The Simplified History of World War II Book of Writing

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A Simplified History of World War II Book of grammar


Table of contents Introduction: 3 Section 1:4-6 Important Facts to know before:7 Section 2:8-16 Prewar facts:17-18 Section 3:19-21 Facts About the war:22 Section 4: 23-26 The War: 27-28 Section 5: 29-32 The War:33-34 Section 6: 35-36 The Turnaround and Prep.:37-38 The End: 39


Introduction The book of writing is to show how to implement the rule of grammar into writing. How to use certain sentences and how to write a essay. Using the second world war as examples with essays about the second world war.


SECTION 1 PUNCTUATION and CAPITALIZATION Punctuation – Identify the function and create one (1) example sentence of the uses for each mark. 1. . It is a period, used to end sentences and as abbreviations. World War 2 was one of the many biggest human conflicts during the times, it lasted from 1939-1945. 2. , If the sentence were spoken aloud it would mean a pause. Separates the grammatical compounds of a sentence. Mechanic and stylistic uses of comma. WW2 was a war between the Allies, and the Axis powers. 3.

– can take the places of commas, parentheses and colons. Each with a varying effect. WW2 had the Axis who was composed of Germany, Italy and Japan plus other minor European countries–against the Allied powers of Britain, France, US and Russia who joined later in the war.


- For some it is the connection of compound terms. Also, word division. The first battle of WW@ in Europe was the invasion of Poland by German-Russian forces.

5. : Used as a introduction for a list of items. Separate independent causes. Emphasis and in writing time. The invasion of Poland led to the Allied forces of Britain and France to declare war on Germany. The Allies did not put a major offense against the Germans due to lack of communication and Ally neglect. Germany prepared a blitzkrieg with the advantage to head west and take France. The force consisted of 3 million troops, 2,500 panzer divisions, 6000 aircraft plus 30000 Italians forces. 6. ; It is described as stronger than a comma but weaker than a period. To separate independent clauses, to list and can serve as ellipsis. The Allied powers now without the aid France were not in high spirits. Britain was not only facing bombing runs from Germany striking London. But also, the Bismarck a German navy ship that was advanced and hard to sink; compared to the British old ships and new ships which were old and not perfected. 7.

? Set up at the end in direct questions not indirect questions Why did the U.S join the war? The U.S joined the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. The U.S declared war on Japan and the Germans declared war on the U.S.

8. ! A way for writers to grab a reader’s attention a way to show its importance or anger of the narrator. Bang! Crash! That is the sound many soldiers would hear during any battle. Many soldiers may have suffered PTSD and had nightmares that would relate to the sounds. 4


’ The apostrophe can be used as a possessive, plurals and contractions. Soldier’s had many jobs during the war including, communication, transportation, scouting, guarding, fighting, and ammunition check.


“” Used to tell material that is copied word to word. Other uses as well. “…we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…” Winston Churchill.


… It indicates a omission have a single space on either side of the periods. During the battle against Bismarck one soldier would comment, that the captain was trying to communicate with a crew in the gun deck when it was shot, the man was about to speak but then another round hit the ship … that was all they heard after the round hit the gun deck.


[ ] Allows to put in any editorial items. The Poland invasion by Germany and Russia [Russia joined the Allied powers after Germany attacked them and committed atrocities against their people] would lead to Poland being captured. After Russia joined the Allies and was heading west to attack Germany, Polish resistance decided to not wait for the Russians and kick the Germans out of Poland. The battle of War Saw would be the Polish attack on the Germans, it would fail and cost the lives of many.


( ) Helps in including more information Japan was not having it easy as well, the U.S was attacking many Japanese ships and taking back land in an island hoping campaign. The Battle of Midway (Jun 4-Jun7, 1942) was a battle that would decide the fate of both sides.


/ Most often used in formal writing. The German/Italian soldiers would have success in other locations after the fall of France, but the Italian forces were not as successful alone. They would also surrender early due to many in Italy having second thoughts of the war.

EX: Comma (used to switch words around in a list) – Students at Bravo can freely choose between AP World History, AP US History, AP Government, and AP European History. Capitalization – Identify and create one (1) example sentence for each rule of capitalization. 1. During WW2 Germany ordered many RAF attacks upon the people of Britain. It would cost many supplies for the Germans. Any word that begins a sentence most be capitalized. 2. The Battle at Kursk (July 7-August 23) was an important battle since if the Russian’s lost the Battle of Kursk the war in the east would fall to the Germans.


Any important battles, wars, and holidays such as Christmas and the Battle of Berlin, also days and months. 3. The British Leader during World War 2 was Winston Churchill, he was the replacement after Neville Chamberlain failed to stop Hitler from taking more land. There would be capitalization of any name mentioned in a sentence. 4. Many books were written about WW2 such as Operation Mincemeat. One of its famous quotes was “What is the use of living if you cannot eat cheese and pickles,� Any book title is always capitalized. Also, any quote taken has to be capitalized as long as it is the begging of the stated quote. 5. Berlin was the home base for Germany's elite and commanders. Any location that is important and has a name, such as Berlin and Germany.

EX: (Used to begin a sentence) – Sadly for some, 11th grade is the year with the most highstakes testing.


Important Fact to Know before talking about WW2

WWII is an important event in history and before talking about it there are important figures that needed to be explained and the countries they came from. Since to understand the events in history, the first thing that is needed to be understood is the people that shaped history. First is Italy, Italy was in the winner side during the first world war, they hoped to gain a large chunk of territory, but the promise for territory was a small chunk. Benito Mussolini was anti war and when Italy got into WWI, he had a realization that Italy could gain more power and then turned into a pro war activist. His ant war buddies did not like him and kicked him out of their party. The mentioned land that they got made people unhappy in Italy and not only that, but a weak government and bad economy made people resent the government and become unhappy. When Mussolini started to rise to power thanks to his speeches that he distributed and his growing fascist movement. He rose to power quickly and managed to become prime minister. He then created a secret police force that took care of his political opponents and then passed a series of laws that helped make a dictator ship with himself at the center of it. That is figure number 1 and number 2 was Hitler. Full name Adolphus Hitler was a soldier who served during the first world war. He was very loving of his country and then after the war sticked with the government to track down and destroy other parties such as the socialists. He came upon one that believed his views and joined them. He rose to power in the party soon becoming the leader. He renamed the party into the Nazi party and soon rose to power in the government. He changed Germany economically, culturally and socially, he made it a dictator ship with the people supporting his cause. He also started to increase the military size of Germany after the War and the allies were ignoring Germany. Soon both countries started to gain an alliance and had the same enemies. Soon they had Japan join their cause. Japan had suffered under the injustice of unequal treaties with America and other European Nations. They were also craving resources that they did not have and were


treated unfairly when other countries took advantage of them, so they decided to join the German and Italian cause.

[SECTION 2 TEMPLATE AND GUIDELINES PARTS OF SPEECH NOUNS Types of nouns: (list three to five words of each type) · Common Nouns: name a class of people, places, things, or idea. EX: tanks, planes, soldiers, ships, guns · Proper Nouns: give the name or title of a particular person, place, thing, or idea (must be capitalized). EX: Kursk, Pearl Harbor, Omaha Beach, Berlin, Saipan · Compound Nouns: consist of words used together to form a single noun. EX: shipwrecks, battleship, aircraft, firearms, · Concrete Nouns: refer to material things, to people, or to places. EX: ship, plane, gun · Abstract Nouns: name ideas, quality, emotions or attitudes. EX: pain, fear, courage

Functions (How nouns are used): Write one sentence for each function. · Subject (comes before the verb) Hitler commanded the execution of many Jews. · Direct Object (comes after the verb and answer what or whom) Winston asked the current American President Franklin D. Roosevelt if he would join the war. · Indirect Object (answers to who or to whom) America supplied the British with weapons.

PRONOUNS Pronouns take the place of nouns that have been established. Personal: Nominative (subjects) Objective (objects) I/we me/us you/you you/you He, she, it, one/they him, her, it, one/them Possessive My, mine Your, yours

our, ours your, yours 8

His, her, hers, its, one’s Relative: Nominative who whose? That

there, theirs

Objective whom that those/ this


of that

Interrogative: who, which, what, whatever, whoever? Reflexive: (personal pronouns plus the suffix –self or –selves) Used only: when the action verb is directed toward the subject of the construction: Eisenhower himself served as a general during the war. to intensify a point: Franklin D. Roosevelt in a speech had said that they themselves as people have the power to decide what is right and wrong. Demonstrative: this, these

that, those

Indefinite: all, another, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, few, many, much, neither, nobody, none, no one, nothing, one, other, several, somebody, someone, such.

VERBS Verbs show the time, action, and state of being of a subject. Tense: verbs indicate time via tenses:

simple past past past perfect past progressive simple present present present perfect present progressive 9

present perfect progressive future future perfect

Types: There are at least eleven (11) types of verbs: auxiliary verbs (helping verbs) linking verbs (verbs that do not describe action, but connect the subject of a sentence to other parts of the sentence – usually the predicate) lexical verbs (main verbs) dynamic verbs (indicate action) stative verbs (describe a condition) infinitive verbs (indicate tense) nonfinite verbs (infinitives or participles) regular verbs (weak verbs) irregular verbs (strong verbs) transitive verbs (verbs followed by a direct object) intransitive verbs (verbs that do not take direct objects)

Voice: Voice is the form of the verb that indicates how it relates or interacts with the action. The English language has two voices: ACTIVE and PASSIVE.

Verbal’s: (VERB FORMS NOT USED AS VERBS) Gerund: word ending in “ing” used as a noun. · The landing at Omaha had the highest casualties. Participle: word ending in “ing” or “ed” used as an adjective · During the war many cities lay ruined. · Hitler forcing the army to move in the winter to attack the Soviet Union had cost many men die. Infinitive: verb preceded by the word “to” (to go, to jump) used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs · To attack the Germans in France a plan was devised by the Allies to make a successful landing.

ADJECTIVES Adjectives modify, describe, limit, and identify nouns and pronouns. · Kinds: Demonstrative, Common, Proper (Give one example of each using words related to your subject) Bloody Ridge was a name used to describe a location in which they suffered many casualties.

ADVERBS Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. · Endings (Create one example related to your subject for each) 10

–ly, -wards, -wise After the landings in France and with the Germans being pushed back by the Russians. Victory was easily assured. · Conversions (Show how three words related to your subject can become adverbs – Example: “Educational” becomes “Educationally”) Frequently during war there laid some rules on not attacking the people and not using chemical weapons. But the Germans decided to launch bomber planes to bomb London. · Types: Manner, Frequency, Degree, Place, Time Example Types: (Create one example each related to your subject) Manner – Hitler’s response to the landings in France was not quickly assembled with him delaying any attacks upon the Allies. Time – Hitler immediately left to his bunker when things were going south for the Germans and decided to end his life. Place – The allies originally had decided to land in a beach named pa de Calais, but it soon became clear that they would lose many soldiers their due to its convenience. Degree – The Soviet Union had exceptionally good production of war materials due to a factory based economy and a large population. (How good is she?) Frequency –During the war, the British and other nations would frequently buy supplies from the US to support the war, this was before they entered the war. (How often is she pleasant?)

CONJUNCTIONS Coordinating (FANBOYS): for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Correlative: Either/or; neither/nor; not only/but also; both/and; whether/or; as/so Subordinate: after, though as, as if, as long as, as thought, because, before, if, in order that, provided that, since, so, so that, that, though, till, unless, when, where, whereas, while. Relative pronouns: who (refers to people), which (refers to nonliving object or animals), that (may refer to animals or nonliving objects)

PREPOSITIONS Prepositions link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other parts of the sentence. Prepositions are NEVER followed by verbs. There are one-word prepositions and complex prepositions. These are some common oneword prepositions: aboard, about, above, according to, across, across from, after, against, along, alongside, alongside of, along with, amid, among, apart from, around, as, as far as, aside from, at, away from, back of, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but 11

(except), by, by means of, concerning, despite, down, down from, except, except excluding for, for, from, from among, from between, from under, in, in addition to, in behalf of, including, in front of, in place of, in regard to, inside, inside of, in spite of, instead of, into, like, near, near to, notwithstanding, of, off, on, on account of, on behalf of, onto, on top of, opposite, out, out of, outside, outside of, over, over to, owing to, past, prior to, to, toward, under, underneath, until, unto, up, upon, up to, versus, with, within, without.

INTERJECTIONS Interjections are the final part of speech. Find and copy/paste an alphabetical list of interjections here.


Transitions of Logic Chart




a further and and then then also too next another other nor

further furthermore moreover in addition additionally besides again equally important first, second finally, last


just as ... so too a similar another... like

similarly comparable in the same way likewise



but yet and yet still otherwise or though but another rather

however still nevertheless on the other hand on the contrary even so notwithstanding for all that in contrast alternatively at the same time though this may be otherwise instead nonetheless conversely


then now soon afterward later shortly earlier recently first, second, third next before after today tomorrow

meanwhile at length presently at last finally immediately thereafter at that time subsequently eventually currently in the meantime in the past in the future


to do this so that

to this end with this object for this purpose for that reason because of this



there here beyond nearby next to

at that point opposite to adjacent to on the other side in the front in the back


so and so then

hence therefore accordingly consequently thus thereupon as a result in consequence


that is specifically in particular for one thing

for example for instance an instance of this this can be seen in


Summary and Emphasis

in sum generally after all by the way in general incidentally naturally I hope at least it seems in brief I suppose

in short on the whole as I said in other words to be sure in fact indeed clearly of course anyway remarkably I think assuredly definitely without doubt for all that on the whole in any event importantly certainly


Prewar Facts. Germany, Italy and Japan were becoming closer and closer. Germany started to take some land and when he was getting a bit more land that is when the Allies started to pay attention. Italy was also taking land they take land in Africa and soon took control of the sea in between them and Albania which they took. Japan also maybe staged a bombing of Japan civilians in a Chines train which gave them a excuse to take in retribution. The allies now taking notice of these events had started to crack down on Germany they passed a law that gave Germany half of Czechoslovakia but noting else. This law was made with Britain and many thought wars was evaded, but Germany betrayed the contract and soon took the rest of Czechoslovakia. Another thing both Germany and Italy made the pact of steel that brought their alliance closer together. Germany eyes began to wonder to Poland. The Poland border made a split between Germany and a piece of their territory. They wanted to invade but Germany did not want to fight a war at two fronts. So, the Germans wanted to make an alliance with Russia, which was controlled by the soviets who were led by Stalin. The alliance stunned the west and on September 1 1939, both forces engaged upon the Polish. The country was taken and split among the Russians and Germans. The allies which were France and Britain now declared war on Germany. After taking the Polish was a time that was called the Phony war. The Phony war was a phony, basically both sides were not in much combat barley any at all. The French did make an offensive, but the French were maintaining a defensive position. But after an amount of time the French turned back. The problem was that the allies were not taking the situation seriously. After winning the first war the French were still a bit overconfident. The troops were rarely expected and the communications between the army were still using horseback or motor bikes, they had not taken advantage in using radios. They did erect defenses among the German border but had not continued the defense all around the French eastern border. The French also did not want to launch artillery. They feared if they shot first, they would be considered the aggressors.


Britain was not doing much against the German either. Neville Chamberlin was the one who made the treaty with Germany over Czechoslovakia. He hoped to not engage in conflict and launched a propaganda campaign over Germany. Literally they dropped propaganda pamphlets over Germany in bomber planes. One commented that it only provided toilet paper for them. Britain also sent a small number of men, 30,000 to be exact. Not only that but Germany had a good supply of iron ore thanks to Norway. The allies tried to intervene, but the Norwegians denied any intervention. When Finland was invading by Russia the Allies tried to convince Norway to let troops pass through Norway and help Finland and take the iron mines. But Norway denied, soon the allies mined the waters between Norway and Germany. Germany saw this and soon took Norway, but the Allies tried to intervene, but they were kicked out. Chamberlin resigned his post as the leader of Britain ant it went to Winston Chur cell.


SECTION 3 TEMPLATE AND GUIDELINES PHRASES and CLAUSES Phrases – groups of words that function as a part of speech. Noun Phrase: A group of words consisting of nouns or pronouns and their modifiers that function as a noun. During WW2, President Roosevelt the president during WW2 desperately wanted to help the Allies but his hands were tied by the Neutrality Act. He found a loophole in the act and pronounced cash and carry, limited thought. Due to needing the Allies paying up front and delivering the material on their own. Verb Phrase: A group of words consisting of verbs working together and that function as a verb. The British after the defeat of their pride and joy of the navy, HMS Hood. Influenced many in the Navy. The Germans taught it might make the British lose hope, but they were wrong. Prepositional Phrase: A group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun, and functions as an adjective or an adverb. Across the continent, Germany was having its grip tightened during the 1940s with the nation taking France and having made Britain the only Ally nation during the War in Europe. Russia did not join the Allies due to being with the Axis up until 1941. Appositive Phrase: A group of words that include all the words that modify an appositive and function as an adjective - IT MUST BE SURROUNDED BY COMMAS. The Bismarck, the Germans Battleship, was the largest and strongest ship during the 2nd world war. Having 15 in guns, and an armor that prevented any bullets from penetrating it. The Prince of Whales, a British Battleship, had 14 in guns and despite being brand new already showed its flaws, it was limited of being more advance due to treaties and funding. Verbal Phrases: A group of words that begin with a verbal and ends with a noun. • Gerund Phrase verb ending in -ing that functions as a noun. Encouraging American tactioner’s wanted the landing in France while Britain wanted it in Italy. The invasion in Italy was more encouraged, so it went on as planned, but soon the plan to land in France was considered. • Participial Phrase word ending in -ing (present participle) or -ed (past participle) that functions as an adjective. The Germans commanders quickly abandoned the plans to keep moving west when the Russians accumulated more war materials and were stronger than before. • Infinitive Phrase verb preceded by the word “to” (to read, to study, to write) that function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. Many German soldiers knew when to prepare themselves when they are served a serving of Schnaps. It meant that it was a last drink before you die.



Clauses – groups of words with BOTH a subject and a verb that function as parts of speech. There are TWO kinds: Independent and Dependent (called “Subordinate”) INDEPENDENT – CAN stand alone as a complete sentence, known as a simple sentence pattern. Hitler hated the ideology of the Jews. DEPENDENT (SUBORDINATE) – CANNOT stand alone as a complete sentence and MUST begin with a SUBORDINATE CONJUNCTION. There are seven (7) kinds: Noun Clause: Used as the noun in a sentence and may function as a subject, a predicate noun, a direct object, an object of a preposition, an indirect object, or an appositive. o Hitler knew that he would lose during 1945 o The emperor of Japan, Hirohito, served during the war. o That the Germans were oblivious when D-day happen. o Hitler was 43 during the beginning of the war. Adjective Clause: Used to modify a noun in an independent clause. Some adjective clauses begin with an introductory word: o Kursk is where the Germans lost their moral to move east. o There was a growing conflict of the US and Russia that grew after the war. o The Germans that were in America were detained due to fear. Some adjective clauses begin with relative pronouns: ▪ The British had one advanced ship during the 2nd world war. (ONE is the antecedent of WHO and is modified by the adjective clause.) ▪ The Axis who had been composed off Germany, Italy and Japan. (TEACHER is the antecedent of whose and is modified by the adjective clause.) ▪ Many of the Allies knew that to win the war technology that was used needed to be better. ▪ Is joining the war in the Ally favor that you so vehemently want? ▪ Russia was the nation whom Germany asked to be on their side. (whom is the direct object of asked.) ▪ The Mega Tank which was the wonder weapon of Germany. It was never built tough. (which is the object of the preposition to.) ▪ The Bismarck armor which shrugged off any attack to its hull by normal weapons. Adverb Clause: Used to modify verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in an independent clause, introduced by a subordinate conjunction and used to indicate time, place, cause, purpose, result, condition, and/or concession. Modifying verbs: ▪ The Allies made diversions and fake news in where they would land. (place) 20

When the French were drafted as a labor force for Germany, they left to join the French Resistance. ▪ The French Soldiers ran away from France because they would be persecuted by Germans who control France. (purpose) ▪ The Russia fought the Germans during Operation Barbarossa with a high morale and a burning ire to kick out the Germans. (condition) Modifying adjectives: ▪ During the war Germany was losing many resources when they do bomb runs. (how much) ▪ During the war it created memories good and bad that they are still remembered trough soldiers that still live today. (to what extent) Modifying adverbs: ▪ Germany suffered the most casualties than Russia in their battle of Kursk. (condition) Relative Clauses: Dependent clause that begins with a relative pronoun. o Benito Mussolini who was the leader of Italy during WW2 rose to power due to his ideals. Elliptical Clauses: Adverb clauses in which part of the clause is omitted. o Germany had gained more land than Italy. Essential Clauses: Clauses necessary to the meaning of the sentence. o The country that fell from the Russians and Germans forces was Poland. Nonessential Clauses: Clauses that are NOT necessary to the meaning of the sentence. o The Bismarck, the largest ship during the war, sank in May 1941.


Facts About the War During war for a nation to survive and win it all relies on supplies that they have. A Country must have supplies that will last them during the war, the raw materials that will power the engine of war in their nation. Not only that but they also need an estimate population they can rely on to call to the battlefield. The capable production rate they can make with the materials they have as well. Their economy that can also help the nation to survive. The UK or Britain had a population of 45 and a half a million people, Germany had a population of 68.6 million people, France had a population of 42 million. But another thing to factor in was the British empire, the territories that Britain had control over. The population of the British empire was 483.8 million people. But what does that mean exactly, Germany had a high economy and production, but it orders to win they had to win fast, since if the British managed to gather itself together it can be a big opposition to Germany. Britain did have some places that it can not rely on for war materials or any sort of war effort beside population. The Russians and the US should also be considered, both had a high population with the US having a population of 131 million people, and Russia having a population of 168 million. But the US had a high economy that could support them during the war. Another important factor to talk about the survival of the British when France was taken. Brittan needed supplies badly they were still mustering supplies from its empires and needed more raw materials to rely on since they were running out. The US president at the time was Roosevelt. He saw that Britain needed aid and saw that the Germans were a threat to them as well. But the neutrality act passed by George Washington and the people’s option of war kept him from getting involved. Roosevelt tried to pass Cash and Carry, but Congress did not allow it. But on November 5th, 1939 it passed the act. But the system was limited. Sure, it allowed the US to sell materials to the British and French (which was still not controlled) but the nations had to pay in cash up front. Also, they had to transport it themselves. But over time Britain had itself use too much of its reserves and the British navy was spread thin to carry supplies. So, Roosevelt made the plan to trade ships for land in Britain and it worked. But Roosevelt could have been put in jail and impeached for this action since it was considered illegal. Soon tough after a bit of time the US decided to pass lend lead which meant that not only could the lend materials to the British which helped a lot but also helped galvanize American production. 22

SECTION 4 TEMPLATE AND GUIDELINES SENTENCES Sentence – a set of words that contains a subject and a predicate and conveys a statement, command, question, or an exclamation.

Sentence Parts Subject – what/who the sentence is about The American Rangers were forces who served as spearheads in landings or as raiders of enemy bases. Predicate – what the subject does The American Ranger corps serve as a spearhead in landings and are the first ones in landings.

Sentence Types Declarative – a sentence that makes a statement (ends with a period mark) The invasion of D-Day changed the course of history. Imperative – a sentence that makes a command (ends with a period mark) Learn about ww2 since its imperative to world history. Interrogative – a sentence that asks a question (ends with a question mark) What were the main causes of the war? Exclamatory – a sentence that expresses great emotion, passion, excitement (ends with an exclamation mark) WW2 was the reasons for many historical events in the world!

Sentence Patterns Simple Sentence: A sentence that is just one independent clause. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the 32nd. Compound Sentence: A sentence with multiple independent clauses, but no dependent clauses - connected by FANBOYS (coordinating conjunctions) or a semicolon (;). American forces landed in Utah Beach; British forces landed on sword. 23

Complex Sentence: A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. American forces landing in Utah beach during D-day and it received the fewest casualties of all American landings. Complex-Compound Sentence: A sentence with multiple independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. American forces landed on Omaha, British forces landed on sword, in both beaches both sides suffered the worst casualties. Loose Sentence: A sentence that contains an independent clause plus a subordinate construction (either a clause or phrase) with your main point at the beginning. The holocaust was the worst that happened during the war, no words can describe the suffering they lived. Periodic Sentence: A sentence in which the independent clause is given at the end of the sentence in order to create interest or generate suspense with the main point coming at the end. No words can describe the event, the holocaust was the worst event of the war. Parallel Structure: A sentence using the same pattern of two or more verbs or ideas that match in tense or structure to show that they are of equal importance and to help the reader comprehend what is being written - this sentence requires symmetry. Personnel of all sides suffered the same thing, they suffered sickness, suffered mentally, suffered physically, suffered in every way possible. So, let’s honor those who fought for the allies and who gave us a better tomorrow. Balanced Sentence: A sentence where phrases or clauses at the beginning and the end parallel each other by virtue of their likeness of structure, meaning, or length - this sentence requires symmetry. Medical staff helped soldiers and civilians who suffered. Chiasmus: A sentence that includes a repetition of ideas (words, phrases, or clauses) in inverted (reversed) order - this sentence requires symmetry. Soldiers are the pawns of the war, pawns of war controlled by their leaders. Asyndeton: A sentence that leaves out conjunctions between words, phrases, or clauses for a rhetorical purpose. The allied soldiers they won, they lost, they died, they survived. Polysyndeton: A sentence that uses multiple conjunctions near each other between words, phrases, or clauses for a rhetorical purpose. During D-Day allied soldiers fought on land and the skies and the seas and the cities.


Anaphora: A sentence that features the purposeful repetition of a word, words, or a phrase at the beginning of several successive clauses in order to place emphasis and draw attention. A famous quote said by Winston Churchill said, “ …we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…” Epistrophe: A sentence featuring several phrases or clauses ending with the same word or words. “ …we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…” was said by Churchill.

Sentence Errors Run-On/Rambling/Fused Sentence – a sentence construction error where two or more independent clauses are connected incorrectly without punctuation. Hitlers most failing moment during D-Day was his leadership skills he would often proke fights amongst his officers and this got in the way of planning. [WRONG] Hitlers most failing moment during D-Day was his leadership skills, he would often prove fights amongst his officers, and this got in the way of planning. [RIGHT] Comma Splice – a sentence construction error where two or more independent clauses are connected incorrectly using commas Hitler commanded his troops to stop, but the commander of easter forces told him they were so lose. [WRONG] Hitler commanded his troops to stop. But the commander of easter forces told him they were so lose. [RIGHT] Fragment – incomplete sentence pieces that are not connected to or do not form an independent clause Germany ran out. [WRONG] Germany ran out of reserves in the Eastern Front. [RIGHT] Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers – modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that add description; a misplaced modifier describes the wrong part of a sentence and a dangling modifier is missing the part it’s supposed to modify America could not willingly give supplies to Britain it would break a neutrality act. [WRONG] America could not willingly give supplies to Britain it would break the neutrality act. [RIGHT] Double Negative – combining two or more negative words in a sentence in a way that is supposed to produce a positive force Many soldiers in Germany knew it’s over they have lost, Russia and the Allied forces pushed them all thew way to Berlin. [WRONG] 25

Many soldiers in Germany knew it is over they have lost, Russia and the Allied forces pushed them all thew way to Berlin. [RIGHT]


The War Germany now had control of their iron supply and now they decided to go on the attack. During the previously mentioned phony war Hitler managed to get his forces ready for battle. The plan for Germany was to invade France and take it. Then march east and take Russia. The allies now worried they will be flanked by the North east had asked the nation of Belgium to allow them to put troops there. They denied the allies. The German forces right through Belgium. The allies had then mover their forces to meet the Germans. Germany had a trick up there sleeve though, Blitzkrieg. It was basically pushing a great number of German forces through the allies and get a swift victory. During the fighting the allies left the ardent unoccupied. Many thought the Germans would not go through it, due to how it was filled with natural landscape and rough terrain. But the Germans pushed through and flanked the allied force in the North East. The Germans pushed in closer and closer, they defeated most of the French force and the British were still fighting. But at Dunkirk they managed to escape with ships picking troops up. Even civilian ships were trying to save the troops. The Germans after defeating a majority of the French power took control France more and more. Until the French government decided to surrender as long as they have land. The Germans agreed and now the Germans controlled most of France. Even tough the remaining french government told the public they got this, the Germans were using them as puppets to control France. This was all happening on May 1940. The Germans hoped to persuade Britain to fall as well, they made the French seem as their ally and now were putting pressure on Britain. Hitler was making plans for the invasion of Britain. The first step was to take the English Channel. They sent bomber planes to destroy the southern coast of Britain, then they targeted airfields to prevent any retaliation by British RAF(Royal Air Force). Any British retaliation that could fight would be vastly outnumbered. But then in August 1940, German bombers let their bombs drop over what they thought was a military base. It was London. The people were outraged and Churchil thought it was a deliberate attack. So they sent a bombing over the Germans, mosty the industrial places, but their bombs missed as well, and those bombs took the life of German civilians. Now Hitler was furious and ordered a massive bombing run over Britain. The battle of Britain would last months and would take many lives on both sides. But the Germans were feeling the impact and cancelled any invasion of Britain. But they decided to strike the population and bombed the British civilians and streets when the defenses were down. One thing to know about air battles are that they cost way too much resources, gas, material to make ammunition and even repairs took way too much materials. The bombing even tough was meant to weaken and scare the population it only made them stronger and want to fight the Germans.

The War The three axis powers of Germany, Italy and Japan now signed the tripartite act which brought their alliance closer together. The act would say that if anyone in the pact would attack each


other the other would support the defender. This drove resentment with Russia since it was not a part of the tripartite act. Germany also made Hungary sign the act and Romania also joined. Italy seeing German victories now wanted a piece of that glory and went on the attack. They attacked British Somaliland, and took it. Then egypts which they had to less success, then Greece, but it ended with Italy losing. Churchill would refer Italy as “Europe’s Soft Underbelly” The British were now favoring an attack on the South and soon Hitler was getting angry that Italy was failing and soon went in to protect his Southern side. Soon tough Britain was pushing further into Italian and German territory in Africa and soon Hitler started to move troops south to rid the British out of Greece. Yugoslavia and Bulgaria had the choice of being allies or enemies. Bulgaria joined the Germans and Yugoslavia did not. With German forces overwhelming Yugoslavia, the combined forces of ITalian and German troops kicked the British nad Greece out of the South of Europe. The British also sent troops from North Africa to fight the Germans in Greece, but with it the Germans and Italians managed to push back the British forces in North Africa. The allied had success in the Middle East, but the Germans had not seen them as a real threat. But on June 1st, 1941, the Germans invaded Russia with over 3 million troops, the invasion was considered the largest ground invasion in history. The invasion was known as Operation Barbarossa. The Russian forces were far from ready and Russia was warned by the Allies but he stuck his head in the ground. There is some information that is needed to know about the invasion, first off the technology most specifically the tanks. In the last world war the tank was used but not as effective as it was in the second world war. The Russians had stuck with T-34’s that were introduced in the start of the war during the Operation. These tanks were faster and able to maneuver better than the German tanks, the Panther. But the range of the 34 was not great and the Panther tank by comparison had a far better range. Still the Russians had one advantage production. They were able to manufacture war materials faster than the Germans which ultimately helped the battle in the east. They pushed the Russians back and captured many Russian soldiers. The people in Russia taught that the Germans were liberating them, but instead the Germans would treat them badly. The Germans were close to Moscow but by the time they arrived it was winter. The winter was an ally to the Russians and an enemy to the Germans. It was so cold that the gas and oil in tanks would freeze up. The Russians called upon troops who were trained in the cold and the Germans were being pushed back. Soon tough a border of the enemy was erected and the results can be seen in the image.


SECTION 5 TEMPLATE AND GUIDELINES PARAGRAPHS Paragraphs – a group of sentences that together convey a shared purpose structured around the same topic. Introductory Paragraphs (Introductions) Hook (Lead) – can begin with the title Anecdotal (Brief story to set the mood and lead the reader into the topic) Throughout history human conflict has been for either control or power or revenge for something that had been done against them. Most memorable of wars was the Second World War. This war was 21 years after the first. That meant 21 years of technological development. The war was the Allies against the Axis powers. Query Based (Question that brings the reader to the topic - avoid second person POV “you”) What did ww2 bring to the history of the world and how did it change things? Thesis Statements (the purpose of a piece of writing – usually one sentence in length, but can be longer depending on the purpose – must be something that is arguable) Assertion (claim - a subject + a “so what” about the subject) WW2 was one of the most notable wars in history and will never be forgotten if it was forgotten it would not help to show the path that made us today. Fact (empirically verifiable but often difficult to argue extensively about better used as evidence to support a claim) The war had cost a total of 75 million people, 20 million were military personnel and the other side was 40 million civilians Opinion (personal position on a topic) WW2 changed the course of history. Belief (social, religious, or political in nature – an opinion held by many to be a fact, though it is not necessarily factual – often involves a judgement) Nazi belief was that it was the Jews fault that they were suffering an economic disaster. Generalization (uses absolute or statistical pronouns: all, always, every, never, none, most, half – avoid using this type of thesis statement unless citing the source of the data) Every historian would agree that WW2 was the war that claimed the most lives. Document Based (cites a specific source, author, and position on a topic)


“Loose lips [might] sink ships.” War time propaganda was used to get more people into the war. Theory (a statement that can be tested and potentially proven - often answers a research question) The second world war changed history and was an event in history that would be remembered for coming generations. Clarification/Expansion of Thesis (could extend the thesis, preview the evidence supporting the thesis, give the purpose of thesis, establish the importance or significance of examining the intricacies of the thesis – this could be several sentences long) The 2nd world war was not only the leading to the Cold War but played a role of political war that would follow. It would also cause other factors in other nations. The 2nd world war proved faults in countries and helped set standards during the war and further research and development of items. The war The Second world war set the path for the future space race and the rising conflicts around the world.

Body Paragraphs (must have echoes of the thesis in each AND present evidence to support or expand on the thesis) Topic Sentences (must specifically indicate the topic of the paragraph and focus on one subject and/or area of evidence or support – could start with a “Transition of Logic” that connects to the previous paragraph to give context) The Second World War after had aftereffects that created ripples across the world. The creation of the west and east Germany was one effect. (Now every sentence in this paragraph must be related to the connection between fast food and health) Presenting Evidence from Quotations (quotes should NEVER be used as individual sentences – quotes should be embedded within sentences) “[Someone in the POW camp] said, ‘Look down there at the main gate!’, and the American flag was flying! We went berserk, we just went berserk! We were looking at the goon tower and there’s no goons there, there are Americans up there! And we saw the American flag, I mean—to this day I start to well up when I see the flag." -Sam Lisica, former prisoner of war, WWII ~ The Things Our Fathers Saw, Vol. III” ― Matthew A. Rozell

People can agree that the 2nd world war not only had effect on soldiers but the people as well. Those who suffered during the war will always have the memories of what they have gone through The results of war on a person’s mind are disastrous. The ones who suffered more under the war are those who were kept as war prisoners. Examining the Evidence Paraphrasing (rewording of a quote into other words of the same length without quotation


marks, but still citing the source - useful for examining the quote and transitioning to your analysis of the quote) “[Someone in the POW camp] said, ‘Look down there at the main gate!’, and the American flag was flying! We went berserk, we just went berserk! We were looking at the goon tower and there’s no goons there, there are Americans up there! And we saw the American flag, I mean—to this day I start to well up when I see the flag." -Sam Lisica, former prisoner of war, WWII ~ The Things Our Fathers Saw, Vol. III” ― Matthew A. Rozell, T

One war prisoner commented that, someone shouted that a flag was being raised. The flag was that of the US, we all were crying tears of joy shouting, yipping, and going ape. We still cry when we see the flag. Summarizing (condensing larger quotes or sections - useful for closing the examination of the quote/evidence and transitioning to your analysis of the quote) “[Someone in the POW camp] said, ‘Look down there at the main gate!’, and the American flag was flying! We went berserk, we just went berserk! We were looking at the goon tower and there’s no goons there, there are Americans up there! And we saw the American flag, I mean—to this day I start to well up when I see the flag." -Sam Lisica, former prisoner of war, WWII ~ The Things Our Fathers Saw, Vol. III” ― Matthew A. Rozell, T

Certain events can trigger emotions in the person in question. Abstract Examples (hypothetical, “what if” examples that do not refer to a source – AVOID USING THEM AS EVIDENCE – but useful for examining the quote) What if the Axis pushed back the allies on D-Day what if the Americans had not joined the war may be some questions some ask? Concrete Examples (actual examples that do refer to a source – useful for enhancing your analysis of the quote) Historians believe that the British would sue for peace with the Germans if America had not joined the war. These sorts of questions always make historians think of a solution. Some comment that these sorts of questions would be answered in a fiction sort of way and that would take a considerable amount of time to think about. Closing Sentences (must end the discussion of the topic within the paragraph with a transitional or culminating word – possibly an adverb – and should echo the thesis of the essay) Clearly the war left not only national effects but also psychological effects on people.

Closing Paragraphs (Conclusions – should not be mere summaries of the previous paragraphs of your essay) 31

Consequences of Disregarding the Thesis (establishing the potential consequences of disregarding the implications of the thesis – CREATING A COUNTERARGUMENT – could be one or more sentences) Ask around places and ask about if they about WW2 chances are they would know things such as who were the main players of the Allies and the Axis. They would know about Nazis and D-Day. Due to public films and entertainment. Statement(s) of Extension (extending the consequences of disregarding the implications of the thesis – could be one or more sentences) If we forget the second world war not only will we lose something that changed history. But a show of human failure. Reestablishing the Significance of the Thesis (could be one or more sentences) The second world war should not be forgotten and will never be forgotten. Final Sentence (connects to the hook and finishes the essay (finish your argument) – the “Smoky the Bear”/”Drop the mic”/dot dot dot moment…) If we ever forgot the second world war, not only will we disrespect the people who fought, but forget a piece of history that shaped the world, so never forgot the history of the world.


The War The Japanese were still continuing the attack on China, which was still split due to political belief. But Japan and CHina were now at a standstill. The Japanese wanted more land so they can have more raw materials. They planed to move south, but the South East of Asia was controlled by Great Britain and America. The Japanese did not want to have a battle with the Americans since they had a superior navy to the Japanese. So they needed to take down the American Navy before invading. So they started to supply the planes. On December 7, 1941 the Japanese launched a bombing run over Pearl Harbor. The Americans were unprepared for the attack and any offense they could launch was destroyed. The total casualties were 2,390, american civil workers and civilians. Now the Americans were in the War. Germany also declared war on the US. Now America was getting ready for War. Even tough Japan won the battle, they did not take out any of the naval repair yards, fuel storages, and the submarine base. So the American Navy will be back into action soon. But no the Japanese were taking South East Asia with little resistance. The war may have been harsh on the soldiers but the war was more damaging to the people. The Japanese would treat the Chinese prisoners harshly. Meanwhile in Europe it was worst for those that opposed the Germans, and even worse for the Jewish. Hitler started implementing his racist reforms by arresting many ethnic Jews, using racist medical methods to identify the Jewish. The making of camps and prisons with little etics on what to do to the people that were taken. The Jewish people would suffer torture and mass executions of Jewish people would make this the biggest attrocity of the War. The Holocaust was the worst event in history. In France it was also bad for the civilians. The Germans now had French people serve as the main labor force and arrested those that opposed them. But resistance to German forces were appearing. Jewish revolts in prisons would end badly for them and would cause many executions. The French resistance also appeared and at first they would attack German soldiers but Hitler retaliated with mass executions of French Jews and civilians. It made the message clear, you hurt us we will hurt you more. The French resistance was now planing to gather forces and serve as intelligence. But they were disorganized, they had motivation but they ran around like rabbits. Someone had to take control of the resistance, enter Charles De Gaulle. He was a General appointed by the French government before it was taken over, he escaped France before it was taken and arrived in Britain. He went on the Radio an called for all remaining French Soldiers to join him in london and regroup to take their country back. Out of the remaining 93 thousand troops that escaped only 7000 joined him. Not only that most French citizens were not used to hearing the British radio and many would not know of his cause. De Gaulle also had to gain the support of the other allies, he considered himself the leader of France, even tough he was a wanted man 33

back in France and would probably be killed if he went to France. But his determination to free France, and ush himself as the leader of France he managed to convince the rest of the Allies that France was not a puppet state but a part of the allies. In 1942 before the invasion of D-Day his efforts began to bear fruit. The Free French managed to control all resistance groups and organize them. They managed to receive weapons by air drop and soon were destroying factories and other communications without hurting any Germans. But what helped them the most was the control of the rest of France and the invasion of Russia. The Germans now had to send troops to Russia and with controlling the rest of France and forcing them into labor it made many join the resistance since they would fight for their freedom.


SECTION 6 TEMPLATE AND GUIDELINES ESSAYS Essays –An essay is a composition of academics, an essay is non fiction, so talking or writing of a specific subject. Their are 17 types of essays, each with its own sort of traits. Types – Explain each type of essay and state its purpose Persuasive (Argumentative) Expository (Informative) Definition or Description: A definition type of essay define a subset item, or person. Process (How-to): The breaking down of step of how to do a certain instruction so that the reader can understand after doing it. Compare and Contrast: It compares and contrasts a subject depending on what it is. Cause and Effect: The cause and effect of a certain event description either to support it or not. Analytical/Critical Evaluative: An essay that offers the values of a certain subject. Interpretive: An essay that provides an interpretation of another sort of writing, either a poem or a article. Narrative: Tells short stroy in the form of a narrative, but the short story in question is in an essay format. Personal Statement/Anecdote: A brief story that defines an object, event or time. Research: This form of essay involves a research question, it is meant to answer the question with research of the relevant question. Timed Document Based Question (DBQ): A document based question, used in exams, tests the student’s knowledge of a certain subject while providing a number of documents.


Synthesis: this form of essay is used to combine information from different sides of a question to make a judgment and define merit. Strategies/Planning Tips/Steps – Pre-writing/Prompt Analysis/Outlining: Find your thesis and then hook and write a rough drafft Researching/Evaluating of Sources: Make sure that the sources are defined by a https or .gov. Work Cited Page – MLA Format: A MLA citation is used when citing works from language arts, cultural studies, and other humanities followings. The format is of one is as goes: Writers Last Name, First Name, Article Title, The Holder of The Title( Facebook, New York Post, etc), contributors, Version Number, date of publication, page number (location), URl. APA Format: Used to site sources from social sciences. Example as follows: Last Name, Followed by First Name Initial, Date of Publication, Title, the Contributor, the URL.


The War turnaround an Preparations The war with Russia was starting to slow down. Germany was running out of materials to support the war so they focused on attack Russia’s Southern point. The area was rich with oil fields and they needed oil. TH eGermans pushed South and East and the battle of Stalingrad was important. The Russians defeated the area fiercely. This bought the Russians valuable time, when Germany invaded the Russians moved their factories east. Those factories were producing a ton of war materials and with it they planed to win. In stalingrad the new russian forces now encircle the German army and with it the Germans were starting to fall back. Not only that the Germans were losing control in Africa with the combined forces of America, British soldiers they managed to squeeze Germany out of Africa. Japan was also seeing their victories turning around. The Battle of Midway taking place in the spring of 1942 would decide the fate of the Pacific. Midway was a new naval and air base, Japan seeing this as a threat and not wanting the Americans to prepare would launch a surprise attack. He would split the American naval forces North by sending his own ships their. Then launch an airstrike from the North of Midway. Then an invasion of Midway. Then if the Americans would send ships to midway they would be met with a strong force of Japanese ships. But American intelligence pulled off a success, they found the plans of the invasion, the time places, and the battalions. With it they managed to plan a counter attack. With this in hand they won the battle of Midway, sinking 4 Japanese Carriers. With it Japan had lost control of the Pacifc. Now the Americans were getting ready for an impending invasion of Japan. With Russia pushing back the German forces in the East the allies of the west saw the danger that if they do not get involved Russia would gain more land if they won the whole war. So the allies planned an invasion into Europe. The British wanted to land in Italy while the Americans in France. They tried the British’s plan and when they landed they managed to push the Italians forces back. But something interesting happened. See the Italians people were getting upset about the war, their economy was still in trouble and Mussolinin was losing power, soon he was kicked out and his replacement called for peace. Hitler knew this would happen, so they did operation axis, in which Hitler would sen troops to Italy and put up defenses, not only that but they would disarm Italian soldiers and take their materials. But with new weather and mud blocking terrain the battle was halted. Soon though they woul try to land in France. Before D-Day commenced the allies needed to find locations to land. They decided to land at Normandy, there was another beach that was closer but many knew that Germany would also suspect that location for a landing. The allies also wanted to keep an element of surprise. They would not deny that there would be an invasion in France since that would be impossible. They decided to fool the Germans of where they would land and when. Factories were working around the clock to produce the war materials needed for the invasion. But now it was the British’s job to fool the Germans. In the North of British two commander stood proud and ready with there soldiers in order to lan in Norway. One thing tough those troops were fake, the film industry was called in, they decided to make a dummy army. The dummy army was established also in the SOuth to fool the Germans that this was the invasion force. To keep it that way the MI5 twenty Committee was born for this 37

mission. It’s job was to fool the Germans that the invasion was at Pa De Caalay. They turned a German agent into a double, but he was useless, except for when he told them how they communicated with Germany. MI5 created a fake network o spies that would deliver fake messages to Germany. But there was no idea of knowing it would work, so when a German codebook was taken and signals were read, the British were very excited when they learned that they were successful. Not only that but for the rest of the War the codebook would help tap into German communications and help the war. The German were also getting ready though and thy erected a mountain of defenses all along the coast to prevent a successful landing.


The End With fooling the Germans and with materials ready they decided to attack. But the weather was horrid on the day of the invasion. But then a meteorologist delivered the news to the Allied forces. There would be a break in the weather that would allow them to land their troops. Soon the invasion was a go. So on June 6, 1994 the allies wer moving into France. The Allied plan did not go as planed. The paratroopers would land in the wrong locations or lose many of their troops. Still though they managed to succeed once they got their act together. The previous mentioned French resistance also helped out, destroying railroads, telephone lines and road halting any support from elsewhere. The ships shelling the German positions would miss and kill no Germans. The bombing runs also went bad, but as dawn broke, they had a better view of where to land their bombs. Soon though the troops arrived and at the beaches of gold, sword, Utah, Omaha, and Jono the allied forces were pushing the enemy back and soon they managed to put more troops on the beaches and establish beach heads. Then they began moving inland, and soon moving into Southern France. In August the allies landed in the Southern coast of France with little resistance. Soon the Allies pushed the Germans out of France and into Belgium. The Germans tried one last strategy and soon tried to encircle the Allied forces, but it failed and the Russians were pushing in from east and soon Germany was forced to surrender. Hitler had failed and commited suicide in his bunker. In the east the Japanese were also losing, the Americans began an Island hopping campaign that would. They pushed the Japanese out of South east asia, and soon took Iwo Jima. Soon the Allies were bombing the Japanese. Then after the surrender of Germany, the Americans launched an attack on Okinawa, and taken it. They decided to hold the island and on august 6 1945 they dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and then Nagasaki. Japan surrendered and the war was over. The war claimed about 70-85 million people. Germany was split between the allies. But as the war came into an end the Allies two major players Russia and America soon got into conflict. Both had different political ideologies and would soon start the Cold War.


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