Transforming Breckland Winter 2021 edition

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Autumn/Winter 2021

Breckland A Breckland Council publication for all residents

£1million fund supporting communities across Breckland

Inside this issue: Play your part in Future Breckland – p3 £98,000 invested in green community grants – p6 Enter our 3 fantastic competitions – p7/14/15 £1 million Inspiring Communities project making a difference – p8-9 £1.8 million emergency housing project opening soon – p10 Supporting our Armed Forces – p11

Welcome to the latest edition of your Transforming Breckland magazine I

n this edition of Transforming Breckland we are highlighting some of the exceptional work taking place every day to help residents, local businesses, and our environment, thrive and prosper. One of our major priorities this year has been developing our Inspiring Communities programme (pages 8 and 9), where £1million has been invested to support projects offering local solutions and making a life-changing impact. We have also risen to the challenge in delivering more emergency housing for residents by investing £1.8 million in developing Elm House in Thetford (page 10). Whilst in October we invested over £98,000 supporting local groups (page 6) delivering innovative projects to help protect the environment, and support residents make more sustainable choices in their everyday lives.

Transforming Breckland brings you news and information on the services and support provided by Breckland Council and its partners. Your comments and ideas are very welcome. Email contactus@ or call 01362 656870. If you need this magazine in large print, or in an alternative version, please contact Breckland Council on 01362 656870.


We are delighted to announce that Maxine O’Mahony has been appointed as our new Chief Executive. She brings a wealth of valuable experience gained across the public and private sectors, together with a strong track record for placing customers and residents at the heart of everything we do. In addition to this exciting management news, the Leader of Breckland Council, Cllr Sam Chapman-Allen, has now been appointed as Chairman of the District Council Network. This position ensures Breckland has a strong voice on a national platform, contributing to finding pioneering local government solutions as the UK emerges into a postpandemic society and levelling up in society.

Blind or partially sighted, or know someone who is? Transforming Breckland can be sent on a memory stick with the independently-produced Link-Up, a free, fortnightly audio newsletter. To subscribe, email: contact@linkup or call 01842 755131 Delivery issues? If you know someone who has not received their copy of Transforming Breckland please contact us on 01362 656870.

Finally, in this edition don’t forget to enter our two fantastic competitions where you can win a meal out at DOUGH&Co or Burger Amour (page 7) or walk away with a 3-month health and fitness pass (page 15) at your local leisure centre, worth up to £123! Information correct at time of going to print.


Residents shaping the future of Breckland’s market towns Feedback from local people is helping to shape the future of each of our local towns for decades to come. As part of the “Future Breckland” programme, one of the most ambitious forward-looking projects of its kind nationally, we’ve been listening to what people think is best about their town, as well as what the future should look like. As part of a year-long conversation with the whole District, your comments are shaping the plans for Breckland’s and its five Market Towns to help shape an ambitious, but achievable, vision for the future. Engagement activities and events will be running until March 2022, and we will be publishing new information and draft ideas for comment on our website. Get involved and find out more at Future-Breckland

Proposals for Dereham’s future After listening to people in Dereham at the start of the year, we’ve now created a draft plan for the town which focuses on: 1. Reconfiguring the town centre 2. Improving what the high street has to offer 3. Strengthening the local economy by embracing modern ways of working 4. Create a new mixed-use quarter for housing and work 5. Improving sustainable travel infrastructure

Did You Know?

Around £750m of private & public sector investments have been pledged to a range of projects in Breckland.


£300 FINE

£845 FINE

Protecting our environment

Reducing fly tipping in our community is a major priority for Breckland Council.

Over the last 10 years we have seen a 26% drop in fly tipping, while our Enforcement Team has issued more fixed penalty notices (FPNs) than all of Norfolk’s other district councils combined. Work with us in catching fly tippers and reducing waste in our community by reporting incidents at

£600 FINE

£300 FINE

£10,000 boost

for school’s green scheme We’ve given a £10,000 grant to Dereham’s Northgate High School to help the school purchase a machine which can recycle plastic. It has been funded as part of our commitment to deliver green projects and support others to do the same. See page 6 for details on a range of other projects sharing £98,000 grants.

Get handy tips on how to reduce, reuse, and recycle your waste at 4

Switch now and save Run a business? Why not explore how we can offer you a flexible, costeffective and reliable commercial waste collection service! commercial-waste

Do you have a question about your household bin collection? Contact Serco on 0330 1099 220

Yarn bombing brings colour to the high street

Did You Know?

We’ve given Beetley Parish Council £1,874 to help improve a local play area.

A big ‘well done’ and ‘thank you’ to the Dereham Crafters Group whose ‘Celebrating Dereham’ yarn bombing event offered a great welcome back to the high street for local shoppers. The display was funded through our Market Towns Initiative scheme to brighten the town and attract shoppers to local businesses. The handmade ‘yarn bombs’ were installed in shop windows, around street furniture, lamp posts, trees, and included a knitted Bishop Bonner, St Withburga and a massive 32ft caterpillar!

Ellenor Fenn Garden opens A new community garden has opened in Dereham, giving people shopping in the town a place to sit, relax and meet friends on the town’s high street. The space on Wright’s Walk opened after aboutDereham, Dereham Baptist Church, Dencora and Breckland Council worked together to turn the disused piece of land into an asset for the whole community to enjoy. As well as a lawn, flowerbeds and benches, it includes a large performance area for future events, an eco-bug hotel, and space for pop-up stalls.


‘Water’ great Over £98,000 scheme in of Green Community Swaffham! Grants Shoppers in Swaffham can now get a free water refill by popping into one of a number of local businesses.


Businesses which have signed up to our new Refill:Swaffham scheme have committed to giving free water refills to anybody who comes into their shop, which will help reduce plastic bottles being used in our community. We helped kick-start the initiative by providing reusable stainless steel water bottles to participating businesses, which they could pass on to their customers for free.

Breckland Council has announced that a host of local projects will now share £98,000 in support from its Green Community Grants fund.

The Refill scheme is part of our Sustainable Swaffham programme and is funded by our Market Towns Initiative. Find out more and participating businesses at

Did You Know?

We have supplied a grant worth around £5k will enable Swaffham’s Iceni Partnership to relaunch its weekly lunch programme.

The fund was set up to support communities in Breckland to take action for themselves, with the aim of promoting environmental sustainability and creating positive behavioural change in response to climate change. The fund can also support school projects which encourage pupils to take action for the environment. 32 grants, ranging from £500 to £10,000, have been awarded to fund projects with community groups, schools, businesses, town and parish councils, and charities operating locally. Successful recipients include Croxton Parish Council to enable the installation of electric vehicle charging points by the village hall, Kickstart in Dereham to purchase five electric mopeds to offer emission free options to their customers, Lyng & District Community Hall to help install solar power storage batteries, thereby ensuring long-term energy self-sufficiency. Full details can be found at climate-change/ green-community-grants


Investing in Thetford town centre As a modern manufacturing market town Thetford has much to be proud of. Not least, the Little Ouse River running through the town centre, which has always been a focal point for activity. Significant investment by Breckland over recent months has brought new life to the area and seen: new business moving into this part of town including. Burger Amour and DOUGH&Co; a fully let Riverside complex; improvements made to the public realm on Butten Island and Spring Walks; and enhancements to the river itself.

Ready to practice your Queen’s Gambit or drop-shot? We’ve installed free-to-use chess boards and table tennis tables on Thetford’s Butten Island, where they can be enjoyed by all ages.

Win! A meal out with Burger Amour and DOUGH&CO! One location, two amazing restaurants. That’s what you get when you visit the Thetford Riverside complex and enjoy a meal out at either Burger Amour or DOUGH&CO. From fantastic homemade burgers with locally-sourced ingredients, or an authentic Italian pizza from a woodfired oven, you’ll be assured of a great meal, friendly service and wonderful surroundings by the river. To win a meal out, worth £48, at either Burger Amour or DOUGH&CO, in Thetford simply answer the question below, and email/post your name, address and contact details to competitions@breckland. or write to ‘Win a Meal Out Competition, Breckland Council, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, NR16 1EE’. Question: Which famous statue can be found just outside Burger Amour and Dough&Co, on the Thetford riverside green? Answer: (A) Nelson’s Column (B) Captain Mainwaring (C) The Angel of the North Terms and conditions: CompTerms Entries must be received by 31.01.22


£1 milli

to help residents whe You’ll never walk alone

Supporting well-being in the community

Fifty FREE Dereham Town FC season tickets are being given to potentially isolated residents in Breckland by our Social Prescribers to help them break down barriers and form new friendships through their shared love of football.

Our new Social Prescribing Team is working with local GPs and health experts to support people with non-medical needs holistically to improve their wellbeing. Our social prescribing service is currently available at Orchard Surgery, Theatre Royal Surgery, North Elmham Surgery, Shipdham Surgery, Toftwood Surgery, Mattishall Surgery and Lenwade Surgery.

Interested in working with a Social Prescribing Link Worker? This is how you could benefit.



S ocial Prescribing

Retired person who is recently bereaved Physical health (mobility) issues Living in unsuitable housing

Consent is given for a referral to Breckland Collaboration

Social Prescribing Link Worker spends time

Feeling lonely and isolated Struggling to pay bills Frequently visits their GP

the non-medical needs A multi-agency approach is needed to address: housing

GP assesses physical health needs Makes referral to Social Prescribing Link Worker





Early Intervention virtual Collaboration hub

Collaboration partner services discuss the issues to

escalation Housing assess the suitability of the property & location for their physical health needs DWP run a benefits check to ensure they’re receiving all they are eligible for

Citizen’s Advice, CAP & Adult Learning offer budgeting courses


Our Inspiring Communities programme is investing £1m over three years in a range of projects which help local people affected by domestic abuse, those who may be vulnerable to social isolation or loneliness, stopping county lines drug or people trafficking, or for people who need support to improve their mental health. You can read about just some of the schemes we’re funding over these pages and at

en they need us most £15k investment in mental health community champions We are funding a network of 250 Community Mental Health Champions through our Breckland Mental Health Community Partnership project. The £15,000 investment aims to enhance mental health support and advice available within our communities and to generate more ‘Mindful’ activity across the District. It is part of a new partnership with Norfolk and Waveney MIND, the NHS Wellbeing Service, and YANA (the rural mental health charity). Communities interesting in forming a group of Community Champions may wish to sign up to Mindful Towns and Villages. For more information visit


The Silver Social returns! Community capacity building

Due to the intervention, they are to resolve their housing and financial concerns The Social Prescribing Link Worker

The much-loved series brings art and entertainment to the community, enabling people to stay connected and make friends and is part of our commitment to help potentially vulnerable people avoid becoming isolated. In October, The Opera Dudes brought West End dazzle, heart-breaking ballads, ridiculous impressions, and slapstick humour to the district. In November, a solo circus-theatre show will celebrate physical and emotional strength, while December will see the return of Tangram Theatre’s radioactive musical-comedy about the life and death of Marie Curie. Find out more and book your ticket now at

Local groups collaborate to support mental health

them to local community activity eg. Men’s Shed

to understand what matters to them, identify the support they need and connect them with the right people and organisations

Breckland Council’s The Silver Social arts and entertainment programme is bringing performances to the stage once again after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic.

They are connected to their community and no longer needs to regularly visit their GP

Community Mental Health Champions, trained with funding from our Inspiring Communities scheme, have helped Dereham Men’s Shed and Dereham Theatre Company signpost local people requiring mental health support and advice. The new partnership has also seen the groups agree to share skills and resources.


£1.8 million to create new emergency housing

Did You Know?

Almost £100,000 has been granted to Breckland groups as part of the Inspiring Communities Grant Fund. uk/green

A former school on Elm Road in Thetford is being converted into a new facility for people in need of short-term accommodation and is set to officially open shortly. Our £1.8m investment in creating Elm House will help residents struggling to find a permanent residence in the district. A wide range of support services will also be offered, helping people back into full-time accommodation, employment, and education.

Did You Know?

Almost 250 Breckland businesses are benefitting from digital training and enhanced online sales thanks to our Digital Breckland scheme .

The RSPCA PawPrints Gold Award goes to Breckland Council

Breckland Council’s ongoing commitment to protecting animal welfare has seen us pick up another prestigious award from the RSPCA, the fourth gold award in as many years. The animal charity issued the council with its latest award at the RSPCA 2021 PawPrint Awards, which recognises the council’s exceptional care and provision when dealing with stray dogs, re-homing and promotional work around the microchipping and neutering. The latest award complements further investment Breckland has made this year by investing in a new Animal Welfare Officer, who is inspecting animal breeders, kennels, catteries and pet shops (see page 11).


Thinking of opening a new business or about the growth of an existing one? Starting or growing a business requires careful planning, research, and preparation. Whether you want to become your own boss, turn a hobby into a career, simply try something new or grow your business, Breckland Council can provide advice to help your business to thrive: businesssupport

Making a real difference in animal welfare

Breckland Council has invested in a new role to protect animals. Our new Animal Welfare officer has been busy inspecting animal-related businesses and breeders across the district, ensuring they are following the law and properly caring for their animals. As a nation of animal lovers, it is great to see that the vast majority of local animal businesses take their responsibilities very seriously. But our officers are out and about to help keep standards high and tackle things like unlicensed puppy farms and other illegal activity. If need advice or want to report a concern you have about a pet shop, animal breeder, horse riding centre, dog kennel, or cattery, please email

Did You Know? We inspect 92 food premises each month

What’s your favourite restaurant’s score on the door? We have a wide range of amazing restaurants, takeaways, cafes, and food suppliers across the district and Breckland Council inspects all of them to check their food-handling processes and how well they are following food safety law. We then give each business a rating out of five and, if necessary, advice on how they can further improve to keep customers safe. But do you know what rating your local takeaway has been given? Or your favourite restaurant? Look out for the 0-5 rating sticker on their door or check our website for details:

Supporting our Armed Forces Community Breckland Council fully upholds and supports the Armed Forces Covenant which means we have policies in place to ensure those who are serving, have served in the armed forces and their families are treated with fairness and respect. If you are a member of the Armed Forces Community and need support visit


Protecting Swaffham’s heritage and designing its future We’re working with Historic England and a range of other experts to deliver the Swaffham High Street Heritage Action Zone project, which will protect Swaffham’s historic high street while further enhancing the town for residents and visitors. Our consultants will be engaging in public consultation for our Swaffham Town Centre Masterplan. Look out for these opportunities in the town, on our website, and on our social media We’re also finding ways to preserve the character and architectural importance of Swaffham’s oldest buildings and creating opportunities for building owners to access support to repair some of the town’s oldest buildings and reinstate some beautiful, traditional features. This is an exciting project for Swaffham and has been made possible after we secured £380k from Historic England and ring-fenced around £200k of Breckland Council money for the town.

£5,000 grant supports Yaxham playpark The Yaxham under-13s playpark has been supported with a £5,000 grant from Breckland Council. The money helped install new climbing frames and environmentally-friendly soft flooring, while picnic benches have been added to allow parents and children to meet with friends and enjoy the space together.


Did You Know?

Breckland Council has given £5000 to Brisley Village Hall to re-roof the hall.

Need help?

Just ask Bobbie! Report an issue with one click Have you seen a fly tip in Breckland? Need to report a full public bin? Has someone abandoned a vehicle near your home? If you have a service concern or want to report an issue simply visit to let us know.

Have you met Bobbie, our new Chat Bot? We’ve recently launched this new online tool which means that we can answer your questions 24-hours a day, seven days-a-week. From checking when your bin is due for collection, how to apply for a licence, a planning application near you, and much more, go to to start chatting to Bobbie.

Not sure who does what? As a district council, Breckland Council provides a range of services for local people, including housing, leisure, economic development, planning, and waste collection. But did you know that the county council leads on issues such as major roads, education and social services? And your town or parish council’s remit includes local markets, play areas, allotments and more.

County Councils: These are responsible for services across the whole of a county



Strategic Planning

Fire & Public Safety

Social Care


Waste Management

Trading Standards

Birth, Marriage and Death Registration

District Councils: These provide services to their individual district




Wellbeing & Leisure

Economic Environmental Council Tax Development Health Collections

Rubbish and Planning Recycling Applications collections

Town & Parish Councils: These manage a number of local issues

Community Centres

Play Areas

Consultation on Neighbourhood Planning


Public Clocks


Town Halls and Venues




Find Rudolph & friends this Christmas in Breckland This Christmas, as part of our ongoing programme to help people shop locally and enjoy their local High Streets, we are calling on everyone in Breckland to help with an emergency. Father Christmas’ reindeers have escaped and they’re hiding all over Breckland’s Towns! From December they will be appearing in shop windows near you, please get out and help track them down. We’re even offering prizes for intrepid reindeer finders – check out our website and social media for details on how to get involved.

Thank you for your public service A number of Breckland residents and local organisations have been recognised for their public service during the Covid-19 pandemic at an event organised by Breckland Council’s current and former Chairmen. Staff and pupils at Thomas Bullock Primary Academy, Mr and Mrs MacDonald, known as ‘The Thetford Wombles’, Sex, Rock ‘n’ Roll and Weeding Thetford, Dereham Community Crafters and Sharon Thompson from Pine Close Community Centre were just some of those recognised for providing ssential support and services to the community. Find out more about these community champions at


Win a 3-month Health & Fitness Pass in Breckland

Breckland Council’s Corporate Plan * 23!

Worth £1

Why not make 2022 the year you improve your health and fitness by entering our Parkwood Leisure Health and Fitness competition! Swaffham Leisure Centre, Dereham Leisure Centre and Breckland Leisure Centre & Waterworld provide access to gym, swim** and various keep fit classes – with memberships available on a flexi, fixed and annual basis. Membership also includes options for individual, couples, families & concessions. Find out more at

Breckland Council has set out its top priorities for the coming years in its new Corporate Plan. From making sure people have a suitable home and improving their health and wellbeing, to supporting thriving high streets, creating new job opportunities, and protecting the environment, the plan sets out exactly what you can expect to see the council delivering to improve the lives of local people. The priorities are split across four themes: Inspiring Communities - supporting local people to lead happy, healthy, fulfilling lives in Breckland. Thriving Places - driving investment so people can access jobs and higher-paid employment. Breckland 2035 - Being a role model for sustainability by taking action and enabling others to contribute to greener lifestyles. Working Smarter - Embracing new ways of working and strengthening partnerships to best support those we serve.

To win a 3-month health and fitness prize simply answer the question below, and email/post your name, address and contact details to competitions@ or Parkwood Competition, Breckland Council, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, NR16 1EE.

Question: During lockdown in 2021, which famous keep fit instructor kept the nation’s children active? Answer: (A) Joe Wicks (B) Joey Tribbiani (C) Joe Cole Terms and conditions: CompTerms Entries must be received by 31.01.22. *Based on current adult flexi-rate £41 pcm **Dereham and Breckland Waterworld only

You can take a look at the new Corporate Plan online, where you can also watch some short animations about the council’s focus going forward:

forget “Don’t to ask for Angela“ People who feel unsafe, vulnerable or threatened when out and about can now discreetly seek help by approaching local bar and restaurant staff and asking them for ‘Angela’. This code-phrase will indicate to staff that they require help with their situation and a trained member of staff will then support and assist them. This might be through reuniting them with a friend, seeing them to a taxi, or by calling venue security and/or the police. Venues that participate in the scheme display an “Ask for Angela” poster to let customers know that staff will support and assist them.


Quick Reference Directory of Online Services Find out about our services, submit applications, make payments and report problems at

Apply for it You can apply for lots of things on our website at Direct links to some of the most commonly used application forms are below: Housing and council tax £ Benefits Apply, manage or pay for Breckland Council benefits and services: breckland Building Control Inspection: Request a site inspection from our Building Control department: building-control-inspectionbooking Bus Pass: The passes are available to residents who meet the age or disability requirements: roads-and-transport/ public-transport/ buses/concessionary-travel-pass Garden Waste Collection Service Create or renew a subscription to have your garden waste collected every fortnight: gardenwaste Library Service: Find your nearest library, search for a good read, and more! uk/libraries-local-historyand-archives Register for E-billing: View your account and receive Council Tax bills online: uk/breckland Postal Vote request: If you can’t get to your polling station on election day, you can still vote by post: postalvoterequest Register to vote: To vote in future elections you must be on the electoral register: individual-electoral-registration

Report it Come across an issue? Let us know using our Report It tool: A number of key issues are listed below for ease of reference, but you can do more on our website. Abandoned Vehicles: Let us know about a vehicle that has been abandoned on public land without lawful authority: www.breckland. Anti-Social Behaviour Affected by it? Don’t tolerate it, report it: noise-or-nuisance


Benefit Fraud: Suspect a resident of Benefit or council tax fraud? report-suspected-fraud Change of Address: For when you are moving and staying in the district or moving out of Breckland: tell-us-youre-moving Change of Circumstances: Let us know if something changes eg. you get married, have a child, your partner moves in, your pension is different: breckland Compliments, Complaints, Comments: Let us know what’s working well and how we can improve further: article/7806/ Compliments-Complaints Damaged Wheelie Bin: We’ll repair or replace your wheelie bin ASAP: damaged-or-replacement Dog fouling: Let us know of any incidents of dog fouling in public areas: litter-and-dog-fouling Faulty Street Light: Pass on details about street lights which are damaged or not working: /3089/eport-a-faulty-street-light

Pay for it. Visit our website to pay invoices, council tax,

business rates or benefits overpayments online. You can also set up a direct debit to pay your Council Tax on a monthly date that suits you. You’ll be able to pay for more things online soon, reducing the need to call during office hours or visit us in person.

Fly Tipping: Let us know if you see fly tipped waste or saw somebody dumping rubbish: uk/flytip Full Public Litter Bin: Has a litter bin near you been filled but not emptied yet? full-public-litter-bin Highway Problem: Report problems with roads, pavements, cycle paths and Public Rights of Way: https://apps. Litter: Seen piles of dropped litter? Let us know: uk/litter-and-dog-fouling Missing Wheelie Bin: Has your wheelie bin been lost or stolen? damaged-or-replacement Noise or Nuisance: Report loud music, barking dogs, industrial noise, bad smell, artificial light, smoke or bonfires, and more: noise-or-nuisance Street Name Plates: Tell us if you’ve seen a street name sign that is unreadable, missing letters, missing the name plate, or damaged: street-name-plate-problem

Waste Enquiries For complaints about missed bins or new bin orders, contact Serco on 0330 109 9220

Keep in Touch! If you need help or advice, contact our expert Customer Contact Centre staff at: Breckland Council @BreckCouncil @Breckland Council breckcouncil Post: Breckland Council, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, NR19 1EE Customer Contact Centre: 01362 656 870 Local centres:

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