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ADVERTISING GUIDE â—? ADVERTENSIE BLAD Free Copy | 18 November 2019 | 072 757 0514 |

Advertise in this block for only R20.00 per week! The most cost effective way to advertise on digital social media. Only R80.00 per month! To advertise contact 072 757 0514

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NOW YOU KNOW… Rekord Advertising guide is a free booklet that gets distributed on social media (Facebook, WhatsApp) and on digital media (e-mail subscribers and on a weekly basis. Rekord has been in existence as a newspaper since 2015 converted to a digital publication on 2019 and now relaunched as an weekly advertising guide. Rekord is recognized as a featured community voice.

WHERE TO FIND A COPY? 1. Digital format: 1.1. PDF Copy Readers/Advertisers can subscribe for free to receive their weekly copy via e-mail in a full colour PDF format. Simply send your e-mail address to 1.2. Issuu Access our latest copy by visiting and search for the Rekord you want to read 1.3. WhatsApp Readers/Advertisers can join our ever growing WhatsApp group and receive the copy weekly via WhatsApp. Add us on WhatsApp 072 757 0514 and send us a message and we will add you. 1.4. Facebook A copy of the latest edition is uploaded on our Facebook page on a weekly basis.

ADVERTISE WITH US Advertising Guide distribution is the proven medium used to reach your particular target market directly. More and more advertisers realize the benefits and make use of the advantages of direct SOCIAL MEDIA distribution. You need to advertise your products and services to introduce your business to people. This is true for the corner retail store and the shopping mall, the bank and the insurance company; in fact, any business wanting to effectively reach its potential clients

November 20, 2019

We know your clients; we know where they work and where they live. So what better way is there to market your products to these customers than direct marketing? By utilizing us you can be assured of accurate and cost effective market penetration. There is no better way than delivering your message direct to your customers. Meet your customers. They’re doctors, lawyers, engineers and professionals. They’re also waiters, tradesman, housewives and entertainers. From the most affluent suburbs to salt-of-the-earth working class neighbourhoods, we know how to identify the segments you need to market to. And we can reach them right where they live or work.

HOW TO ADVERTISE 1. Contact us Contact/SMS/WhatsApp Gerhard on 073 847 2468 for a quote between 09:00 and 16:00 on weekdays. 2. Send us an e-mail E-mail us your advert to 2.1. If your advert is already designed please mail it to us in a .PNG format 2.2. If your advert needs to be designed we charge a once off fee of R62.50 irrespective the size.

3. Free SMS/WhatsApp ads This service is only available to private advertisers. Start your SMS/WhatsApp with the town you reside at, a short description of the item you are selling, price and include 1 cell phone number. Placement not guaranteed subject to availability of space. 4. Deadline The deadline is strictly Friday 17:00 for the next week’s edition. No placement if payment has been received in full by deadline.

WHAT ABOUT NEWS? News will be published on a “submission of news” basis. So if you have news e-mal us at We will place it free of charge subject to the availability of space .

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November 20, 2019

November 20, 2019

| KLITSGRAS 'n Jongboer het die week geleer dat sterre kyk net vir die bedoel moet wees en niks anders nie... Nooi het die langpad plaas toe gevat van Varsity af en boer was tog te bly. Nooi wil nie dorp toe nie en boer wil ook nie in die teenwoordigheid van ouers loop vlerksleep nie. Dit was 'n lang maand vir boer gewees... Besluit toe dat dit 'n baie mooi aand is om op die se plaas te gaan loop wandel. So stap die twee die Vrystaatse vlaktes in en dis nie lank op die twee besluit dit gaan beter wees om so bietjie te "lê". En daar word gesoen, gevat en gevry. Dit was 'n lang maand gewees... En boer gryp vir nooi en draai... Hier kan klitsie nou nie woorde deel wat oor die vrystaatse vlaktes uitgebasuin is nie maar arme boer loop staan rol op daai doringkies wat gewoonlik met die atletiek seisoen kop uitsteek. Nooi is nou nie die Mej. Kovsie tipe nie, en met die dat daar gerol en nooi nou op top is word boer vir 'n paar sekondes op die doringkies vasgepen. Nooi skrik so groot vir boer wat gil dat sy uit skok dat sy vir boer glo'n klap of twee gee om tog net stil te bly. Die skade op boer se rug lyk nie so erg soos die onlangse droogte nie maar genoeg om te weet dat die maand so pas nog langer geword het...


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Pan-Fried Calf’s Liver served with Mash Ingredients: Calf’s livers – 250g Plain flour – 10g Salt – 2g Pepper – 1g Full cream – 200ml Rosemary finely chopped – 1g Garlic – 5g Balsamic vinegar black – 50ml Olive oil – 50ml Potato – 200g Savoy cabbage – 50g Beef bacon – 50g Cooking cream – 50ml Spring onion – 20g Butter – 20g


Method of Preparation of Calf’s livers – Boil the milk and add garlic and rosemary. Allow to cool – Clean the calf’s livers, cut into slices and marinate in the cold milk over night – Remove the livers from the milk and dust them with plain flour – Shallow fry the livers in a pan with olive oil, turning each slice over to sear each side – Check the seasoning and serve with Colcannon Mash Method of Preparation of Colcannon Mash – Blanch the savoy cabbage in boiling water for one minute, drain and reserve – Thinly slice the beef bacon and fry, adding the spring onion and cabbage – Simmer the potato in lightly salted boiling water until cooked. Pierce with a sharp knife to ensure the potato is soft in the middle – Drain water from potatoes, add butter and mash. Add bacon, spring onion and cabbage with a hint of cream to taste

- Wilma Botha

“As die stormwind kom, is die goddelose daarmee heen, maar die regverdige bly altyd staan.” (Spr. 10:25) Toe ek dié teks (en 'n klomp ander in Spreuke) lees, het ek sommer net weer vir myself gevra: wie is die regverdiges waarvan die Bybel praat, want ek wil seker wees ek is een van hulle, ek wil bly staan in die wind, ek wil 'n anker hê in die lewenstorms, ek wil weet ek gaan anderkant uitkom. Gen. 6:9 gee 'n definisie van iemand wat regverdig is as dit van Noag praat: 'n onberispelike persoon wat naby aan God leef. Hy was eintlik die enigste een wat onberispelik genoem word, al die ander het een of ander sonde of fout gehad, net soos ons vandag. Die Engelse woord help mens bietjie met die betekenis van regverdige – dit verwys nie na “fair” nie, maar na “righteous”. Iemand wat geregverdig is (lees Rom 8:30 in die 1953 Afrikaanse vertaling), is iemand wat in die regte verhouding met God is, iemand wat deur Hom vrygespreek en vergewe is, iemand wat God persoonlik ken, iemand wat homself Sy kind en volgeling noem, iemand wat deur geloof lewe. Toe Jesus, dié sondelose een, dié regverdige een in ons plek gesterf het, het Hy ons sonde op Hom geneem en in ruil Sy regverdigheid vir ons gegee. En lees maar bietjie in Spreuke wat die regverdige as 'n geskenk van God ontvang. Hier is 'n paar: - Spr. 10:6 Die regverdige word geseën. - Spr. 10:16 Die regverdige ontvang die lewe as beloning. - Spr. 10:13 Die regverdige wankel nooit. - Spr. 11:8 Die regverdige word uit sy nood bevry. - Spr. 14:32 Die regverdige het 'n toevlug, ook in sy dood. - Spr. 24:16 Al val die regverdige hoeveel keer, hy staan weer op.



November 20, 2019

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