2022 Breakthrough Yearbook

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Bachelor of Science in Biology

After taking a gap year to dip his feet into the healthcare industry, Raul plans to return to school and pursue a master’s degree, hoping to one day practice cardiology or pediatrics. He said Breakthrough provides more than just academic support; they also empower students to realize their true potential. He saw it firsthand as a Breakthrough student and former teaching fellow.

what to expect from the application process or even university classes, but my Breakthrough advisors helped me question myself less and made my situation a little easier. My family and I are very grateful to have Breakthrough in our lives, not only because they helped me academically, but because they were always there to talk about anything.



Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies

Maria said she and her mother made the decision to move to the United States primarily for her educational pursuits, so when she graduated this past spring, she felt a sense of pride and relief that her family’s sacrifices were not in vain. Maria is now settled in Chicago, working as a strategy analyst at Accenture, where she said she’s loving the Midwest food scene and cultural events.

This program has seen me and others evolve into what we are today, [first-generation college graduates]. My deepest gratitude to everyone who has been committed to see kids gain success, including all the summer teachers, advisors, and donors – thank you, thank you. I don't think I'm able to express in words how full my heart feels when I know I was part of this incredible journey and this organization as it continues to grow and empower more students like me to pursue this dream. My life right now would not be possible without Breakthrough and everyone who guided me along the way. *Inserts heart emoji*x10,000.



Bachelor of Science in Social Work

Kaomi said becoming a first-generation college graduate was more than just a personal goal for her – it is her way of thanking her mother for her sacrifices as a Cuban immigrant woman. While she plans to one day pursue her master’s degree and become a licensed therapist, her immediate priorities are to move out on her own and pivot from her corporate job to work with middle schoolers and their families.

I would not have gotten to or through college without Breakthrough. The support and safety net they provided me and my family empowered me to get through the toughest parts of my educational and personal journey. Breakthrough held my hand through it all. My mother is extremely grateful. I made her sign that piece of paper in 5th grade [for me to join the program]. Now, she couldn't be prouder.

When he first graduated, Jose admits he felt a bit overwhelmed. Since then, however, he has settled into a full-time consultant role at Accenture and has finally begun to internalize how

Breakthrough helped with every single question I had throughout my journey. Being a first-generation [college student], I often did not know how things were done with college applications or getting an internship. Breakthrough always had an answer or knew someone with the answer.



Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Da’Keona is just getting started. With a psychology degree under her belt, she now plans to pursue her master’s degree in counseling/clinical mental health and one day become a therapist. While the past few years have tested her faith, Da’Keona said she has pushed herself beyond her limits — proud to have graduated a year early and debt and loan free.

From FAFSA, SATs, ACTs, college applications, college life, personal life, internships, etc. Breakthrough was there every step of the way! I didn't have anyone in my family who knew about the college process, [and my] single mother worked so she didn't have much time to assist me. To be frank, I didn't think I would go to college, not because I didn't have the smarts, but because I didn't know where to start. But Breakthrough saw [my] potential and [assured] me there are resources that can give you this opportunity.



Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Entrepreneurship Minor, Manufacturing Engineering Technologies Certificate

For Rodrigo, college graduation is the first of many transitions in his life. He’s currently wrapping up his time at Rodriguez Engineering Laboratories in order to assume a business consultant role at Accenture. In the meantime, however, his immediate priority is to become a certified minister; he is a part of a church planting team that aims to launch their ministry in June 2023.

Starting from when I was a young 6th grader to college graduation, Breakthrough really empowered me to accept who I was and pursue my goals. My dreams surpass college, but graduation is the first step towards achieving them. Breakthrough never allowed for negativity to pierce my beliefs about myself. When I needed help and could not find it for myself, [they]stepped in and provided me support through mentorships, [financial support], counseling, tutoring, and especially understanding complicated mountains of paperwork. With the help of Breakthrough, college graduation has become a reality for my family and has changed the trajectory of my life and the life of my family members.


THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Marlene said her graduation did more than just make her feel proud – it validates all the hard work of her and her family. While she plans to attend graduate school one day, she is most interested in starting her own business in the meantime.

Navigating through adolescence and becoming an adult is hard, but programs like Breakthrough help empower and inspire people to strive for success. Not only does the program expose us to many different experiences, but it truly teaches us about self care and empathy towards ourselves and others.

The Breakthrough staff truly cares about their students, and experiencing this support and love has definitely empowered and encouraged me.



Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

Now that she has graduated, Veronica hopes to one day run her own law firm. For now, she is focused on studying for the LSAT while working as a legal assistant at an immigration law firm.

If it wasn't for Breakthrough, I wouldn't have known how to apply to colleges, improved my English speaking skills, and most importantly, succeeded in my education. They sowed knowledge, aspirations, and confidence in me and have contributed to who I am today. Breakthrough members create a pathway for students to impact the community in a meaningful way. I have become a role model to my siblings, showing it is possible to achieve our dreams.


TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science in Sociology

A bachelor’s degree in sociology is a tremendous step forward in Yesenia’s career trajectory. With plans to pursue a master’s in social work to become a licensed clinical social worker, she said her graduation serves as an example to her siblings and extended family that college is truly attainable for all.

I believe that if I did not receive the help of Breakthrough, my middle school to college experience would have been completely different. They opened up the doors and the possibilities for me to go to Texas A&M University. My family and I are eternally grateful. I was able to get my younger sister to sign up for Breakthrough, and soon we will be setting up my younger brother, too!


THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Bachelor of Art in Chemistry

Asia hopes to one day create her own line of skincare products, so she is currently pursuing an influencer marketing coordinator role to help get her started. She said Breakthrough has become an essential part of her identity as they supported her academically and financially, gave her someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, and helped her truly believe in herself.

Becoming a first-generation college graduate means more to me than I can put into words. The imposter syndrome I have felt my entire life melted away the moment I walked across the stage. I finally feel confident enough to say I 100% believe in myself. I feel honored to know that I accomplished this and did not just do it for me – I did it for my family. This will forever change future generations to come.



Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences, Bachelor of Arts in Spanish

Now that he’s graduated, Bryan wants to be of service to his community right here in Austin. He wants to promote health care among young adults, either by working with the city or in a hospital. In the long-term, Bryan plans to pursue a nursing degree and continue to grow in the medical field.

All of the time, motivation, compassion, attention, love, and guidance from Breakthrough has opened many doors for me, my family, and, indirectly, for others around me. They included our families in everything, had information sessions with them, called them time after time, and made them part of our journey as if they were going to college too. They gave our families the opportunity to learn how to navigate our academic voyage and seek opportunities for our future, both academically and non-academically. For that reason, I am grateful and proud of Breakthrough because they gave me the opportunity to believe in myself and to give the same support to my Breakthrough community as a teaching fellow.



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