Her Voice - Spring 2014

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ar t en t e r p r i se

By Jenny Holmes Photos by Joey Halvorson

Jenny Braun and her husband Jim in her Staples Ceramics Studio.

& Beautiful T There’s a sense of irony when greeted by the

vibrant colors inside the Staples Ceramics studio when you consider the dark days Jenny Braun has overcome to get to this place.


But this bright spot in Jenny’s life is one she doesn’t take for granted, and considers her shop a way of giving back and sharing her new zest for life with the Staples community. In the summer of 2008, Jenny began experiencing excruciating muscle and joint pain. Top that with debilitating headaches that kept Jenny in bed for days. “It wasn’t even six years ago, but it feels like a lifetime ago,” she recalled. “It was that feeling when people say they felt like they’d been hit by a Mack truck.”

Spring 2014 | her voice

Spring 2014.indd 32

1/28/14 10:24 AM

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