OTC business case for career pathways

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The 10-Minute Business Case for Career Pathways By: Sherry Coker

What is a Career Pathway?

ď‚š A sequence of steps by which a worker can progress to more demanding, higherpaying jobs

The “Old” Career Pathways Early 20th Century  Steeped in Tradition  Defined by Socio-economic status  Passed down through the generations  Defined by Gender  Dictated by Social mores and convention for women

Compare to Post-WWII  Implied employee-employer loyalty contract  “You help us, we’ll take care of you…for life.”

Today’s Career Path Environment  No guarantees on either side of employment  Individuals control their own ladder; desire enrichment/flexibility/career development over security and stability  Continuous, dramatic changes to jobs and work processes  Jobs broken down into elements, then outsourced.

 Full-time employees working next to contract labor (motivation challenges)

Why Traditional Career Pathways are Becoming Obsolete  Rapid rate of change in job design and structure  The appeal of job outsourcing and contract labor to businesses  The importance of job enrichment, flexibility and career development to workers

Berkshire Hathaway Automotive

http://www.berkshirehathawayautomotiv e.com/careers/career-paths.htm

Healthcare Career Pathways

Why Are Career Pathways Important?

 Retention  Employee engagement  Employee demands for flexibility  Limited advancement opportunities with flatter or smaller organizational structure  Culture changes

Why Update Your Career Pathways? What Executives are Saying Top Three issues in Most Urgent Need of Action :  Leadership  Talent management  Strategic workforce planning

SHRM/Boston Consulting Group Creating People Advantage Global Survey Report

Employer Benefits

 Distinguish yourself from labor market competitors  Retain key team members  Attract/retain your next generation workforce (i.e. Millennials and Generation Z)

Employer Benefits


Innovative Career Pathway Models

JOB REDESIGN  Job Enlargement- vary the number of different tasks to be performed  Job Enrichment—increase the depths of the role by adding employee responsibility for planning, organizing and controlling tasks of the job.

Job Redesign Obstacles

 Decrease in motivation if job is ENLARGED but not ENRICHED  No perceived difference between the two

Innovative Career Path Models

JOB ROTATION ď‚š Systematically moving employees from job to job within the organization ď‚š Usually run for a year or more

Job Rotation Obstacles

 Increased workload and decreased productivity for the rotating employee and employees picking up his/her slack  Manager resistance to moving high-performer through the rotation process  Learning curve costs

Innovative Career Path Models

HORIZONTAL CAREER PATHS (AKA “CAREER LATTICE STRATEGY“)  Similar to job rotationoving high performers

Innovative Career Path Models

DUAL CAREER LADDERS  Path to upward mobility without requiring supervisory/management ability  Common in scientific, medical, I.T., and engineering fields  Watch out for “low-performer dumping”

Innovative Career Path Models

ACCELERATED OR “DIALED DOWN” CAREER PATHS  Position and duties tailored to life stage of employee

Innovative Career Path Models

ENCORE CAREER PATH  Opportunity for an individual to work for “means and meaning” in second career

Career Paths Outside the Organization

 Consultant  Contingent (“Temporary”) Worker

Strategic HR Personnel Key to Success  HR & Management establish simple but fair, workable, and consistentlyadministered promotion policies and procedures surrounding the career mapping process  Potential legal issues include:  Gender stereotyping  Discriminatory promotions  Pay discrimination

 Consult legal counsel as you develop your career paths and ladders



 Equip managers with skills to discuss and develop career paths for their employees

 Facilitate internal promotions with career coaching

 Implement a focus of lifetime organizational employability, not departmental employability.

 Help newly promoted employee make smooth transition  Help managers with clear selection criteria and development plans for those NOT selected for promotion


Sherry Coker @sherrycoker

cokers@otc.edu 417.447.8884 www.linkedin.com/in/sherrycoker

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