Believe Spring 2019

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Our Human campaign video: How do we find a cure for brain tumours?

Have you ever thought about the huge difference making a gift in your Will could make to our vital work in finding a cure for brain tumours in the future? We were incredibly touched by those supporters who contacted us asking how they could get involved in last September’s Remember A Charity Week Human campaign (previewed in the last issue of Believe). Many of them enquired about leaving a gift in their Will and what it could really achieve. After chatting through the options and challenges that making a Will can sometimes bring, we were able to offer our National Free Wills Network service. This removed any initial concerns about how to make a Will and also provided the opportunity to think about the practicalities.

Leaving a gift in your Will to Brain Tumour Research is a wonderful way to help continue and progress the vital work at our dedicated Research Centres of Excellence, raise awareness and increase the national investment in brain tumour research.

If you have any further questions or would like to take up the offer to make a Will free of charge, please get in touch with our Gifts in Wills Manager, Gary Kelly, on either 01908 867200 or via email

For the latest updates, please see pages 14 – 17.

With over half the UK population still not having a valid Will in place, it’s more important than ever that we make it as easy as possible for you to leave a gift in your Will to a charity that’s close to your heart while also looking after and providing for your loved ones.

Gary will be very happy to help you.

Find out more about leaving a gift in your Will to Brain Tumour Research here: Spring 2019


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