6C • JAN. 5, 2024
More photos from the last ride
Our friends at Silver Dollar City definitely know how to throw a party! Learn more, including opening day 2024 information, by going to www.silverdollarcity.com. TOP LEFT: The final 48 riders enjoyed swapping stories over hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies. BOTTOM LEFT: The new fire district. BOTTOM CENTER: Park president Brad Thomas greets the riders and gives a tribute to the ride’s historical significance. RIGHT, TOP 3 PHOTOS: Fire in the Hole riders get ready to ride for the last time. (Photos by Philip Thomas)
ABOVE: Several people dressed in honor of Red Flanders; TOP & BOTTOM, RIGHT: the new venue (Photos by Philip Thomas)
ABOVE: “Last ride” souvenirs included a handmade mug, mounted piece of original track, and commemorative certificate. BELOW: A closer look shows inscriptions. (Photos by Philip Thomas)
Don’t miss the 2023 edition of The Best Bets of Branson Live Talk Show, featuring Carrie Anne Mitchell and Shelley Carroll-Drew, at their new location, Premier Dance Academy at Turkey Creek Junction in Hollister, and streaming live on Facebook, Tik Tok, and Instagram, every Thursday at 11:15 am. Our 2023 live talk show season is all about marketing, promoting and advertising everything about Branson & the surrounding Ozarks area, done from a unique 2-person, local perspective, with a fun, positive spin. Brought to you by our sponsors: Affordable Insulation Service, After Market Mushrooms, Bliss Gas Services, The Branson Show Awards, The Consignment Clothing Exchange, El Lago On 248, Flaming Margaritas, Gaga For Glitter, The Great Passion Play, Isom Hunt, King’s Castle Theatre, The Krafty Kitty Farm, LKS Lawncare, MarieZ, METAGOLF, Michele’s Floral & Gifts, Mintex Appliance Service, The Nashville Roadhouse Theater, Pizza World Mt. Branson, Premier Dance Academy, SignsNow, Sunfest Market, Sweet Shack, Tequila’s, and Wrangler’s Star Studded Honky Tonk. Contact Carrie @ 573-795-1921, or Shelley @ 417-593-9815 to find out how to become a sponsor.
Promote your event with a free listing in Around Town! Go to bransonglobe.com and click on Around Town. Fill out the form, click on Submit, and you’re done! Want to make a bigger splash? Call 417-334-9100 and get pricing on a 3.25 x 3-inch ad.