our Future Breckland project, which aims to help market towns thrive in the future. Make sure you get involved in future consultations for Thetford and Attleborough! At the end of last year, we commissioned a new Local Plan (page 14), which will help our Officers and Planning Committee make decisions on planning applications across the district. Watch out for updates so you can get involved in helping to shape our district. Protecting our environment, and empowering our communities to help tackle climate change, is a high priority (page 11). This year we have provided green grants to local groups to help tackle climate change and made significant changes on how our services impact on the environment. Don’t forget to read about #BinChangeDay (page 5) which takes place on 21 March! Some Breckland homes will have their household and recycling bin collection dates changed, whilst other residents might see a change in the time their bin is collected. Finally, during 2022 we will be celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. We want to ensure everyone in our community has the chance to take part in these historic celebrations (page 10), leaving a legacy to generations to come. Watch out for the latest Jubilee updates online and in local press. Information correct at time of going to print. For latest information, go to


Email contactus@ or call 01362 656870. If you need this magazine in large print, or in an alternative version, please contact Breckland Council on 01362 656870. Delivery issues? If you know someone who has not received their copy of Transforming Breckland please contact us on 01362 656870. Transforming Breckland is printed on chlorine-free paper from managed forests.

Your views shaping Watton and Swaffham’s futures E

xciting new proposals for the futures of Watton and Swaffham have been drawn up following comments from local residents. As part of Breckland Council’s ongoing ‘Future Breckland’ project, residents, businesses, and community groups were recently invited to share their views on what is already great about the towns and what should be prioritised for improvement. Based on the feedback received, the urban regeneration experts we’re working with have now drawn up some proposals to enhance the towns, and we’ll work with our partners to agree a shared vision for delivering the changes over the coming months and years.

Watton proposals include: • Enhancing how community groups across four locations work together • Improving the town centre shopfronts and increasing connectivity • Rejuvenating Loch Neaton, offering access for swimming, fishing, boating and leisure pursuits • Themed events or festivals to celebrate Watton • Making the high street more accessible

Swaffham proposals include: • Enhance the town centre by changing traffic flow and cycle routes • Trialling partial pedestrianisation schemes • Reinvigorating the marketplace and installing public art • Creating more employment opportunities and light industrial space on Turbine Way • Improving leisure services and build a new culture and arts hub

Get involved

The Future Breckland project initially saw engagement events carried out in Dereham, followed by Watton and Swaffham. Residents in Thetford and Attleborough are now being invited to share their views on their town so similar proposals can be developed. You can view the draft plans for your town or check out upcoming opportunities to have your say at



your say!


atton Town Council has started the consultation of its ‘Neighbourhood Plan’.

Investing in Thetford’s regeneration

This plan will be used to inform decisions made by Breckland Council on planning applications for the local area, so your comments are important. Visit www.wattontowncouncil. to read the plan and submit your comments – either supporting or objecting – by April 8th 2022.

We are in the process of purchasing Riversdale, a property on Tanner Street in Thetford, which will help support the ongoing regeneration of the town. As part of our Future Breckland programme, and by working with the local community, we will be looking to use the location to help regenerate the town centre. As part of our Thriving Places agenda, we are working across Breckland to enhance our towns and villages and create the right conditions for businesses to thrive and grow.

£700,000 to help businesses bounceback O

ur Business Regeneration Team have been working hard to support local hospitality, leisure and accommodation businesses with a new centrally-funded Covid-19 business grant. Over 300 Breckland businesses have been provided with financial support, totalling over £700,000. This scheme was designed nationally to support businesses cope with the impact of Covid-19 on trade. Breckland Council was the first council in Norfolk to administer this support, ensuring local businesses were provided with vital financial support when they needed it most.


New plan for New Buckenham T he New Buckenham Neighbourhood Plan, which outlines how land in the area should be used, has now finished its ‘examination’, or independent testing, period. We are in the process of deciding whether it is in a position to take forward to a public referendum so people in the local area can vote whether or not to adopt the proposals. If so, we will write to let the residents in New Buckenham know about this soon.

Are you ready for...

#BinDayChange? H

ousehold waste and recycling collections in Breckland are set to change from Monday, 21 March as a result of changing the routes our crews take to make them more efficient, reduce fuel usage, and become more environmentally-friendly. We’ll still collect your bins every alternate week but around half of Breckland homes will see a change to their bin day. Even if your bin day stays the same, the crew may

21st March 2022

collect it at a different time once the changes are in place. Please leave your bin out by 06:30 on collection day. If you are on an assisted collection, don’t worry we still collect your bin and return back to its storage space on your collection day. We’re sending flyers to everybody in early March to let you know what your future bin day will be. You can find out more at changes-to-collection

Let us take care of your business’s waste W

Start saving today!

e now offer a costeffective, reliable waste collection service to commercial premises. We understand your business waste needs, so why not explore how we can help you? rubbish/commercial-waste

Help us stop rogue waste carriers f lytipping in Breckland I

f someone offers to take away your rubbish, make sure you check if the business is a legitimate and licenced business, otherwise you might find your waste fly tipped. Always...

3 Get a receipt listing what has been taken and where it is being legally disposed 3 Ask to see a waste carriers’ licence 3 Retain the business contact information

Fined £1000

Don’t forget if your waste is fly tipped, you could receive a fine. See it, report it! If you see a fly tip in Breckland, report it at


Making a difference in



ur £1 million Inspiring Communities programme has now been operating for two years, delivering daily support with our partners to some of the most vulnerable people living in Breckland communities. We are making a positive impact on those who have experienced domestic abuse, social isolation and loneliness, as well as declining mental health or drug and people trafficking. Find out more at:

Supporting residents to gain greater control of their health and wellbeing


e are delivering Community Connectors as part of our Inspiring Communities programme, supporting residents with mental health wellbeing, isolation, financial or housing issues, carers and those with complex social needs. Our Community Connectors provide a social prescribing service which is a holistic approach to supporting people, exploring their issues and helping them take greater control of their health, wellbeing and social welfare. So far, this project has directly supported 200 residents within our community:


Did you know...

We are working with 45 different agencies to help directly intervene and support our residents dealing with mental health, isolation, domestic violence, county lines and people trafficking.

Breaking the chain of abuse in Breckland T

hrough our Inspiring Communities programme we are working with our partners at The Daisy Programme and Rowan Project to support men and women who have been affected by domestic or sexual abuse. For support and advice visit

New mental health support available


long with Breckland Youth Advisory Board, Breckland Council is directly intervening to help reduce the waiting list for mental health support in our community. We are now jointly funding a £35,000 programme of additional mental health support for young people and families within the district. Find out more at

Over £145,000 shared to local community groups by Our Breckland Lottery


ur community lottery is going from strength to strength, helping raise funds for local community groups, sports clubs and resident groups. We have some amazing fundraising success stories, including how PACT Animal Sanctuary has raised an AMAZING £21,500 from Our Breckland Lottery since it started. Find out how your group could use the lottery to fundraise or purchase a ticket to support a local group and be in with a chance to win our top prize of £25,000 in the weekly draw:

Breckland Mindful Towns project trains 250 Mental Health Champions


e are recruiting 250 Mental Health Champions to help to support our towns and parishes to become more ‘mindfully’ connected places. We helped create the Breckland Mental Health Community Partnership (BMHCP), involving Breckland Council, Norfolk and Waveney Mind, Wellbeing Norfolk and Waveney, and YANA. It has created the ‘Mindful Towns’ project, enabling free-to-access programme of Mental Health Champion training, which will directly empower residents to hold safe conversations with someone experiencing mental health issues, and signpost them to support. Visit uk/mindfultowns to get involved.


A balanced budget delivering essential frontline services D

espite the uncertainty caused by Covid-19 and its ongoing impact, Breckland Council has set a balanced budget for the coming financial year (2022/23) which protects local services and will see further investment in areas that matter most to you. We continue to keep our district council tax in Breckland low due to the efficiency savings and by the £3m we generate by renting out properties we own. But we’re all facing rising costs and the council isn’t immune to this. We will be raising our district council tax rates slightly by £4.95 a year for a Band D property, though yours may be less, as most residents live in Band A-C homes. We continue to charge the lowest district council tax around, with the majority of families paying less than £100 for a whole year’s worth of district council services. In return, we spend the equivalent of £750 on services that are received by average households. Our balanced budget also means that: • Those facing mental health issues, loneliness, or domestic abuse, will continue to be supported from our £1m investment in our Inspiring Communities programme • Local businesses will continue to receive support through Thriving Places commitments, protecting jobs, livelihoods, and building a vibrant local economy. • Our NetZero target of 2035 remains on track, as we improve recycling rates, tackle fly tipping and support others to ‘go green’.

If you’d like to find out more about our plans for 2022 and beyond, look at our Corporate Plan:


Delivering vital A services directly to households and businesses everyday

s a district council, we provide around 90 legally-required, or ‘statutory’, services every day. In addition, we deliver a host of optional, or ‘discretionary’, services to help our residents and local businesses to thrive. These range from processing planning applications, providing advice and funding to businesses, and distributing benefits payments, to offering additional support to some of our most vulnerable residents, working to protect the wellbeing of local wildlife and domestic animals, and licensing various businesses to make sure they are operating safely.

We collect 357,000 household bins every month.

We’ve distributed around £60m of local and national funding to support Breckland businesses through the pandemic.

We have allocated more than £1m to help vulnerable people - including those susceptible to loneliness in later life, or at risk from drug gangs, domestic abuse, or poor mental health.

Where your money goes... 5p 5p 14p 76p

Your town or parish council

For every £1 you in pay in Council Tax, just 5p comes to Breckland Council. The remaining amount is shared as shown on the left.


In 2022, Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, seventy years of service to the nation An extended Bank Holiday, from 2-5 June, will provide the perfect opportunity for communities to come together and celebrate this historic milestone. We will be marking the festivities in Breckland by illuminating a special Breckland landmark, holding a Jubilee trail across each of our market towns, launching a bursary, holding a Community Grants Scheme and planting trees as part of the Queen’s Canopy project. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Bursary We’ll be taking the opportunity to create a lasting legacy through a new bursary scheme, which will provide financial assistance to Breckland individuals who might otherwise struggle to access higher education. The funding will help them overcome issues such as low income, being a care leaver, health status, or vulnerability. Look out for more details.

Creating a green legacy for future generations

Breckland Shop Front Trail Each of our towns will be hosting a fun Jubilee Trail over the summer! Spot the crowns in in local shop windows and you could win a big prize!

Working in partnership with the Woodland Trust, Breckland Council is identifying suitable sites across the district to plant trees as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy project.

Watch this space! Jubilee Community Grants Scheme to be launched in June For more information visit 10

Did you know... We are investing £111,000 to upgrade pool covers, humidity controls, lighting and air conditioning sensors at our leisure centres in Dereham and Thetford, which will save energy and reduce carbon emissions by around 200 tonnes each year.

Creating a greener Breckland T

ackling climate change and improving the environment is one of Breckland Council’s top priorities. We’ve on track to go carbon neutral by 2035 and are committed to working with our partners and communities to also deliver schemes which protect and enhance the environment. Over the last 12 months we have committed more than half-a-million pounds on a range of schemes, including:

£100,000 green grants shared across Breckland W

e have now released around £100,000 in Green Grants to enable communities across Breckland to deliver a range of schemes to combat climate change. Among the grant recipients were: Watton Westfield Infants and Nursery School, which is using the money to purchase gardening equipment and develop and allotment, where pupils will grow fresh vegetables. Dereham-based Kickstart Norfolk received £8,750 to buy five electric mopeds to help young people access transport to work or education.

Croxton Parish Council was given £5,000 to install an electric vehicle charging points, while Access Community Trust received the same amount to purchase gardening equipment for its sites in Thetford. Another £5,000 went to Lyng and District Community Hall to help purchase specialist batteries that will store solar energy for future use. See the full range of schemes in your area:

• £100k for new tree planting and environmental schemes. • £60k to install additional electric vehicle charging points • £200k to make council-owned buildings more efficient Find out more at environment/climate-change


Elm House plans to opens its doors for new residents

New project aims to help cut food costs

A new £1.8 million temporary housing unit will welcome its first residents this spring. The Elm House centre in Thetford is being funded by Breckland Council and will directly help those who need emergency accommodation, including people whose tenancies have come to an end but they’ve been unable to secure a new long-term home. Through our direct intervention and support we will now have the capacity to accommodate up to 35 people at a time, including couples and families, and help meet demand for temporary accommodation in the district.


s part of our Inspiring Communities project, we will be shortly launching a new project that will be delivering affordable food to some of our rural communities in Breckland, which could save some households up to 50% off their weekly food bill. Look out for details on our website and social media pages.

Sign up NOW for Our Breckland lottery Our Breckland lottery supports a wide variety of groups including: PACT Animal Sanctuary, Attleborough Bloomers, Thetford Town FC, Dereham Otters Swim Club, Museum 4 Watton and lots more!


Weekly draw for £25,000!

£3.4 million project to switch on Snetterton W

ork has begun on a new primary electricity substation that will ‘switch on Snetterton’ by increasing the power supply at Snetterton Heath. This extra power will enable businesses to set up and grow, bringing hundreds of jobs to the area and securing hundreds more. The project is being led by Breckland Council, working in partnership with UK Power Networks. Grant funding totalling £3.43M has been received for the upgrade from New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the BRP (business rates pool).

Improving the high street W

e have distributed £250,000 with our Shop Front Improvement grants scheme, with Mulberry Tree Restaurant in Attleborough just one of 40 businesses that has benefitted from this initiative. The restaurant received grant funding to improve the entrance gate to the front of the building for improved access and appearance. Whilst these grants were put into place to help facilitate small differences to each business, it has also helped to make larger, brighter, differences to the face of the high streets across Breckland market towns.


Going for gold! T

his year we will be applying for Gold Award status within the Armed Forces Defence Employer Recognition Scheme.

The scheme recognises organisations who pledge, demonstrate and advocate their support for the Armed Forces Community. Breckland Council is the only District Council that provides £5000 of funding each year to the Armed Forces Covenant in Norfolk. If you are a member of the Armed Forces Community visit to find out how we can support you.

New Local Plan in development I

n November 2021 it was agreed that work would commence on updating the current Breckland Local Plan.

What is a Local Plan? Local Plans are used to help decide on planning applications and other planning related decisions. In effect, they are the local guide to what can be built where, shaping infrastructure investments and determining the future pattern of development in the district. The current Local Plan is used daily by our Planning Committee and Officers to make informed decisions controlling development proposals within the district.


Our existing plan remains in place and in use, but we are required by law to review it and keep it up to date. The new version will be produced after consultation with local communities and other interested parties, so look out for opportunities to get involved in shaping the district! For more information visit

Meet your


Breckland Councillors





Independent Group





Find out who your local Councillor is by visiting

Philip Cowen All Saints & Wayland

Sarah Suggitt All Saints & Wayland

Fabian Eagle Ashill

Keith Martin Attleborough Burgh & Haverscroft

Taila Taylor Attleborough Burgh & Haverscroft

Tristan Ashby Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe

Vera Dale Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe

Rhodri Oliver Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe

Mike Nairn Bedingfield

Stephen Askew The Buckenhams & Banham

Linda Monument Dereham Neatherd

Alison Webb Dereham Neatherd

Philip Morton Dereham Neatherd

Phillip Duigan Dereham Toftwood

Hilary Bushell Dereham Toftwood

Kay Grey Dereham Withburga

Harry Clarke Dereham Withburga

Sam Chapman-Allen Forest

Robert Kybird Forest

Marion Chapman-Allen Guiltcross

William Nunn Harling & Heathlands

Robert Hambidge Hermitage

Mark Kiddle-Morris Launditch

Richard Duffield Lincoln

Roger Atterwill Lincoln

Paul Claussen Mattishall

Ian Martin Mattishall

Peter Wilkinson Nar Valley

Nigel Wilkin Necton

Timothy Birt Saham Toney

Helen Crane Saham Toney

Paul Hewett Shipdham with Scarning

Lynda Turner Shipdham with Scarning

Ed Colman Swaffham

Ian Sherwood Swaffham

David Wickerson Swaffham

Stuart Terry Thetford Boudica

Mark Robinson Thetford Boudica

Christopher Harvey Thetford Burrell

Terry Jermy Thetford Burrell

Roy Brame Thetford Castle

Jane James Thetford Castle

Susan Dowling Thetford Priory

Mike Brindle Thetford Priory

Gordon Bambridge Upper Wensum

Bill Borrett Upper Wensum

Claire Bowes Watton

Tina Kiddell Watton

Keith Gilbert Watton

You can contact your councillor via email using their name, a full stop, surname, followed by e.g.


Quick Reference Directory of Online Services Find out about our services, submit applications, make payments and report problems at

Apply for it You can apply for lots of things on our website at Direct links to some of the most commonly used application forms are below:


Housing and council tax Benefits Apply, manage or pay for Breckland Council benefits and services: breckland Building Control Inspection: Request a site inspection from our Building Control department: building-control-inspectionbooking Bus Pass: The passes are available to residents who meet the age or disability requirements: roads-and-transport/ public-transport/ buses/concessionary-travel-pass Garden Waste Collection Service Create or renew a subscription to have your garden waste collected every fortnight: gardenwaste Library Service: Find your nearest library, search for a good read, and more! uk/libraries-local-historyand-archives Register for E-billing: View your account and receive Council Tax bills online: uk/breckland Postal Vote request: If you can’t get to your polling station on election day, you can still vote by post: postalvoterequest Register to vote: To vote in future elections you must be on the electoral register: individual-electoral-registration

Pay for it.

Report it Come across an issue? Let us know using our Report It tool: A number of key issues are listed below for ease of reference, but you can do more on our website. Abandoned Vehicles: Let us know about a vehicle that has been abandoned on public land without lawful authority: www.breckland. Anti-Social Behaviour Affected by it? Don’t tolerate it, report it: noise-or-nuisance


Benefit Fraud: Suspect a resident of Benefit or council tax fraud? report-suspected-fraud Change of Address: For when you are moving and staying in the district or moving out of Breckland: tell-us-youre-moving Change of Circumstances: Let us know if something changes eg. you get married, have a child, your partner moves in, your pension is different: breckland Compliments, Complaints, Comments: Let us know what’s working well and how we can improve further: article/7806/ Compliments-Complaints Damaged Wheelie Bin: We’ll repair or replace your wheelie bin ASAP: damaged-or-replacement

Fly Tipping: Let us know if you see fly tipped waste or saw somebody dumping rubbish: uk/flytip Full Public Litter Bin: Has a litter bin near you been filled but not emptied yet? full-public-litter-bin Highway Problem: Report problems with roads, pavements, cycle paths and Public Rights of Way: https://apps. Litter: Seen piles of dropped litter? Let us know: uk/litter-and-dog-fouling Missing Wheelie Bin: Has your wheelie bin been lost or stolen? damaged-or-replacement Noise or Nuisance: Report loud music, barking dogs, industrial noise, bad smell, artificial light, smoke or bonfires, and more: noise-or-nuisance Street Name Plates: Tell us if you’ve seen a street name sign that is unreadable, missing letters, missing the name plate, or damaged: street-name-plate-problem

Waste Enquiries For complaints about missed bins or new bin orders, contact Serco on 0330 109 9220

Keep in Touch! If you need help or advice, contact our expert Customer Contact Centre staff at: Breckland Council @BreckCouncil

Dog fouling: Let us know of any incidents of dog fouling in public areas: litter-and-dog-fouling Faulty Street Light: Pass on details about street lights which are damaged or not working: /3089/eport-a-faulty-street-light

Visit our website to pay invoices, council tax, business rates or benefits overpayments online. You can also set up a direct debit to pay your Council Tax on a monthly date that suits you. You’ll be able to pay for more things online soon, reducing the need to call during office hours or visit us in person.

@Breckland Council breckcouncil Post: Breckland Council, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, NR19 1EE Customer Contact Centre: 01362 656 870 Local centres:

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